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Chapter 2467 Rapid Construction

Later, Lao Dai and the young man exchanged their names.

The young man's name is Zhang Ze.

Lao Dai said to Zhang Ze: "Then what should we do now?"

Zhang Ze said: "Don't worry, I have made proper arrangements."

Soon he took out a plan.

Then he said to Lao Dai: "Now we have three choices."

"The first option is to build an offensive floating city."

"That is to say, it is mainly focused on military construction and military resource development."

"The second one is to build a resource-based one."

"The third is to build a defensive one."

"Which type should we choose?"

After hearing this, Lao Dai immediately understood Zhang Ze's thoughts.

Yes, different types of cities have different construction laws.

In the early days, you definitely had to have a tendency.

It's like playing Red Alert. There are certain rules for what to play first and what routine to play.

Ordinary people still learn routines first, and only when they reach the master level can they mix and match according to the situation.

After thinking of this, he immediately made a deduction.

“…a military type of city was built.”

"You relied on a large number of weapons and soldiers to successfully defeat the surrounding threats and survive the early stage, but in the mid-term you lost the support of the people."

"Too many resources are invested in the military, and the people are dissatisfied."

"They started to rebel and no one wanted to work."

"You force them to work, their efficiency drops, and basic resources are no longer enough."

"You have an exodus, you're outgunned by other cities."

Then deduce the second option.

"You have successfully built a resource-based city. Because of the rich reserves of resources, you have attracted a large number of zombies to besiege you."

"You didn't stop, you abandoned the city, you started to flee."

Well, it seems that the resource city cannot withstand the early stage.

The third type is a defensive city.

"You built a defensive city, you built a large number of defense towers, and you successfully passed the early stage."

"But you are too conservative and have been frustrated in obtaining wild resources."

Seeing this, Lao Dai understood.

"It seems that we are going to build an offensive city, then convert it to a resource-based city in the middle, and finally convert it to a defensive city."

In fact, this is in line with the development rules of general dynasties.

Attack early, plunder everywhere, and strengthen yourself.

Farm in the middle stage, defend in the late stage, and perish in the end.

After hearing this, Zhang Ze nodded.

"very good."

This is actually just an exam question.

Just test the opponent's ability.

What the other person thinks is exactly what he thinks.

If he fails to pass such test questions, it means that his ability to recognize people is wrong.

Yes, his ability to recognize people is not 100% correct.

And the other party's current performance shows that this time it is correct.

This was exactly the purpose of his invitation to Lao Dai.

From now on, things will become easier.

He can summon many think tanks, deduce many options, and then ask the other party to find the best option among these options.

This can greatly save development time.

Otherwise, if we let them explore on their own, we don't know how many lives it will cost and how much resources will be wasted.

Soon, they took action according to Lao Dai's words.

Lao Dai also joined Zhang Ze's team.

This is a plain area, bordering a road.

After arriving here, he was surprised.

Zhang actually has twenty large trucks here.

They are all heavy-duty trucks with a basic carrying capacity of 100 tons and an overload capacity of 200 tons.

And they have all been modified layer by layer.

They are a large team of 300 people.

15 people per truck.

Lao Dai suddenly felt impressed. He couldn't command even three people, let alone 300 people.

He felt uncomfortable when he was with others and didn't know what to say.

Always consider what others think.

Of course, because he has an absolute advantage now, for ordinary people, he will not be nervous.

But at this time, he felt nervous again.

Because he knows that if the other party wants to kill him, he can do it.

He doesn't have any life-saving skills at this time.

Because the acquisition of many skills involves high risks.

When you open the box, you may encounter various traps.

Even if there is a simulator, it cannot be foolproof.

Because the boxes containing precious skills basically change randomly in real time, and will also change according to the status of the person who opens the box.

For a box, he deduced it three times, with different results.

This is similar to the random maze in the game, which is different every time you walk through it.

This has to be filled with human lives.

Obviously, the 300 people Zhang Ze gathered were the ones who had successfully survived and acquired valuable skills.

The 300 people immediately took action.

Some of them started digging a lot of dirt, and then used their skills to turn them into bricks, and then assembled them into a base.

I saw colorful lights emerging in front of my eyes. Lao Dai watched them move quickly, and a huge blue brick square appeared.

There was some confusion on his face.

"Why not just float a large piece of plain into the air?"

He asked Zhang Ze directly.

Zhang Ze explained to him: "It's like this, some of us have anti-gravity skills."

"The prerequisite for this anti-gravity skill to be effective is that it must be a man-made building and it must be connected to each other."

"They are connected to each other, so they can form an anti-gravity field."

Zhang Ze's explanation to Lao Dai made Lao Dai understand.

In fact, he didn't fully understand the principles behind it.

But he only needs to know that these buildings can float and people can live normally inside them.

So he saw those people quickly building a city base of about 6,000 square meters there.

If there are 300 people, each person will share an average of 20 square meters.

Although it is crowded, at least it is better than being in the car.

It's actually pretty good.

But we also have to consider the construction of various buildings, which makes it a bit crowded.

Then, he saw Zhang Ze starting to arrange the construction of various types of houses.

The first thing to make is the shelter.

"The biggest function of a house is to prevent temperature differences between inside and outside. You know that the temperature is very low at night and very high at noon."

"The human body is fragile. Excessive temperature differences will cause metabolic disorders and increase the burden on the immune system."

"This is why even in developed countries, the life span of homeless people will quickly drop from 70 years to more than 50 years old, just because there is no house to live in."

Lao Dai nodded, he still knew this.

"The house is nice, but I'm used to living in my car."

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Zhang Ze smiled.

No forcing.

Because he knows there is no trust between them yet.

Building houses, avoiding temperature differences, extending lifespan... They really think long-term.

Lao Dai sighed in his heart.

