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Chapter 2445 The Unprecedented Road

The ship travels too slowly, and even with wireless telegraphy, immigrants who are alone overseas often make themselves kings.

This didn't happen once or twice.

Several companies are called companies, but they are actually leaders and self-proclaimed kings.

Damn it!

The emperor thought this way, and then asked:

"Now there is less and less land for migration. What will we do in the future?"

The middle-aged man said disdainfully: "That means you haven't explored far enough."

"But many of those who explored the distance chose to be independent."

"They moved to several big islands and rebelled." The emperor shook his head.

"Haha, the world belongs to the people of the world. If they rebel, they will rebel. At least Han people are all over the world and they all speak the Han language."

"My heart is selfless and the world is broad, and I have great benevolence in my heart that will last for ten thousand years. Qin Shihuang dreamed of eternal life, but he regarded the people as tools and used the five arts to control the people. In the last two generations, he would be destroyed." The middle-aged man shook his head.

No. 1 nodded.

The thinking level of this time traveler is still very high.

The key lies in three words: "See clearly."

The emperor is the centralized representative who cannot be ignored.

Why bother?

Most emperors did not live as long as ordinary people.

Sure enough, Quan Li, as an extraordinary power that ordinary humans can control in reality, has too much magic power.

Even as short as a year, or even as an emperor for a day, can people be fascinated?

How can a man who lives between heaven and earth not become an emperor in one day?

"But my ship is too far to go there, and this cross-sea migration is too expensive." The emperor shook his head.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You still care too much. How can you lose money by migrating?"

"You ask those people to take out loans and work there for 30 years after relocation to repay the money."

"If they want to be self-reliant, they can be self-reliant. Anyway, just send the population there. Regardless of whether they are self-reliant or not, they have to pay back the money."

"Repaying the money is a matter of course."

"Also, you need to develop industry. When industry is developed, people will be able to eat through industrial means, so there will be fewer children in the future, and the contradiction between population and land will be completely resolved."

The emperor said again: "That's not right."

"This industry does not produce food, it can only produce other things, such as silk utensils and woodworking furniture, but it cannot produce food."

"How can we let the people eat more food?"

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "You are so stupid."

"After industrial development, what is the biggest role in supporting agriculture?"

"The development of industry will have the greatest impact on agriculture, which will greatly improve the utilization rate of water resources."

"Only when industry develops will you have enough resources to build a large number of reservoirs."

"Such as cement concrete, tractors, excavators, water pumps..."

"There are also a lot of river projects being built. Do you know about water pumps?"

"Use steam engines to pump water. With pumps, dry land can be turned into irrigated land and floods can be drained."

"Think about how much more food can be produced once there is water?"

The emperor suddenly understood.


Fifty acres of dry land may not be enough to support one person.

Because once there is no rain, you will lose money no matter how much you plant.

However, one acre of irrigated land can feed three to five people!

With water pumps and lower pumping prices, Xiaojiangnan is everywhere!

Think about it, if the northern mountains and the western mountains become Jiangnan, will there be any rebellion?


Because there is so much water in the south of the Yangtze River, no matter how hard the people are, they can survive by growing some sweet potatoes and wild vegetables in the fields.

The reason why there is famine in Beishan and Xishan is that there is still no water!

There is no solution to a drought.

Even the landowners couldn't resist.

After understanding this, the emperor clapped his hands and said: "I understand, this is the true role of industry."

"I finally understand now."

"Haha, it's too late for you to understand." The middle-aged man shook his head.

In fact, he had already said this to the people before him.

It's just that they don't believe it.

Or you think he has ulterior motives, so you don't accept it.

This person today is relatively young and may be a little easier to fool.

In fact, he really has ulterior motives...

No. 1 couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

It seems that this time traveler is really unlucky.

His own priceless knowledge, knowledge that transcends time and space, was taken away by the emperor with a few cheap bottles of wine and a roast chicken.

The emperor gained the world and the life span of the entire empire was extended.

The benefits are huge and unparalleled.

On the contrary, this time traveler is still living in a small dungeon.

It's simply frustrating.

The so-called Ziben family will cry when they see him.

