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Chapter 2116 Going to battle

one year later.

Danshui City is undergoing great development.

The population exceeds 200,000.

This number far exceeds the number of people Zheng Zhilong moved to the top ranks.

The other party is still moving, and in the past twenty years, there are still less than 100,000.

Wen Rensheng immigrated 200,000 refugees in just one year.

In fact, more immigrants can be immigrated.

It's just that I can't get it done right now.

After the immigration, the governance structure was a typical feudal town structure.

There is a complete yamen and government structure. Of course, the names are not the same, just like the various Ezhen in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. In fact, they are the various military positions in the Ming Dynasty.

Wen Rensheng also has another identity here, which is called Dadongjia.

The identity of Dadong is known to all Danshui immigrants, but few people know his true identity, Bing Bei Dao.

The Great Hall is an island, and once most people get on it, they are allowed in but not allowed out.

Only those who are loyal and honest can board the ship, become sailors, soldiers, and shopkeepers after being screened and trained, and are allowed to go out to do trade.

Of course, there are many opponents among them, who want to plot to sue Wen Rensheng for secretly establishing a foundation in an attempt to rebel.

This is funny.

Because Wen Rensheng really has the ability to rebel.

So he just used 30,000 taels of silver and gave it to the new governor and several senior officials in the ministry to settle the matter.

You can sue wherever you fall in love.

Is it really true that the Ming Dynasty is still in the middle and early stages of the Ming Dynasty? Once someone attempts to rebel, he will be immediately arrested and brought to Beijing. If he resists, he will send a large army to conquer him.

Just like "Chenghua Liting".

In history, Zheng Zhilong also established a foundation in Dayuan, and also monopolized a central and left area, which was equivalent to a vassal town, and no one accused him of treason.

It's useless to sue.

Because the Ming Dynasty now tries its best to prevent people from rebelling.

As long as the county government is not attacked brazenly and the banner of rebellion is not raised, one eye will be turned a blind eye or the other will be closed.

In fact, Wen Rensheng didn't even have to pay the 30,000 taels. Anyone who sued him would be beaten out.

He gave money just for the convenience of recruiting the refugees.

With the endorsement of senior ministry officials, he can continue to deepen cooperation with local officials.

A refugee household costs 5 taels of silver, and the minimum number is three people.

If parents, wives and children are reunited, an additional one tael will be given.

This price is not low anymore.

Nowadays, a strong man can be sold for only a few taels of silver.

There are too many refugees.

Sweeping everywhere.

Many local officials were eager to send them away.

From here we can see that Zheng Zhilong is a household dog.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was cruel, and they also knew how to capture hundreds of thousands of prisoners and hundreds of thousands of young and strong men and women.

He was arrested not only once, but nine times before and after he entered the banditry, and he was captured as far away as Southern Zhili.

Zheng Zhilong's annual income ranges from tens of millions of taels to millions. His income would make Chongzhen jealous to death.

With so much money, 20 years of time are wasted in vain if we don’t buy refugees.

His son Zheng Sen started from scratch, gathering refugees, training soldiers, and won several major land victories.

It’s just that my life span was too short, I died at the age of 38, and I made a lot of mistakes in the process, but that’s normal.

If Cao Cao and Liu Bei live as long as they live, they will not be able to restore the Ming Dynasty, but there will be absolutely no problem in establishing a country overseas.

We can send tens of millions of refugees to the southeast in large numbers, and we can definitely capture several big islands.

Anyway, Wen Rensheng held on to his soldiers tightly.

Every three months, a new round of relevant general officers must be screened.

Transfer those whose loyalty may waver to civilian positions.

At this time, he immigrated 200,000 people. Over a year, at least 50,000 people died, leaving 150,000 people.

In fact, this survival rate is already very high.

You must know that at this time, half of the immigrants in many colonies often died in the first year, and half died in the second year.

In a dozen years they will all be dead.

Just looking at colonists all over the world, but looking specifically at each individual, it's natural Darwinian elimination.

A colony of 3,000 people often cannot last 20 years.

The most common thing that can really persist until the colony develops and grows is that the local indigenous people are relatively friendly.

The environment is highly similar to that of the original place. It has a temperate climate, not a hot and humid climate.

Diseases are relatively rare.

Food resources are abundant.

Has unique trade goods output.

Only with these common characteristics can we develop.

Early human colonies were fragile.

There is no such thing as the game where you drop 3,000 people and then 20 years later the number becomes 6,000.

Most colonies put down 2,000 people, and after 20 years, there are only dozens of beggars and homeless people left.

First, many colonies did not have trade goods, and after they were developed, it was difficult to sustain themselves.

