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Chapter 696: Double Alien Species

 At this time, the voices of the two children began to sound again.

"It's still wrong. Isn't this because my arm jumped into the water?" The older girl's voice sounded.

The little girl worriedly said, "What should we do? Don't we need to add arms? Then sing like this, three people with three mouths, six eyes and six legs, plop, plop, plop, jump into the water..."

"It still doesn't work. Without adding arms, it would be different from the original song." The older girl felt bad.

"Oh, it's too troublesome. Let's just turn their arms into legs." The little girl gritted her teeth.

"No!" Of course there are smart guys among the people in the lake, or rather, there are no fools.

Most of the tourists here are rich people from all over the world.

Among them, there are many smart enough guys who have guessed that what happened to them is related to these two weird children's voices.

"I am a music master who once shocked the entire Western continent in Vienna. I am here to give you music..."

"I am the top lyricist in the music industry, so let me write lyrics for the two fairy boys."

Wen Rensheng was very impressed after hearing this. The desire for survival of these people has reached the sky.

However, the two children did not talk to them at all.

Wen Rensheng thought for a moment, then said to the square, "Why bother? Aren't the songs you sing changed from frog songs? Just turn those people into frogs."

On the surface, it seems that he is just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously...

But in fact, he just enjoys watching the excitement and doesn't mind it.

"Hey, that's a good idea." The little girl suddenly laughed happily.

The golden mist surged, and then by the lake, frogs croaking loudly appeared one after another.

The frogs looked at each other and then croaked louder.

It’s just that no one understands what they are calling at this time.

Ten thousand frogs croaking at the same time is much more lively than people. After all, there are always people who are unwilling to speak, and the majority are silent.

This time, the singing is finally normal.

"A frog has a mouth..."

By the time the song reaches Ten Thousand Frogs, more than three hours have passed.

The sun begins to set westward at noon.

At this moment, the changes in the Flower Square finally came to an end.

The fog has completely disappeared, and the golden barley fish has also disappeared. What appears instead is an oval seed shining with light green light.

As soon as the seed appeared, many people emerged from all hidden corners and ran wildly in that direction. They began to chase the seed.

However, this green species dodges and dodges? It is completely different from other alien species that sit quietly and wait for others to take them after they are born.

After a while, it flew towards the hotel where Wen Rensheng was staying.

Finally, it floated before Wen Rensheng's eyes.

Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand to take it, and then the feeling went directly into his chest.

A reminder appeared in my mind

"You activated a fantasy seed? Your upper limit of mystery increased by 50 points, from 830 points to 880 points."

Hey, what is this called?

Pie in the sky?

No, how is that possible?

Although he didn't make any movements, his subconscious mind must have shaken his body and exuded a domineering aura. Only then did the alien species come to attack...

Well, that’s the explanation, no need to doubt it anymore.

Wen Rensheng happily accepted this alien species from heaven.

He hasn't been this happy for a long, long time. The last time was probably many years ago, when he was rated as a xenogeneic expert and obtained the permanent use rights of the mysterious seed.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps going upstairs.

Wen Rensheng is not in a hurry? Anyway, the alien species has been activated by himself, and it is impossible to let him out.

Don’t talk about anything else? Just focus on the 50 points of mystery.

These 50 points may very well determine the outcome of future battles against some powerful enemies.

Not long after? A group of people appeared in front of Wen Rensheng.

They were wearing casual clothes, but Wen Rensheng still knew from their eyes that they were all members of the black-shirted team.

"Master Wenren, did you just see the alien species pass by?" A captain-looking figure came over and asked directly.

"I see it, it's right here," Wen Rensheng pointed to his chest and said, "It has been activated by me."

The captain was stunned for a moment, then looked at each other with the people around him.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll make a phone call first."

The captain walked far away and started making phone calls.

However, the content of his phone call was still clearly heard by Wen Rensheng.

"Director, there is a deviation in the prophecy. The alien star was activated by another alien at the scene."

"Which one is it?"

"Wen Rensheng."

"Strange, didn't he activate an ancient alien species before? How can he still activate this one? Well, it seems that the previous common sense needs to be updated, so we will proceed according to plan b."


Then the captain came over and asked Wen Rensheng to conduct a simple registration, mainly the time and place of the activation of the alien species, as well as the situation at that time.

Then he told Wen Rensheng that he would make a detailed registration later, mainly to file the information about the new alien species with the Inspection Department.

Of course, because it is a new mutant, the file is also new. The first mutant is often not so honest and will tell all the situations about the mutant. This is also the default rule. The activation conditions and the effects of the mutant will be concealed.

After all, everyone knows that even if the Inspection Department will keep it strictly confidential, the process of revealing one's own alien effects is equivalent to leaving traces, which will be traced back to this scene using prophecy.

After Wen Rensheng activated the mysterious seed, he did not register the real situation. Whether it was the activation conditions or the alien effects, he made up some contents.

As for this phantom seed, he also had to think carefully before talking about it.


The group of black-shirted men left quickly.

Then they came to a house where several young people, both men and women, were sitting. They were chatting and it was very lively.

"Who among us is so lucky to be able to activate that new alien species?" said a handsome man.

"This basically depends on luck. Although we have all gone through internal training, this alien species is one of the few that can determine the activation conditions through prophecy, but it still depends on luck." Another beautiful girl shook her head.

Several other people are also imagining the future of activating alien species.

They are all personnel trained internally by the Inspection Department.

This is natural. Now that the place where the new alien species will appear has been determined, it must not go to outsiders. Internal training personnel should be activated first.

Some new alien species can't find anyone to activate them, so they go through the continent-wide activation process.

The alien species shared across the continent are basically the old alien species. When the previous alien species dies, in order to have a better sample selection, the sharing will be expanded to the entire continent.

Absolute fairness does not exist, which will lead to a great decrease in efficiency. The same is true for the sharing of different species.

But at this moment, the imagination of these young people was ruthlessly broken by the captain.

"Everyone, go back."

"Captain Luo, you haven't gone through the alien activation ceremony yet, do you want to go back now?" the handsome man asked doubtfully.

"No, the alien species has been activated."

"Isn't it possible? There are no ordinary people around who are close to that alien species. Didn't you say that you have taken the strictest defense?" the handsome man said in surprise.

"The defense is very tight, and no ordinary person can get close to it, but a mutant master activated it."

"This is unfair. He already has a different species, so why would he come to steal our opportunity?" The handsome man couldn't help but said.

"Le Zhengming, pay attention to your emotions." The captain said seriously.

"Sorry, I got excited." The handsome man stopped talking.

The others did not speak, but there was a trace of unhappiness in their eyes.

They have put in so much hard work to train, and unlike their peers who enjoy the freedom of the sky, they have been selected since childhood and have undergone systematic training, but they have suffered a lot.

But now, seeing the dragon gate appear, it is cruelly and mercilessly closed.

Even though he knew that what he said was wrong, Le Zhengming still couldn't help but say it.

After all, he is a human being, not a machine. The kind of special agent who has no personal emotions at all definitely exists, but it is destined to be very rare.

This chapter has been completed!
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