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Chapter 803 Doesn’t exist

 While Wen Rensheng was relaxing at home, Teacher Qin also learned the bad news.

"You, you evildoer!"

Shen Hua covered his red face and huddled on the floor of the bedroom, looking at the ground without saying a word.

In front of her is Teacher Qin holding up a big palm.

Although Wen Rensheng did not inform him, Teacher Qin still received the notification from above.

His illegitimate daughter Shen Hua was seduced by the Destiny Society and just participated in an operation targeting key aliens.

Although the Inspection Department is fighting fires everywhere and is somewhat overwhelmed, Dongshui is a core city and belongs to the central city of the district, so it still has sufficient supervision.

Zhao Han is no longer the rookie he was back then, but is now a mutant under critical supervision.

When she was arrested, the system of the local inspection department responded immediately.

Later, Wen Rensheng and others took action in time, so they did not take any action and just kept observing.

"I worked hard to beg my master to give you more time to study, so that you can prepare for the college entrance examination for a few more months than others. Look at you, what have you done?"

"You just need to be hungry!"

"You don't want a great future, you have to take those dead-end roads!"

"You evildoer!"

He cursed fiercely and no longer had the same thoughts of dawdling as before.

Because Shen Hua is not yet an adult, and because no negative consequences have yet occurred, Teacher Qin is allowed to be released on bail, but the responsibility must still be investigated.

What was originally a glorious and smooth life has now stepped into darkness.

After a while, Shen Hua said blankly, "Who am I? Why do you care about me?"

"You, you still dare to talk back!"

Teacher Qin was furious.

Although he doesn't seek to improve himself and just gets by, he actually thinks very highly of himself.

His master is Ji Zhengyan, and his student is Wen Rensheng, both of whom are extremely outstanding aliens.

Although Ji Zhengyan is outdated, Wen Rensheng is rising like the sun. Even a master-level figure must take a high look.

For such a powerful and outstanding person, he is treated with great respect and almost always responds to his requests.

How could he tolerate an illegitimate daughter talking back to him?

Another slap in the face!

But before the slap reached the opponent's face, it suddenly stopped.

Because he saw the will to die in Shen Hua's eyes!


Why does she want to die?

There are so many people outside, it’s impossible to survive even if you want to!

So many people want to do everything possible to obtain the qualification for a Dongzhou Red Card.

In order to get it, there are many young and beautiful women from outside the country who marry some old men from Dongzhou who are in their late teens and early 80s.

There is a joke that goes like this: How does a 60-year-old Dongzhou man marry a young and beautiful foreign woman?

The answer is simple, just increase your age by 20 years.

And Teacher Qin is extremely popular when he works outside.

Shen Hua was also the result of his accidental mistake, but he still has a sense of responsibility.

Although I don’t plan to recognize the Qin family, I still try my best to give him the treatment he deserves.

For example, let the other party naturalize in Dongzhou, go to school, arrange a way out...

If these things were known to other outsiders, they would all go crazy with jealousy!

As for Shen Hua, not only was he easily bewitched by the demon of destiny, but now he even had the will to live and die!

Why is this?

"You want to die, why?" He put down his hand and asked calmly.

"It's nothing, I just feel that there is no hope and no matter how hard I try, I can't get what I want." Shen Hua said lightly.

"What do you want?"

"You don't need to know."

"Humph, I know even if you don't tell me, don't you just want to get the alien species? But I also gave you a chance to activate the alien species. If you failed, who can you blame?" Teacher Qin said coldly.

"More than just alien species." A figure appeared in Shen Hua's mind.

Even though it was just their first meeting, even though they only spent three months together in an illusion, she was completely captivated.

How can a high school girl resist a man with such grace and talent?

"You, you have a sweetheart? But they don't like you." Teacher Qin, an old bee in the flowers, is so keen that he can see the thoughts of his illegitimate daughter at a glance.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Shen Hua suddenly became furious.

"As expected." Teacher Qin did not hit her.

Because he understands very well how blind men and women are when it comes to love.

When he went out to do business, he almost died once because he pulled out the ruthless and was stabbed in the back by someone out of love and hatred.

And love stories are the most likely breeding ground for all kinds of disasters and weirdness.

"It seems that you have been poisoned. Let me find someone to take a look at you." Teacher Qin said thoughtfully.

He calmed down. Once a child gets into emotional problems, relying on scolding and beating, educating and reprimanding will only have one consequence - going further and further.

Because this is not a field of reasoning, it is about sensibility and tolerance.

Teacher Qin gave her one last look and said coldly, "Just calm down here and don't run around."

Then he turned and left the room.

He didn't notice that Shen Hua, who was cowering on the ground, had an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Teacher Qin came to the living room and dialed Wen Rensheng’s phone number.

"Oh, junior brother, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh, I came across something interesting. I was chatting with my family." Wen Rensheng replied.

"What's the matter?" Teacher Qin couldn't help pleading again. After all, the other party had just done a big favor.

Wenrensheng cannot be regarded as a cash machine.

Although the other party is his student and junior brother.

Wen Rensheng went on to talk about the clothing store.

"It's indeed a bit strange. It should be in its infancy. No weird things have happened yet. According to my experience, it will probably take some time to accumulate. For example, when the boss earns enough dirty money, he will put his clothes on The boss was taken away in a wave." Teacher Qin speculated.

"Well, we have also considered this possibility. It is also possible that if we try on a shroud, someone will die in the future." Wen Rensheng speculated.

"I'll ask the local people to check and monitor it." Teacher Qin followed.

"Well, that's a problem for the teacher."

"Don't be so polite, you helped me a lot just now," Teacher Qin smiled and said, "When are you going to see the master? I want to see him again."

He couldn't directly ask Wen Rensheng to help look at Shen Hua, so he planned to take a roundabout way and use Ji Zhengyan as a tool.

"Oh, I'll go take a look tomorrow. I happen to have mastered my skills. Let the master give me some pointers." Wen Rensheng replied.

"Okay, let's go together then."

"That's it."

After making the call, Teacher Qin went into the bedroom and looked at Shen Hua.

He snorted coldly, "Take care of it yourself. Go to my master's place tomorrow and let him take a good look at it."

Shen Hua slowly got up from the ground.

Teacher Qin turned and left.


Early the next morning, Teacher Qin took Shen Hua to Ji Zhengyan's home.

"Asshole, why are you here so early?" Ji Zhengyan cursed in the wooden house.

"I thought you changed it, Master," Teacher Qin said angrily.

It’s already 8 o’clock in the morning. Is this still early?

Fortunately, he also brought breakfast from the century-old restaurant "Horuilai".

"If I change your head, I'm going to put you in a coffin soon. Why should you change it?"

"Master, you live forever, how could you end up in a coffin?"

Teacher Qin walked into the wooden house with breakfast and asked Shen Hua to stay outside.

Not long after, Ji Zhengyan came out with a fried dough stick in his mouth.

"Oh, I brought your daughter here again," he said directly, not caring about Shen Hua's presence, "Did the tutoring work last time?"

Shen Hua stood blankly.

It's like this again, everyone acts as if she doesn't exist.

There is no place for her in this world.

She is just the person standing outside the door.

This chapter has been completed!
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