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Chapter 2272: Methods of Protecting the Dao

this day.

Hou Tu woke up from seclusion.

Her soul had just grown three points stronger.

Then he raised his head and looked towards Honghuang.

Then there is the place where people and witches trade.

Seeing this, she was immediately very happy.

She never expected that trading would become so hot now.

And those witches who used to be violent and destructive.

Now each and every one of them is bound by the desire to eat and the desire to cultivate.

One by one, he transformed into a construction madman.

Someone is digging the river.

Someone is leveling the land for farming.

Someone is building a factory.

Someone is building the road.

In short, everyone is doing the right thing.

This is much better than the old days of fighting when nothing happened and fighting when something happened.

At this moment, she had forgotten that she came to Human Witch before. In fact, the reason was just for the first marriage between Human Witch.

And she completely forgot about it.

There are really too many things about the human race that attract her.

She thought about it and decided to leave the country again.

This time, she came under the huge mountain.

Hiking step by step to climb under the tall trees.

Look up.

I saw the tree covering the sky and the sun.

I'm afraid it doesn't cover half of the sky.

Between the trees, there are still nine suns shining faintly.

It is said that nine of the ten sons of the Emperor of Heaven were trapped in the mountains.

The strange thing is that the Emperor of Heaven did not come to rescue him either.

How did she know that rescuing her would turn life into a death sentence?

What a fool to think that Emperor Jun is.

He can also see some secrets.

It's just that the carrot of sanctification is hanging in front of us, and we have to move towards the goal of unifying the ancient world.

She raised her head and said, "Excuse me, is Taoist Shenshu here?"

The result was no response.

So he called again:

"Fellow Taoist Sacred Tree, are you here? I want to discuss Taoism with you for the second time."

"Coming, coming." Wen Rensheng walked out of the tree.

Then the two discussed again.

They are all talking about the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

To put it bluntly, it is the reality of how to retain consciousness.

There is nothing mysterious about it.

Why did the ancients talk mysteriously: essentially, they didn’t understand.

So I come up with frivolous things to deceive people.

For example, they don’t know the true properties and true working principles of medicinal materials, so they make up far-fetched theories about yin and yang, cold and heat.

There is also a pangolin that can crawl through mountains, which is said to be able to unblock meridians.

The Tao Te Ching is not so mysterious.

In fact, it’s just the way to be a human being.

Not that lofty.

But very practical.

By following this, at least a force can survive the first half of its life safely.

The Qin Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty did not do this, so they could not even get the subsistence allowance time for a unified state.

"Consciousness remains. In ancient times, consciousness was stored in the spirit treasure. Later, the spirit treasure could easily harm the soul, because the spirit treasure also has consciousness."

"So I first stored it in the soul, and then stored the soul in the spiritual treasure."

"This is the method of killing corpses. Save three of yourself into three kinds of spiritual treasures. This is called backup, and it is safer."

"Even if you lose one self, you still have two, and you can recover them at any time."

After listening to Wen Rensheng's explanation (fooling), Hou Tu suddenly understood.

She found that she would be particularly harmonious when in contact with Taoist Shenshu.

Because the other party never bullies others or deceives others.

The Tao Fruit mentioned above is just like eating, you just need to eat it in one bite.

There is no need for any mystery or mystery.

In the words of Wen Rensheng: "It's nonsense to talk about all kinds of wonderful doors, whether they are mysterious or mysterious!"

"If a Tao cannot be clearly seen by others and verified by more people, then it is a false Tao, a hypocritical Tao."

"The Tao that cannot be falsified is false."

"It can only be practiced by one or two people, and that's not right either."

"The way that people cannot understand is not the right way."

"Just do it step by step, and if you can't do it, give a clear reason why you can't do it."

Just like modern science, some people can't learn it or can't learn it. That's not because the science is wrong, but because you don't have enough IQ.

But there is always someone who can learn and follow it.

But for some Tao, only the creator knows it, so that won't work.

Therefore, the saints attach great importance to one thing: the orthodoxy must be passed down.

If someone touches the core preaching disciples, they will fight to the death.

Don't look at it, I don't want to accept disciples.

That's because his teachings can be passed down easily.

Pure and inaction.

When people reach old age, many people can understand it.

There is no need to do a lot of things.

If it cannot be passed down, it will be said to be false.

This is fatal.

Because even the creators of the orthodoxy will be submerged in the long river of time and space.

Houtu nodded.

