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Chapter 26 Entering Rhyme (Part 1)

"Drink it!" the master roared.

"Don't drink!" the fat man wailed.

Master: "Drink!"

Fatty: "No!"

Siler covered his forehead and sat helplessly aside, forgetting to mention the tiredness in his heart!

The old man and the young man had been arguing for a cup of tea, but they were still at a stalemate.

"Master, it's true, can you drink that thing? Not to mention the danger, it makes me sick just thinking about it!" Silaire felt sad for the fat man's situation.

She did not expect that the originally elegant and elegant master would "become a different person" after entering a certain state of research.

"This 'transformation' problem is somewhat similar to that of his Queen's apprentice." Silaire thought quietly.

How can the master at this moment still look like a top master?

His eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and blue veins popped out on his shiny forehead.

The master was holding a bamboo stick in one hand and a small medicine bottle in the other, and was chasing the poor fat man.

The fat man is at the end of his rope.

He looked panicked, his clothes were messy, and he was sweating profusely. He was flying around the room like a fat mouse, avoiding the master's pursuit.

The master dodged and chased the fat man again, stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

When the fat man saw this, he quickly pinched a round badge in his hand. The badge glowed with an orange light and sent him ten steps away in the other direction, barely avoiding the master's grasp.


It was by relying on this move that he was able to "survive" under the clutches of the master to this day.

However, compared with the original, the orange light of the badge has been much dimmed, the reaction speed has also slowed down, and the distance it is sent is also much shorter.

"Humph!" The master suddenly stopped and looked at the fat man and sneered again and again.

The fat man gasped for breath. This chase was too exhausting.

He was so tired that his eyes were black and his legs were sore.

It seemed that if he had just a moment without anyone chasing him, he would collapse to the ground.

"Is this a gift from your second brother?" the master asked coldly.

Although the fat man was so tired that he was about to die, he still said proudly: "That's right! Not bad! It's very useful!"

He was indeed very satisfied with this new treasure.

This electric injector does not require concentration to be activated. Just pinch the mechanism on it with your fingers and you can teleport someone a dozen steps away.

For fat people who have no focus and are ready to retreat at any time (it sounds too ugly to say running away), this is simply a tailor-made divine product.

The only slight drawback is that the energy stored in the injector will be consumed with the number of uses, and it requires an electrical injector to replenish it from time to time to continue using it.

However, this is not a problem at all for fat people.

"From now on, if you have Nathan as your mobile charging system, what else do you have to worry about?" the fat man thought anxiously.

"In order to curry favor with you, he is willing to spend a lot of money! It's just that it's a very good thing, but it's really a secret in your hands. If that old guy James finds out, you will only use his family's emblem to escape. You are so angry.

Half dead!" The master laughed, as if his mood was much more stable.

"From what the teacher means, could it be that this 'token of friendship' given by Nathan has other wonderful uses?" The fat man muttered in his heart.

But he said: "Don't talk about those useless things! I'm telling you, don't chase me anymore! Even if you beat me to death, I won't drink that stuff! If you want my life, just say so!"

Just now, under the encouragement of the fat man, Nathan and Er Lei had officially become brothers with him.

Although Serov, the master of "Crazy Thunder" and "Thunder Thunder", is somewhat hesitant about this matter due to his identity as Nathan, how can he stand up to the fat man's eloquent tongue?

"No two countries will ever be at odds with each other. Nathan is the third son of President McCann. Having such a second brother here may bring more choices to Rus." The fat man only used this sentence.

, Serov obediently sent his two beloved disciples.

Erlei had already had faith and respect for Fatty, and when he heard about this, he was even more convinced and overjoyed.

Nathan not only fulfilled his wish, but also gained two honest and lovely brothers. Apart from being happy, he also secretly praised Fatty's popularity in his heart. It was really good!

Without any effort, he recruited three young men with strong abilities and profound backgrounds, which made the fat man extremely excited.

He came to announce the good news to the master.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he was forced by the master to drink the viscous liquid in the small medicine bottle.

Can I drink that thing?

If others don’t know, doesn’t the fat man also know?

This disgusting liquid is exactly the water turned into by Wilson's Ruyi Poison Silk.

The fat man packed it up himself!

