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Chapter 783 Parrot and Wild Boar

 McCann Land.

An airplane is flying through the sky.

The plane is full of water animals.

There are wild boars, parrots, eagles, roosters, and gray wolves.

If Wen Rensheng saw it, he would definitely feel inexplicably familiar. Yes, this is the team of the Duzunhui.

A few months ago, they asked Wen Rensheng to help solve some things in the fragmented world, but Wen Rensheng went into seclusion to practice and put those things down.

Of course they will not be idle, they have already begun to work hard.

So many puppets were dispatched this time because the destination was in the outside world.

They are going to a certain place in McCann to hunt for a mysterious material.

This is one of the necessary materials for casting the copycat "Pangu Ax".

You can't buy it because the material is located in a very famous local statue.

That statue is so magical that it has transformed the neighborhood from a dangerous place into a refuge.

With the surrounding area becoming a powerful population attractor, housing prices have skyrocketed.

Populations from several nearby states have flowed in.

Fortunately, this is a large agricultural state, and there is no fear that these people will not be able to feed themselves. It is just that there are no good jobs.

But for many people, doing some farm work for only two to three thousand US dollars is far better than getting a monthly salary of ten thousand or twenty thousand in the city.

For this reason, the Sovereign Society initially spent a lot of money to seduce a few local forces to sell it. As a result, those people were caught and then burned alive in front of the statue by angry believers.

There were several familiar animal puppets on the plane.

For example, he knows the budgie, the gray wolf, and even the wild boar.

At this time, the budgerigar is teasing the wild boar.

"I said, old pig, your puppet is getting fatter and fatter. Be careful that you won't be able to run away when you escape."

"How is that possible? The stronger the pig, the better it can run!" the wild boar retorted.

"Okay, you two, please be quiet and don't get discovered by the McCanns." Gray Wolf, who was responsible for the order of the cabin, scolded.

"Tch, will it matter if you just say a few words? Don't make such a fuss, right? The McCanns are a bunch of trash. I can come when I want and leave when I want." The budgerigar said disdainfully.

The wild boar also agreed, "Me too."

"Okay, then I'll see if you can do what you said." Gray Wolf then opened the cabin.

A cold wind blew in.

"Jump down, if I can't find anyone exploring the path, you two will be the vanguard!"

"Jump, just jump!"

"Jump, just jump!"

The parrot and the wild boar jumped out of the plane at the same time...

The budgerigar flapped its wings, flew downward, and laughed at the plummeting wild pig.

"You're stupid, I can fly..." it laughed "haha".

"Damn it, you dead bird, don't you have a good time? This puppet of mine costs 800 million! If it falls into the enemy's house, I must ask you to compensate." The wild boar wailed.

Before it finished speaking, a strong wind blew up from high in the sky.

The parrot that was laughing wildly just now was suddenly swept away without a trace.

On the contrary, the obese wild boar can still maintain its falling posture.

"Haha, you didn't expect that, dead bird, you have to look at your luck this time."

The wild boar laughed wildly and then crashed into a pig farm.

"I'm so lucky, I can disguise myself as a pig." He thought to himself as he looked at the "humming and chirping" domestic pigs around him.

However, a worker who was feeding him stared at it dumbfounded.

"What good luck. A wild boar fell from the sky. It must have been brought by the tornado before! This is a miracle and should be dedicated to God!" He said in surprise.

This red-faced and thick-necked McCann worker would never have imagined that it was his words that saved his life.

The wild boar was originally intended to be exterminated.

But after hearing these words, he now gave up the idea.

This misunderstanding can better conceal his identity and allow him to successfully approach the statue.

The worker quickly called.

Not long after, the farmer, a sturdy Macon woman with a loud voice, drove over in a Jeep.

"Romy, is this the wild boar blown by the tornado?" the stout woman asked, pointing to the plump wild boar in the pig pen.

"Yes, Mrs. Kelly, this is the pig. Look at how strong it is. It must be the best thing to use to sacrifice to the gods." The worker said excitedly.

"Yes, if it falls from the sky, it should be dedicated to God."

Mrs. Kelly led the farm workers to successfully tie up the wild boar.

During the whole process, the pig did not struggle at all.

In their opinion, this should be due to being knocked unconscious by the tornado.


More than two hours later, the wild boar was transported to a giant red tiger statue.

Opposite the giant red tiger statue is a statue of a big golden fish.

The tiger opens its huge mouth, revealing its sharp teeth.

The goldfish flicks its tail, showing its graceful figure.

One is majestic and the other is flexible and lively.

That's right, the mysterious material that the people of the Duzunhui want is to extract the teeth from Wen Rensheng's tiger's mouth...

They fell in love with the teeth of the red tiger statue and prepared them to be used as the blade of Pangu's axe.

Of course they had investigated and found out that the predecessor of this giant tiger statue was an osprey and the residence of a disaster lord.

Then he was defeated by a tiger that turned into a big cat, and that big cat, they had cooperated several times before.

But they don't think that the tiger statue has a deep relationship with the big cat. Even if there is, it can't stop them.

After all, the big cats have only cooperated a few times. Although they are very strong, compared with a fragmented world, they don't care about offending the big cats.

What's more, they mostly believe that it is the local people who rely on the power of faith to restore this new statue to its previous power of shielding disasters and strange events.

This is a miracle for ordinary people.

Ordinary people naturally have no way to take advantage of their own emotional fluctuations, but if there is a magical medium as a relay, they can take advantage of it and draw power from the mysterious world.

Now, these two statues act as a transfer medium.

At this time, the believers were having a gathering between the two giant statues.

The party was very lively, with music, dancing, dinner...

Originally, the era of the Tiger Colossus was very quiet and solemn.

But since the oracle appeared and the Goldfish Colossus was built, all kinds of excitement began to come.

According to the oracle, God likes liveliness and hates silence, so he wants believers to come here regularly to set off firecrackers, set off fireworks, dance, sing and have fun...

This is the new way to pray.

If anyone can't do it, stuff him into a cannon and shoot him into the sun.

But this just fits the nature of the McCanns, who are social lovers.

If a young person has poor social skills, no matter how good his grades are, he will be looked down upon by others and will not be able to find a beautiful dance partner when he graduates from high school.

As a result, the two statues became even more popular.

With the protection of the tiger and the blessing of the goldfish, everyone will treat it as if they are attending a concert with complete security.

This also resulted in a large influx of nearby population.

McCann people reject boring life.

At this time, the wild boar was carried under the tiger statue.

It is natural for tigers to eat wild boars.

So the priests naturally placed it in front of the tiger statue.

"Sisters and brothers, we can gather together today because of God's blessing. Now God has sent us another gift, which is a pig that fell from the sky..."

A red-robed priest gathered the believers, stood under the giant tiger statue, and began to preach.

Everyone looked at the wild boar happily.

Although this is a puppet, the meat on its body is real, otherwise it would not have the confidence to pretend to be a pig.

Only the heart of this wild boar puppet is a mysterious material. It can continuously proliferate bleeding flesh to replenish body losses, which is very miraculous.

The wild boar's eyes scanned the crowd.

It sneered in its heart, a group of ignorant and stupid guys, they only know how to live in a drunken dream.

They will soon understand that this safe life is just an illusion.

When the giant tiger statue is shattered, their lives will quickly return to the time when they were constantly afraid.

These ordinary people should kneel at the feet of the gods, and are only worthy of being slaves, servants, concubines, and minions...

This chapter has been completed!
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