After hearing Wen Rensheng's teachings, she understood them clearly.

Accumulate spiritual power and energy.

Then use these things to focus on imprinting consciousness and preserving consciousness.

It's like engraving words on it.

Turn consciousness into something like words and imprint it into the spiritual treasure.

"The strongest thing is naturally engraved into the heaven and earth, so the Great God Pangu did not die, he completely transformed himself into a prehistoric world."

"The prehistoric era will never be destroyed, and Pangu will never fall."

"The prehistoric era lasted forever, and Pangu lasted forever."

Hearing this, Hou Tu shed tears.

It turns out that their father God never died.

Wind, water, and light are all his breath and love.

At this moment, a voice sighed.

"Oh, after so many years, someone finally realized it."

"Ah, is that God the Father?" Hou Tu said in shock.

"Don't yell, that's a liar." Wen Rensheng said indifferently.

"What? Liar?" Hou Tu was shocked, a liar who dared to pretend to be Pangu's father god.

"Yes, the real Great God Pangu will not say anything."

"Like a silent old father, he will only protect you when you are in danger."

"I don't usually talk."

Sure enough, the voice was silent again.

Hou Tu didn't know what was going on, so he continued to listen to Ren Sheng's sermon.

What Wenren Sheng was talking about was the way of the law.

It’s about practice.

It’s about the way of imprinting.

What living beings fear most is death.

The end point of all spiritual cultivation is actually to live until the end of time.

Without exception.

If a Tao cannot live forever, as Sun Wukong said, it is false, empty, and there is no need to learn it.

And the method of listening to people's teachings is also difficult.

The main thing is to have a high IQ, good patience, and to take your time to remember.

"Of course, if you can't do it yourself, you can let others encapsulate the method into a tool, then you spend money to trade it, and then imprint your consciousness."

"What, can it be like this? Aren't there saints everywhere?"

"Saints all over the world are not like that, but it is still possible to become a permanent constant. It just cannot interfere with the operation of the system." Wen Rensheng said inscrutably.

"Eternal constant?" Hou Tu didn't understand.

"It only has existence, no power, and does not occupy the memory of the movement of heaven and earth." Wen Rensheng said.

In fact, this standard is that the three human emperors and the five emperors opened a fire cloud cave for themselves, so as not to interfere with the movement of heaven and earth.

Use your influence occasionally.

So it can always exist.

Others can actually work in this direction.

It's a pity that those guys are too greedy.

Everyone wants to be a saint with administrator rights.

Isn't this funny?

How can heaven and earth tolerate so many administrators?

It's okay for anyone's computer system to have seven accounts. It's crazy to have 70,000 or 700 million administrator accounts.

Hou Tu continued to listen.

I gradually figured it out in my mind.

Give up power, give up influence, give up thoughts and actions that interfere with the world, and you can permanently imprint consciousness on a small world.

If you do this, there will be the least obstruction from heaven.

It will even default to you.

What Tian Dao hates most is people who want to manage authority and cannot control the world.

What I hate the most is the guy who proves the truth with his strength.

People are addicted to food.

He obviously doesn't understand the movement of heaven and earth, so he destroys everything he does and kills every time he takes action.

I still want to master the great road and master all sentient beings.

It's really funny.

These people have never been server administrators and don't know what it's like to have a server system crashed by some stupid administrator in the middle of the night.

As long as you understand it, you will know why Tiandi does not want to release too many permissions.

So Wen Rensheng had already figured it out.

Therefore, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors can produce 8 in one go.

In fact, if there are another 80,000, it won’t matter to heaven and earth.

As long as you don't interfere with the movement of heaven and earth.

But the saints, all six of them disliked him too much.

Especially the later Tongtian, if you can't play it anymore, you have to low-level format the server.

This does not mean that he is a pig, but it is indeed Hongjun who prefers him.

There are always people who sympathize with Tongtian.

But I have forgotten that when I go out to hang out, I need to be enlightened.

When you lose, you have to admit it; when you get beaten, you have to stand upright.

How did you end up being beaten by the Four Saints?

Isn't it okay to give out 3,000 rubbish in advance to win over the two saints?

Can't we restrain our disciples in advance and establish good rules and regulations?

Do you have to let your disciples play as they please, and eventually the game gets too big, and everyone dies, and you can’t stand it anymore?

In the beginning, I didn’t leave the mountain or go down from the mountain, until the core disciples couldn’t bear it.

