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Chapter 211 Problem (Part 2)

"Master Mai, you haven't killed my sister, have you? You..." Sasha suddenly asked, not knowing what she thought of.

After the woman finished speaking, her body went limp and she was about to fall. Fortunately, she was held by Xuan Xing beside her.

"I did have this plan! To be honest, there are too many doubts about Varenka." The fat man said without a trace of guilt on his face, but looked at Sasha with sympathy.

"When we were in Ximen Mountain, she turned to me with almost no hesitation. Isn't that strange? Even if she was thinking about her own future, she acted too quickly, right? Moreover, Varenka's strength is not

It's as unbearable as she said herself! When she faced off against Luo Cen before, did the fire move she used scare even you?" Fatty Youyou said.

"Locen is extremely powerful! My sister is fighting alone. How can she do it without using her full strength? I have never seen the tricks Varenka used before, but what does this mean? What injection master doesn't have the ability to press the bottom of the box? She

I have tried everything I can to win your trust, but what about you? Are you standing aside at the critical moment just to force her to go all out?" Sasha shook off Xuan Xing's hand and asked angrily.

Looking at the furious woman, the fat man actually felt more at ease.

He smiled slightly and said calmly: "Trust is mutual. If you really have complete trust in me and my senior brother, you will not say such things as standing by and watching!"

"However, trust also takes time to build slowly!" The fat man suddenly changed the topic and said: "I just wonder why Varenka didn't use it early and late, but he chose to use such a weird trick at that time.

Rather than saying she is showing loyalty, in my opinion, she seems to be using this method to convey certain information to outsiders!"

Sasha snorted coldly and said nothing, which meant "a person's mouth has two skins, it doesn't matter what you say"!

The fat man smiled again, turned to everyone and said, "Everyone is of a higher level than me, and your knowledge is naturally wider than mine, so you should have heard of the elemental spirit beads, right?!"

Everyone knew that Mr. Mai must have something to say, so no one spoke. Only Huahua didn't think so much and said casually: "There are ten elements in Yatai Continent. Each element has its highest origin, and that is the spirit bead."

La! I’ll see you... Oh! That’s it!”

Before the little girl finished speaking, her face turned red and her head lowered.

The fat man didn't pay attention to Huahua's expression, and asked with a smile: "Then do you know the saying that the spirit bead transforms into another form?"

"Oh! I know a little bit about this. It is said that the spirit bead will be produced only when the spirituality of the elements reaches its extreme, and the transformation of the spirit bead is about the situation when the spirit bead produces consciousness under certain conditions! Huh? Brother, why do you ask this?

Something? Could it be..." Nathan's original intention was to help Huahua out of trouble again, but he didn't expect that he hadn't finished his words yet, so he was shocked.

"Second brother, your family background is indeed extraordinary! The facts are as you think. My master has basically concluded that at least one spirit bead in this world has produced consciousness. Moreover, it is probably the poisonous spirit bead!" The fat man said to the teacher again

He was brought out to sit in charge, and there were still many ambushes in his words.

This sentence immediately aroused a horrified discussion.

The previous things about the Apocalypse Sect were shocking enough, but compared with the Lingzhu's transformation, it seemed to be a little worse.

"This poisonous spirit bead once snatched away the body of a medical officer named 'Yan Ji' and attacked Capricorn Tong. After that, it tracked me to Mase. At Xixi's old house, Miss Achun and I fought with it!"

Fatty still seemed to feel that the taste was not enough, and big news came out one after another.

This time, even Xuan Xing was frightened and couldn't help but ask: "How strong is it?"

"Have you seen the black and white tricks I used in the Zuovia Valley? Anyway, if you use it to deal with it, you won't even be able to touch it!" The fat man finished speaking expectantly, but found that everyone

They all looked confused.

He thought about it in confusion, and realized that when he showed off his power, these people were either not there, or were in a coma.

"Mr. Mai, is this person you are talking about the one in the big tent in the Zovia Valley?" Sasha suddenly asked with a straight face.

"Hehe! That's right! It's him! Huh? Didn't you say you didn't see him at all?" The fat man finally found a witness. Although he was overjoyed, he didn't forget to ask a question.

"I just made a judgment based on my strength. But Mr. Mai, the 'little guy' you call him turns out to be such a top expert. I can no longer tell which of your words is true and which is false!" Sasha

He said in a cold and angry voice.

"Hehe! If you can tell the difference, am I still Mr. Mai?" Fatty thought in his heart, but exaggeratedly said: "This is the person Shasa mentioned, he killed four high-level injection masters in the blink of an eye, and also took the

He gave up one! The one he took away was also an honorary elder of the Doctors Association, named Fischer!"

"Huh? Brother, are you talking about the honorary elder Fischer of the thunder system?" Nathan asked in surprise.

"Yes! That's that woman!" The fat man nodded and said.

"Mr. Mai, you've been talking for a long time, what does this have to do with my sister?" Sasha interrupted impatiently.

"First, I used the puppet technique to lure away the leader and the pope of Tianqi Sect, and Miaochun and I went to Mase first. As a result, as soon as we arrived, Poison Lingzhu followed us. I suspected that someone

Deliberately leaking the news to prevent Jinji from being deceived by the puppetry! And it just so happens that the trick used by Varenka is also a puppetry in a sense, isn't it?" Fatty analyzed seriously.

"Listen to what I have to say first." Mr. Mai raised a finger to signal Sasha not to rush to argue, and then continued: "Secondly, the reason why the baby we delivered caused thunder is not just because

He was injected with the Scarlet Phantom Toxin in his mother's womb. The real reason is that he had a very powerful mind from the beginning, and the shadow of the Poison Spirit Pearl was everywhere in this mind! But how did Varenka behave towards this child?

What about?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When the fat man said this, he paused for a moment and saw that everyone, including Sasha, was thinking deeply about what he said, and then he continued: "Prepare the baby in advance

She was the one who had to take the Watson family with her, right? She was the one who sacrificed her life to save the baby in the face of divine punishment, right? After the child was born, she cared for her so much and refused to let go, right?"

"It's hard for me to believe that a person who would disregard his faith and family ties in order to survive would risk his life for an unrelated child! It's even harder for me to believe that because I carry the phantom poison in my body, I will

A person who keeps a distance from everyone will hold a newborn in his arms without hesitation! Isn't this strange and worthy of doubt?" Mr. Mai finished his long speech and stared at him with piercing eyes.

Sasha won't let go.

In the final analysis, what Fatty said are all guesses and inferences, but everyone knows that when all of them point to the same location, the truth is often hidden there.

"Alas! This can explain why Elder Bidu and others discovered our traces so quickly. They must have got the news from Fischer, and the purpose of Fischer's doing this was to take advantage of the situation.

Take that child away!" Chuton, who had been silent, added.

"How could this be..." Sasha murmured to herself, her face turned pale again, and her eyes became hollow.

"I'm very worried that Varenka's real allegiance is not to the Apocalypse Religion, but to the Poison Lingzhu! And my question now is, what will you do if she comes back in the future?!" The fat man asked the woman softly.

"She, will she come back?" Sasha muttered blankly.

"Well! It's very possible! Because, well, the child she took away, hehe! He was also a puppet!" the fat man said sheepishly.

This chapter has been completed!
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