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Chapter 2436 The Tallest Tree

The game maintainer thought about it and decided to maintain a balance.

I never thought that anyone could play with such a large-scale economy.

After all, the average player will become desensitized to games after playing hundreds of billions.

Unexpectedly, in order to focus on technology, the other party turned out that the scale of tens of billions was not enough.

This game can be considered as a master game to pass.

Time flies away.

The game maintainer watched the record of the clearance and found that the opponent's technology tree had indeed achieved results.

Nuclear fusion is done.

Life span is extended to two hundred years.

Cloning of various organs has been successful.

The brain transplant has also been completed.

This means that a person's lifespan depends solely on the lifespan of his or her brain.

Of course, there are a lot of troubles involved. The most important thing is to clone the body for backup, which will cause a lot of controversy.

In addition, a moderate level of AI has been developed.

It can be seen that he has solved many social problems.

But other than that, there is no more powerful technology.

The rest of the technology needs to be accumulated over time, even if it is funded.

Bring all the power of human technology.

Almost most of the power is concentrated on technology, which can only go so far.

It is more limited by the time factor.

It takes longer to develop new technologies.


Leave it at this time.

Wen Rensheng was tired of playing this game.

"But that's it. I can solve both the modes of not charging money and charging money, and I can pass the level in both modes."

Xiao Huan looked annoyed.

If you add money, you are a boss; if you don't, you are a scumbag.

I have played two different worlds, both of which have been in Hedong for thirty years, and have never been to Hexi.

No good, really bad.

The young man working in the background of the game maintenance never thought that he would be abandoned by the boss immediately because he did not provide real value.

Obviously, this is normal.

This is the characteristic of a boss, it is impossible to be truly fascinated by something.

Because they still have things they must do.

Only Xiao Huan is still working hard to clear the level.

She made a decision:

"You can earn money based on your ability, this is my ability!"

So I hit another 6480 points.

Play the game like crazy.

Soon Wen Rensheng was attracted by another thing.

Those were numbers 1 to 10 in the previous Mysterious Seed world.

They started a new journey.

After being tricked by three unscrupulous interviewers last time, ten people learned the hard way.

They decided to secretly go to a new world by themselves.

Don't wait for the interviewer.

Anyway, they didn't give me any support after I went there, and they were so quick when I ran away.

This time they continued digging tunnels.

Digging and digging, they finally found another new world.

The ten people were very cautious.

They decided to draw lots and send someone to go in first to have a look.

After there are no problems, the larger force will follow up.

After drawing lots, number three was chosen.

He was unwilling to act as cannon fodder and explore the way.

After exploring the road, he discovered that it was a forest kingdom.

Everyone is laughing.

After seeing this, No. 3 came back happily and said, "It's great. It's a quiet, peaceful and friendly place. Everyone smiles at me."

Number 10 said disdainfully: "When the big fat sheep comes to the wolf's den, everyone smiles at it."


Even so, the ten people decided to go in and have a look.

Even if you die, you can come back.

Besides, the most it can do is be sealed inside.

As long as you can't die, work towards death.

This is their common characteristic.

Soon they went in.

Then they saw that it was indeed a forest.

Lush and green everywhere.

There are tall trees everywhere, and the key is that there are no mosquitoes, flies, poisonous snakes, bed bugs...

To put it simply, it’s like the world in a cartoon.

"Uh, this seems to be a cartoon world. Can this be called a world?" No. 2 asked doubtfully.

"How refreshing, the cartoon director is also a director." Number 3 retorted.

They walked into the forest and didn't go far when they saw a group of people on the road. They were holding a funeral.

A coffin was being carried.

And a group of suonas were playing.

Many people lined up in long queues.

However, even at this kind of funeral, every one of them was laughing.

"Hahaha, look at how embarrassing this kid was when he died."

"Yes, he actually fell directly into the puddle and died."

"The puddle is not even up to your knees."

"How ridiculous."

"Don't he know to walk slower?"

"Don't he know that you can't get close to the puddle there?"

"Hahaha, I was laughing so hard."

When everyone heard this, they thought it was nothing at first.

After all, it is so common to cry while others laugh.

However, when they saw the parents and relatives of the deceased laughing at the deceased, they felt inexplicably shocked and weird.

There was a figure who looked like a funeral director, introducing the relatives and friends who were bidding farewell one by one.

They then identified the relatives of the deceased.

The father of the deceased smiled and said to everyone:

"Haha, this kid used to be disobedient. I always told him to stay away from rivers, seas and lakes, and stay away from the water, but he refused to listen. Now he is finally dead."

"Haha, that's really funny."

The mother of the deceased was also there smiling and said:

"I have long said that I want another smart one, but you just won't let me."

"Is it gone now?"

"Idiots really can't be raised."


"It's gone now, and we can't reproduce it anymore. Haha, it's really funny."

After hearing this, everyone from No. 1 to No. 10 felt terrified.

These are the parents who love their children the most.

They didn't feel sad or cry.

On the contrary, he was still laughing.

This is simply outrageous.

And at this time.

They quietly came to the team.

Then he found a kind-faced person and asked, "Brother, why don't their parents cry when their children die?"

"Aren't they all sad?"

"Why don't you people here cry?"

"You have to know that the child is still very young. What a pity."

At this time, the kind-faced man laughed at them and said, "Why are you crying?"

"Everything should be faced with a smile, right?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The only difference is smile, laugh, and laugh wildly."

"There are only these three differences."

Everyone was stunned.

The kind-hearted man shook his head and said: "Besides, everyone will die sooner or later. Why should we be sad about something that is destined to happen?"

"If you were sad, wouldn't this happen?"

"It's better to face it with a smile."

"At least a smile can temporarily relieve you of your worries."

