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Chapter 253: Head of Household (Part 1)

Looking at the fruit in his hand, the fat man suddenly fell silent.

The fruit has withered a little, but it still exudes a strange smell in the faint light.

The fat man knows this fruit, it is the product of Xuan Zao Lan.

"This plant is called 'Hydrophyllum'. The fruit is a sacred medicine for detoxification. Once it encounters toxins, it will dissolve them. However, its energy is too great. If it is not neutralized, it will destroy the things attached to the toxins."

Erode them together. What is in my small box is the medicine used for neutralization. I will take action to entangle Wilson in a moment. You should quickly give the medicine and the method of use to the knights and let them help save people. Then

Run away with Father Quinn and Zhuzhu. Remember what I said about the dark room!" Silaire's words still ring in my ears, but the beauty has disappeared.

Capricorn Tong and Miao Chun couldn't help but become worried when they saw the fat man stunned on the spot, his face as ugly as possible, and they both walked to their lover.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Miao Chun asked softly.

"You're talking! What's the big deal? Tell us and we'll find a solution. Is this a piece of fruit?" Capricorn Tong also asked.

"This fruit was left by Xixi! It must be like this! She has been here! Head of the Hemei family, what on earth is going on?!" The fat man finally freed himself from the memories and murmured.

"Yes, she has been here!" Hemei nodded and said slowly: "Although she does not have a token of the Chahan family, she does have a map of the distribution of the family's external vassals, and she is also familiar with the special sign language of her family. She said

, she is the living princess of the Chahan family, named Siler."

"You mean Xixi ordered you to take action against Tuge and others, this is impossible!" Capricorn Tong suddenly said coldly. She was so anxious at this moment that she forgot to change her voice, and at the same time, her tone appeared again.

Queen Suriel's unique aura.

"Haha!" Hemei explained with a wry smile: "The laughing mother-in-law came to me before taking action against Tuge and others, saying that there were signs of Chahan's remnant activities in Zovka and Flosi. She was alone because she was alone.

, worried that he could not catch all his opponents, he asked me to help. And then, just when I was about to send my men to notify the Chahan soldiers, Siler came to the door and ordered me to help the Macken people.

.If this were not the case, how could you have heard the name 'Tuge' given the Chahan warriors' willingness to die rather than surrender?!"

When Capricorn Tong and Miao Chun heard this, their faces immediately turned pale. They wondered whether Xi Laer's personality had changed drastically after being possessed by the devil. Otherwise, how could she make the decision to attack one of her own people based on her normal behavior?

The fat man felt cold in his heart when he heard this. He thought for a moment and then asked: "Why do people with bloody stabs ask you for help?"

When Hemei heard that the other party could still ask the key questions in one sentence under such an unexpected situation, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes. He then replied in a leisurely tone: "We have always maintained a good relationship with McCann, and

The ultimate purpose of Grandma Xiao looking for me this time is to help me reach the pinnacle of power in the Ulan Republic in the near future."

"So, as long as you have the blood of the Chahan people on your hands, it will eliminate the possibility of you being unique in your hometown in the future. In that case, even if you become the head of state in Ulan one day, you will have to obey the McCann people.

Stay safe!" The fat man nodded and said.

This time, Hemei's eyes had changed from admiration to shock. He really couldn't believe that his thinkers spent half the night making speculations, but Fatty only took the blink of an eye.

"Could it be that Xixi agreed to attack one of her own people just to seize the opportunity to seize Ulan's power? How could she do this?!" Capricorn Tong shouted angrily with his face red.

Her Majesty the Queen is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces except for government affairs. She has always abhorred the behavior of betraying one's own people for profit. Now that she heard that her cousin could do such a thing, the reserved and leisurely mood she had just realized immediately took a back seat and began to lose her temper.

Got angry.

"The problem may not end there!" Fatty said with a gloomy face: "Tuge and the others have always had their own contact method. How could they easily discover their whereabouts if they were not someone who knew the inside story? Before, Tuge had left a message

They sent a message saying that they were going to help Xi Laer, but how come they helped fall into the trap set by Granny Xiao? Another point is that Granny Xiao walked in front, and Xixi came in behind. One asked for help, and the other agreed.

It’s such a coincidence to offer help, isn’t it?!”

"You mean the one who leaked the information about Tu Ge and others was also the princess?" Miao Chun said in disbelief, her voice trembling a little.

"Don't make blind guesses!" Huahua, who had remained silent, suddenly said: "Although I have limited contact with the princess, I also know that she is a good person with a kind nature and a gentle temper. Even if she is heartbroken because Zhuzhu was kidnapped,

Even if she feels uncomfortable, she will never do such a thing. Moreover, that bloody thorn and her have sworn hatred. Even if she goes to inform, Granny Xiao will not believe it!"

The little girl had been listening in confusion, feeling deeply that these human intrigues were dirty, dirty and unbelievable. But when she noticed that the fat man pointed the finger at Silaire, she suddenly felt an unspeakable annoyance rising in her heart, and then

Then he expressed his opinion.

The fat man nodded, thinking that what Huahua said made sense, but his expression became even more gloomy.

"We have analyzed the reasons why Boris was killed before, and one of the speculations is that he killed and silenced him! Both of these things are related to Granny Xiao, so there must be some connection between them..." Fatty said to himself.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, "Is there a shadow of Siler behind Boris's incident?" They no longer dared to think about it anymore.

"Master Hemei, is Panlong also one of ours?" The fat man suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Are you the ones who used a trick to kill Kiel at Sobis Auction House?" Herme's face changed slightly and she asked without answering.

Seeing the fat man nodding, the old man sighed and said sadly: "Panlong is my great-nephew. He was originally sent to Baan as an undercover agent. At the same time, his most important task was the conflict between Baan and Kiel.

To protect Kil's safety! I didn't expect that the death of that bastard Kil would actually affect Panlong!"

This answer was unexpected even by Fatty, "So, Panlong also has his own responsibility for his death!" The more he thought about it, the more awkward and sad he became.

Looking at the fat man with a guilty look on his face, Hemei patted him on the shoulder and murmured: "Many times, in order to achieve greater goals, sacrifice is inevitable or even unavoidable.

Mr. Mai, you don’t have to blame yourself for this, we must avenge this!"

"Panlong died right in front of me! Victor killed him because it was said that Panlong planned the attack and thus revealed his true identity!" the fat man said sadly.

"That's nonsense! This kid Panlong has always been cautious in doing things. How could he carry out any attack or killing without my instructions?! This is just a lame excuse! Huh! As for his identity, except for the limited number of people in my family,

No one knows except the individual. There must be a spy among them!" Hemei said with a cold voice, but her eyes were filled with pain.

"Do you have a direction?" Fatty asked nervously.

The old man shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I am sending people to check, but there is no response yet!"

"That's right," the fat man said with bright eyes: "At this juncture, if nothing big happens, I'm afraid the spy won't take the risk to pass the news to the outside world!"

This chapter has been completed!
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