This may be the basic quality of a leader.

If the long-term thinking is not enough, everyone will be worried.

Just like many organizations that finally get on the stage, they have a lofty and orthodox goal.

Those organizations that are just for eating, drinking and having fun are destined to not be on the stage.

It’s not that it’s as simple as being unpopular, but it’s that people will get caught up in eating, drinking and having fun internally, and the degree of organization will be greatly reduced.

Zhang Ze then nodded and arranged for them to continue working.

After building the base and building the house, various warehouses are built.

Warehouses are naturally used to collect surrounding resources.

Lao Dai also gradually learned a lot of things.

In fact, the most important functional buildings in this city are currently houses and warehouses.

Because of the biggest contradiction right now.

There are various resources scattered around the highway, which are difficult to collect and reserve and are wasted.

This means death from drought and death from waterlogging.

After building the warehouse, they sent people to collect and reserve various materials.

"Is no one considering building farmland?" Lao Dai subconsciously asked.

"Don't worry, we have enough supplies to last us for five years."

Then they began to build various military facilities.

Military facilities, including the manufacturing of various hot and cold weapons.

There are also gun processing factories, which initially manufactured smoothbore guns.

When Lao Dai saw these gun factories, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his head.

He was shocked.

If he was in conflict with the other party now, it would be impossible to fight against the other party.

The other party only needs to send 20 people.

Shoot him with these guns together.

Unless you use the simulator to predict in advance that the enemy will attack him, and then escape in advance.

Otherwise he will definitely die.

This is the power of collective.

Unless you enter the immortal cultivation mode.

It is difficult for individual strength to fight against collective strength.

Even in the cultivation mode, the probability of a genius appearing in a group is much higher than that of practicing alone.

The probability of collectively breaking through the bottleneck is much higher than that of him individually.

Therefore, even in the cultivation mode, it is those large sects and large organizations that have a better talent output rate.

Or the big organization has a higher probability of winning in the end.

But as the construction progressed smoothly, the first contradiction appeared.

That was when Lao Dai made a request to build himself a highly maneuverable aircraft.

Because he learned through the simulator that the talent using "anti-gravity skills" could exert long-term effects on small bases.

The price is just a loss of life.

Basically, it consumes 1 year of life and can maintain the effect for 10 years.

Temporary effects will not consume lifespan, but will consume physical strength.

It takes a long break before you can continue using it.

Therefore, Lao Dai should make this request while he is still of great use to these people.

In this case, if the two sides split in the future, he will not be busy in vain.

A fool like Han Xin will not make the same mistakes again.

After hearing the request to build a separate aircraft for Dai Dai, this immediately caused dissatisfaction among some people.

Because no one is stupid, the other party obviously wants to escape from everyone when they are in danger.

Many people don't have houses to live in now, why should we build this kind of aircraft for them in the first place?

What's more, the losses are still so huge.

Zhang Ze was also very angry.

But he is a qualified leader after all.

A leader must tolerate some things when he is weak.

Wait until you are strong, then cross the river and burn the bridge...

Han Xin relied on blackmail to obtain the title of king, but in the end he did not persist in rebelling and was killed anyway.

Zhang Ze persuaded everyone: "He is our prophet, he can guide us in the direction."

"Everyone knows how important guidance is."

At this time, someone objected: "He didn't show much strength."

"Is he a true prophet or a false prophet?"

"We don't know this yet."

Zhang Ze heard this and shook his head.

He said to them: "Do you also refute my words?"

Although everyone was dissatisfied with Lao Dai, they no longer refuted what Zhang Ze said.

They quickly built a luxurious aircraft for Lao Dai.

The area is fully 300 square meters.

The height is 10 meters.

There is also a garage above this.

Lao Dai then brought his van in again.

He drove the van directly into the garage.

The entire aircraft is similar to a destroyer, and the control method is a jet, allowing him to leave at any time.

Although after this incident, his relationship with other people took a turn for the worse.

But he has seen no danger from the simulation process.

After all, as long as he shows his worth, the other party has no reason to eliminate him now.

at the same time.

The once good girl also joined another team.

And she is imitating Lao Dai.

Whatever Lao Dai did, she would do it.

As a woman, she has unique advantages.

She quickly found someone to rely on.

The two sides began a secret competition.

In Wen Rensheng's eyes, they all built very quickly.

Because each has different skills.

In front of Lao Dai's eyes, only one month passed.

A small military city with complete functions has begun to take shape.

This military fortress has many functional buildings.

Each dormitory building can accommodate 3,000 people.

The capacity is expanded ten times from the previous 300.

And he himself lives alone in the aircraft.

In contrast, even the leader Zhang Ze lives in the dormitory building like everyone else.

Lao Dai doesn't care about this.

And Zhang Ze also knew that this was Lao Dai's deliberate separation from the big guys, and he didn't want to get into any inexplicable bond.

But it doesn't matter.

Zhang Ze was just using him.

Just like Liu Bowen was killed by Lao Zhu, and Han Xin was killed by Liu Bang.

After using up the prophets, once the power is formed, you will naturally be able to face various dangers.

The fault tolerance is greatly improved, and the prophet is less needed.

Lao Dai was originally a lone wolf.

Immediately afterwards, they began to collect resources from everywhere.

They now have a mobile land cruiser, or a military fortress.

It can hold a lot of supplies.

It contains much more supplies than the van that Lao Dai once owned, which is not an order of magnitude at all.

When no one has space equipment, they have a major strategic advantage by having such a mobile warehouse.

The first thing they packed was water and food.

And the amount of water reserve is the largest.

Because food can be compressed, water cannot.

They also began building farmland facilities.

They built many greenhouses to produce vegetables and fruits.

The reason for using a greenhouse is to prevent water from evaporating.

This chapter has been completed!
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