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Chapter 924 Wolf and Tiger

For the first time in his life, Wang Mingtang discovered that someone could actually be so strong that it was unbelievable.

There was a time when he was also a genius among geniuses, the kind of person that others could not catch up with through hard work.

It's just like the average top student who studies hard to pass the key points, but the top student can start to overcome difficult problems in mathematics at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

This huge difference is entirely due to the gap between talent and environmental training, and it is impossible to simply change it through hard work.

And now, he also discovered that there was another target that he couldn't think of a way to catch up with.

He is decadent, but his decadence is at a level that those mediocre people will never be able to catch up with.

He is shameless, but he is shameless and has obsessions that mediocre people cannot understand.

"No wonder that guy Lao Ji is dragging him down now. This is because father is more valuable than son." He murmured.

What he just did took so much thought and effort, just like those top academics who finally reached the top after studying for 16 hours a day, only to find that someone else was on the Zenith Star.

He worked hard to deduce, but the other party only used one punch to solve all the problems.

If you had known this, why would you have used him?

Wait, he also played a role, that is, calling the door.

Oh, I understand, after a long time I became the character of Zhu Bajie...

So hard.

Just when Wang Mingtang was having mixed emotions, Wen Rensheng spoke up: "If I don't drive you down, why don't I keep you here to celebrate the New Year?"

"Huh, if that's the case, we break up and destroy whatever I can't get!" the gray-white man snorted coldly.

"Whatever you want, I don't care anyway, this is just a small piece of steamed bun dregs that I threw away casually." Wen Rensheng said with an indifferent expression.

The gray-white face was speechless.

He used his last resort, but the other party didn't care.

It turns out that the clown is actually himself - his current behavior is like a robber who breaks into a resident's house, kidnaps a mouse in the other house, and threatens the owner with a shotgun to die together...

It can only make people laugh.

But he quickly calmed down: "You don't care, so does the Inspector General?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter to them." Wang Mingtang finally found a sense of existence and said with certainty.

"That's right, I can send the first one, and there will be a second one, and a third one... This thing is just a little bit of skin cut off from the main world. It is a giant to bacteria and a god.

The foundation. To me, it's just the ashes from taking a shower." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

Can your bullshit be any louder?

Wang Mingtang thought helplessly.

However, he also understood why Wen Rensheng said this. He probably wanted to give this proud junior brother a hard blow and make him wake up from his arrogance and return to reason.

But of course he wouldn't know that this was Wen Rensheng's usual nature, and now he was just pretending a little too much.

However, the effect is indeed good.

After hearing about the promotion, Qu Weijiang fell into complete isolation.

The gray face gradually shattered and finally melted into the water.

When you show absolute crushing power, both sides will make very few sacrifices. When the sacrifices are huge, they often occur in evenly matched situations.

Now Qu Weijiang began to give up because he found what he was doing was ridiculous.

Just like an ant that gets a big piece of honey, it begins to fantasize about dominating the anthill and dominating the anthill.

However, it was just something that the giants threw away carelessly.


"The matter has finally been resolved. It's really hard work for the two teachers to take action." Director An said excitedly.

He had just received the news that Qu Weijiang had surrendered. Not only did he open the entrance, but he also handed over his position. Everything went smoothly beyond belief.

"It's not hard, just pay the travel expenses when you come." Wang Mingtang said perfunctorily.

His junior brother was not the only one who was hit. He found that after decades of decadence, he came out of the mountain again. How did the scenery outside the mountain become so terrible?

"Haha, Senior Wang was joking. I'm willing to spend money to collect the calligraphy you just made." Director An said with a smile.

"Whatever you want, the matter has been solved. It's time for me to go home. Master, I disappeared. When you see him, tell me and say that I worked hard this time. Without me, he wouldn't be able to get out.

So, don’t come here to urge us to get married again.” Wang Mingtang finally said something puzzling, and then left.

It was inexplicable when I arrived, and it was inexplicable when I left.

This is the feeling Wang Mingtang gave Wen Rensheng, an old man with stories.

Wen Rensheng then left the puppet in Zhongjiang City, and they still had to clean up the whole thing.

How to punish Qu Weijiang for surrendering, how to clean up the hidden dangers, and how to solve the next problem are all troublesome.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng didn't have to worry about these things. He only needed to know that in three days, he would be able to get all the information he needed and see all the facilities he wanted to see.

Wen Rensheng then logged off and went back to rest.

But before he could rest, he received a call from Ji Zhengyan.

"Apprentice, my house has been demolished, please come over here."

"What, I didn't understand." Wen Rensheng wondered.

"Oh, that girl Xiaohuan led me astray. An old enemy came here to cause trouble and destroyed my house. Please help me repair it..." Ji Zhengyan said simply.

Old enemy?

Why did he immediately think of Wang Mingtang, whom he had just met?

"Okay, I'll send someone over to repair your home." Wen Rensheng was too lazy to move, and there was a price for showing off.

Bearing such a powerful power, especially the power from Old Wei, was quite a heavy burden on him. After all, it was the power that cursed fate.

"Uh, okay then." Ji Zhengyan didn't necessarily mean to let Wen Rensheng do any errands, as long as he didn't have to do any errands.

For some reason, he completely forgot that he could ask Teacher Qin to repair his family. This was probably because he had forgotten the old ones when he had new people.

Wen Rensheng made a call and found the company that had expanded his villa last time and introduced the business to them.

The people from the company immediately sent people to take charge. After seeing the original pictures sent by Wen Rensheng, they promised that they would be restored exactly as they were before.

Because they built that house, and there are still design drawings in the company. Their company is an ordinary company that specializes in serving aliens. This is an industry with a high threshold. There are only so many aliens in Dongshui City, and they are all within their service scope.


Most people know that the money here is very rich, and one of the biggest advantages is that there is never any credit.

Anyone who has done business knows how rare and valuable such customers are.

After doing this, Wen Rensheng went to rest and recover his body.


And while he was sleeping, the four scumbags in Weifa's cell were having a meeting again.

Wen Rensheng had previously given them to Xiao Huan to help him make source crystals. Of course, they could be let out while working, but when taking a break, they must still be sent back to Wen Rensheng's hair cell for management. They should be placed outside. That is not the case.

Ran away?

"Is this guy so powerful? Is his strength just now comparable to that of the principal?" Silver Marble said in surprise.

The other two did not answer, and only Table Tennis was qualified to answer. It said: "It should be because of the home field advantage. After all, the power projected by the principals is limited and they are very excluded."

"Even so, it should not be underestimated. On the battlefield, only victory or defeat is considered, regardless of the reason." Silver Marble said cautiously.

It realized that something was wrong. If this guy's power grew so fast, would the masters be able to control him in the future?

I have only heard of dogs being used as shepherds, but absolutely no one has heard of using tigers as shepherds...the owner will be eaten first.

This chapter has been completed!
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