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Chapter 2642 A dead end

Everyone settled down on the northern grassland.

It's still the same old thing, recruit people, develop the economy, and recruit more people.

The cycle continues in sequence.

This has been three years.

Three years later, they had another 5,000 people.

After all, this place is barren and cannot support too many people.

They relied on some modern farming techniques to feed these people.

Just relying on grazing is not enough, there are also farming, blacksmithing, etc.

This day.

The newbie man couldn't bear it.

He said: "Why don't we send someone to the capital to take a look."

"At least understand the capabilities of that emperor."

Wen Rensheng smiled: "That's not bad."

"But first we have to determine how to avoid his eyes."

The senior man nodded and said: "Yes, it seems like he can see us."

"Yes, the other party should have some ability to deduce secrets and see out of body."

"He seems to be able to see us within the scope of his rule." The novice girl also said the same.

"In that case, let's change our breath and appearance and dress up as prairie merchants." Wen Rensheng said.

Then Wen Rensheng began to use Xiao Huan's golden finger, which was a master of illusion.

Of course, it is disguised as one's own skills and directly transformed into four people at the same time.

Then the extra aura on their bodies disappeared.

They transformed into some ordinary steppe nomads.

"In this case, we should be able to cover up the aura of outsiders."

"If we have such an ability, we should use it early." The newbie man subconsciously made a point.

The newbie girl kicked him.

This made him suddenly realize: "Sorry, teacher, you must have your own considerations."

"Yes, my consideration is to find an invincible place first."

"I relied on disguise from the beginning. If the disguise fails, it will be a dead end. So I took you out of his observation range at the beginning. This is the retreat." Wen Rensheng nodded.

The senior person has already thought of this, so he doesn't ask questions.

And the novice man will pay with his life for his arguments and complaints.

At critical moments, questioning his seniors will slow him down, and then he will die.

Then after they transformed, they began to move south.

Of course, before taking action, they sent out scouts.

These scouts quickly headed south.

They are loyal and silent.

There is no way for Xingchen people to pay attention to it.

The journey was very hard as they kept going south.

Heading towards the Ming Dynasty, he would release the falcon regularly to deliver messages.

This is a skill, animal taming.

Through it, falcons can be trained to carry messages and fly more than 1,000 miles a day.

It flies very high, flying at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, safely and quickly.

The scouts moved forward, and when they entered the Ming Dynasty's sphere of influence, they did not encounter any more attacks on the road.

This shows that ordinary people like them will not attract the emperor's special attention.

Then the four of them followed the scouts all the way into the Ming Dynasty.

It also did not attract the east-west factory guards again.

This method of transformation is reasonable and successful.

Everyone was very happy.

The novice man couldn't help but feel ashamed for his previous doubts.

Novice women admire him even more.

"Fortunately, we have teachers here. Without teachers, we would not be able to complete this mission at all."

"The other side can see us all the time and keep chasing us. We have no chance to grow and develop."

"This time the difficulty of the mission has suddenly increased."

The three of them talked one after another.

"But the Lord God thinks we can solve it. In its view, our attributes are so high that we can completely solve the opponent." The senior man sighed,

"But our attributes are high, but we had no skills before. It's like a very strong guy, but he doesn't have a pistol, while the opponent, although weak, has a gun."

"People with pistols will definitely have a higher winning rate."

"Even a 5-year-old child can kill his strong father with a pistol."

"Yes, before we had no skills, it was equivalent to not having a pistol. We were bare-handed. No matter how high the attributes were, it was all in vain."

Then they moved forward.

It’s just that as more and more town checkpoints are encountered, more and more people are checking.

Although the immortal emperor couldn't see it, these people could.

Their scouts went relatively smoothly at first, but as they went south, they found that the inspections on the road became more and more strict.

Moreover, thousands of troops were mobilized back and forth at every turn, sweeping across.

This consumes a lot of money.

This shows how much panic they brought to the cultivating emperor three years ago.

Gradually, it became difficult for their scouts to penetrate deeply.

Because strict road inspections have begun here.

Before, it was very loose.

It goes without saying that it's because of them that it's so harsh now.

Although their attributes are relaxed by 80%, they are not willing to directly conflict with the army.

Because once there is a conflict, it will attract more enemies.

Will make the same mistake again.

