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Chapter 2256 The Slandered Person

Mystery Makes Me Powerful Text Volume Chapter 2256 The Slandered Person Somewhere.

In a restaurant.

“95% estate tax?”

“The imperial court is so poor that it’s crazy!”

"Yes, why are we levied such a high tax? We have worked so hard for so many years, why are our inheritance taxed for nothing!"

"Yes, this is a robber!"

"Why should we give all these white flowers to those poor ghosts? What a crime!"

A group of people were shouting curses in the restaurant.

"It's not given directly. The imperial court doesn't always carry out major projects and provide work in exchange for relief." A scholar subconsciously defended.

"Hey, poor scholar, where are you? Have you forgotten that if it weren't for this 95% tax, you could have inherited 10,000 acres of fertile land, enough to pay off your debts. But now, you only inherited 500 acres of land.

, sold it just enough to pay off the debt!" someone spat.

When the scholar heard this, he suddenly realized: "Yes, this damn inheritance expropriation, these are bandits, these are ruthless bandits, robbers, the court openly attacked and acted rogue, why can't the grandson inherit the money earned by the ancestors?"


"Why should the imperial court inherit?"

"The imperial court is not my grandfather's grandson!"

"We should go to a place without high taxes," someone said.

"That's true, but how to get there?"

"I heard that some powerful secret realms are like this and are recruiting people."

After these people discussed with each other, they really went to a place without high taxes.

In fact, there are no taxes whatsoever in this place.

There is no public security, no roads, no rivers, and no canals.

There was no other way for these people to discuss how to spend some money from each other and jointly hire people to do security, road, and river construction...

Of course, what they established was a company and a store.

rather than the court.

Of course there will be no tax.

Everything is based on whether you can make money.

This place was really good in the beginning.

Time passes slowly.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

And it is impossible for the poor to resist.

Because the rich have the power of immortality.

Cultivation of immortality here requires a lot of money.

It directly leaves the poor with no way out.

Then these people continue to compete and compete in the free world.

However, they soon discovered the problem.

Because there is always one person who is the shrewdest, the smartest, and the luckiest.

If everyone didn't have high taxes, there would be no inheritance tax.

Completely and only develop according to a fixed order.

No one can break this order.

There is always someone who can win everything.

This is inevitable.

Because as time goes by, this person's advantages will become greater and greater.

The family's advantages are also growing.

Because the bottom layer is not qualified to break through and undergo a 200-year round of reshuffle.

The final result appeared.

All the properties of the elites who came together before were taken away by the final winner.

No, it should be said that the most orderly means are used, without any flaws, without any flaws, without any unreasonableness, and then the money is earned.

It is a completely normal method of business competition.

Reduce costs, establish a closed economic cycle, and exclude others from entering.

In his own economic cycle, there are only two roles: he and the slave.

Slaves produced goods in large quantities to meet his needs.

He has a lack of demand.

Just mass-produce military weapons.

It explodes every ten years and makes a loud noise.

The only product with unlimited demand is arms.

Because whatever you produce can be consumed in a short period of time... just light it and explode it.

In other words, according to Wen Rensheng, it is actually the end-user model.

That's right, in a place where there is absolute order and there is no compulsory taxation.

No one will ever be forcibly deprived of their wealth.

We will never use the excuse of public interest to deprive private wealth.

And the ending we are facing now is the terminator.

And if the order will be broken, it will be a rotation every 200 years.

Now since the order here has strong power and can prevent the bottom layer from being reshuffled, then there will be no replacement in 200 years.

Then we are left with a finalist model.

And this terminal model is very simple.

All assets were owned by one person, and everyone else was either a slave or a tenant.

You only have the right to use it, and you have to pay rent every year.

Seeing this scene, those elites who had become tenants and slaves suddenly felt regretful.

"I see."

"I'm not necessarily the one who will have the last laugh."

"Haha, just think about it and you will know that this is the final product, and there is only one in the end."

"You started out with 100 elites, but in the end there was only one, and the other 99 will become the same slaves you looked down upon before."

"This is winner takes all." [Wang Weiguo]'s voice sounded in this secret realm.

"If everything seeks the so-called absolute justice, rather than relative fairness, and there is no way to deprive wealth, then the last and strongest person will devour everyone."

"It's that simple."

"When an order allows taxation to maintain relative fairness, it seems unreasonable."

"Actually, it was targeted at the strongest person at a certain stage. He was the one who was forcibly deprived of the most."

After understanding this, all the elites were completely stunned.

Because they don't only live for a hundred and fifty years, but they live for ten thousand years, fifty thousand years, something like that.

Their lifespan is long enough for them to see the existence of the Terminator.

So I also chose to agree with [Wang Weiguo]’s method.

In this way, relying on the great power of Mahayana and convincing most people, [Wang Weiguo] governed the entire world to become more and more prosperous and powerful.

Coupled with modern technology and magical techniques, the whole world is simply more prosperous and wealthy than ever before.

Unprecedented civilization and prosperity, unprecedented strength and prosperity.

The population exploded to 1 billion.

Good guy, if you look up now, you can see great luck.

The whole world is rapidly expanding like a balloon or a rocket.

Constantly swallowing up small worlds from the void.

And it keeps expanding from the void.

Transform the empty space into a real world.

Just like playing chess constantly, turning the outer void into your own solid ground.

In this case, everyone lives happily.

Almost no one has unsolvable worries.

Later, the problem of life and death was even solved.

The whole world is becoming more and more powerful.

Finally this day.

[Wang Weiguo] felt all over his body, as if something was peering at him.

He understands.

This world wants to swallow up his Mahayana.

When the Mahayana Patriarch saw this, he shook his head and said, "Do you regret it now?"

"Now the world is going to eat you."

[Wang Weiguo] said with disdain: "Is this world a fool? If it leaves me alone, it will become stronger."

"Because all your talents have been exhausted, it has learned your tricks." The Mahayana Patriarch explained,

"And no matter how strong you become, you may become the master. It doesn't want to be someone else's slave."

This chapter has been completed!
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