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Chapter 2238 The ancestors are in action

And she quickly mastered free flight, missile launch, basic fighting and other tactics.

In fact, she had learned a lot about fighting skills in the courtyard world in the past few years.

Bajiquan, Muay Thai, wrestling... Assassination.

Waiting for more practical fighting methods.

It's a pity that after hard training, he was hit and killed just after he came out of the mountain.

If Zhao Han were not here, she would be a huge tragedy.

He was similar to Wang Chongyang, who worked hard to achieve magic, but was killed by a boot in his head.

At this time, Wen Rensheng saw the training of these people.

His evaluation is that he is quite satisfactory. It seems that this time traveler is also an honest person.

Half a month later, their training was finally completed.

"You can go out now!"

At this time, the novice mission was actually more than half over.

In seven more days, Cheng Lan's mission will be back.

At this time, Wen Rensheng saw that they had received a seven-man team type mission.

Just to catch a case caused by a super criminal.

This super criminal, he's a guy who's good at thunder and lightning.

A bit like Starlight.

But the development of superpowers is more complete.

This guy is known for his many evil deeds.

He committed crimes and killed hundreds of people.

In fact, it was discovered by a detective from the beginning.

However there is no evidence.

Because at the time of the incident, the lightning criminal was several hundred meters away and had a clear alibi.

The deceased was electrocuted to death while working on his laptop at a KFC two streets away.

You can't find any direct connection between the criminal and the deceased.

The detective deduced that he was the only possible perpetrator by analyzing the motive for the murder and analyzing the superhero's abilities.

However, there was no evidence, so this guy only hired an ordinary lawyer and was acquitted.

As a result, he became more and more unscrupulous.

Just use the same hand to commit the crime.

Every time he kills his enemy or someone he dislikes, he is just a few hundred meters away. As long as the enemy comes into contact with electrical appliances, he will start to kill him.

Some people say I don't touch electrical appliances.

Sorry, mobile phones are also electrical appliances.

Four people were electrocuted to death by mobile phones.

So much so that the Maiguo economic investigators couldn't bear it and reported it directly.

Without evidence, you cannot arrest someone.

But that’s talking about ordinary scripture investigation.

Some organizations can detain people without evidence.

Like the Sevens.

"Now that guy is entrenched in a place called Cangqiao Town." Tony said to everyone.

It’s a small shrimp, but it’s perfect for practicing.

Then the video appeared.

Introduce all the behaviors of that guy to these people.

"Are we just going to deal with him?" Someone asked excitedly at this time.

"This guy is so abominable. He does evil just because he can't find any evidence!" Huey was very angry.

In contrast, although Locomotive is hateful enough, at least he doesn't actively use his abilities to kill people.

Sure enough, good and evil are all contrasted.

When he saw an even more evil guy, Huey actually felt that the hateful locomotive from before had become normal.

"Yes, so if people with superpowers find that they can easily escape punishment, they will be like those children whose parents have taken care of them since childhood, and they will indulge themselves wantonly."

"They don't understand logic, they just think they can always escape punishment!"

“It’s not until the end that their parents can’t tell the truth and they understand that the world is not for them to play around with!”

"Today we are going to tell this lightning criminal this truth!" Tony nodded heavily.

No one understands better than him how much this kind of thing breaks the law.

This means that the previous set of punishment logic formed by Mai Country has failed.

Ordinary people, ordinary detection methods are ineffective against them.

This requires a more stringent method, which theoretically means it is possible to be wrongly accused.

Like this lightning criminal.

Each time, it is several hundred meters away from the crime scene. As long as you use electrical appliances, electricity can be induced to electrocute you.

Ordinary detection methods can only classify him as the most dangerous and most likely suspect.

But no evidence could be found.

Sometimes there isn't even a motive, it's just because the guy is in a bad mood.

What to do in this situation?

That one can be locked up.

Tony heard a rumor that Ferbero was planning to introduce a "Superhuman Restraint Regulations" recently.

It's for similar situations.

That is, super humans need to register and wear coordinate detection bracelets.

He didn't know that the Vought Company that developed Compound No. 5 had already done this secretly.

It's coming now.

Once a crime occurs around super humans, you need to prove your innocence.

And if he appears next to you multiple times in a row, sorry, even if there is no evidence, you will be detained in a designated place.

Isolated from ordinary people.