Satan also has several generations of the Zhu family tattooed on his back.

For this time traveler, the people's lives have indeed become better because of him.

However, the dynasty also became very stable.

It can be said that this time traveler sacrificed himself and benefited everyone in the world.

have to say.

He can be said to be a time traveler, open-minded and a relatively good person.

After seeing this, No. 1 also felt a little distressed.

After all, everyone has modern ideas.

Wait until the emperor leaves.

No. 1 walked in.

Middle-aged people are not surprised by the appearance of No. 1.

He seemed to be just another person taking advantage of him.

Even though No. 1 was wearing modern clothes, he didn't take it seriously.

Maybe he is a new scammer.

No. 1 said to him: "Do you know what's going on outside?"

"What's it like outside?"

"I have been detained here for more than 30 years, from the age of 20 to more than 50 years old."

"My life is almost over." The middle-aged man sighed.

"Don't you wonder why you haven't been killed for so long?" asked No. 1.

"Haha, do you think I don't have any doubts? People come to talk to me all the time, and after more than ten years, there will be a different person."

"The people who asked me should be high-ranking officials, or actually the emperor himself."

"Then you have paid so much, but instead of rewarding you with any merit, you should be made a king or a marquis."

"But you are kept here all the time, don't you feel angry?" No. 1 then asked.

The middle-aged man was silent.

Then he shook his head and said: "Of course I am angry. I wish I could kick him to death or trip him to death."

"Just like Zhu Gaoxu back then."

"But I'm afraid of death and being roasted by fire."

"I told him so much knowledge, but he just gave me a little wine and a little meat to kill me."

"Do you think I can stop being angry? But what can I do if I'm angry?"

"I have no power. He can kill me anytime, anywhere. I can't escape even if I want to."

"Don't you think of a way to escape?" No. 1 asked.

"I've been thinking a lot. Look here. I once tried to dig. I used my own urine for ten years, but just after I dug a little, I was jailed again." The middle-aged man pointed to a corner where rice was covered with rice.

Fuck covered.

"Damn it, even if he puts you under house arrest, he should give you a five-star standard, right?" No. 1 was also dissatisfied.

"Humph, this is exactly the power of the emperor. It was through this environment that he let me know, don't put on airs, no matter how awesome you are, it's nothing more than that. No matter how much I give you, it's all the emperor's grace." The middle-aged man sneered.


"That's right. If he pays you too much, it will be easy for you to see that he is very dependent on you, and it will give you a way to manipulate him. As expected, emperors are not good people, they are the worst existences in the world." 1

No. nodded.

"That's right, he is the most evil, selfish, cruel and ruthless real creature in the world." The middle-aged man said harshly.

There was anger and hatred in his eyes.

That's right.

No. 1 nodded.

"You are indeed pitiful."

"Have you ever thought of escaping in any other way?"

"I have thought about it. Look at the people around me. There are 2,000 of them, coming to look at me." The middle-aged man continued,

"They all only listen to the emperor."

At this point, the middle-aged man suddenly felt something was wrong.

In fact, he should have felt something was wrong.

Because the other person seems very abnormal.

It is impossible for ordinary people to talk to him like this.

It was also impossible to provoke a conflict between him and the emperor.

A trace of enthusiasm arose in his heart, and the expression he looked at No. 1 changed.

Could it be...

"These people are rotated every 20 days to prevent them from developing feelings for me and feeling pity."

"And they are all deaf-mute. They are not acquired. They are all selected congenital disabled people." The middle-aged man continued,

"They are all deaf-mute, and they are all grateful to the emperor."

"They can't talk to me."

Hearing this, No. 1 shook his head: "That's really a pity."

"For that emperor, your knowledge and talents can directly destroy a dynasty or create another one."

"So it's impossible for him to let you out, let alone give you good treatment."

"He will only use this method to suppress you and use you as an intellectual tool."

"Yes, I can only live in prison like this for the rest of my life." The middle-aged man sighed.

No. 1 was silent.

This man accomplished astonishing feats.

But he can only spend his whole life in prison.

"Actually, I still have a solution. I still have hope of getting out, as long as I live long enough." The middle-aged man smiled lightly again.

