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Chapter 567 Value

 Table Tennis almost always answers Wen Rensheng’s questions.

When Wen Rensheng was halfway through questioning, he began to secretly do something to prevent the other two prisoners from hearing their conversation.

In this way, the three prisoners can be prevented from colluding in confession.

I will torture the other two for verification later when I have time.

He asked a lot of questions, including detailed inquiries about the other party's world structure, social structure, and interpersonal relationships.

The other party calls the mysterious world the Source World, and they only live in a small part of it, organized into schools and classes.

They do not have the concept of family, but the concept of mutual dependence between teachers and students; students support the teacher, the teacher teaches the students, and after the teacher dies, the students become the teachers, and so on.

Students come from the teacher's search from the source world, from wildness to education, and finally become a member of the school.

They search for intelligent life everywhere, using their emotional consciousness as a drug introduction to extract power from the source world.

This extraction process is varied and varies from school to school. Some are similar to human farming, some are similar to factory synthesis, and some are self-cultivation

Different schools have different school spirits. Some are cruel and some are benevolent. Of course, the so-called cruelty and benevolence are based on their own standpoints, not human concepts.

They have no concept of real death. After death, they will leave a soul seed behind, and then be reborn again and be re-taught by the teacher. It is equivalent to saying that a tree grows crookedly and wastes, and burns the heavy growth.

After hearing this, Wen Rensheng's eyes were opened, and many foggy clouds were cleared to reveal the sun.

He believes that these questions have been asked by others before, but they have not been circulated and are hidden as top secrets.

Of course, he couldn't confirm whether the information was true or false. It had to be verified by two other prisoners, and then he sought verification from the Inspectorate.

But the accuracy should still be guaranteed, after all, it can be mutually corroborated with many previous information.

After a full three hours, Wen Rensheng temporarily put it down, mainly because table tennis seemed a little sluggish afterwards.

Obviously, this abyssal cell is not suitable for its habitation.

If its power level is too high, it will consume a lot of energy. Now that it is cut off from absorbing power, it will starve quickly.

On the contrary, the two white mice and the tortoise, although weak, are very tolerant.

"You look very hungry, I can give you some alien power as food." Wen Rensheng decided to give the other party some sweetness, seeing as it cooperates so well.

"No, your alien power is poison to me." Ping Pong refused.

Wen Rensheng was a little confused, because his alien power could very well supply those soul fragments, allowing them to recover and grow.

"How is it possible? My alien power is the most perfect, most precise, most profound, most powerful, and most potential mysterious power in heaven and earth. It nourishes hundreds of millions of mysterious creatures. It actually has the same origin as yours.

How can it be poison?" He didn't believe it.

"As I said, we all need to use our own primers to extract power from the source world and prepare the nutrients we need. This is the same as you humans. You and many earth creatures have the same origin and the same life structure, but

You will never eat the food they like to eat, such as dung beetles. Table tennis is a good example.

"A very good metaphor, you deserve to be hungry." Wen Rensheng said without hesitation.

Then he stopped talking to Ping Pong and asked the two prisoners who had remained silent.

"Who's going to tell you two? You heard something just now. You should know that if you don't say anything now, I will kill you without any care, because you are no longer the only source of information." Wen Rensheng said coldly.


This is the truth in his heart.

To deal with two beings who treat people as lower down the food chain, do we still need a mother's heart and compassion?

Impossible. If human ancestors had such thoughts, they would have been eliminated by natural selection long ago.

The white mouse and the turtle trembled.

Finally, the white mouse replied: "What do you want to know?"

Wen Rensheng then separated it and asked the question again.

Most of the answers are correct. Occasionally there are some incorrect ones, which are errors in table tennis memory and are normal.

Because even computers will make calculation errors, let alone living beings? They are not real gods, they will also have memory errors and logic errors.

The white mouse and the green turtle belong to the same school, and the name of this school is "Star Nest".

They belong to a very low grade, and table tennis should belong to those who are about to graduate.

In terms of human academic ability, one is a first-year elementary school student, and the other is equivalent to a master's degree student.

The latter is only one step away from becoming a school teacher.

This shows the huge difference between the two.

They have only two social classes in total, teachers and students. The former holds all the power of life and death, while the latter can only obey orders honestly.

Of course, everything has exceptions, and gifted students and students who are about to be promoted to teachers also have privileges.

Competition between schools is cruel, and it is not unheard of for schools to be destroyed.

It is difficult for teachers to surrender and they will often flee, while students will be captured and trained.

Earth's space and time is a large ant nest they discovered.

They divide the earth's time and space into many small units, such as the Eastern Continent, the Western Continent, the Northern Continent, the Southern Continent, and the Black Continent. These geographical concepts will continue to be divided into small ant nests in their mouths.

In their words, these small ant nests are for them to practice, just like the extracurricular observation homework assigned by human teachers to kindergarten classes.

In the past, the earth was nothing important and nothing special.

Until recently.

They discovered that the giant ant nest of earth's space and time has more value, which is mainly reflected in the rapid progress of technology.

Technological revolution is not an inevitable event.

Think about it, if the Indians, Dongzhou people, and black African tribesmen in Wen Rensheng's previous life continued to be closed, I am afraid that in another thousand years, they would still be circulating in the original social form, a civilization in a thermos.

The development of technology is not something that can be achieved casually. Just like what Dongzhou people can do, it is not something that others can do.

And many of the other times and spaces they discovered have remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years. They do not have such complete basic resources and do not have sufficient conditions for technological revolution. They just keep spinning in place.

More babies, more food, the stable system collapses, and then death in troubled times, do it all again

Because of the technological revolution, the earth has made great breakthroughs, and it also has the value of great cultivation.

This is also the reason why they spread alien species. Without these things, human beings would have perished long ago. Where would there be any chance today?

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