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Chapter 301 Shui De (Part 2)

"In order to promote the harmony of elements, as a wood injection master, you really need to understand the nature of water. However, this is the first time I have heard of the virtues of water you mentioned, and I hope you can teach me!" Lan Ling felt anxious.

As he said that, he actually gave a salute to the fat man.

The reason why Lan Ling is called "Master" is not only because she has been famous for a long time and has excellent skills, but the more important reason is that this woman really has the mind of a master.

When everyone saw that Lan Ling was still so humble to Tabaka, who was obviously ready to cause trouble, they couldn't help but burst into admiration.

"I really don't take it seriously as a suggestion! I also suddenly had some new insights just now, so why don't I find an excuse to show it off!" the fat man said with a slight embarrassment.

"Pfft!" Lan Ling was caught off guard by the other party's truth and laughed out loud.

As a result, everyone became more fond of Master Tabaka, who had no arrogance and was amiable. They were all smiling for a while, and the tense atmosphere at the scene was relieved.

"I'd like to hear the details!" Lan Ling regained her usual calmness and comfort, and said harmoniously. She no longer had to pretend to be so straight-faced, and she herself felt a lot more cheerful.

"Hey! This water is amazing! I think it has three great virtues, which are really worth learning." As he said this, he unconsciously wanted to put his hands on his forehead and pull his hair.

"Alas! Master Tabaka's words made me interested. I didn't expect that what I drink every day can be virtuous. Please tell us about it!" Reya, who had been silent until now, suddenly interjected.

The fat man heard that the other party emphasized the word "Tabaka", and then he realized that his subconscious actions might reveal his identity.

"A woman is still attentive!" He nodded to the other party and said: "First of all, this water has the virtue of never striving for harmony. It always caters to the shape of the object it carries and never conflicts with it. This is true for cups and pots.

The same is true for the boundaries of rivers, lakes and seas. This characteristic seems weak and powerless, but it is actually a kind of magnanimity. It is said that tolerance means magnanimity!"

The fat man talked so eloquently that the scene became completely quiet. Everyone could hear that there was something behind his words, and they all began to speculate secretly.

"Because you are tolerant, you can live in peace; because you don't fight, you can deal with things calmly; because you don't impose your thoughts on others, you can realize your ideals, stick to your beliefs, and ultimately achieve the state of harmony and achievement!" Fatty!

He continued in a leisurely tone.

"Alas! Listening to what you say, water is really amazing! However, if you allow yourself to be held hostage by external objects, how can you realize your ideals? Besides, what is the ideal of water?" Although Lan Ling was attracted by Mai

Sang was deeply touched by his words, but at the same time, he felt that what the other person said was too idealistic and did not conform to the reality.

"Haha! Thank you Master Lan Ling for the tip. This is exactly the second virtue of water I want to talk about!" The fat man first threw an inexplicable big hat to the other party, and then continued: "Water has the virtue of doing evil and doing good!


"There is a saying that says, 'People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places.' I believe you have heard of it, right?" He looked at everyone with deep meaning and asked.

"Ah? This sentence describes the reality!" Chi Rong asked in confusion: "For example, as an injection master, shouldn't we work hard to reach a higher level? Everyone has the desire to be strong and competitive.

If even this is lost, then what development is there? Will it just go downhill like water?"

"You're right! But what I'm talking about is the purpose and motivation of doing something. Those dirty, chaotic, dilapidated, dark, and low-level places are the places that everyone avoids and wants to avoid.

Escape as soon as possible and work hard in the opposite direction. But what about water? It just wants to flow to these places because it understands its mission and has the ambition to nourish all things! Its purpose is not to find a better place.

It’s about making the place where you are the best!” Mai Sang sighed, his eyes were extremely bright at this moment, because at this moment, the fat man seemed to have the answer to the doubt that had been bothering him for a long time.

"So, in my opinion, it would be good to form an alliance with Yin Erpu, but if the time is really not ripe yet, there is no need to force it! Oh, what's the saying?" Fatty said his thoughts leisurely

, then asked Adela who was in a daze holding a basin of water.

"Strong, forceful melons are not sweet!" Erye replied casually.

The laughter at the scene just rose and then fell silent again! Everyone was thinking about their own thoughts.

"Alas! What Master Tabaka said was so exquisite, it was like an enlightenment! It seems that compared with Shui De, what I did is really inferior! I only care about personal honor and disgrace, and all I think about is relying on others.

It is a big mistake to gain confidence through gifts but forget the expectations of the people in this land! I will officially take over as the head of state of Ulan tomorrow morning. No matter how big the storm is, in the end it is up to the Ulan people to overcome it on their own.

He just broke in!" The head of the Hemei family said decisively, and glanced at the people in Ulan with a serious look.

"I'll wait, I'll follow you to the death!" The generals headed by Wazaru had already been extremely excited by what the fat man had just said. Seeing that Hemei had finally made a decision, they immediately shouted out the emotions in Jiu Ya's heart.


Several civil servants were obviously affected. Their cheeks, which had always been strict in speech and expression, showed eagerness, and they all nodded to Herme.

On the other hand, several rich people remained calm. They looked at each other for a few times and did not speak. This may be because they have not yet reached an agreement on the commitments they want to make.

"Alas..." Markas sighed softly and spoke slowly: "What Master Tabaka said makes me ashamed! Although the Yin Erpu people are not very sentimental, they are not too concerned about the evil happening around them.

Turn a blind eye. When daybreak comes, I will go back to discuss this matter with the Alliance Council in person, hoping to give an answer that has the best of both worlds as soon as possible! Master Lan Ling, what do you say?"

At this time, Lan Ling had no idea what the fat man was saying. She only felt that every word he said was precious and memorable. She never expected that this famous master not only had a unique and profound vision, but also persuaded people like a breeze.

Like a drizzle, it leaves no trace but can penetrate the heart and spleen.

"I have nothing to say. Taking over Ulan was already very hasty, but I will do my best to find a more secure solution. However, what I want to hear most now is the third virtue of water.


"The virtue of stopping turbidity and defilement. Please take a look, everyone!" The fat man said. He first saluted Claude's body and the head, and after muttering some more words, he took Ade over.

He held the basin of water in his hand and slowly poured it towards the two withered heads.

After a while, everyone onlookers gradually let out a sound of exclamation. They saw that Claude's angry face was relieved by the moisture of the water, and it turned from dry and shrunken to a little luster. On the other hand, the other head was not affected at all.

The effect of the water is normal, and it still looks ferocious and terrifying.

"After the baptism of water, the dirty things will eventually be precipitated, and the truth will show its original appearance like a clear stream! The third virtue of water is this! As for the cause of Lord Claude's death, I

I feel that it is still not easy to conclude, it will take some time to find out clearly!" Looking at Lan Ling's complicated eyes, Mr. Mai said leisurely.

This chapter has been completed!
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