"Hope?" No. 1 was a little confused.

"Of course it's the technologies I told him, as long as they are fully developed." The middle-aged man said confidently,

"The position of emperor will one day be completely overthrown."

"Then the relevant secrets will be exposed."

"They will naturally find me."

"After you find me, the position of emperor is gone. The new leader who is elected will pay attention to fairness and justice."

"Because there is no emperor, everyone is elected every few years, so we won't be so selfish."

"It can't be passed down to the family."

"My threat is no longer that great. They will release me and at least improve my treatment."

"Let me go from prison to a villa, but I may have to wait until after I am 80 years old."

"80 years old? You still have to wait." No. 1 had nothing to say.

This plan is really long-term.

"Yes." The middle-aged man sighed.

This time traveler is not stupid.

It's just that he is using a macro and long-term approach.

But this method is too long and circuitous.

How can ordinary people imagine this?

"What can I do if I don't wait? I came here with no cheats and no original good identity. I was imprisoned as soon as I arrived and was about to be executed. I can only survive by selling my knowledge bit by bit." The middle-aged man sighed.

No. 1 nodded and sighed:

"The long years pass by in a hurry, and looking back on the past, it suddenly seems like a dream."

"Yes, life is just a dream, a big dream in vain, and the years are spent, but it only lasts a moment." The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Only the way of heaven is always there, circulating back and forth, never changing."

For a time, I was in a desolate and lonely prison.

Loneliness and sadness.

Countless heroes and heroes eventually turned into dust and scattered in the wind.

Endless true love eventually turned into sadness and age.

Wait, it seems like I can be reincarnated with my memories?

No. 1 wakes up.

Then it'll be fine.

This time traveler is so pitiful.

Just jumped out of the original pond and entered another puddle.

"Well, it seems that you have awakened. Then just wait here for the changes of the times to save you. I'm leaving." No. 1 sighed and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." The middle-aged man saw that this script was wrong. Everyone sighed for a long time. You should sympathize with me and rescue me.

"Is there anything else?" No. 1 asked doubtfully.

"Did you forget something?"

"What's up?"

"Get me out of here."

"You should have said it earlier, you should have said it earlier..." No. 1 said speechlessly.

You just talk nonsense and sigh, I have forgotten what to do...

Wen Rensheng was speechless when he saw this.

Two sighing monsters, why not do something practical?

"Get me out now." The middle-aged man hugged his legs and said.

"Okay, I'll rescue you now."

No. 1 then rescued the middle-aged man.

However, is this good?

The middle-aged man still just jumped out of the original puddle and entered another lake.

When the 10 people saw the middle-aged man, they all gathered around him to look at him.

"You are a time traveler. This is the first time I have seen a time traveler." No. 3 exclaimed.

"How refreshing. When we go back in time, how can you not see 9 time travellers?" No. 5 said with disdain.

"Uh, that's true."

"But this is the first time I have seen such a frustrated time traveler. He has been in jail for more than 30 years without doing anything."


Everyone laughed together.

For a time, the room was filled with happy air.

The middle-aged man was not embarrassed at all, and laughed at himself: "I'm not bad, there are people next door who transformed into maggots, and then turned into flies and were beaten to death."

"Okay, it can't be worse."

"Okay, tell me how you got here? Did you rely on foreign objects or chance?" No. 1 then asked.

"I slept and put it on on the bed. I was quite happy at first. It wasn't until I found myself in a prison, waiting to be beheaded, that I realized that the only way to save my life was to sell some knowledge."

"Actually, I am also a fool. I was still too immature and too panicked at the time. Looking back now, I should organize my language well and pretend to be a person who makes magic medicine! Then I will have a chance to go out." The middle-aged man sighed.

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, even if you sell knowledge, there is still a chance.

For example, like what he said, he said that he could make magic medicine and showed his knowledge of making magic medicine.

As for how to win the trust of others, you can first sell some great knowledge.

Then sell pharmaceutical knowledge.

Do you count on the ancients to make medicine?

Okay, but the efficiency is too slow.

In order to live longer for himself, the emperor will definitely release him and train talents. In this case, he can at least escape from the prison.

This chapter has been completed!
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