This is obviously very harsh and even goes against common sense.

But there is no way, they are all forced by a very small number of guys who exploit loopholes.

This is another example of a small number of people raising costs for the majority of people.

"He has thunder and lightning, and he can use it against electrical appliances," Fang Guang said suddenly, "Isn't that the armor that can restrain us?"

"Yes." Everyone who was originally excited calmed down.

Think about it, they were flying and suddenly fell down.

It would be strange not to be thrown to death.

They don't have super defense.

Even though the armor's built-in buffering capability and emergency parachute capability are newly added, it's impossible to fully cope with it.

Tony smiled.

This is a little test for the team.

Of course not without any challenges.

"So, gentlemen, today we must first think of ways to deal with him."

"Mr. Stark, I think we can improve the inside of our armor and add some insulation materials inside." Huey suggested.

Fang Guang shook his head and said, "How long will it take?"


"Well, one night is indeed a long time for your suggestion." Tony thought for a while and nodded in agreement with Fang Guang's rebuttal.

No one had anything to say.

This is definitely pretending.

"If we have a way, we can take advantage of it."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Sneak attack while he is sleeping, taking a bath, or even going to the toilet." At this time, another team member said.

Everyone nodded.

In fact, this method is quite normal.

If ordinary people and elite soldiers were to arrest this guy, they would probably do this.

However, Tony refused: "No, our purpose of arresting him is not to scare other criminals and let them know that having super powers does not mean they can do whatever they want."

"Ordinary people can deal with them just as well by relying on technology and armor."

"This is how balance and deterrence can be achieved."

Cheng Lan thought thoughtfully, then nodded: "If we use sneak attacks, they will only be dissatisfied and feel that their abilities are useless. As long as they are careful, they can avoid the same end, just like those thieves and robbers who have done it before.

After inspection and patrol, they are not afraid of being caught."

"But under surveillance, their behavior is much less."

"That's right, you know me very well, beautiful lady." Tony smiled.

"Haha." Cheng Lan thought to herself, this can be seen at a glance.

"So what do we do?" Huey was confused.

A frontal attack?

This armor seems to be weak.

"So we have to work together like a project, analyzing its weaknesses and conditions for launching its capabilities."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

In fact, he had just watched the video, and with his unparalleled wisdom, he could immediately see the opponent's weakness.

You can use emp bomb first to paralyze all electronic equipment.

Let the other party not find any electrical energy.

The armor then switches to full fuel mode, which is a mode without electrical energy.

It is similar to the oldest type of steam engine train.

Electricity had not been invented at that time.

The opponent obviously cannot use static electricity and lightning.

Everyone then began to watch the video carefully.

Video from his first crime.

Yes, there are videos of every time he commits a crime.

These videos were not recorded by anyone else, but by himself, to prove his absence.

Only the murderer can have surveillance video for every crime committed, and the video is still intact, and the murderer is recorded.

From the first person to the last person.

The first person was electrocuted by his laptop.

Death scene KFC.

The second person died in a shopping mall and the cause of death was contact with the escalator.

The third person...

"It's obvious that he committed crimes in public places, and must have been in full view of the public."

"Furthermore, it must be in contact with electrical appliances, which must be electrical appliances with current."

"Besides, there must be surveillance cameras that caught it."

Everyone quickly analyzed three things.

"So when we deal with him, we must do it in a place where no one is around, without electrical appliances or surveillance."

"There is a way, that is to lead him to the grassland, the beach, the sea, the desert..."

Tony smiled.

"Yes, this is good. This can also shock them and let them know that their abilities have many flaws and they cannot do whatever they want."

"Okay, gentlemen, what you said is very good. Now let's implement the first plan and install a current isolation module."

"I will switch the suit to purely mechanical braking and use steam power."

"It can be modified tomorrow."

Sure enough, Tony had the same idea as Wen Rensheng.

In fact, you will know it if you think about it.

Tony wants to crush him head-on and tell the other person that your superpowers are not that awesome, but I can crush you with my technology!

Since you can use electricity, my armor does not carry electricity.

"Okay, I will also make a few mechanical missiles later."

"Purely using mechanical elasticity."

"It's aimed at his ability."

"We want him to know that no matter how good his abilities are, they are not as flexible and adaptable as technology!"

The poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology.

Among the superheroes of Maiguo, the unchanging law.

Noon the next day.