After hearing this, they thought it made sense...

How can it be?

This is clearly sophistry.

You can't laugh at everything, right?

Isn't that a fool?

When someone else's son dies, you still have to face it with a smile.

This makes no sense at all.

They definitely can't understand it.

This thing about dying and having to laugh again.

Only... the murderer would laugh.

Then they saw more strange things.

It turns out that people in this forest kingdom always smile no matter what they do.

"Haha, let's see, I got 59 points, which is worse than the last time I took the test."

"I scored 62 points last time, but this time I dropped 3 points. But this means that next time I only need to get 60 points, I can make progress again!" A student laughed there.

After hearing this, everyone was speechless.

This kind of self-comfort is actually really good.

They saw another person again.

And this person laughed wildly and said: "Jiejie, I was fired from the company today."

"It's so funny."

"The company that suffered greater losses than mine fired me in the morning and went bankrupt in the afternoon!"

"Because I have called all the customers I have received and said that this company is terrible."

"Haha, that's really funny."

"They fired me, but they didn't expect that they would go out of business too!"

No. 1 walked up and asked: "What should you do if you don't get your salary after you are fired?"

The man laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if we don't get paid."

"I don't care about the salary. The most I can do is starve to death."

"Isn't it also funny to be starved to death?"

"Yes." Those who heard this all smiled.

Ten people just felt horrified.

Who are these people?

I laugh when I should cry, and laugh when I should laugh.

They continued to observe, and through careful analysis, they began to distinguish different smiles, which actually represented different meanings.

The ten of them slowly summarized the rules.

It turns out that for people here, things that are really worth being happy make them laugh wildly.

If it's a general thing, it's laughter.

If it's a sad thing, it's a smile.

In other words, no matter what happens, it is always a smile.

It’s not that these people don’t know that some things are bad and some things should make them sad.

It's just that they seem to be restricted by something.

So they can only choose to express their feelings with different levels of laughter.

Seeing this, they immediately became interested.

At this time, three interviewers also appeared.

Surprisingly, they smiled at the ten people and said:

"Yes, yes, you have found a good place."

"If this place is thoroughly investigated, you will all have merit."

The ten people looked at each other, and then said: "Do you want us to explore? What are you doing?"

"Of course we are here to encourage you and provide you with logistical support."

"That is to say, when danger arises...will you save us?" No. 3 asked.

"No, of course we should go first."

"Okay, so what's the difference?"

The ten people didn't bother to talk to the interviewer, and they continued to explore.

"We can tell you some news. There should be someone or something in this world who can control everyone's heart and make everyone laugh."

The ten people nodded, and then they decided to separate to find the mystery.

So they quickly started looking.

First, look for the different places in this kingdom.

Soon they actually found it.

I discovered a lake on the 1st and heard that there was an invisible bead in the lake.

Every time the moon is full, it floats up.

Anyone who sees it will never close their eyes again.

By extension, could it also have the ability to make people unable to cry?

No. 1 thought this way, and then waited quietly.

When the moon is full, a ball of light floats in the center of the lake.

Really invisible.

Suddenly, No. 1 felt confused.

Since you can't see it, who knows if there are beads in the light?

So he opened his eyes wide and looked at it like this.

Then his eyes couldn't be closed.

He always kept his eyes open, trying to see whether there were beads in the light.

No. 1 was tricked.

Then came No. 2, who heard a suona playing automatically somewhere.

He heard others say that if anyone hears the sound of the suona, its melody will always be in their ears.

He didn't believe it and insisted on hearing it for himself.

The suona was placed in a charity village, playing festive music for the corpses that had not been buried.

After hearing this, No. 2 regretted it.

He shouldn't have listened.

As a result, his ears were constantly filled with its sound, and he began to hear other sounds clearly.

And this is just the beginning.

Then No. 3’s tongue, No. 4’s nose, No. 5’s hands...

In short, their five senses and limbs have problems one after another.

Exactly 9 people all had problems.

Only No. 10 has no problem.

"I let you mess around, now it's better. Not only did you not find the reason, but you were unlucky first." No. 10 said depressedly.

However, the other nine people looked at No. 10 in horror and said, "You, don't you know what you have become?"

No. 10 wondered: "I'm normal."

But slowly he saw himself starting to turn into a tree.

Seeing this, he suddenly looked around in horror.

All he saw was that the big trees around him were beginning to smile around him.

Rotating, joyful...

He seemed to have turned into one of the trees.

It turns out that the forest kingdom means that people have to become a forest and then become a member of the kingdom.

do you mean this?

No. 10 thought this and then lost his mind.

"It's over. No. 10 is the most unlucky. He lost his mind directly. Compared with what we lost, it feels better."

"Who said I feel better? Hurry up and change my blindfold." No. 1 said depressedly.

He couldn't close his eyes, but there was no way around it.

After all, its function is nothing more than to block light and moisturize the eyes.

Then just block the light.

Then put in eye drops and it will be fine.

"Now the problem is big and we can't find a solution. One of them has already been killed."

"Hurry up and find someone to ask."

Then the nine people started looking for people everywhere.

But the people they find will only smile at them.

"What's so easy to solve? There's no need to solve it. When you die, won't this problem be solved?" A well-known wise man said with a smile.

"What kind of bad solution is this?" 9 people were angry.

"Haha, most of the solutions to problems are solved in this way. For example, those rebels, unable to solve the problem of the forest kingdom, chose to kill the king and ministers to solve the problem. When the kingdom no longer exists, there will be no

The problem of the kingdom." The wise man continued to smile.


Their hearts moved.

The other party gave them a hint.

"Where are the rebels?"

"They're under the tallest tree."

Soon the 10 people chose to obey the wise man's words and walked towards the tallest tree in the forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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