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Chapter 618: Numbness and vitality

 McCann South.

Somewhere in a small town surrounded by fog, roars and screams occurred one after another.

"It's a zombie! Run!"

"That's a zombie, a biochemical virus, not a mythical zombie from Dongzhou!" someone corrected.

"Don't worry about anything, you will be infected if you are bitten by them!"

The sound of "boom" vehicles and screams exude an atmosphere of extreme fear.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the screams gradually weakened and fell into silence.

On the road, three or five zombies with tongues hanging down, eyes red and stumbling, were wandering around.

Their images are almost identical to the doomsday zombie movies that have long been a hit.

Some have intact bodies, while others only have half an arm left. There are men and women. What they have in common is that their eyes reveal a desire for flesh and blood.

"How could this happen? Is the end of the world coming? Isn't our Big Mac the safest place in the world?"

In a house facing the street, a fat man and woman were in a room on the second floor.

The two of them observed the situation outside through the curtains and talked at the same time.

"Liars, they are all a group of liars. Mrs. Redziwell from next door is right. McCann has already entered the doomsday, and we have all been deceived! His family has long been digging underground shelters to store food and water.

I was so stupid for building an iron fence. Really, I was still laughing at them for thinking too much." The man said regretfully.

"What should we do now? Should we hide in their house?" the woman asked.

"We'll hide after it's quiet outside for a while."

"When will they calm down? I'm hungry."

"Don't worry, there is enough water, drinks and vitamin tablets in the room. You weigh 230 pounds. Others will starve to death in 7 days. It will take you at least a month, but I can only hold on for 20 days." The man consoled him thoughtfully.


"Pah!" The man received a slap.

At this time, the "roaring" sound came again from outside. The zombies wandering on the street seemed to hear the sound here, looked here for a while, and then slowly walked towards the man's home.

The man was very angry and did not dare to move.

Fortunately, at this moment, the sound of a large truck starting next door was heard, attracting the zombies.

"Truck?" The fat man turned to another window and looked at the Radziwell house next door.

I saw a truck with a steel fence welded around it, running over the lawn and then driving onto the road.

Then the zombies who were originally going to his house chased the truck one by one.

"It's okay, it's okay." The fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the truck quickly accelerated, threw away the zombies, and drove away.

Not long after, a walking zombie wandered into the home of the obese man and woman.

"You, go and lure it away." The fat woman kicked the man.

"Why didn't you go?"

"You are a man!" the fat woman screamed again.

The zombie that wandered into their home suddenly became excited and started charging towards the door.

The glass door on the first floor was quickly knocked open by zombies who ignored their pain. The sound of shattering glass made the hearts of men and women break.

The fat woman shouted in horror: "It's over, we are going to be eaten!"

But the zombie suddenly turned around and left.

"Thank God, you must be fat and don't taste good." The fat man took the opportunity to say.

The fat woman wanted to hit him, but he pointed at the floor: "Do you still want to attract it in again?"

The fat woman stopped.

Half an hour later, two zombies came over, one of which was the one that had just walked away.

"So it's a treat." The obese man got up and moved with difficulty.

He definitely can't run. He weighs 200 kilograms and he has to lie on the ground panting for a quick run of 50 meters.

"Damn it, it's all your fault. Why can't you just punch them to death like Silk Stocking Xinge?" The fat woman also got up and angrily scolded her husband.

"When you are about to die, can you stop blaming others?" The fat man walked towards the window on the other side, preparing to jump off.

Although for his size, if he jumps from the second floor, he is likely to be injured, but it is better than waiting to die.

The fat woman also rushed over in a hurry, preparing to jump off the second floor.

However, at this moment, they discovered that the two zombies suddenly walked out of their living room on the first floor and wandered outside the door again.

The two let out a long breath.

In the following days, two zombies came and went, and then came and went.

The two of them were tortured back and forth between fear and happiness until they finally became numb.

When they were numb, two zombies broke in and ate them mercilessly

Next door to them, the Radziwell family had just arrived in a truck, dragging a bunch of zombies behind them.

"Lisa, I've gone around all the exits, but why can't there be one to get out?" the man of the Redziwell family said in annoyance.

"Calm down, dear, according to the divination, as long as we stay alive, we won't die." The hostess of the Redziwell family comforted her husband.

"What should we do now? Should we go back to the shelter? I should have listened to you and tried to find a way to immigrate to Dongzhou. It's just that their immigration costs are too expensive." The male host said frustrated.

"Mom, I'm scared." A little girl huddled in the hostess's arms.

"Mom, I'm not afraid. Bree is a coward." The boy next to him held up a toy gun and pointed it outside, making a "bang bang" shooting sound.

"Beat you all to death, damn bastards, you will all die!" The boy laughed.

Then a bloody mouth suddenly appeared on the steel fence outside the glass window, and the boy was immediately frightened and shrank behind his father.

The bloody man was then run over by a car.

"Go home first, hold the child in your arms, and run over quickly." The hostess finally made the decision.

The Radziwell family then stopped the truck, ran into the backyard shelter, and closed the solid iron door.

A group of trailing zombies followed, knocking on the steel underground door.

Then a zombie started digging in the dirt.

However, beneath the soil are steel plates and concrete, and the zombies' claws have not yet turned into steel, so they cannot be dealt with.

The underground shelter contains enough food and water for a family to eat for five years, and there is even a small solar greenhouse.

Good vents, generators, oil drums, hardware tools, everything

This is like a complete doomsday base.

"Damn it, why can other people live peacefully in the sun, but we can only live like mice underground?"

The male host turned on the computer and found that the wired network was still usable, and then there was a lot of singing and dancing on the network.

Obviously, the walking corpse is not interested in those inorganic objects, and neither the optical cables nor the electric wires are consciously destroyed.

The electricity and network in the small town come from nearby cities, and the water and electricity network are normal outside.

He logged on to the webpage and once again sent help messages to some organizations.

However, just like a few days ago, it is still nothing.

The reply is always "Our staff is being allocated, please wait."

If you die, you can wait forever.

The male host thought bitterly and closed the computer.

But the boy didn't have so much trouble. After returning to the shelter, he excitedly played video games.

The girl hugged the panda doll and fell asleep under the comfort of the hostess.

"My dear, don't complain. The fact that we are still alive is already a gift from fate. Without the revelation revealed to us by fate, we would have ended up like the family next door." The hostess comforted.

The male host nodded silently when he thought of the stench coming from the house next door when he got off the bus.

This chapter has been completed!
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