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Chapter 806 Mysterious Omen

 The thin man covered his head and shivered as he was pulled out of the basement by the thick man.

"Okay, Boss Ma. Don't be afraid. Tell the story from beginning to end and let us find out the root cause. Don't you want to continue to open your store?" Wen Rensheng slapped the man.

The real Boss Ma felt a warm current pouring into his heart. At that moment, his feet stopped shaking, his hands stopped shaking, and he felt confident in his heart, just like drinking two kilograms of Erguotou on a cold day.

"Thank you, thank you two masters for smoking." Boss Ma took out a box of Dongzhou brand cigarettes from his body and handed them over.

Wen Rensheng waved his hand and refused, but Wang Wenwen controlled the rough man and curiously took one in his mouth...

"The thing probably happened a month ago. At that time, a man wearing a white robe and a mask came to me and wanted to make custom clothes for the elderly at home. I agreed immediately."

"Two days later, I used the phone number he left to inform him that it was customized."

"When the man came over, he made a request that shocked me. He said he wanted to try it on."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he interrupted him, "This shouldn't be very scary. I checked later and found that it is a custom in some places to prepare warm clothes for the elderly in advance and for the son to try them on first. It is called warm clothes."

Dongzhou is so big that customs vary from place to place. Wen Rensheng also ignored this issue when discussing with Zhao Han.

But after all, he has extraordinary memory, and he thought of this.

Boss Ma took a puff of his cigarette and said with a smile, "Maybe some places have it, but it definitely doesn't happen here. We buy it based on the size and don't try it on in the store."

"Go on," Wen Rensheng waved his hand and said.

"After the man in the white robe tried it on, he praised my craftsmanship and said he would come back to buy it next time."

"I'm just confused. Could it be that there are several elderly people in the other party's family who are waiting to go on the road?"

"A few days later, someone came again. This time the person who came back seemed to be in a hurry. He chose a model that had already been made and just asked me to modify it a little..."

Wang Wenwen interjected, "Then after you modify it, you use the excuse that labor costs are high and sell it to others at ten times the price?"

"Well, this is a business deal. It's normal to be willing to fight but willing to suffer," Boss Ma defended himself. "Then people came one after another and bought. They were all very generous."

"Didn't you check whether the money you received was real or fake?" Wen Rensheng reminded.

"Ah, how do you know they don't pay electronically? What a genius." Boss Ma said in admiration.

"Oh, how could they pay electronically?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Yes, at the end of the month, I did the accounting, and I was horrified to find that the money I received this month was all issued by Tiandi Bank! No wonder they are not afraid of ten times the price, that is, a hundred times or ten thousand times. They

I won’t frown! e..." Boss Ma sighed.

"Hahaha, you deserve it..." Wang Wenwen was no longer afraid at all, but laughed like a pig.

"Then I heard a voice coming from the door, and you noticed it... I was so scared that I hid in the basement." Boss Ma patted his chest and looked around, still a little scared.

Fortunately, many of the sundries in the shop were blown away by Wen Rensheng's divine wind, and the gloomy feeling has long since disappeared.

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid. The world is materialistic and all evil spirits are false. Just remember this sentence." Wen Rensheng gave the other party a final pat, then stood up and left.

"Boss, isn't your store closed yet?" Wang Wenwen stood up and followed.

"How can it be closed? The store was newly rented last year and the capital has just been recovered. It is the time to make money." Boss Ma said confidently.

"I admire it, I admire it." Wang Wenwen asked the puppet to rush to Boss Ma and cup his hands before stepping out of the store.

"Teacher, where should we go next?" Wang Wenwen caught up with Wen Rensheng and asked.

"Let's go to the hospital and have a look. The source should be in that Yutong Hospital." Wen Rensheng raised his head and looked at the sky.

This world is really becoming more and more chaotic.

The two then walked to the nearby Yutong Hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, many patients were coming in and out, and occasionally a few doctors could be seen.

Obviously, this top-level hospital still has great trust in the local area.

Yutong, Yutong, is not exactly the title d.

When entering the hospital, Wen Rensheng heard some patients talking.

"Have you heard that strange things happen in the hospital recently?" said a young man.

"What's weird?" asked a colleague next to him.

"Some people say that you can always see some strange shadows coming and going. It's really scary. Can you still stay in this hospital?" The young man sighed.

"Yes, I feel uneasy. When I wake up every morning, my butt hurts even more." His colleague shook his head.

"It's better to go home and recuperate."

"Yes, I will be discharged from the hospital today."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he glanced at Wang Wenwen's puppet next to him.

"The teacher is really right. It seems that this hospital is the source. The deceased inside have soul fragments. They do not disappear in time, but stay here, causing all kinds of weird things." Wang Wenwen speculated.

"Well, you'll know when you go in and take a look."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

The two walked into the hospital.

Wen Rensheng activated the expert-level spirit-controlling technique. During the last hot spring pool illusion trial, a lot of skills improved, and spirit-controlling technique was one of them.

Soon, in his eyes, the originally busy hospital transformed into another scene.

Some green dots appeared in front of his eyes.

He walked in the direction with the densest number of green dots.

After going around seven times and eight times, I finally came to a building.

There is a sign on the building "High Pressure Oxygen Chamber".

"Strange, I thought I was going to the morgue, why is it here?" Wang Wenwen frowned.

"High pressure oxygen?" Wen Rensheng knocked on the door.

After a while, a male doctor came out.

"Is there something wrong with you two? Are you family members or patients?"

"Oh, we are here to investigate a matter." Wen Rensheng said politely.

"Uh, are you here to investigate that strange hallucination incident? Someone has been here before." The male doctor suddenly became enthusiastic and hurriedly invited the two of them in.

"We reported before that someone came over last night and said they were ordered by Director Qin. They watched it all night and said they would go back to study first and then send someone over to investigate in detail in the future. I didn't expect you to come today.

What a speed." The male doctor said.

"It's okay." Wang Wenwen was a little confused and dealt with it casually.

Wen Rensheng didn't expect that Teacher Qin was so fast. He just told him yesterday that someone came to see him that night.

He nodded, "It was Teacher Qin who sent someone here, and I am his student."

As he spoke, he took out his certificate, which was a consultant certificate issued by the Inspectorate.

After seeing it, the male doctor no longer had any doubts and diligently invited the two of them to the duty room.

"The thing is like this, when some patients were undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, they suddenly said that they saw their deceased relatives."

"We thought it was a hallucination, but after investigation, we found that the relatives seen by the patients who had hallucinations were all elderly patients who died in our hospital. Because we are well-known in the local area, many patients have been here for generations.

Treat related diseases." The male doctor said carefully.

Wen Rensheng nodded, things were becoming clearer and clearer.

Just as he had guessed before, some soul fragments ran out of the hospital, possessed themselves on the sundries in Boss Ma's shop, and then went to buy clothes for himself.

It's scary, but also has a certain logic.

And Boss Ma’s evil heart turned them dark.

Of course, they are also quite deceitful, using dead people’s money to buy living people’s things.

This is a sign that the world is becoming increasingly mysterious.

In the past, soul fragments could only appear in a few places. Now, hospitals, where the largest number of dead people gather during peacetime, can appear and be accommodated.

This chapter has been completed!
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