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Chapter 275: Killing Weapon (Part 2)

Rain can wash away the blood on the ground, but it cannot wash away the hatred in the heart.

After a series of changes, the two teams fighting desperately in the arena became angry.

Their attacks are getting sharper and sharper, and there are more and more wounds on their bodies.

There were already more than a dozen bleeding wounds on Varodya's body, but he seemed to be completely unaware of the pain and was terrifyingly calm.

The young man stared at the sapphire spike in his opponent's hand with sharp eyes like a vulture, while he once again formed a long knife of the same style and slowly pointed it at his mustache.

"Can't you change your weapon? I broke twelve of them in succession, and you still won't give up?" Mustache mocked.

He said this, but in his heart he was very curious about Volodya's performance.

Both of them are characters who like immersive battles. Since the fight started, they have turned a deaf ear to everything around them and focused all their energy on the fight in front of them.

Mustache thought that the battle would be over quickly, because the opponent seemed to have just entered the realm of return to truth, so how could he pose a substantial threat to the high-level injection master?

However, as soon as the fight started, Mustache immediately changed his view. Although Volodya was weak, he was extremely fast and attacked, and his evasive route was very strange. Not only did he avoid Mustache's killing moves several times, but he also

I almost took advantage twice.

Therefore, this high-level earth-type injection master with two cute mustaches kept his hand in the subsequent battle, hoping to let the opponent show more, so as to learn more about Varoja's mysterious body skills.

Hidden meaning.

"Why did you deliberately hold back your hand?" Varodya asked coldly.

"Haha!" Mustache smiled and said truthfully: "I'm just curious about your movement skills. I could kill you several times, but you dodged me every time. I think it's not just a matter of speed!


"Do you really not know my identity?" Varodya asked unwillingly.

"Haha! Your identity is meaningless to me! Didn't the words of the head of state Miyaze make it clear enough? Does the behavior of leader Vera still make you have illusions? Unless you are the biological son of Boss McCann

, otherwise no identity can save you!" Mustache chuckled.

Seeing that the other party really didn't know about Nathan's existence, Valoja couldn't help but sigh in her heart, "It seems that the executors of the plan are often kept in the dark! I just don't know whether Miaze himself is the executor or the planner.


"I am a gold injection master, and speed helps me develop my strength! As for the body skills, I learned them from fighting with wild beasts. It is useless for you to look at them!" Valoja stopped continuing the previous topic and spoke frankly.


"That's a pity!" Mustache put away his smile and squinted his eyes and said: "I sometimes watch animals fighting, which is quite interesting. For example, cats catch mice. In fact, in most cases, cats are not because of hunger, but because of hunger.

Because it’s boring! In addition, cats often kill mice after they’ve had enough fun, and it’s also because of boredom. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Volodya's eyes became even colder. He nodded, looked at the wounds on his body, and then said: "You are indeed a very boring person! However, I have some different views on the relationship between beasts.

I understand, but I can’t tell you until I defeat you!”

Just at this moment, the fat man's noisy voice rang out.

"Alas! I didn't expect that your fat leader really has some skills! However, my partner is indeed too useless!" Mustache said softly with his eyes focused.

He immediately put on an attacking stance and continued nagging: "I wanted to chat with you more! Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance! But what you said is right. I am indeed bored, and I get even more bored when I'm bored.

Want to kill someone!"

At the end of Mustache's words, his tone became extremely cold. His figure began to shake continuously, and then he launched another attack.

The guy was tired of this cat-and-mouse game and decided to kill his opponent as quickly as possible before Vera's hot-tempered bitch took the blame.

The purpose of shaking is to prevent Volodya, who is good at movement, from predicting the attack route in advance and evading it. This is also the corresponding method that Mustache came up with, and he is very confident in it.

The strange thing is that this time Volodya did not use any movement skills at all. He seemed to be still reminiscing about the conversation just now, and just kept his forward posture blankly, allowing his opponent to attack without moving at all.

It wasn't until the blue jade spike of the mustache reached his eyes that the young man seemed to notice it, and he casually threw the long knife towards his face.

"It's really getting worse with more beatings, so let's die!" Mustache thought to himself, the sharp thorn remained unchanged and was poking at the edge of the long knife.

"Poof!" Without the crisp sound of gold and jade colliding before, the long knife made a muffled sound and was knocked away again.

"Is it because I don't have much concentration left, and I can't even condense a decent knife?" Mustache noticed something strange but didn't pay attention. Murderous intent surged in his eyes, and he drove straight in with a sharp thorn.

The cold sharp thorn pierced Varodya's left chest, and blood spattered, but the young man didn't even make a sound.

"That's not right!" Mustache was shocked, because he didn't feel the spasm that should have come from the spikes when his heart was suddenly attacked.

At the same time, a faint light that came from nowhere crossed the side of the mustache's neck, and then disappeared into the rain and fog.

"Hmm? How could it be that long knife? Didn't I knock it off?" Mustache thought, suddenly feeling an itch on his neck. He hurriedly touched it with his hand, but was immediately struck by the force that was pouring out.

Hot blood was startled.

"Cough cough cough..." Looking at the panicked moustache, Varodya coughed uncontrollably for a while, then grinned and said softly with difficulty: "The thirteenth sword is not made of metal energy.

The weapon, it is a creature I summoned, called 'Parasite'! The gadget has no fixed shape, so it is whatever it is. Haha, this is a move from the Bianju Sect, oh, it is a relatively low-level move!"

"Impossible...!" Mustache said in horror. But before he could finish his words, blood sprayed out from his mouth, and he choked and could no longer speak.

Seeing that the brilliance in his opponent's eyes was beginning to fade and that he was on the verge of collapse, Varoja continued with a cold expression: "The twelve sword strikes before were just a foreshadowing. My strength is much weaker than yours. It really can't be done without some tricks! Moreover,

, I came on stage this time, originally to make up the numbers for someone else. But that person was much taller than me, so I had to add something to my clothes to avoid being noticed. Therefore, the stab you gave me didn’t hurt me.

Crucial! This can be considered a trick."

Due to the rapid blood loss, Mustache's consciousness was already vague. He covered his neck, his legs gave way and he sat down on the ground. His eyes were completely filled with fear of death.

"Alas! Now that I have the opportunity, let me tell you what I learned from the beast!" Volodya endured the severe pain in his body and continued: "I have heard that 'a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength'

Right? If your strength is so strong that you can despise life and ignore danger, then this strength itself is already a knife on your neck!"

After saying this, Volodya could no longer hold on. He slowly sat down, but his eyes were still bright and cold.

At the same time, Mustache also breathed his last, and the situation in the arena began to get completely out of control.

This chapter has been completed!
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