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Chapter 145 Reunion (Part 2)

When the fat man heard this, he was shocked and hurriedly saluted: "Brother Mai Sang, pay homage to Sixth Senior Sister! Please tell me, oh, tell us about the situation over there in Mase!"

The woman then let go of the master, turned around, and began to look up and down at the fat man.

Ordinary people would feel a little uncomfortable being stared at by a moody older sister who doesn't distinguish between young and old.

But the fat man has no such trouble at all.

He showed innocent and eager eyes and stared at the other person without blinking, while subconsciously hugging Xixi tightly.

The two of them stood at each other for a moment, and the woman suddenly laughed like a silver bell and said: "You are my junior brother! You really have some moral skills! No wonder Lao Jiu can't let you go! Fifth brother, I advise you not to waste your efforts anymore!"

Emma! Where is this going?

The fat man didn't expect to hear such a sentence, and felt depressed.

However, he did hear some clues from the other party's sour words.

It must be that this sister Gou is interested in senior brother Xuanxing, but the senior brother likes Capricorn Tong. Hey, I didn't expect that it is my little brother that Her Majesty the Queen can't forget!

Mr. Mai was very proud of himself here, but he felt that Xixi's little hands were a little cold.

"Sister, please tell me about Ma Se's situation! Tongtong, is she okay?" Xiler said sincerely.

Gou Chen gave the fat man a cold look, then turned to the master and told him everything that happened in Ma Se.

However, she didn't mention a word about Capricorn's enchanted eyes.

Everyone finally heard the news about Kuhou, but there was no joy at all, and the atmosphere became dull.

They were not very concerned about the Queen's abdication of the throne to Templeton, because after all, it was Suriel's internal political matter.

However, the heavy price paid for this has pierced everyone's heart like a sharp thorn.

Boris, who was dressed as a teacher, had tears in his eyes. He sighed and said with a choked voice: "I didn't expect that if the patriarch worried, it would end in a tragic victory. Alas..."

"Master Mai, it's my fault for not being persistent enough, otherwise, the soldiers of Guta Town and Ah Zui wouldn't have..." Qiu Dun also said in a deep voice.

Seeing that even the master's face was extremely gloomy, the fat man pondered for a moment, then pulled himself together and said: "Victory or defeat can only be determined by a thought. Who can really predict events like a god? Although the casualties in this battle were not small, it was still achieved.

We achieved the set goal and showed our prestige. Moreover, the hundred-man team that Senior Sister Gou Shen mentioned may have more than a hundred people. According to the information obtained from Senior Brother Xuanxing’s interrogation, they are likely to be part of the McCann Commando."

"So, McCann has already arranged additional manpower for Suriel! If this information is reliable, then we should make arrangements earlier!" Qiu Dun interjected.

The fat man glanced at Xuan Xing's big feet, nodded and said: "My senior brother's interrogation feet, oh, the method is quite unique, it should be unmistakable. So, in fact, your arrival is extremely important for the battle that may happen next.


When he said this, he paused for a moment, wanting Xuan Xing to tell everyone the results of the interrogation again.

At this moment, the fifth senior brother was staring solemnly at the Huanglong Pestle in his hand, thoughtfully, completely ignoring what others were saying.

The fat man sighed in his heart, and had no choice but to continue: "This commando team has a thousand people, including two hundred soldiers. If the centurions going to Marseille are these people, then the rest should be

It’s near the Eastern Region!”

"Stephen was defeated that day and left Marseille in the evening. According to the report of the city gate guards, there were less than 200 people in total when they left. Among them, there were only about 80 people from the Doctors Association and the Centurion."

Senior Sister Gou Shen slowly added.

She spoke seriously now, except for the sweetness in her voice, she was completely different from when she first arrived.

"Based on this calculation, if Stephen and the others also came to the Eastern Region, plus the original injection divisions in Hassan's army, their number should not be underestimated! We brought 150 injection divisions and 500 injection divisions this time

The non-injection warriors still do not have an advantage in terms of numbers! Where are the injection soldiers we left behind in Maser? Will they come here later?" Boris asked.

He was obviously beginning to agree with Fatty's idea of ​​concentrating superior forces to attack the enemy, and he sounded worried when he spoke.

