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Chapter 2663 The truth about the ruins

After solving several cases in a row, Wen Rensheng's detective agency, Wanshiwu, gradually became famous for its unique background and superb investigative skills in the void and outstanding world of Beidou World.

And his current cultivation level in the divine transformation stage has allowed him to reach the ceiling in the world of Beidou Immortal Cultivation.

But no one knows that with the blessing of the mysterious seed, Wen Rensheng can be millions of times stronger than the real god stage.

The strength of others is only the upper limit of their own strength, the upper limit of explosive seed, and the upper limit of physical support.

As for Wen Rensheng's true strength, it depends on how much the world can withstand.

His reputation gradually spread, and this house of knowledge was regarded by everyone as specializing in solving all kinds of mysterious incidents and unsolved mysteries.

On this day, Wen Rensheng received a new case: a sect turned into ruins overnight.

Although this sect is not the top sect in the Beidou world, it still has considerable influence.

Its history is over 5,000 years old.

And there are many inheritances from previous generations.

If there are no accidents, it will last until the world restarts in ten thousand years.

The destruction of this sect has attracted widespread attention from many people.

Many people are speculating on the reasons behind it.

The local garrison sent a commission to Wen Rensheng's Wanshiwu.

The commission reward is also very high: three unknown void relics.

This is the remuneration requirement announced by Wen Rensheng: no pills or treasures, just all kinds of unknown things.

Wen Rensheng decided to take action personally, and he took Xiao Huan with him.

It turned into a spiritual beast with the ability to change. Well, now this guy doesn't want to be a human being lately.

I really envy it.

There is no pressure, you can become whatever you want.

Play however you want.

Xiao Huan represents the character traits in the human heart that are illusory, free and unrestrained, but still have a certain bottom line.

Then Xiaohuan took Zhao Han with him.

The reason is simple.

"Now that I am a cute spiritual beast, I definitely need a feeding officer." Xiao Huan confidently leaned into Zhao Han's arms, arching and arching.

"It's up to you." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Zhao Han is also very excited. He has been doing some messy chores these days and can finally do something serious.

So Wen Rensheng took his two right-hand assistants and went to the ruins of the sect to investigate.

They first found the local guardian envoy who entrusted them.

He was a middle-aged immortal cultivator who looked calm and experienced.

The guardian told them with a depressed look: he heard a huge explosion before the sect was destroyed.

Then he saw dark clouds in the sky, as if there was a powerful force brewing.

"The explosion sounded like a natural disaster, but it was different." The guard tried to recall.

At this time, the guardian's youngest daughter covered her ears and added: "The sound was terrible, like a child's cry."

Wen Rensheng's heart moved.

Can you still hear the cry of a child amidst the explosion?

He knew that heavenly tribulation was a normal phenomenon that cultivators would encounter when they broke through to a greater realm of cultivation.

But the destruction of an entire sect seems not to be explained by a simple natural disaster.

Wen Rensheng, Xiao Huan and Zhao Han decided to go deep into the ruins to look for more clues.

They came to the sect called Haohai Sect, flew to the sky above the sect, looked down, and saw a tragic scene before their eyes.

Haohai Sect was once a holy place in the hearts of local immortal cultivators.

According to the information collected by Wen Rensheng, the sect's buildings are magnificent and full of aura, making it an excellent place for cultivation.

But now, this former training palace has turned into ruins.

The once glorious mountain gate has collapsed, the huge stone archway has been broken into several sections and scattered on the ground, and the precise runes carved on it have become dim.

Every square in the sect was once a place where disciples practiced morning exercises, but now it is full of pits and cracks, as if it has been torn apart by a huge force.

The main hall of the sect, the building that once symbolized the authority and power of the Haohai Sect, now has only broken walls and piles of rubble.

Some broken beams and columns are inserted diagonally among the ruins, seeming to tell the story of the past glory and the current desolation.

The auxiliary halls and wing rooms around the main hall were not spared. Most of them were reduced to ashes. Only a few walls were still standing, but they were also devastated.

Wen Rensheng scanned the ruins carefully, trying to find any clues.

Soon he discovered something.

In the center of the ruins, a huge pit can be seen, and the surrounding ground shows radial cracks, which are the marks left by the explosion.

It seems that this is the center of the explosion.

