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Chapter 206: Unraveling (Part 1)

Sitting in the corner of the carriage, the fat man looked at the three graves in the distance, feeling confused.

Under the violent impact, the carriage the pregnant woman was riding in was turned into powder. Fritz's carriage was saved under the joint protection of Churton and Nathan, and the remaining six carriages seemed to be scattered into pieces.

Parts, but I don’t know what extraordinary techniques Brother Hai and others used to put it back together again in a short time.

The car can be restored, but what about the dead people? I'm afraid it will be difficult to be reborn.

Three of the four members of the Watson family have completely stayed here. If someone passes by in the future, no one will know their life experience except their names, nor will they know why they sleep here, let alone what they left behind in the world.

How terrifying would his bloodline be?

Fatty already knew what the red halo was that protected the Demon Infant at the critical moment.

According to Nana, it is the energy that only appears after a mother's love for her child reaches its extreme. It is the energy of love, the courage to sacrifice oneself for others, and the selfless dedication of a mother to her own flesh and blood.

In the face of this profound determination, the power of heaven and earth can only be in vain.

As for the tube that saved the fat man's life and restrained the steps of the devil baby, it should be the channel that connects the life of the mother and the fetus. Its scientific name seems to be "umbilical cord".

The fat man touched his belly button, and the smiling face of a round-faced woman appeared in his mind.

Mom, are you okay? I miss you!

After experiencing all this, he felt the greatness of maternal love more than ever before.

"Put everything down and go back and take a look." This thought constantly made Fatty have the urge to run home the next moment.

However, at every next moment, he could only suppress his anxiety.

Once he leaves, what will happen to these brothers and friends who are following him? What will happen to Xixi, the leg spirit? Where will Capricorn Tong next to him go?

Her Majesty the Queen has already left the sedan chair and entered the carriage, and is now beside the fat man.

After the fat man's second "treatment", the woman's face looked as usual, but her expression was a little dull. She looked out the window dreamily, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Wow...!" The baby's cry came from the carriage in the middle, and then there were the noises of several women rushing around.

"Oh...! They're all crazy! Do they all have heads just for decoration? Just think about it, can this child struck by lightning be a good person?!" The fat man sighed, covered his ears, and continued to feel depressed.


From the moment he was picked up by Varenka, the little bastard completely recovered the virtues that a baby should have. Not to mention his plump pink flesh, his smart light gray eyes were full of laughter and curses.

He immediately attracted countless fans who knelt down and fawned over him.

Among them, those women were particularly excessive.

Varenka never left the baby, as if the child was her own; Huahua, probably because of the damn life rune, also kept chasing the little devil; Miaochun even ignored the fat man.

, wholeheartedly joining in the fun; even Sasha, who had always been taciturn, put aside her reserve and took on the role of a full-time guard with a smile.

"You don't like children, do you?" Capricorn Tong's voice sounded leisurely.

"Why are you asking? If my own is pretty much the same, as for other people's, I'm not interested! Especially for someone whose origin is unknown and who was struck by lightning, you have to be even more careful!" The fat man said angrily without even thinking about it, and said angrily.

Sit up.

When Her Majesty the Queen heard this, her face turned red at first, and then turned pale again.

She subconsciously turned her pretty face away, looked out the window and sighed softly: "Children are always innocent, but they inevitably have to bear the responsibility of their parents. This is not a choice, is it? So, no matter what grudges there are between adults,

No matter how miserable the parents are, they should be nicer to their children!"

Only then did the fat man wake up, feeling terrible, knowing that Capricorn Tong's sigh just now was related to her own life experience from the experience of the demon infant.

"Oh! You're right! Most children are indeed innocent and need love! Have you discovered anything while healing in the secret room these days?" the fat man asked tentatively.

Capricorn Tong's face changed several times, and after pondering for a long time, she finally made up her mind and said, "I found some documents in a secret room. It said that my mother is actually the princess of the Chahan family and the sister of Siler's mother."

"Ouch! No wonder they each brought half a key! It turns out they are cousins! Then, am I not my cousin's husband again and my cousin's husband at the same time?!" The fat man was secretly shocked.

"Haha!" Her Majesty the Queen smiled self-deprecatingly and continued: "Furthermore, just as Ganmil guessed, my mother was pregnant when she entered the palace, and it indeed had nothing to do with the late king! Therefore, I am just following the wishes of the Chahan family.

It’s just a pawn in a plot to seize Suriel’s throne!”

"Cousin, oh, no, no, senior sister, oh, Tongtong, these, these are all in the past! Why should you worry about this? Anyway, when you were the queen, you were still very loved by the people! You too

You really haven't done anything to betray Su Lier!" The fat man consoled him casually when his brain was shut down.

It turns out that this is really a conspiracy of the Chahan family. What are these people trying to do?

Capricorn Tong turned around, looked at the fat man and said softly: "You don't need to comfort me. I just feel at a loss and don't know where to go from now on. Should I go to avenge my family? Or find an opportunity to return to Suriel and take back the throne?"

Is this an opportunity for Chahan to rise again? Or should he find a place to die alone and live the rest of his life, burdened with the charges of being an illegitimate son and a family traitor?!"

The fat man shook his head like a rattle, feeling deeply that none of these directions in life were very reliable.

"Let me tell you, you finally have the opportunity to be down-to-earth and have a rest. Why don't you take advantage of this to do what you want to do? For example, travel around the world with me or something?" He said sincerely.

When Capricorn Tong heard this, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked deeply into the other person's eyes. After a while, she said: "Aren't you afraid that I will implicate you? You know..."

"Afraid!" the fat man replied decisively.

Then, while the woman's disappointed tears fell, the guy continued: "But I'm more afraid of losing you!"

Capricorn Tong was stunned, and suddenly threw herself into the fat man's arms. While crying, she launched a violent pink fist attack.

"Alas! This move is nothing new!" Mr. Mai lamented in his heart, but a big hand moved towards the opponent's back and stroked it gently.

After a long time, the woman's face turned pale, and she finally gave up.

She leaned on the man's chest and said leisurely: "I believe you. From now on, you can only call me Tongtong. Do you understand?!"

"I understand, senior sister, don't worry! I will take care of everything. Just be responsible for your down-to-earth beauty!" The fat man said, patting his big head.

"Then are we going to find Xixi now? Why didn't she come with you? Also, I heard you say before that she is also yours, what's going on?!" Her Majesty the Queen said with a complicated mood.


When the fat man heard this, his face darkened and he had no choice but to tell the truth.

Capricorn Tong never expected that Xi Laer would end up with the same fate as herself. She didn't care about being jealous. She stood up, stared at the fat man and said coldly: "If you don't avenge this revenge, you won't have to talk about anything! Didn't you say?

Do you want me to do what I want to do? Revenge is the first thing I want to do! Can you help me?!"

Looking at the senior sister who had regained her domineering attitude as a queen, Fatty nodded helplessly and said, "Tell me, do I have any other choice?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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