"Don't think about this! Those people are all injured. If they come here again, I'm afraid they will die on the road! I discussed with the regent named Temple and let them stay in Masak.

Recuperate. In addition, the situation in MaSe has been decided, can you not leave some of your own manpower?" Sister Gou said coldly.

For this senior sister who changed into a different person with almost a word, Fatty felt infinite sympathy for senior brother Xuanxing's situation.

Fortunately, Qiu Dun answered in time: "Maybe the opponent's injection masters are even more numerous. Before the queen abdicated, since the Su Lier injection master branch was summoned to disband, there is no guarantee that those guys will not feel resentful. If Stephen takes the opportunity to rely on his own

If we continue to lobby for your identity, maybe a large number of soldiers will come with the army!"

When everyone heard this, they fell silent.

If Chu Dun's speculation was followed, this battle would not have to be fought at all.

The army of the Eastern Region is 300,000, and the army of Ma Se is 700,000.

Our own troops are less than five hundred, and our opponents have at least nine hundred.

Even though there are masters, Xuanxing, and hook-level masters on Fatty's side, Stephen's side is also full of talents!

If another hundred-man team also had an injector of the same level as the quintuplet brothers, then in terms of peak combat power, the Eastern Region would be evenly matched at best.

With such a disparity in strength, how should we fight this battle?!

Everyone unconsciously focused their attention on the fat man. Unexpectedly, this guy was whispering to Silaire with an ambiguous expression.

I don’t know what the fat man asked, which made the princess’s cheeks turn red and she was so beautiful.

"Junior brother! I didn't realize it, but you are quite the romantic seed!" Sister Gou immediately teased, her voice starting to sound sweet.

"Boy! The army is approaching. Is this the time to joke? What are your plans? Tell me immediately!" the master said dissatisfied.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and wanted to explain, but due to Sixth Senior Sister's charming gaze, he quickly said seriously: "Everyone just figured it out, there is a huge disparity in strength. So, this is not a head-to-head battle at all."

He paused briefly, picked up a few hairs on his forehead and kneaded them, then continued: "Furthermore, now that Deng Puula is the person in charge of Suriel, the first thing he has to do is to pardon the soldiers and civilians of the Eastern Region.

The crime of rebellion. In this case, if we fight with the army from Masak with real swords and guns, wouldn't it become a joke?!"

"Uncle Ju, aren't you trying to escape, are you?!" Zhuzhu, who was listening vaguely, suddenly shouted.

As soon as this little girl opened her mouth, she revealed Mr. Mai's dark history.

Everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

The fat man glared at the little girl angrily, and then said in a pretentious manner: "So, our strategy is to take two steps. The first step is to delay. It is to try not to confront the opponent head-on, and wait for them to become chaotic internally.

The attack will defeat itself. The second step is to establish power. While we are holding back our opponents, we must concentrate our elite forces to completely eliminate McCann's commandos!"

When he finished speaking, his eyes were full of sternness.

The blood feud formed by the soldiers of Guta Town in Maser will be settled here with the Macken people!

"In addition," the fat man continued fiercely: "I have also prepared a big gift for them. If Wilson, Hassan and others don't understand current affairs, they will look good."

When he said this, he looked at Xuan Xing again.

Xuan Xing had just regained consciousness at this time, and his face turned a little pale.

He deliberately avoided the fat man's gaze and said slowly: "After my junior brother's suggestion, I carefully interrogated the president of the ancestral McCann Chamber of Commerce. They really had a back-up plan. Once the incident failed, they would detonate the hidden treasure in the building.

The fire and thunder beads from all over the ancestors will blow this city up into the sky!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and then heard Xuan Xing continue: "We have taken out all these things and buried them nearby. It is enough to blow up the mountains on both sides and block the road!"

"Damn! This is simply a madman meeting a madman!" This thought flashed through everyone's minds at the same time.

"Stop looking! Those fun things are buried under our feet! How about it, are you surprised? Surprised or not?!" Fatty smiled and shouted to Zhuzhu who was looking around.

Seeing that the little girl was so frightened that her face turned pale, the guy smiled even more happily.

***The author has something to say***

Fatty: I'm not kidding!

This chapter has been completed!
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