Slowly no more ships came.

How can there be any official ships to stabilize trade these days?

Without unique trade goods, people would just run or leave.

And senior officials are uniquely blessed.

It's too close to Daming.

All life resources are easily accessible.

Moreover, it can also serve as a trade transit port and can provide great value.

For example, ships heading north to the island country need to be repaired and replenished here, and at the same time, they need to put down some goods and buy valuable supplies such as deer skins and cane sugar.

This gives it a solid trade foundation for its development.

Burning forests to create wasteland.

Wenrensheng implemented the ancient military system.

In fact, it is very simple. Land is distributed to each household. Soldiers and farmers are integrated into one. They cultivate the land in peacetime, train during farm breaks, and join the army in wartime.

In fact, it was also the military household system of the Ming Dynasty.

This kind of system is destined to decay in less than 30 years.

Because military officers are particularly prone to land annexation.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng used the older Fubing system, which could last longer.

In fact, this is similar to the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

In fact, the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties learned from the military household system of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that the status has been reversed due to the pressure of survival.

Military households were superior, exploiting and owning slaves.

Even the poor and humble in the Eight Banners can obtain benefits and maintain their survival by oppressing and exploiting the Han people, which in turn greatly eases the economic conflicts within the Eight Banners and makes them appear united.

This was the fundamental economic reason why the Eight Banners was so united in the early days and so capable of fighting.

This is the result of the external transfer of economic contradictions.

The Eight Banners commanders did not understand this economic principle, but it did not prevent them from instinctively understanding that their own people were poor, and taking the poor with them to rob the Ming Dynasty would prevent their poor from rebelling.

The military households of the Ming Dynasty had no choice.

Suppressed, exploited, and without the last bit of fighting power.

There is no training at ordinary times. Once on the battlefield, whenever you see the enemy, you must be ready to run away.

There are not many servants, so if the battle goes wrong, the soldiers will flee.

For Wen Rensheng, it was enough to solve the problems of Ming Dynasty, Liaodong and peasant uprisings within 30 years.

There are 30,000 households for 150,000 people, and each household has one soldier, which can produce 30,000 soldiers.

In order to elite and reduce logistics, and improve mobility and combat effectiveness, he streamlined the 30,000 people again, and finally reduced them to 8,000 people.

Among them, there are 6,000 combat troops and 2,000 heavy baggage troops.

During the war, refugees were hired as porters.

2000 heavy troops are a matter of logistics related to professional training.

Cooking, setting up camp, and digging trenches are all things mentioned in ancient military books.

In fact, there are all kinds of methods. The reason why Ming Dynasty failed was not that he didn’t know the method, but that he knew it but didn’t want to use it, couldn’t use it, or couldn’t use it.

In addition to conscription, there is a variety of food.

Rice, sweet potatoes, and corn are all arranged.

As a whole, there will be no problem in resettling one million refugees in the end.

It just needs to continue to expand.

The north is becoming more and more chaotic.

Several civil unrests have broken out.

Wen Rensheng quickly brought a large number of people with the help of local officials.

Strength develops rapidly.

At the same time, other forces at sea, including pirates and wealthy gentry, also began violent conflicts.

Both sides wanted to monopolize maritime trade.

Whether it is the Zheng family or the bureaucrats and gentry, everyone wants to do this.

The Zheng family successively killed many pirates, and then the bureaucratic gentry agents headed by Xu Xinsu, allowing themselves to monopolize the trade in the southeast as the gentry group's goods export agent.

The advantage of Wen Rensheng is that he has the reputation of a civil servant.

These days civil servants still have a natural advantage.

It is very convenient to act as an agent for bureaucrats and gentry.

He can easily obtain a large amount of goods from within his jurisdiction, and then resell them to his own fleet, other people's fleets, and the red-haired man's fleet.

There is a conflict here.

That is, piracy affects trade.

He wants to completely quell the southeastern pirates.

As for how to fight, Wen Rensheng bought large ships, armed merchant ships, cannons, and muskets from Westerners on the one hand, and opened a shipyard and gun factory to manufacture them himself.

These are all handicrafts, and they don't need much machinery at this time.

In this regard, Ming Dynasty has abundant manpower at its disposal.

In fact, there are many Westerners coming here in this era.

Just like He Hongmao, there are at least 30,000 people on the southeastern ocean.

There are at least 50,000 Western Red Hairs.

Of course, this is a mixture of old, weak, sick and disabled people.

Why do you say this?

Because after some people came to live here, they married local indigenous people and gave birth to children.

On the one hand, there are ships and guns, and on the other hand, there are people.

In terms of manpower, he recruited manpower from refugees.