Around the pothole, some fragments of magic weapons were scattered on the ground. They were once the pride of immortal cultivators, but now they are just scraps of metal.

Apparently, when the explosion occurred, some high-ranking monks tried to stop it.

That's why the magic weapon fragments appear.

These people are real warriors. Judging from the fragments of magic weapons, they are all high-level magic weapons, at least rare items that can only be used in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Obviously, the great monks in the Beidou world also have a spirit of sacrifice.

This is probably related to the restart every ten thousand years.

Because it is not true immortality, they do not value individual lives that much. On the contrary, they value the longevity of a sect more.

After all, the inheritance of a sect can survive a restart.

Although most knowledge and memories will disappear, it is possible that the name of the sect and some core knowledge will survive.

Some precious spiritual plant gardens have also suffered a devastating blow. The spiritual grass and spiritual trees that were supposed to be full of vitality are now left with only charred dead branches and broken rhizomes.

"What a pity, so many delicious things are left for me to eat." Xiao Huan turned into a deer at this time, licking his tongue.

It's really like changing something.

There is an oppressive atmosphere in the air, which is the silence and desolation after the disaster.

Occasionally, Wen Rensheng could see some surviving immortal cultivators wandering among the ruins.

Their eyes were full of confusion and sorrow, as if they were looking for their lost relatives or brothers.

Of course, all they could find were human remains, which was lucky, as most of them had been reduced to ashes.

After Wen Rensheng took a quick look, he brought the two of them down.

The remaining survivors didn't question anything and just went about their business.

He ignored the arrival of several people.

The three of them passed through the destroyed sect gate and saw fragments of magic weapons and ruins scattered everywhere.

Wen Rensheng came to the center of the ruins and stood in front of the huge pothole.

There are still obvious spiritual energy fluctuations around the pothole.

"There was a fierce battle here." Zhao Han frowned, "There should be two parties fighting."

Xiao Huan smelled a strange smell in the ruins.

The smell made it feel a little uneasy.

"It's so strange. I always feel like there's something special that doesn't seem local." it said.

"Yeah." Wen Rensheng nodded. This may have been left by some unknown external force.

They then continued to investigate further.

With the help of Xiao Huan's sense of smell, they finally found a well-preserved jade slip deep in the ruins.

The jade slips recorded some information before the sect was destroyed.

Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand a little and displayed the information inside.

"Elder Wang, if we want to deal with the demon, we already have a way. We are looking for elites from the void world to solve it. Don't continue blindly." The sect leader was persuading an elder with earnest words.

"Hahaha, relying on others will only ruin the whole world!"

"If those elites have the ability to deal with the demons, will they tolerate us continuing to be their employer? They will definitely occupy the magpie's nest and become their own master. This is an excellent world that can be reborn every trillion years and restart every ten thousand years.

Our precious world!" Elder Wang said with disdain.

He was still immersed in his work, and there was a dark crack in front of his eyes.

He is using his spiritual consciousness to contact a certain existence in the crack.

It turns out that the sect's destruction was not a natural disaster.

It was Elder Wang within the sect who was studying a forbidden spell, and finally lost control, causing a disaster.

Then the image continued.

The sect leader was speechless and then left.

But before leaving, he kindly set up many protective formations for Elder Wang, which were actually isolation formations.

Then he secretly sent a group of talented disciples and relatives away from the sect.

But he himself stayed.

In subsequent images, Elder Wang's continued research was demonstrated, and the cracks became wider and wider.

Finally, a strange life appeared.

This kind of being can live off demonic thoughts.

It can be said that the devil eats people, and it eats the devil.

Then people can control it.

I have to say that Elder Wang has some ideas.

He wants to re-establish a new food chain in the world of immortality.

"It seems that this kind of spell can summon some unknown creature in the void, but the cost is extremely high." Wen Rensheng said in a deep voice.

In order to further find out the truth, Wen Rensheng decided to go to the elder's research place.

Because of the extra settings of the sect leader, it should be able to survive many traces of the explosion.

Using the jade slips and Xiao Huan, Wen Rensheng accurately found the research place.

There, he found some research notes on forbidden spells, as well as some strange symbols and formations.

"Teacher, these symbols are really used for summoning. I saw them in a world when Sister Shanshan and I were traveling." Zhao Han pointed to a pattern on his notes and said with surprise.

