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Chapter 2678 The King’s Choice

At this time, the Middle Ages had just developed into the industrial age, and the authority of the king had just begun to touch the edge of supremacy.

The power of the nobility was compressed by the power brought by the factory.

However, when the king truly witnessed the existence of supernatural powers, his worldview and ambitions changed drastically.

The king sat on his throne, frowning, and his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

Little John's suicide shocked him greatly. He could not understand why a young man who was seduced by wealth and beauty would choose to commit suicide.

There must be something fishy in this. The king's intuition told him that there was some mysterious and powerful power hidden in the hidden valley.

"Father, the death of Little John makes me very sad. I don't want to be involved in this matter anymore." Princess Arya stood in front of the king, her eyes were red and swollen, and she had obviously just cried.

The king sighed, knowing that his daughter had some feelings for little John.

Although it's just a show, people have feelings.

Although this relationship was short-lived.

About half a month?

As the king of a country, he cannot let his personal emotions affect the interests of the power.

"My dear daughter, I understand your sadness, but we must figure out the secret of the valley. This is related to the future of the power."

A trace of reluctance flashed in Princess Arya's eyes, but as a princess, she knew her responsibilities. She nodded to express her understanding.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in the king's eyes, he knew that his daughter was the best.

"Very well, you continue to approach those people coming out of the valley, we need more information."

Princess Arya bowed, turned and left the palace, her heart full of contradictions and uneasiness.


In a distant valley, Xiao Huan was sitting under a big tree, her brows furrowed, obviously in a bad mood.

"Dad, these people are really troublesome. We've given them opportunities, but they're still so greedy."

"It's just a game, how can there be so many subsequent troubles?"

"Haha, this is the trouble in the real world." Wen Rensheng stood beside her, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"People are like this in every world. They always want more, but don't know how to cherish what they have in front of them."

Xiao Huan sighed, she has grown up too.

She knew her father was telling the truth.

"Then what should we do? We can't just passively defend like this, right?"

Wen Rensheng smiled.

This is too easy for him.

But a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he knew it was time for Xiao Huan to practice.

You can't always stop growing up?

There's nothing wrong with not growing up.

So he asked Zhao Han to take action.

"Go, my wise student, and let those greedy people know that there are some things they cannot touch."

Zhao Han appeared, looking confused.

Just now she was lying at home reading a book, and now she was assigned a task.

A glimmer of expectation flashed in Xiao Huan's eyes, and she knew her father's plan would be wonderful.

"So what do we do?"

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly and cast his gaze into the distance.

"First of all, you need to let the king and princess know that the valley is not theirs to play with."

"You have to solve the next difficult problem, which is actually more interesting in itself."

Princess Arya returned to her room, her heart full of pain and struggle.

She knew that her father's order could not be disobeyed, but she really didn't want to tempt those innocent people anymore.

At this moment, a light suddenly appeared in her room, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of her.

"Your Highness, I know you are in pain, and I can help you."

Princess Arya looked at the man who suddenly appeared warily, she could feel the powerful aura emanating from him.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

This person is exactly what Zhao Han is pretending to be.

Being a man makes things easier. Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to admit it.

When you do things as a woman, there will always be people who are bored and don't focus on things, but on people.

Zhao Han smiled slightly, her eyes full of kindness.

"I'm here to help you. I can help you get out of your current predicament."

A trace of doubt flashed in Princess Arya's eyes. She didn't know whether to believe this mysterious man who suddenly appeared.

"Why are you helping me?"

Zhao Han sighed, she knew it was not easy to gain the princess's trust.

There was nothing I could do, this was the beach where I and Xiao Huan had played, and I had to clean up the back.

You can’t count on seven-year-old Xiao Huan, right?

That guy can only throw things around, say he understands, but can't do anything with his hands.

"Because I don't want to see more people get hurt because of greed."

Princess Arya was silent, struggling in her heart.

Finally, she decided to believe this man. "Then what can you do for me?"

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Zhao Han's eyes, and she knew that the princess had taken the bait.

"I can help you make your father change his mind and make him give up exploring the valley."

A hint of surprise flashed in Princess Arya's eyes, and she knew that this was exactly what she wanted.

"Really? Can you really do this?"

Zhao Han nodded, her voice full of confidence. "Of course, but you need to cooperate with me."

Princess Arya took a deep breath, knowing that she had no way out. "Okay, I promise you."

The king was discussing state affairs with his ministers. Suddenly, a light flashed and Zhao Han appeared in front of them.

"Your Majesty the King, I know you want to explore the secrets of the valley, but I must tell you that it is not a place you should touch."

The king and his ministers were startled by the sudden appearance of the man, but they quickly regained their composure.

The king looked at Zhao Han coldly, his voice full of majesty: "Who are you? Why do you interfere in the king's affairs?"

The ministers were all surprised and fearful.

The other party can suddenly appear, which shows that the magician is real.

Immortality is also real.

The fountain of youth really exists, and they can become immortal!

Zhao Han smiled slightly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I can make you understand that there are some things you can't touch."

A flash of anger flashed in the king's eyes. He could not tolerate anyone speaking to him like this.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me like this?"

Zhao Han shook his head, knowing that the king still did not understand the seriousness of the matter.

"Your Majesty the King, you should know that there are some forces that you cannot contend with. If you continue like this, your country will suffer disaster."

An uneasiness surged in the king's heart, and he knew that this man's words were not groundless.

The other party has this power.

At least he wouldn't do this suddenly.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Zhao Han sighed, she knew that the king had been shaken.

"I just want you to understand the difference in power."