Everyone got new armor.

It's rather retro.

Every movement brings steam.

A good superhero movie turned into steampunk.

This is because it is necessary to convert radioactive energy into thermal energy.

This in turn drives the machinery to do work.

I have to say, Tony is a genius.

Of course, this must be a strengthening of the world.

Otherwise, Tony would not be able to do it in the real real world.

There must be help from the will of the world.

Wen Rensheng thinks so.

But other people's minds suddenly became excited.

After half a day of training and simulation, they were fully prepared for battle.

On the third day.

Everyone set off.

Arriving at the location of the lightning criminals.

They used a simple trick and said he had won the lottery.

The prize will be parachuted into an abandoned school playground.

This guy actually believed it.

Or maybe he just wanted to have some fun.

But when Wen Rensheng leaned toward him, he truly believed it.

Don't think it's illogical.

Wen Rensheng just saw a scam alert.

A certain man was deceived step by step just for that matter.

The other party said that he needed to complete a task, show his sincerity, and prevent being trapped, so he transferred 30,000 yuan to the other party step by step!

And that man is not a child, he is 3 years old.

You need experience and experience, and you need wealth and wealth.

If you can transfer 30,000 yuan directly to something like this, how can you deposit more than a million, right?

The annual income is at least over 300,000 yuan.

But he just believed it!

Then naturally there is no follow-up.

This is a true story. Wen Rensheng just saw the reminder from a certain group.

He was very happy after seeing it.

Sure enough, only stories talk about logic, and reality only talks about the laws of nature. Things that do not violate the laws will happen no matter how small the probability is.

Everyone came to the town and got ready at the abandoned middle school playground.

For Cheng Lan, preparation for battle is simple.

That is to first check the opponent's location through the mini map.

Then go attack again, that's fine.

Seven people, led by Tony, laid an ambush on the middle school playground.

It's a ruin here.

From time to time, you can see a lot of graffiti written by students.

There are good ones and there are bad ones.

There are many exaggerations.

Demons and angels all gather here.

Occasionally, you can see abandoned wires lying everywhere.

This made everyone a little worried.

It wasn't until after inspection that it was discovered that there was indeed no power.

In fact, it is best to lead it to the beach or grassland.

But it's too far away from the other person's home.

The other party will most likely not go.

And this lightning criminal has been taking action every week lately.

He used electrical appliances to discharge current to kill a person in public.

It seems that he particularly enjoys this kind of feeling. You clearly know it's me, but you can't do anything about me.

It can only be said that the mind of such an evil criminal has been twisted.

They no longer consider whether they will be caught or whether they will die if caught.

Most of the people who would consider this are normal people who dare not do evil.

They only think about how to make things more exciting, more interesting, and better able to satisfy their inner evil needs.

Just like those criminals who torture and kill animals and eventually kill people.

Moreover, it will use high-voltage electricity to electrocute a family and their children, and steal their belongings from their homes.

He, every time he would grab the other person who was set up to inadvertently touch the high voltage parts.

Every time he was heartbroken, he never suspected the target.

Well, this is a test.

Subsequently, Wen Rensheng started a new battle with Wen Rensheng.

Under Tony's arrangement, two people were first responsible for the entire investigation.

They cannot communicate using electrical appliances.

This is really inconvenient.

I had to use the most common errand messenger method.

One person observes, and the other person uses the armor to fly back and forth to inform the information.

Two people operate on the periphery.

There are also two people responsible for mobile operations.

Tony is in the sky providing ready support.

After Cheng Lan set up the ambush, she opened the small map that came with the ring.

Then take a look at the mini map.

She saw a horrifying scene.

Because on the playground, except for the seven of them, the ambush was

There is another person.

That man's appearance was too obvious.

Blonde and blue-eyed, with a star-striped cape behind him.

Isn’t this the ancestor?

It's hard for him to ambush everyone so patiently.

Obviously in his eyes, Tony, the intrusive Iron Man, is actually a great threat.

Our ancestors were very smart, very clever.

Definitely not stupid.

This is evident from the fact that he didn't have lunch for three consecutive seasons.

And he also knows how to constantly create and release super criminals.

This is the Ming Dynasty version of self-respect for raising bandits.

He knows very well that without super criminals, superheroes are of little use.

He doesn't deserve to be respected like that.

It can be said that his aura is mostly created by super criminals.

End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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