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Chapter 587 Going crazy

Milia asked in surprise, "What can I do?"

Professor Mailey was stunned when he heard this, and then said sarcastically, "I haven't thought of it yet. I just asked you to calm down and don't be irritated by that group of people."

Milia immediately put the sledgehammer on the ground, looking dejected.

In her eyes, those ordinary people who don't know right from wrong are much more difficult to deal with than disasters.

After a while, Professor Mailey suddenly said, "There is a way. They stopped you from destroying the restaurant because of the food problem. We have discovered that water can be diverted from the river. As long as we solve the food problem."

"How to solve it?"

"Farming on the island." Professor Miley said patiently.

"Ah, how much time will it take?" Milia was shocked, "Isn't it possible to solve an incident in a few days in movies and anime? According to the professor's method, it will take at least a year for us to be self-sufficient.

"You also said that they are movies and animations. Real cases, many of which are complex and troublesome, often go on for years or even decades without being solved. What's more, this kind of case involves mysterious factors and is not completely scientific.

You have to learn to be patient when things happen, isn't this what Mr. Cat just said?" the professor reassured.

Big Cat nodded. The prerequisite for solving an incident in a few days is to meet him.

For other aliens, not being impatient is the basis for their survival.

Wen Rensheng has no intention of taking action. Even if Mailly and the others really need to spend several years to solve this space cycle and the Silent River incident, he will not take action.

The two men first went to measure the land on the island in the middle of the lake.

After a rough calculation, there are hundreds of acres of open space. Normally, 200 kilograms of land per acre is enough to feed dozens of people, and there are only twenty or thirty people on the island.

Farming first requires tools.

So Milia's sledgehammer turned into a hoe, a shovel, and a plow...

And because of her immense strength, she herself became a farming machine.

Tools are not enough, but more important seeds are needed.

They were lucky enough to find some uncooked soybeans, peanuts, and potatoes from the cafeteria kitchen.

This is actually not luck. With free barbecue, who would eat these things?

The professor is too weak to do heavy physical farm work, but he is not idle either. In addition to doing some light physical work, he also organizes and recruits more labor force.

"Eating only meat will lead to unbalanced nutrition. You should know where scurvy comes from, right? Wild fruits are limited and cannot be eaten all the time. If there is no vitamin supplement, you will be infected with the seaman's curse and then lose vitamins.

He died horribly." He shouted loudly to the others.

"Isn't that cat able to come and go freely? Why not let it bring us vegetables?" Someone responded loudly.

"Yeah, it's so powerful. Wouldn't it be great if it brought us a few tons of vegetables from outside on a regular basis? At most, we can pay it a little gold." Someone took out a few banknotes and said.

They don't want to work and farm, they just want to wait to be saved.

Just look at the nun and you will understand how hard it is to farm by hand.

The farmers here are all highly mechanized, and any crops that cannot be produced by mechanization are extremely expensive.

High degree of mechanization has brought cheap agricultural products, which is the cornerstone of McCann's strength. Regions with underdeveloped primary industries have absolutely no basis for strength.

After Wen Rensheng heard this, he just silently asked Big Cat to extend his middle finger and send them three words.

"What a beautiful thought."

However, Professor Mailey still managed to win over some people who were willing to work, including a few middle-aged people of the same age as him, and two old men in their 60s who were also willing to work.

This made the professor realize that although these people were affected by the grotesque, the extent was not too severe and there was still hope.

But those young people who play would rather bask in the sun every day than work in the fields.

"If you don't go to the fields, you won't be qualified to distribute green vegetables! Those who don't work will not be able to eat!" Milia said against the sledgehammer.

Under such coercion, those young people worked obediently.

After mobilizing everyone, a week later, the farming business in this closed space was finally on the right track.

Like an agricultural company, they made reasonable arrangements and even dug a canal for irrigation.

People cannot leave the island, but water can flow in.

During the whole process, Big Cat did not interfere.

Wen Rensheng was busy with his own affairs, training skills at Dongzhou's house and taking classes, until a new situation appeared again on Da Mao's side.

"Someone here is starting to show signs of going crazy!" Professor Miley said to Milia.

"Could it be that the disaster has finally attacked us?" Milia asked in surprise.

"No, it's the fat man who eats the most meat. I suspect he has a prion attack. This is a disease that is easily induced in cannibal tribes. It is heritable. Many cannibal tribes became extinct because of its attack.

." The professor said solemnly.

"Damn it, I keep telling them not to eat that meat, but they just don't listen, and now something has finally happened!" Milia said bitterly.

"There is no way. The potatoes in the fields have not been harvested yet. Compared with the sour, bitter and astringent wild vegetables and wild fruits in the woods, they will of course be greedy for those self-service barbecues. Coupled with the influence of mysterious factors, they naturally choose to eat

Meat." The professor shook his head.

"We need to tell them the truth." Milia said.

"There is another question. I thought they could go out in a few days, so I tried to dissuade them from eating the problematic food. But now we have to stay here for a long time. If we tell them the truth, wild fruits and vegetables will definitely not be enough.

Everyone eats the food harvest." The professor said.

"Then we can't watch them go crazy, right?" Milia asked.

Professor Miley didn't say anything. In his opinion, it would be best to give up some of the bastards and leave some that can be saved.

But now Milia's opinions are obviously different from his. This is the real world. No one's ideas are completely consistent. We need to tolerate each other in order to be organized together.

He pondered for a moment and then asked, "Then let me ask you first, why do we farm now?"

"In order to stop those people from eating the food in the restaurant, stop me from breaking down the restaurant and let me see if I can open the passage." Milia replied.

"Someone is going crazy now, which means there is a big problem with the food. If we tell the truth, they may leave the restaurant and won't stop you anymore. If you go and break the restaurant, it is possible to end this nightmare. But..."

The professor stopped talking and sighed.

Milia asked, "What but?"

"Have you ever thought about it, if you still can't end this nightmare after breaking the restaurant, then when there is insufficient food, a real version of cannibalism will happen..." The professor shook his head.

"To be on the safe side, we will continue to farm, and those people will continue to eat at the buffet. Under the risk of a certain number of people going crazy, we will wait until the food is grown before disposing of the restaurant. In this case, even if it fails, there will be a way out." Professor

Said again.

Milia was silent.

Light is never so easy to obtain. On the contrary, it requires various choices, various concessions, and various twists and turns before you can finally see a glimmer of hope.

This chapter has been completed!
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