"Some things don't belong to you. You can choose to give up or continue, but you have to understand the consequences your actions will bring to you."

The king was silent. He knew that this man's words made sense. He began to reconsider his decision.



The king sat alone in his study. The surrounding bookshelves were filled with various ancient books and scrolls, and an ancient atmosphere filled the air.

His brows were furrowed and his fingers tapped lightly on the table, his heart filled with struggle and hesitation.

He recalled the words of the middle-aged man, and those words struck his soul like a heavy hammer.

"There are some forces you can't fight against."

He remembered this sentence.

It kept echoing in his mind.

The king knew that he faced a difficult choice.

On the one hand, the secret of the valley is undoubtedly tempting, and it represents endless possibilities and power; on the other hand, if there is really some power hidden in the valley that he cannot understand, then blind pursuit may bring consequences to the forces.


He will die at any time.

This reminded him of the palace nobles kneeling at his feet.

They count on their annuities to live on.

Without a fiefdom, I let them fight, and they had no choice but to fight.

Otherwise, you can only die.

This is no power.

On the contrary, nobles with fiefdoms cannot do this.

Everyone has to discuss it, and he will send troops for himself, he will give them the power to collect taxes, and he will give them certain rights.

He stood up, walked to the window, and stared at the stars in the night sky.

He knows that every choice has its price, and he must make the wisest decision.

However, he also knew that he actually had no ability to choose a better one.

Princess Arya stood at the door of the study, holding a just-written letter in her hand. She knew that this letter might change her fate, or the fate of the entire kingdom.

She took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to knock on the study door.

"Your Majesty the King, may I come in?" Her voice was soft but firm.

The king turned around and looked at his daughter, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Aliya, it's so late, do you have anything else to do?"

Princess Arya walked into the study and handed the letter in her hand to the king.

"Father, this is a letter I wrote to the guardian of the valley. I hope you can consider it."

The king took the letter, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He opened the letter and read it carefully.

In the letter, Princess Arya expressed her respect for the valley and her desire for peace. She hoped that the king could give up exploring the valley and instead seek peaceful coexistence with the valley.

A trace of complicated emotions flashed in the king's eyes. He looked at Princess Arya, and he knew that his daughter was sincere.

"Do you really think we should give up?"

Princess Arya nodded, her eyes full of determination.

"Yes, Father. I believe it would be good for both of us if we could live in peace with the valley."

The king was silent. He knew that Princess Arya's words made sense. He began to reconsider his decision.

In fact, the decision is very simple.

He couldn't be beaten in the first place, but he was too greedy.

Now it's just a matter of being patient for a few years, gaining the other party's trust, finding out the other party's details, and then you can start killing.

He decided to do this.


At the other end of the valley, the wise man stood in his tower, looking through the fog, as if he could see the palace in the distance. There was a smile on his face.

He knew that the guardian's plan was already half successful.

He knew that the king was facing an important choice, and this decision would affect the fate of the entire kingdom.

He also knew that Princess Arya's letter would be the key to the king's decision.

A glimmer of wisdom flashed in the wise man's eyes, and he knew that he needed to give the king a more clear revelation.

He began to prepare a new plan, one that would make the king give up exploring the valley completely.

A few days later, the king summoned his ministers again, with a serious expression on his face. "Everyone, I have made a decision."

The ministers looked at the king one after another, their eyes full of expectation and curiosity. The king took a deep breath, and his voice echoed in the hall.

"I have decided that we will no longer explore the secrets of the valley."

The ministers were shocked. They could not believe that the king would make such a decision. "Your Majesty, have you really thought it through?" one minister couldn't help but ask.

The king nodded, his eyes full of determination.

"Yes, I have thought about it very clearly. I believe that peaceful coexistence with the valley is the best choice for us."

Princess Arya stood among the crowd, a trace of joy flashed in her eyes. She knew that her efforts were not in vain.

In fact, it is because she also knows the true power of the valley, which can make people give up their lives on their own initiative, which is too difficult.

Especially changing one's mind.

This is God's domain.

It is very easy to force a person to die, but it is too difficult to directly reverse the thoughts in a person's mind and actively die.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! The king turned around and looked at Princess Arya, his eyes were full of love.

"My daughter, you have done a good job. I believe that your letter will become a bridge for us to coexist peacefully with the valley."

Princess Arya's heart was filled with gratitude. She knew that her father finally understood the true wisdom.

Of course, this wisdom refers to the comparison of power between each other. Can you see this clearly?

Many people can't see clearly.

Fortunately, her father saw clearly.


However, the nobles were very dissatisfied.

"Damn it, this damn king!" The Grand Duke was very unhappy.

"Yes, he actually gave up the pursuit of immortality. He himself is young, but we are already over 50 years old!"

The lifespan of aristocrats during the Industrial Revolution was not very long.

Death at the age of 60 is too common.

Many people even died in their forties or fifties.

The main reason is the lack of qualified medicines.

Some diseases can easily take away a person's life.

"But we can't beat each other." The steward said distressedly.

"Yes, we are no match for him." His count vassal also said the same thing.

"Damn it, isn't there any other way?"

"Yes, in fact, they also lack foreign trade, right? Looking at the eyes of those people, you can tell that they really want pearls and treasures." Suddenly, one of his staff, a baron, said.

"Very good, I can see it too, then we will use the name of trade to slowly find out their details."

It's a pity, they have a good idea.

But Zhao Han heard it.

Zhao Han was not surprised, this was just like the beginning of colonization.

The businessman then discovers the other party's details, and then robs, captures him as a slave, kills people, and takes away the other party's land.

This chapter has been completed!
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