"Well, as expected, walking around can help you gain some knowledge." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Xiao Huan was wandering around.

However, after wandering around, he also discovered something.

It discovered some sealed creatures in a secret basement of the institute.

These creatures exude a strange aura. Although they are not powerful, they can easily restrain people's emotions and desires.

When Wen Rensheng walked in front of these creatures, he could feel his own emotions, as if he was being swallowed by them.

Wen Rensheng thought carefully, frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh, I thought this Elder Wang could come up with some earth-shattering invention, but after going around for a while, it turns out that it's still the same old thing."

"Teacher, what are you talking about?" Zhao Han asked curiously.

"He wants these creatures from another world to devour people's emotions and desires, and to make people from Beidou Realm become ruthless people, so that they can resist the devil." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Isn't this about turning people into robots to fight against loss and madness?" Zhao Han also quickly understood this.

"That's right, that's it."

After Wen Rensheng understood this, he suddenly felt a little boring.

After some simple efforts, he broke the seal and released these creatures.

And these creatures are obviously intelligent.

Wen Rensheng simply temporarily named them "devourers".

Although the Devourers devour people's emotions and desires, their attitude towards people is pretty good.

They don't eat humans, just like humans do to hens and sheep.

Most people would not mess with hens that are still laying eggs or sheep that are producing wool.

They will not abuse them, but will take good care of them.

Provide them with a warm house, plenty of food, and a quiet place to live, and drive away wild beasts and diseases for them. Before they lose their usefulness, treat them like your own family, or even much better than your own.

And their attitude towards Wen Rensheng is similar to this situation.

They expressed their gratitude to Wen Rensheng and told him many things.

"When Elder Wang was studying spells, he accidentally touched a certain node in the void, which caused us to be summoned to this world."

"After discovering our role, he was overjoyed, so he began to try to summon a more powerful existence." said a Devourer.

"Elder Wang succeeded. A powerful one of our kind appeared in the sect. However, as soon as it appeared, it created a terrible disaster."

"Leading the entire sect into ruins."

The truth has been revealed, but not completely.

Zhao Han said in surprise: "I see you are all very talkative, why would a powerful fellow of yours create such a terrible disaster?"

"Haha, it's very simple, because it wants to taste something more delicious: the ultimate fear of you humans. That's why it creates a disaster!" A Devourer said with hatred.

Wen Rensheng understood this very well.

It's like someone killing hundreds of chickens just to eat their tongues.

"You must find a way to close this node, otherwise more disasters will happen." Another Devourer warned.

Xiao Huan said in surprise: "Hey, isn't this a good thing for you? Wouldn't it be more lively with more people?"

One of the Devourers rolled his eyes: "When a mouse falls into the rice vat, it definitely doesn't want another mouse to come."

With the great help of the Devourers, Wen Rensheng quickly found a way to close their space node.

He used his cultivation in the transformation stage and cooperated with the power of the Devourer to try to close it.

But the result is that the node still cannot be shut down successfully.

Of course, it cannot prevent more Devourers from appearing in this world in the future.

The Devourers panicked.

"Damn it, what should I do?"

"This space rift is too dangerous."

"His strength is already at the top of the world."

"Should you seek help from others?"

"No, this one doesn't care about our value, but others do. They will definitely make the same mistake as Elder Wang and try to summon more powerful ones."

"But we all know that the powerful ones among us are not as kind as us. They are very cruel and never cherish precious food, and even kill the producers in order to obtain more delicious food."

"Just like the one before."

The mystery of the sect's destruction was finally revealed.

Wen Rensheng smiled, and then used the mysterious seed to actively bless him.

In an instant, a force of a million times magnitude was exerted on the space node.

Force the cracks together to bridge them.

The Devourers were very happy.

"Very good."

"This will be our own pasture."

However, the next moment, Wen Rensheng also locked them up again.

"Hey, you are so ungrateful, but we helped you." A Devourer said depressedly.

"Damn it, we should have known earlier that humans are all white-eyed wolves, and so did the previous Elder Wang. He clearly told him that it would be fine as long as we were there, and we would be gentler. But he didn't believe it and tried to cross the river and burn the bridge with us." Another Devourer.

said angrily.

"Haha, you are thinking too much." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"I want to make reasonable modifications to you so that you can reduce the risk while still being able to function."

This chapter has been completed!
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