They were also recruited from the West.

Wenrensheng conducts mixed employment at a ratio of 1:3.

1 Westerner matches 3 Ming Dynasty refugees.

The advantage of this is the traditional decadent power-based checks and balances.

But it can be of temporary use.

There were also various checks and balances within the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

The existence of Westerners can ensure that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty will not betray themselves because of their loyalty to the emperor.

After all, Westerners only value money and salary.

They can pay their own wages, as long as the casualties are not large and the conditions are not difficult, they still have professional qualities.

After all, Westerners are used to being mercenaries.

A John is happy to be a mercenary to fight against John.

If someone wants to betray him, he can use these Westerners to suppress him.

And similarly, if the Westerners want to ask for exorbitant prices and ask for sky-high hiring fees at a critical moment, they can also use refugee soldiers to suppress them.

This is the shrewdness of Wen Rensheng and his method of employing people.

He knows the methods that are ahead of the times, and he is also proficient in the bad ones.

Some people work hard to get into high positions, but then quit on their own. It is simply childish and ridiculous. He is giving up all those who follow him.

It's an infantile disease at its prime.

And Wen Rensheng will never make these mistakes.

His wisdom is unparalleled, and his will is unparalleled.

Everything can be solved at a glance, and every problem can be understood at a glance.

Refugee soldiers all recruit people with families and families.

In short, it is to be as restrictive as possible. There are bounties for fighting at sea. One hand is money and the other is hostage. With basic training and wartime military law, there is no fear that the soldiers will not work hard or die.

Of course, shipbuilding is not easy either.

Westerners are also unwilling to spread technology.

But they came to the Southeast for money.

Wen Rensheng lured them with a share of the goods and hired them to build Western ships.

Anyway, as long as you have money, there are many Western experts.

The biggest advantage these days is that many people still have no idea of ​​loyalty to the country.

Or focus on personal wealth.

There are no Western technical barriers.

There may be some specific technologies that are kept secret.

But as long as you give enough money, it's not difficult to recruit people.

Wenrensheng takes a multi-pronged approach.

At the same time, there was some betrayal happening internally.

Some people ran away with a boat full of goods.

This is the danger of being at sea.

After all the hard work, a ship was worth 100,000 taels including its cargo.

If no one saw it, or the ship didn't come back, you'd think he was shipwrecked and couldn't deal with his family.

This is why you must find someone with a family and a clan to be the captain.

A single person cannot be a captain.

No one believed in their loyalty to ship owners and shareholders.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng had set up a sticky pole to board the ship at the beginning and killed all the betrayers.

Then the boat was chased back.

After similar things happen several times, the number of defectors will be greatly reduced.

Because they know that if they stretch out their hands, they will be cut down.

Of course I won't be stupid.

Then adopt safer methods to make money.

This kind of thinking abounds, and everyone thinks so.

After doing these chores, half a year later, Wen Rensheng finally coordinated everything and started the real battle.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This year the Donglu invaded.

This started a career of large-scale robberies every two years.

They chose to enter through the Mongolian border wall.

Along the way, the military forts looked out for the wind and fled.

Only a few large military castles chose to hold on.

However, the opponent surrounded them instead of attacking, and just rushed in all the way.

Those military fortresses had no choice but to light up the smoke and notify the capital.

The Eight Banners rushed in all the way.

At this time, the court was in panic.

Begin to summon the soldiers and kings of the world.

Wen Rensheng naturally knew it right away.

His soldiers and mercenaries have been training for more than a year, and now they are going to the battlefield for real training.

No matter how well you practice on the training ground, if you don't see blood, kill people, or behead people, you will never become a strong army.

He would not rashly use a group of new recruits to fight Donglu.

He thought about it and decided to send the navy northward.

There were 22 large ships purchased and hired from Westerners, and 50 ships from the Ming Dynasty, fully loaded with soldiers and baggage, heading all the way to Liaodong.

The composition of the soldiers was that he hired 3,000 Westerners, all of whom were matchlock gunners.

All the guns used are purchased and self-made.

Using iron feet and well polished, the fire rate can reach 85% in daily training, and the soldiers are also very skilled.

The fastest one can shoot two bullets in one minute.

The maximum range is 60 steps, and it can break through two layers of armor. To break through three layers of armor, it must be within 20 steps, and a heavy matchlock gun is required.

There are also 4,000 spearmen and 2,000 shield bearers, all of whom are government soldiers.

Each one has chain mail and silk lining to protect against long-distance projectiles.

You can't guard against a flat shot from close range.

Because Donglu's flat shot can hit the face within 20 meters.

You need to rely on car camps to fight against it.

This chapter has been completed!
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