Drink it? Nausea is the next best thing, isn't it looking for death?

At the beginning, Xi Laer was almost drunk on the spot when the Ruyi Poison Thread only made a small hole in his shoulder. The intensity of the poison can be imagined.

If you drink this as it is, a hundred fat people will die.

What is the master going crazy about?!

"Okay! Do you think I can't do anything to you with such a crappy thing in my hand?" The master became irritable again.

He stopped talking nonsense with the fat man, raised his bamboo stick, and a crackling electric grid appeared in the air.

"Seal!" the master shouted, and the electric grid expanded instantly, blocking all possible angles for the fat man to escape, and quickly covered him.

The fat man has no choice now and has no way to escape.

In a panic, he pressed the mechanism on the badge continuously and changed several directions, but he could not get out of the range of the power grid.

"It's over!" He lamented in his heart and could only close his eyes and wait for the electric shock.

Before the power grid arrived, the master's bamboo stick suddenly flew out of his hand and accurately hit the fat man's waist and ribs.

"Ouch! You're cheating!" The fat man felt numb all over and collapsed on the ground.

The master's hand made a false grab in the air, and the electric grid came to a halt, no longer approaching the fat man.

He walked over casually, took out the tightly held badge from the fat man's hand, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Keep your eyes wide open and watch! You don't even know how to use it, you know it's useless! If others see this, it's my teacher's face."

It’s a shame!”

As the master said, he stuck the badge to the power grid.

At the moment of contact, the power grid was included in the badge with a "swish" sound.

"Damn! My second brother is not kind! It turns out that this badge can also absorb electrical energy! He didn't tell me such an important function?!" The fat man complained endlessly.

However, he figured it out soon.

"I'm so stupid! Of course this injector named 'Liequ' can absorb electricity. Otherwise, how can we replenish energy for it?" The fat man didn't think it was okay. After thinking about it, he became even more depressed.

At the same time, he also felt a little touched in his heart.

As an electrical injector, I am willing to give my elder brother an injector that can absorb electrical energy as a gift.

Nathan’s sincerity and thoughtfulness are truly incredible!

I'm so moved, the reality is too cruel!

The fat man is now numb all over and can't even speak.

He felt like a fish on the chopping board, having no choice but to be "slaughtered" by the master!

"Xixi! Come here! I may need your help later!" the master said.

"Master! Don't let him drink this! I'm afraid it will be dangerous!" Xixi followed the words and came to the fat man's side and begged the master.

"It's dangerous! There will always be some. But since you and I are here, it shouldn't kill him! I want to prove one thing, and this is the only way!" the master said in a vague tone.

"Should?!" Fatty was most afraid of hearing these two words.

Either "dangerous" or "safe"! What does "should" mean?

There are so many things that should be done!

Also, if you want to prove something, do you use me as an experiment? Isn't this a disregard for human life? The master's tone made Fatty feel a strong sense of crisis.

He couldn't move or speak, so he could only wink at Silaire as hard as he could.

"Master... in case, he..." Silaire was really worried, and seeing the fat man acting like this, he wanted to continue to tell the master.

The master looked solemn and began to think deeply.

The fat man felt a little relieved and felt that things were slowing down.

Unexpectedly, the master suddenly stretched out two fingers and pinched the fat man's mouth open.

With a "gurgling" sound, every drop of the liquid in the small medicine bottle was poured into the fat man's throat.

Suddenly, a fishy smell spread.

Fortunately, Zhuzhu had already gone back to her room to take a nap, otherwise the smell alone would have knocked her out.

Siler's face was full of panic. He didn't expect the master to move so quickly. It was already too late to stop him.

"Haha!" Fatty yelled, and his face instantly turned gray.

His whole body was shaking violently and he began to roll crazily on the ground.

At this moment, the fat man's shouts and movements were completely unconscious.

All his perceptions have been mixed with those viscous liquids.

To him, it wasn't a disgusting liquid, it was fiery magma.

Ruyi Poison Thread is a sharp weapon that seals the throat when blood is seen.

Tencelis worm, the poisonous king who drinks blood and devours souls!

The fat man felt that his internal organs, blood vessels and tendons were being pierced by the magma in an instant, then wrapped and boiling.

