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Chapter 642 Defense System

 There was a commotion in the group, and Wen Rensheng smiled slightly.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would be extremely envious.

The three chances for the alien species to be born are located in the southeast, southwest, and extreme north, and they are all in the second half of the year, so it is still early for the alien species to be born.

So I just want to make everyone happy and adjust their status in advance.

Then he put his mind back and continued to learn those knowledge and skills.

The crisis is approaching step by step. Fortunately, he only needs to strengthen himself and does not have to worry about those people's calculations, so that he can have the power to save the world in the future.

With such an opportunity, how could he not be grateful for the unknown? Maybe the old man who fled was right, the fluctuations of the void, the quantum bubble, the possibilities are endless.

That’s why we have our own variable.

He must shoulder his destiny.

After learning the five sense skills, he decided to learn defensive skills. Only by being able to stand still would he have the last laugh.

A strong defense can lead to an invincible position. This is the way for a military strategist to win. First make the enemy invincible, and then seek victory.

Only when you practice your internal strength well can you hit others.

All of his current defense skills include extraordinary physique, defense, mysterious resistance, stealth, and puppetry.

The first three are defenses that directly act on oneself, while the latter two are defenses for evasion and substitutes.

In the skill system obtained from the Inspection Department, there are many kinds of defensive skills, covering almost all aspects.

It can be seen that most of the aliens are still afraid of death.

Wen Rensheng recalled the defense skills he had seen in his mind, and decided to choose the following five to learn quickly.

"Exotic Force Field Technique" is the ability he often used in the past to cover the whole body with mist, just like the innate aura in martial arts.

It is inclusive and can resist many kinds of damage, such as physical impact and shock wave, as well as isolating high and low temperatures, insulating poisonous gases and toxins, isolating strong acids and alkalis... Almost most of the damage in the material world can be isolated by the alien force field.
However, it seems that such a comprehensive and high-level perfect skill is useless to most mutants.

The reason is very simple. They cannot afford the corresponding consumption. No matter how good the thing is, if you can’t afford it, it will be in vain.

It can only be used in an emergency for a few seconds or a few minutes.

Therefore, it did not make much sense for ordinary mutants to rely on it to resist bullets and modern weapons in the past. Bullets are unlimited, but the power of the mutants that can be mobilized is limited. How can we be invincible if we use the limited against the infinite?

But for Wen Rensheng, it's the complete opposite. He can mobilize all the alien powers, and the intensity is very high.

So he is very suitable for practicing this skill.

And it’s different now than before. Now ordinary mutants’ ability to fight against modern weapons has been greatly enhanced, let alone him.

It's just that he has great wisdom and never puts himself in a truly dangerous place. Therefore, although he has learned all the skills and knowledge early on, he still has not sublimated them and engraved them on the alien species.

In the past, it was very slow to practice a skill, so he just practiced it according to the circumstances.

But now that his cultivation is accelerating, he is about to start.

This is the first one. The second defensive skill he chose is "Mysterious Evasion". In fact, this skill was used when he participated in the illusion drill of the "Persian Gulf Battle" in the foggy area of ​​the Pacific Ocean a long, long time ago.

, I learned the essence of it.

And he also received a mysterious medal with five skills, the "Permanent and permanent special medal of Persian Gulf naval warfare, master level mysterious sniper skills, mysterious dodge skills, mysterious water control skills, mysterious reconnaissance skills, mysterious riding skills, input of alien power"

After that, it can be activated and used."

He has kept this treasure at home, just like the two weapons, which have not been used yet. After all, it is better to keep more trump cards.

After all, he has never encountered a real crisis.

The third defense skill is a very, very mysterious ability, "Avatar".

The body is dematerialized, turning the physical body of real matter into a mysterious and imaginary thing similar to a disaster. In times of crisis, it can hide in the mysterious world. It is said that only three people have mastered this skill throughout the ages.

These three people are all unknown people. Yes, they are just like the meaning of virtualization itself, with no reputation exposed.

But everyone knows that their true identities should be very, very powerful.

Wen Rensheng knew that there were three people cultivating because he obtained top-secret information from the Inspection Department. However, the information did not record the detailed identities of the three people. It only recorded the cultivation process and experience.

Therefore, Wen Ren was promoted to the third place, which means that we value it but do not force it.

If they master this skill, it can be said that the real world will lose its deterrent effect on them, but on the contrary, the threat to them in the mysterious world will greatly increase.

According to records, people who try to practice this technique are easily eroded mentally, polluted by will, and even become monsters.

It is a law that aliens are afraid of death. Therefore, when someone realizes that they have a problem, they will often stop decisively instead of rushing over in one breath.

This is also the reason why there are so few successful practitioners. After all, if you fail to practice most other skills, you will fail. If you fail to practice this skill, you will become a ghost. Who is willing to bear this price?

However, Wen Rensheng felt that after several years of hard work, the right time, place, and people were in place, and he should be able to practice successfully.

Virtualization, this is also the ultimate physical defense technique.

Once you master it, Wenrensheng will be able to transcend all attacks in the material world.

No matter how powerful the mushrooms are, they can't do anything to him. Just like in this life, although McCann has tens of thousands of mushrooms, he is helpless against table tennis balls and silver marbles, so he can only compromise and tolerate the situation.

However, ordinary aliens are absolutely immune to a mushroom attack and can only choose to escape in advance, or use the terrain to avoid, or simply escape into disaster areas, such as sea fog areas.

The fourth defensive skill is "Tenacity", which is a spiritual defense skill. It is actually the same as mysterious resistance. It is a subdivided skill and was developed specifically to resist mental attacks.

Mystical resistance involves all mysterious attacks and is extremely difficult to practice. There is basically no clear way to practice it.

Human beings naturally have human wisdom, and decomposing learning is a good way to deal with difficult knowledge.

The part of the mysterious resistance that targets mental attacks is extracted, refined and transformed, and finally turned into tenacity, which is specifically designed to target mental attacks.

It is much more convenient to practice. Through fear, despair, anger, depression, decadence... various emotional stimulations can improve the tenacity of the spiritual will.

In this regard, Wen Rensheng thought of many heroes in previous lives. Their mental tenacity was comparable to steel. Even if their bodies were completely destroyed, they could still persevere. That was incomparable to those who moaned for no reason in peacetime.


How is that tempered? It is nothing more than perseverance after seeing hope in an extremely desperate material environment, and perseverance for future generations.

He has those precious memories, which is what gives him the confidence and convenience to practice this skill.

As for the fifth skill he wanted to practice, a line of words appeared in Wen Rensheng's mind.

"Survival Techniques for Amputated Limbs".

This chapter has been completed!
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