People from Jinyiwei and Dongxi Factory will flock to it, just like poking a hornet's nest.

In that case, things will be troublesome.

The scouts couldn't enter, so they chose to disguise themselves and infiltrate instead of fighting directly.

Just go all the way south, don't take the big roads, take the small roads.

They finally arrived in the capital.

At the same time, a group of caravans who died in some bandit's stronghold were also found.

Disguise yourself as the dead and kill all the bandits at the same time.

After doing this, they entered the capital.

The capital city is very prosperous.

What shocked a few people was that this capital city has no city walls!

There is no protection at all.

Outside the city walls, there are residential areas, commercial areas, and handicraft factories.

Those who weave cloth, make briquettes, blacksmith, transport fertilizers...

There are countless handicraft shops of all kinds.

In ancient times, the biggest problem besides food was the problem of fuel.

Therefore the coal industry is booming.

There is a big need for this.

In any big city, middle- and lower-class households basically rely on coal, and only upper-class households can afford charcoal with less smoke.

It is difficult to provide firewood.

It is difficult to make a fire.

It was not until the 1990s that Daxia really solved its fuel problem.

This means that the capital city is very powerful.

Just like the Xiongnu, there is no need for walls.

When the Xiongnu became weak, they began to flee far away.

When it was at its strongest, there was no need for walls at all.

After they entered the capital, they began to ask around.

In fact, there is no need to ask. The further south you go along the way, the more prosperous and prosperous it becomes.

The people can basically achieve a level of food and clothing.

This was an absolute prosperous time in feudal ancient times.

I have clothes to wear, not just my buttocks, I have food to eat, I don’t just eat people.

This was the standard of the ancient prosperous times.

Don't think too much.

So many worries of modern people are caused by contrast.

The house should be above the first line, the car should cost hundreds of thousands, the education should be from a famous school, the status should be more and more advanced, and the children should be 985...

In the end, he only lived for a few decades and died suddenly. Why bother?

Looking back, I realized that I spent most of my time worrying and my life was in vain.

However, even if everyone knows this truth, they still cannot help themselves when living in the world of mortals.

Unless you are single, as long as you get married and have children, you have to make it acceptable to your family as well.

And it was the same in this feudal era.

Many people rushed to the capital to make a fortune.

Even though many old people scold them for forgetting their roots and being dissatisfied.

"Before I put it away, I couldn't even eat."

"This is all the kindness of the Emperor!"

After asking, the novice men and women felt a little like they were villains.

To do the opposite thing.

Based on the information coming along the way,

Forty years after the Jiajing reign, the emperor realized the secret of heaven and successfully practiced Taoism.

Then everything went smoothly.

Kill Yan Dang and the big carbons in Qingliu.

Take out the money they have accumulated to buy food overseas, stabilize prices, build water conservancy projects, and build roads.

Work-for-relief, recruiting workers everywhere.

Basically every county has a major project started.

That is road construction and water conservancy construction.

These two things will never go out of style at any time.

Although the results are slow, they are not wasted.

Once the road is well established, the court's information and food can arrive quickly.

With good water conservancy, more food will be produced and there will be no major harm.

The food and money were all allocated by the imperial court.

In this way, the landless will have a way to survive.

Not to be displaced.

Food is allocated from overseas, and money is obtained from people everywhere.

Next comes coal.

Coal is the prerequisite for solving another major problem.

That means drinking hot water and taking a hot bath.

It’s not like people don’t know that drinking hot food is good.

The problem is that firewood itself is expensive.

Not many people are qualified to heat hot water.

Most families can do just fine by cooking hot meals once a day.

And with the emperor's success in cultivating immortality, Meishan mines were illuminated everywhere.

Let some enlightened big places and big officials replace those big carbon ones.

The current emperor is like an administrator.

He only promoted officials who were honest, upright, and strict.

Salaries have also increased.

For several years, it has been paid on time and there are bonuses.

Let there be more and more officials like Hai Rui who can live a stable life relying on their salary alone.

No need to think about evil ways.

The yamen has been equipped with more formal officials, and there is no need to recruit those white-collar workers.

Of course, there are never enough people.

You can only exercise some restraint.

But greed is not an option.

If the upper limit exceeds five thousand taels, the emperor will be found out and punished.

Especially for officials of fourth rank and above, it is even more impossible for the emperor to personally appoint them.

