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Chapter 252: Turning the Clouds (Part 1)

Mrs. Reya was so confused by the fat man's words that she didn't know how to respond, but her eyes were suddenly attracted by the thing in the other man's hand.

"Butler, I have some private matters to discuss with the miracle doctor. Please take the two young masters and others and wait outside for now!" the woman ordered, trying her best to suppress her excitement.

Richard obviously has some power in the family, and he doesn't even take Madam Reya seriously. When he heard that he had to avoid it, his face suddenly darkened. This guy was about to open his mouth to argue, but he was blocked by the two young masters.

The right braced the arm.

"Uncle Richard, let's wait outside! Mother must have something important to say!" The two boys cooperated tacitly, and as they spoke, they already pulled and dragged the housekeeper out.

Seeing this, the fat man knew that his previous speculation was probably true. He turned to the three gold brothers who had been accompanying him and said: "Boss, second, and third, you go out and check on this housekeeper. The others are not allowed to wait for the time being."


The three brothers received the order, and at the same time they were already outside the courtyard gate. Their movements were uniform, which made Mrs. Reya's eyes even more brilliant.

"Madam, does it look familiar?" the fat man asked with a smile.

Under the surprised gazes of Majiotong and others, Mrs. Reya knelt down without hesitation and said: "Reya, the fourth generation descendant of the Chahan family's outer vassal, comes to greet the envoy!"

This sentence, for fat people, feels as comfortable as eating a persimmon.

He quickly stretched out his hand to lift his wife up, showed his face and said, "Thankfully you recognized this thing, otherwise all my trouble this time would have been in vain!"

Reya was a perceptive person, and after hearing this, she knew that the identity of the other party's miracle doctor might be fake, but she no longer cared about it at this time, but said excitedly: "I never expected to see the envoy here.

, it seems that the great cause of Chahan's revival has begun! Now please move to the main building, because the master of the family is seriously ill, so I can only trouble you to go and see him, I hope you are not surprised!"

"Haha! Madam, you are so polite! The head of the Hemei family is inconvenient, so I should go and see him. I also showed this token as a last resort in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. To tell you the truth, I am still pounding in my heart right now.

Bang, I'm really afraid that you will take us down immediately when you see this thing!" The fat man said with a smile, but the content of his words had something else to say.

Hearing this, the woman's face became stern, and then she saluted the fat man and said, "You must have heard the news that we captured Tu Ge and others and sent them to the official. There are many hidden things in this, and the family owner must have had some last resort. But the specifics

You still need to ask the owner of the family directly for the whole story."

The word "hidden love" mentioned by Reya is what Fatty is most worried about. Chahan has been a secret force for four generations. Now they are so rich that they can rival the country. Who can guarantee that there are no people with ulterior motives in the family and no self-made

What about the king's ambition?

"I understand very well! You have been living on the periphery of your family for several generations, and you have achieved what you have achieved today solely through your own efforts. This must be achieved by establishing good relationships with all parties! Recently, there has been no news about people like Tu Ge.

Besides, is there anything else related to Chahan?" Fatty asked vaguely.

This time, Reya didn't hear the other side's implication. After hearing the words, she was moved and helpless and replied: "We are developing here alone. As a last resort, we do have some intersection with various forces. But Chahan flows in our veins.

Human blood, deep down in my heart, I have always been proud of having such a bloodline. The fact that you can understand this is the greatest affirmation for us. Recently, we have indeed heard some news about Chahan, among which

It also includes the information that Princess Xiler of Chahan appeared in Ma Se. And just a few days ago, the informant reported that there seemed to be other hidden forces of Chahan operating in Ross. We were following up on this matter, but unexpectedly they came out.


"As I expected, although Zuma and Hemei both belong to Chahan, they have no contact with each other, and they don't even know about each other's existence!" The fat man thought to himself, and couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "According to what you said

, the fact that Tuge and others were captured and sent to prison should have nothing to do with the Hemei family, is that right?"

Seeing that the fat man kept asking endless questions but refused to go to see the head of the family, Reya felt a little anxious, so she urged again: "Only the head of the family knows the specific situation of this matter. I only heard that the day before the accident and the

The next day, two people with mysterious identities came to visit and had a long talk with the family. But whether this is related to the arrest of Tuge and others, I don’t know! So, you’d better follow me to see the head of the family as soon as possible


The fat man nodded, but had no intention of moving. He exchanged glances with Capricorn Tong, Miaochun and Huahua, who had just recovered from the shock, and then asked: "All members of our family are Chahan's


"I heard from my seniors that our vassal originally had more than 500 people. It was not until the previous generation that in order to prevent the family from shrinking, intermarriage with foreign races was allowed to reproduce offspring. However, the marriage partners have been strictly screened by the family.

And he also placed special restrictions in his body. These people have no problem with their loyalty, I, I can guarantee that." Mrs. Reya hesitated for a moment, then said firmly.

"Oh! Restriction..." The fat man was confused by this statement, so he changed the subject and asked: "What about Mr. Butler outside? Is he one of our own?"

Reya seemed to understand the fat man's concerns and quickly explained: "Richard is just a housekeeper, not a descendant of Chahan. This man has good abilities, but he is a little greedy for money. He often does little tricks behind the scenes, such as buying low and selling high.

, I just turned a blind eye. The Hemei family has developed to this day, and it is no longer possible to maintain it purely on its own strength, so we will also recruit some outsiders to work here. He just told you

There is some conflict in the words, I guess I am afraid that if there is a new miracle doctor, the elixir I originally sought will be worthless!"

"This method can not only maintain the development of the family, but also avoid making outsiders suspicious, which is good. But at the same time, it will also increase the risk of unexpected events!" the fat man said in a leisurely tone.

"What? Do you think there is something wrong with Richard?" Reya immediately became alert after hearing this.

The fat man replied uncertainly: "Hemei's family master is afraid of light and water, right? And, are you planning to pay and use your connections to redeem Tuge and others? These news were all leaked by Mr. Butler.


"This guy! For a few dollars, he has such disregard for the overall situation. Can such family privacy be leaked casually? I will deal with him immediately!" Mrs. Reya was furious when she heard this, and couldn't help but reveal her decisive side.


The fat man waved his hand and suggested: "If he is just greedy for money, then forget it! I'm afraid he has some ulterior identity! You'd better not touch him for the time being, and just send a few capable people to follow him secretly! Moreover,

Pay special attention to the way he transmits information to the outside world, especially those birds and beasts!"

Re Ya was confused after hearing this, and felt that the fake miracle doctor in front of her was really unfathomable, so she nodded in agreement.

"What happened outside your front door this morning, did Ross officials have any reaction?" the fat man suddenly asked.

The woman was stunned and immediately replied: "They sent some people to find out the news, but I sent them away! Because there were no casualties, you don't have to worry about it at this time!"

The fat man nodded, then took a deep breath and said, "Madam, let's go meet the head of the Hemei family now!"

This chapter has been completed!
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