Zhao Gongming was beaten to death by his brothers in Sanxiao and ignored him. Later, he was beaten to death and ended up too late.

This conversation with Wen Rensheng lasted for a month.

This is a relatively new experience for Houtu.

Because she was used to it in the past, listening to whoever had the bigger fist.

If the demon tribe has a big fist, then listen to the demon tribe. If the witch tribe has a big fist, listen to the witch tribe.

This set of rules has been determined since the Long Han era.

Although Taozu did not bully others with his power.

But everyone knows that Daozu is the most powerful.

Therefore, everyone came to seek enlightenment and listened to him.

It was also because he became the Hunyuan Sage that he was able to make rules.

Everyone acquiesces.

Those with strong power are justified. This is the most basic rule in ancient times.

But in front of Wen Rensheng.

Not so.

But he who is just and fair is justified.

Although the other party may be the incarnation of Taishang Laozi.

Or the incarnation of another saint.

But he has never set up any advantages just because he is strong.

Or force someone to sign a contract.

On the contrary, everything starts from the role of fairness and equality.

Just like a demon came to say that you shouldn't kill demons to get materials.

He also accepted it.

It is stipulated that wise men should not kill each other to obtain materials.

Anyone who violates it within his scope will be punished.

This was an unprecedented experience for her.

It is not based on strength or population, but on the principles of fairness and justice.

She then became very interested in the way of discipline.

Continue to listen deeply.

And at this time.

Wen Rensheng began to preach his own doctrine systematically.

"The way of the law lies in fairness, justice and openness."

"These three are the fundamentals."

"Once there are more people and the information is made public, everyone will naturally understand what is right and what is wrong."

"At least you can feel what goes on the table and what doesn't."

"Someone eats people in front of everyone. That definitely doesn't fit in with everyone's thoughts."

"Because today he is eaten, and tomorrow you will be eaten."

"Some people think they have merit and are special, so if someone else does, will they be able to bully them?"

Hou Tu said: "Your three points sound very good."

"But what if someone is stronger and breaks your three rules?"

In fact, what Hou Tu asked about was about protecting the Tao.

"If he just wants to rely on his great strength to defeat you and doesn't want to deal with something fairly."

"He just wants his relatives to have an advantage over outsiders. What should he do?"

Wen Rensheng nodded.

This is exactly the problem that the feudal dynasty has not solved for thousands of years.

"That's why we need to make it public."

“In addition to the rules and regulations, we must disclose information and gain the support of the largest number of people.”

"As long as enough people support it, the rules can be maintained."

"And I also developed a method of formation. The more people there are, the stronger the formation will be."

"If everyone unites as one, they can defeat one or two talented and selfish practitioners."

“This is how we can continue to follow the path of discipline.”

"I always believe that as time goes by, one or two geniuses will not be able to defeat a group of geniuses."

"And just from the perspective of probability, it is more likely that geniuses will appear among a group of people, provided that this group of people cannot be minions or slaves."

"It cannot be a group of obedient people who only know how to please a king."

Wen Rensheng sighed when he thought of this.

Some people have become sophisticated, learned, and grown.

I know how to toast, but forget my original intention, forget fairness, forget justice, forget to make it public...

Take pride in having a good relationship with the leader.

Take pride in getting private messages.

Little did he know that before he died, as a member of the group, instead of having any positive effects, he was dragged towards hell.

He will not be resurrected in the long run of time in the future.

The God of the future does not need such people.

He won in life and lost in death.

It feels good for a while, but your reputation is ruined.

On the contrary, some people lose for a while, but their reputation remains.

The God of the future will inevitably resurrect them in the long river of time and space.

Just like what Wen Rensheng is doing now.

It is to penetrate the roots of the mysterious tree into the long river of time and space.

Then seek out those who are useful.

Get rid of those minions.

Those Qin Hui, He Shen and others who claim to be shrewd.

And pulled back those tough Yu Qian, Wang Anshi and others.

They are the ones who are useful.

Wen Rensheng added: "Only those who truly benefit the world's ethnic groups can win in the end."

"Those selfish and ignorant ways will eventually be exposed."

"It will eventually be unsustainable."

"People will be stupid for a while, but with a large amount of information being made public, at least people now will have a more normal evaluation of ancient times."

"After all, most people who do good things will be judged fairly."

"Those who do evil rely on their strength to subdue others for a while, but after death they can no longer subdue others. They will eventually return to the path they should go back to."

This chapter has been completed!
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