People who do good things can basically get by.

"I think this emperor is like when I play the emperor game, I can see loyalty and integrity and directly appoint those who are good?" the novice man said in shock.

"Yes, it will be different when you open your eyes and manage the world."

"It's no wonder that life everywhere is basically satisfactory. Almost every county has a clear sky. If you don't have Hai Rui's character, you can still be Wang Yongji and Gao Gong."

"Haha, this is indeed good. After all, things in the yamen are complicated and changeable. Even if you are upright, you will be deceived."

"You're right, but he did a good job. If we recreate the Ming Dynasty, won't the people suffer again?" The newbie man couldn't bear it.

This is different from last time.

It was a chaotic time last time, but I didn't feel any psychological burden during the whole situation.

The people will only be better off, not worse off.

But now, in the prosperous age, if they continue to rectify things, the people will only suffer.

"So the teacher said that we have to endure it until the emperor is gone and ascended, and then we can fix it and there will be no psychological burden." said the novice girl.

"It seems like this is true. If we attack the Ming Dynasty now, too many people will die."

"The teacher still has the foresight."

Then everyone began to wait patiently.

Of course, some people still go back and continue to develop their power in the north.

The main thing is to move away from mining and farming areas to accumulate population and establish a one-stop road for economic circulation.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty.

I just experienced a storm.

"Okay, okay, I'm still guilty of passing on the immortal magic to you, right?"

"You actually want to rebel and seek my position as emperor!"

"Sure enough, if you win the favor of rice, you will fight with hatred of rice!"

The emperor was in the harem, walking back and forth crazily alone.

If anyone listened to what he said, there would be only one outcome.

"The rebels jumped out on their own, including King Yu and King Jing!"

"They all must die!"

"No, just kill him directly. My immortal dynasty lacks an heir and will lose a lot of luck. This won't work!"

"Then go under house arrest and give me a son. If a cultivator has a son, it will shorten his lifespan and luck, so I won't give birth to him!"

The emperor's eyes were cold.

"There are also those demons from the past few years who just happened to put this matter on them!"

He then ordered Chen Hong to come in.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Chen Hong was also at the sixth level of the Qi refining stage at this time.

Of course, it is far from comparable to the master in the foundation building stage.

And if the master doesn’t have the golden elixir, he will never be able to refine his qi.

"Go find some people and go hunting in five days. I will go with my two sons..." The emperor did not finish his words and left a riddle for Chen Hong to guess.

Chen Hong's head was getting bigger now.

The emperor wants to kill his son?

After all, he has become an immortal, so there is no use keeping his son.

But does the emperor really want to kill him?

It's not very similar.

The reason is simple.

If you really wanted to kill him, why did you teach your son the Taoism back then?

Wouldn’t it be over if we let the other party grow old and die like an ordinary person?

He practiced Taoism earlier than the two princes.

I also saw the bodies of the two princes.

As a result, one is about to die, and the other can live for seven or eight years.

King Jing is also an idiot.

If no one practices cultivation, then you are wasting your body, your spirit, your mind, and what are you going to earn?

As long as you take good care of your body and outlive your elder brother, the throne will naturally be yours.

Of course Chen Hong didn't know that his idea would never succeed.

Because King Yu also has a son, and his son is still on standby for a long time.

The time he spent as emperor was comparable to that of Jiajing.

Two long and one short, these two grandsons took up almost half of the time of the Ming Dynasty.

The most important thing is that Jiajing lived six years shorter.

This means that if Jiajing dies, King Yu will succeed to the throne.

When Long Qing died, his son succeeded him.

Even if King Jing lives for a few more decades, it will still be useless.

In fact, Longqing is relatively losing money.

Judging from the life span of the son and his father, he must have longevity genes.

But he was too depressed, and he began to release himself when he became emperor.

Without anyone to control it, this indulgence will directly and completely deplete the body.

Later, there was an emperor who was even more fierce than him, and that was Taichang. The emperor who indulged himself to death in a month also inherited the fine traditions of his ancestors.

Chen Hong thought about it over and over, but he couldn't tell anyone else about it.

He decided to leave a little leeway.

Deadly but not fatal.

Only in this way can the idea of ​​the Riddle Emperor be satisfied, right?

Otherwise, it is a dead end.

This chapter has been completed!
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