The burning sensation ran from his throat to his chest and abdomen, as if it was not only frying his body, but also burning his soul.

The huge pain made the fat man curl up together; the unbearable heat made him suddenly open his body wide.

The sudden change.

In the fat man's body, the condensed, thick, cold and indifferent aura that had been in a state of silence suddenly awakened.

This breath quickly gathered together and rushed towards the "magma" rushing in the fat man's body.

The fat man still had a glimmer of clarity in his mind, and he immediately felt the breath.

He felt happy and a little hopeful.

He clearly remembered that this mysterious aura appeared three times and helped him three times.

When he rescued Silaire, his fatigue disappeared, he became more energetic, and he even opened his clairvoyance eyes for a while.

It was the second time he competed with Nathan on grip strength, forcing his opponent to use more strength and winning face for him.

The last time was to help him get rid of Capricorn Tong's charm attack.

The fat man hoped that this breath could also help him at this time and lead him out of this fatal suffering.

The mysterious aura came in an instant and collided with the "magma".

No fighting, no confrontation.

The mysterious atmosphere and "magma" immediately merge into one, regardless of each other.

"Huh?" Fatty was stunned for a moment, and he immediately understood.

The mysterious aura came from when he helped Silaire "take drugs", but the toxin came from Ruyi Poison Silk.

Haha! Thinking about it this way, this breath and the liquid made of Ruyi Poison Silk are from the same family.

"God bless me! The mother has lived in my body for a while and helped me, so she should be quite appreciative of me. I hope she can convince the father. Since we are all our own people, we can all be together.

We are a family, so please don’t bother me as a carrier anymore!” Fatty kept praying in his heart.

"Hey! God has shown his spirit."

The fat man suddenly felt light all over, and the previous pain was relieved a lot.

"Emma! It seems that the father still has to listen to the mother! Now he finally has a chance to escape!" He was thinking wildly, secretly rejoicing, and suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Although this two-in-one breath relieved the fat man's pain, it did not slowly subside like the previous times.

On the contrary, they still looked very manic and eager to try.

"Could it be that there is a conflict between the husband and wife? No!" The fat man was very worried.

There was a roar, and another breath suddenly rose up in his body.

This breath is also very vast, green and full of vitality.

Wow! This is the breath that was absorbed when being treated by "Emerald Crystal" before, and the breath that was received when it touched Silaire's protective barrier.

They are the life energy from Silaire.

However, this breath is very different from before.

The feeling that was originally nourishing and warm, like a spring breeze, has now become warm and exciting, upright and proud.

"What's going on?!" The fat man was completely confused!

He felt that there were two forces confronting each other in his body.

One side is bright and upright, the other side is gloomy and cold.

The two forces are incompatible and hostile to each other.

And their tempers are also explosive and angry, as if they will collide with each other at any time and kill you to the death.

"Calm down! Calm down! Say what you have to say! Don't get excited! Don't get excited!" The fat man tried his best to persuade in his heart, even begging!

He vaguely felt that if he did not control it, once the two auras collided, he would explode and die.

Thinking of the scene where he was covered in white flesh and red blood, green gallbladder and fat intestines, spraying out like a goddess scattering flowers, the fat man felt sad, panicked and heartbroken.

He didn't want the beauty he admired to see what he was doing.

It’s too disgusting!

Fortunately Zhuzhu is not here!

At this time, in the eyes of Silaire and the master, the fat man was already in a coma.

He had been struggling for a while and then regained his composure.

Looking at the fat man who was soaked with sweat and wrapped in an orange coat, he looked miserable.

Siler tried to mobilize his attention several times to rescue, but was blocked by the master.

The master's eyes were shining with excitement.

"Don't be anxious, wait a moment. If he can pass this level by himself, it will be of great benefit!" the master said with great certainty.

Fatty tried to communicate with the two auras in his heart, hoping that everyone could turn their hostility into friendship and temporarily stop fighting for the sake of sharing the same carrier.

Unexpectedly, the two forces ignored his pleas and showed a stubborn attitude!

Begged countless times!

Rejected countless times!

***The author has something to say***

Fatty: Emma! You’ve suffered a lot! Tickets! Where are the tickets?

This chapter has been completed!
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