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Chapter 210 Escape (Part 1)

"Alas!" Bidu heard this and knew that the next bloody battle was inevitable.

But, whose blood should be shed?

The woman's eyes were fixed, she thought for a moment and then made up her mind.

"Since we are here under orders, there is no reason to return empty-handed! Whether you are a magic infuser or not will be decided by the injector alliance! You and I are both of the same lineage of injectors. No matter where there are casualties, the loss will actually be in this area.

The interests of the mainland. However, don’t take my kind words and advice as a sign of weakness. Since you have heard the name of the ‘raw gold treasure bag’, you should also know that it can not only hold treasures, but also heads!” Bidu!

He said in a cold voice, white light suddenly appeared all over his body, and an indestructible and huge aura immediately hit the sky and covered the sky.

At the same time, the palm of her right hand was upward, her middle finger, ring finger and thumb interlocked, pointing towards her left chest.

This action is more convincing than the sound transmission.

Xuan Xing raised his concentration to the limit and put on a defensive posture. Although he seemed calm on the surface, huge waves were already rising in his heart.

The woman opposite is actually a disciple of the master. Judging from her age and skill, she should be his senior sister.

The handprint formed by this senior sister at this time is not only a symbol of the identity of her fellow disciples, but also contains the profound meaning of annihilating all enemies present.

Xuan Xing hadn't taken action yet, but he seemed to have smelled the strong smell of blood.

He knew that with the strength of himself and Bidu, it would be easy to kill all the enemies, but they might not be able to bear the consequences of doing so.

In particular, not all of these people from the Annotation Association should die!

"Where is my junior brother?" Xuanxing only then remembered the fat man who had never shown up.

"Alas!" He sighed again immediately.

It's no use thinking about anyone now, so let's end it as soon as possible!

"Why did you stop? You are a bunch of cowards! Come on!" At this critical moment, the fat man's scream suddenly sounded.

Huh? Mr. Mai sent a secret code!

In accordance with the previous agreement of "to rush means to retreat, to retreat means to fight to the death", everyone on Fatty's side began to retreat like lightning.

This move made everyone in the Doctors Association stunned on the spot and at a loss.

"Stop them!" Vincent was the first to wake up and shouted hurriedly.

It wasn't that he noticed anything, but he felt that there must be a conspiracy behind the other party's move, so he shouted subconsciously.

Sure enough, before Vincent's injection masters could take action, the opponent's conspiracy had already rushed over on its own.

I saw a carriage driving into the crowd at lightning speed. The driver was Jin Da, with two and three gold guards on the left and right, and Capricorn Tong sitting upright behind Jin Da.

Sasha had just dodged back at this time, but suddenly remembered that Er Lei, who was entrusted by Xuan Xing to take care of, was still in the enemy's formation. She was panicked and was about to turn back, but was grabbed by Xuan Xing.

The fifth senior brother's hand was warm and strong, making it difficult for the woman to break free, and it seemed that she was not willing to break free.

Sasha was confused by this sudden hand, but she didn't expect the man's hand to suddenly let go.

Xuan Xing never expected that as soon as he withdrew, he saw Capricorn Tong rushing out with three puppets.

"Is this Junior Brother's plan? Is he going to give up on Tongtong?" A terrible thought flashed across his mind, and the Fifth Senior Brother couldn't care about anything else and had to go back to save people.

Unexpectedly, this time it was his turn to be grabbed by someone else.

The hand he held back was cold and trembling, but he squeezed it tighter.

While Xuan Xing and Sashala were fighting, the fat man was busy in the carriage car that was rushing forward, and he was also frightened.

It’s too exciting to lead four useless puppets and a newborn baby full of evil thoughts into the enemy camp, isn’t it? And it’s not Fatty’s strong point either!

But Mr. Mai really had no choice, so he had to resort to this last resort.

This time, he placed all his bets on success or failure on the Demon Infant, and at the same time gave his nickname to Kun Zhen.

"Little bastard! Don't think you can get away with pretending to be a good baby! I have a sharp eye. You can fool those women, do you think you can fool me?" the fat man said with a evil smile.

The demon baby's eyes were blank and he only responded with babbling.

"I don't understand the laws of heaven, let alone the bullshit standards of heaven's punishment! I only know that something must have gone wrong here, which made the person above think you were dead, so he called it a day and left. Hey

, do you think my guess is correct?" Mr. Mai asked, squinting his eyes.

The demon baby closed its eyes and continued babbling.

"When the lightning struck you, you had not yet left your mother's body, especially since you were still connected by the umbilical cord. It is probably for this reason that your mother was broken into pieces and left with injustice, which made God mistakenly think that you were dead. Hey! I pity your mother.

How dare you beg me to spare your life! As everyone knows, this child of hers is not only a wolf at heart, but also a timid and fearful creature who doesn't even dare to recognize who he is!" the fat man said disdainfully.

The demon baby's eyelids were trembling slightly, but he still hadn't opened them, but he stopped babbling.

Seeing that his poisonous tongue seemed to have an effect, the fat man quickly continued: "Actually, if you do bad things, you will do bad things. If you kill your mother, you will kill your mother. Who makes you a devil? No one wants to treat you as a human being, right?

?But you are so sneaky, pretending to be stupid, and surviving in the world by winning the sympathy of the ignorant. You are not fair at all. Do you deserve to be called a devil? Damn it! You have simply disgraced the devil!"

The demon infant's young body began to shake uncontrollably, and it was obvious that he was on the verge of an explosion, but he still closed his eyes tightly and refused to show any of his true nature.

Fatty originally had a lot of things to say, but he ran out of time.

As the carriage slowed down, some injectors outside recognized Capricorn Tong, and even the guy who had seen the magic injector in Tusta saw the identities of the three puppets.

"Okay! I originally wanted to spare your life, but since you don't know what to do, don't wait for the thunder to strike. I'll kill you first, and then I'll kill you!" Seeing that General Ji's method was not working well, and he didn't want to wait for me at the same time, the fat man

I had to take out the knife from before and start drawing.

No matter what, this knife can indeed hurt the demon baby!

Now the demon baby couldn't bear it anymore.

He opened his eyes, filled with hatred.

"Damn! You didn't listen to my good advice, but forced me to touch my dick. What a bitch! You don't have to think about it with your poisonous mind. If I wanted to kill you, why should I wait until now? Use your strength quickly.

If you show it, you will be punished by heaven again, I will spare your life!" the fat man shouted sternly.

Only then did the Demon Infant roughly understand the other party's intention. It turned out that he just wanted to use himself to induce a heavenly catastrophe and take the opportunity to escape from trouble! Moreover, since the fat man was not afraid of being struck to death by thunder, he must have something to rely on.

Although he was worried that Fatty would break his promise, at this moment, the Demon Infant had no choice but to take a gamble.

He figured out the link, feeling annoyed and depressed, and couldn't help but have old hatreds and new hatreds coming out at the same time.

In an instant, gray veins swelled from under the demon infant's skin and spread all over his body, while two bunches of bloody red light burst out from his eyes.

"Haha! The magic injector has appeared! She has very little concentration now. Don't worry, capture her quickly! Be careful, I want to live!" Vincent shouted excitedly. With his

Of course, with his eyesight, he could see that Capricorn Tong and the three puppets were just bluffing, and were actually already vulnerable.

Everyone in the Masters Association also focused their attention on the carriage. The incident happened so suddenly that no one had the time to think about why those opponents had retreated just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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