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Chapter 286 Full Moon (Part 1)

Looking at the full moon that had abandoned its position in the sky, the fat man suddenly wanted to howl loudly to vent the pent-up emotions in his heart.

For the sake of revenge and revival, is it okay to betray your brothers, partners, and friends? Is it okay to betray your true heart and kill innocent people?

Wouldn't this cause more hatred and sow the seeds of defeat again?

Thinking of Lingxiu's face with pear blossoms and rain when she left, and thinking of the pressure on the little girl's thin shoulders, Mai Sang felt extremely uncomfortable. At the same time, she also understood the golden saying "A wise man fears causes, and a fool fears consequences."

A deeper feeling.

He held in his hand a letter left by Zuma, which was the last words that the profiteer asked Lingxiu to give to the fat man before he left.

Mr. Mai:

If you read this letter, then I am probably dead. I died well and with no regrets. I am just sorry for the child Lingxiu.

For the sake of my promise to the Chahan family, I can do anything, but I don't want future generations to bear the infamy for this, so I have to explain something to you.

Lingxiu is not my flesh and blood, she is my biological niece. Do you remember what I told you about a team leader who was eliminated by me for violating the rules? That team leader is my brother, and his wife is

The daughter of Adela, the second son of the Heme family.

I was ruthless and determined to kill my relatives, but in the end I couldn't bear to kill an infant baby. So, Lingxiu became what she is now.

Alas! What retribution!

When I met Princess Xi Laier a few days ago, I realized that Hemei was actually a pawn played by Chahanbu, but a big mistake had been made, and I couldn't even figure out who to blame!

This is the first thing I want to ask you. I hope that after my death, you can ask the princess to agree to let Lingxiu recognize her ancestor and return to the Hemei family.

After all, children are still young. As long as you keep your mouth shut about many things, you will slowly forget them!

Another thing is that I hope you will not resent the princess because of what happened to Boris, Turge and others, including me.

You just need to understand that we all know our ending in advance, but we are willing to do so.

Zuma immediately bowed his head!

The fat man read the letter again and silently put it into his arms. He took a long breath and turned to look at the door of the house, where the head of the Hemei family who had just arrived was standing there.

"Mr. Mai! Just hope you're okay! You are the savior of my family and the entire Ross. Please accept my bow!" The old man showed his true feelings, choked up after speaking, and then bowed his head.

The fat man accepted the other party's three bows without any hindrance. Although he should be polite, he could not wrong the elemental brothers and Ojielina!

"Let's get down to business! Are you ready for this afternoon's meeting? Are there any competitors worth noting?!" Mai Sang asked directly.

"Yes!" The head of the Hemei family stood up, thought for a while and replied: "There are two people. Akuch is Victor's father-in-law and Miaze's predecessor. He is a staunch nationalist and is very interested in

McCann, Yin Erpu and Luers didn't buy it. He is probably close to Ross now. The other one is Rovna. This woman is Akuch's mortal enemy. She is very close to McCann and also maintains a relationship with Yin Erpu.

We have cooperated on many big projects, but we have always been at odds with Rus. It was reported that Rovna arrived in Rus half an hour ago!"

"In the past, these two forces combined wouldn't be a big deal, but now it's hard to say!" the old man added.

"Why do you say this?!" the fat man asked quickly.

"Alas! Wasn't it because of the explosion in the arena? That was clearly an arrangement to raze the entire Ross to the ground!" the head of the Herme family sighed.

"You mean those bastards want to eradicate all your forces and create new ones?" the fat man asked in shock.

"That's true!" The old man nodded and said angrily: "How powerful is the original energy cloud bomb?! Ruers has always been eyeing Ulan but didn't dare to advance. Why? Isn't it just that he has some concerns about this big killer weapon?

Fear? And someone actually put this thing into the arena and detonated it, and could do such a crazy thing, why do you think they did it?!"

"Did you say that Miaze and Captain Vera knew about this in advance?" the fat man suddenly asked.

The head of the Hemei family already knew the entire incident from his son Adela. He replied after hearing this: "I have thought about this carefully before, and I think they may have been kept in the dark! Because no matter what,

Miaze's original intention is to be a good head of state, and he probably won't drag tens of millions of civilians to be buried with him!"

"Then, the two representatives of the McCann people, Granny Xiao and Palchi, probably didn't know either! When the explosion happened, they were not far away, especially Palchi, who was standing next to Miaze.

Yes!" The fat man said with a frown, and at the same time he started pulling his hair out of habit.

"This is also what I can't figure out. I originally thought that all this was caused by the McCann people, but reality shows that Lang Jun is the real mastermind behind it. However, what is his purpose in doing this?" He

The head of the Mei family was also very puzzled.

"Could it be that Lang Jun wants to control Ulan's political power?" Mai Sang slowly took a few steps and continued to analyze: "The person he initially wanted to promote was your eldest son, but as Os

He died suddenly, maybe Lang Jun noticed something and changed his plan!"

"I'm afraid this is the only reasonable explanation! No matter how ridiculous it sounds, but the facts are in front of us, we can only think in this direction!" The Hemei family felt mixed emotions in their hearts when the fat man mentioned Auster.


"Then it seems that the current situation has caught the McCann people off guard! But since you are safe here, they should continue to support the Hemei family! In this case, no matter what Lang Jun has to do, it is probably

It won't affect the final outcome!" Fatty said slowly.

"I'm worried that the McCann people have long known what happened within the Hemei family, and the person they really support is not me, but my unfulfilled son!" the old man said helplessly.

"The trick of the oriole behind is indeed what they are used to!" the fat man said leisurely and started to circle around the room again.

After a moment, he stopped and said: "In that case, it's useless to think too much! Let's just show it off! Didn't you just say that there are many conflicts between Akuch and Rovna? ​​As long as they can't reach a tacit understanding,

We can continue to play this game of chess as planned!"

"Where is the venue of the meeting arranged?" Fatty suddenly changed the topic and asked.

"Oh!" The head of the Hemei family was obviously not used to the other party's jumping conversation. He was stunned for a moment before replying: "It is arranged in the conference room in Victor Manor."

"Oh! Why don't we stay in the ruins of the arena instead? It's to our advantage to be moved by the scene!" The fat man walked to the window and sighed as he looked at the night sky.

"I'm afraid Victor won't agree. That guy actually must have some unreasonable thoughts, so..." the head of the Hemei family said in embarrassment.

"You haven't heard yet! The mayor was assassinated two or three hours ago! Therefore, his manor is no longer suitable for meetings!" the fat man continued.

At this time, the full moon in the sky has turned red for some reason, like burning flames and gushing blood, as if it is foreshadowing something...

This chapter has been completed!
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