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Chapter 323 Impersonation (Part 2)

Mr. Sock, who was shocked by the news brought by the fat man, had not recovered yet when a strong man with a big beard and a rather elegant appearance strode in.

"Are you Heike? How did you end up like this?" The strong man frowned and asked Mai Sang.

Mai Gongzi, who has never been sensitive enough to momentum, felt a bit of pressure the moment the opponent appeared. This kind of pressure was comparable to the effect that masters such as Benjie and Parch could produce.

"Could it be that Delkin himself has arrived? Damn it! This is the time when the secret is revealed!" The fat man suppressed the fear in his heart, and at the same time raised his guard, he said with an awkward smile: "See you, sir! Am I looking too much like this?"

The strong man was stunned when he heard this, and then he laughed and said: "Your appearance is too much! It doesn't matter... Oh, tell me about the news you brought!"

The fat man didn't expect that he would get through this. He was in a good mood and hurriedly reported what he had just said again in a serious manner.

"I'm just an intelligence officer. Now that I've finished reporting the information, can I just call it a day and be able to move around freely?" He was looking forward to it in his heart.

The fat man's words made Delkin uneasy. He and Sok looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Do you think the McCanns reacted too quickly?" Suok suddenly asked the fat man.

"Damn! Can you ask me this?" Mr. Mai cursed, but he didn't dare not answer. He deliberately glanced at the strong man first, and then responded vaguely: "They, they came a bit fast, especially

That Wilson, he has lost his whereabouts since he left Su Lier, and he didn’t expect to show up again in Ulan’s military camp!”

"Mr. Heike, you are the most outstanding intelligence officer in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, do you only have such a simple view on this matter?" Sock scolded him coldly. He then said dissatisfiedly to the strong man: "Mr. Delkin

, since we have agreed to establish an offensive and defensive alliance in advance, we should trust each other and share information, but why do your men always look like hesitating like this? Humph! It seems that your promise is only verbal.

That’s it!”

"Haha!" Delkin chuckled when he heard this: "Mr. Sok, please be patient! As an intelligence officer, if you can freely confide your feelings, I'm afraid you are not far from death!"

Before Sok broke out, Delkin turned to Maisang and said: "We are now working together with Mr. Sok's team to survive this crisis. You are an expert on the Ulan issue and have been lurking there for many years. Here

There are no outsiders, just tell me what you really think!"

"Oh! It's really Delkin himself who has arrived! It seems that Heike is by no means an ordinary spy, but a very important person, and even has a certain say!" The fat man thought to himself, and his expression gradually became serious. He suddenly asked

Said: "Mr. Sok, before I answer your question, can you clear up a doubt for me first?"

Seeing that the other two people were looking at him hesitantly, Maisan deliberately turned his face coldly and continued: "You seem to be only paying special attention to the movements of the McCann people, but you have somewhat ignored the change of the head of state of the Falka Republic. Why is this?


"Huh?" Suok was asked unclearly, but Delkin showed a thoughtful expression.

"Since the Ruhrs have troops here, it is imperative to assist Zovka. Whether they change the capital will not change the inevitable. However, the attitude of the McCann people is related to our next plan, so

It's a question that needs to be considered first, isn't it?" the former asked in a cold voice.

"Nesroson was originally an official of Ulan, but was coerced into becoming the leader of the rebels. He is completely different from that Benjie. If he is determined to surrender, Ruls will still need it, or rather

, is there still an excuse to send troops?! I think this is the issue that needs to be confirmed first!" Mai Sang replied unceremoniously.

Suoke was speechless by the other party's question, and realized that he was putting the cart before the horse. "Of course this matter needs to be confirmed, but it's not good if we don't understand the attitude of the McCann people!" He said with force, but his tone

But it has calmed down.

"The attitude of the McCanns couldn't be more obvious, and there is no need to confirm it!" Fatty said categorically: "Wilson's identity this time is that of the special envoy to mediate the conflict between Ulan and Ruhr. This identity is consistent with his previous role in Suriel

The identities are exactly the same. Therefore, by referring to what he did when he was in Suriel, we can deduce his attitude towards Luers."

"You mean to say that the independent incidents that happened in Zovka and Flossi were a conspiracy planned by McCann, and the purpose was to lure the Ruhrs into action?" Delkin raised his eyebrows and asked in shock.

"Sir, I think there is indeed a possibility!" The fat man replied in a completely different tone of respect from Sok: "It's true that Benjie is the anti-government leader of Ulan, but he also has blood on his hands.

Terrorists. Let me ask, if such a person is serving as the head of state of the Republic of Foca, then what is the purpose of Ruhrs sending troops to assist? What is the reason? Are we going to support a country created by terrorists? "

Looking at the two Ruhrese officials in front of him with frowning eyebrows, Mr. Mai continued to talk: "But now, everything has changed with the defeat of Benjie! The Ruhrese people in a foreign land

, civilians who admired the Ruhr culture rose up in resistance out of the need to endure the threat of terrorists and were tired of the Ulan government's repressive policies against foreigners. They not only drove away the terrorists, but also elected a head of state they trusted.

So, in order to respond to these real public opinions and respond to these calls from the heart of the people, does it sound more reasonable and convincing for Ruhr to send troops to assist with the army of justice?!"

"In order to make appropriate preparations for the Ruhrs to send troops...Would the Mackans do this? Isn't this going against themselves? In this way, wouldn't the suppression of the Fuka Republic by the Ulan government army be

Has it become an evil act that tramples on public opinion? How is this possible?!" Mr. Sok murmured in disbelief.

"In the entire Yin Erpu, how many countries were originally part of the Ruhr Federation, or were once part of the Chahan Empire? Are there many people in these countries who still miss the past years, and still have feelings for Ruhr or Chahan?

If the people of these countries also become independent and hope to return to the embrace of Rus, then should Yin Erpu be divided into pieces? Such a thing, what will happen to the Yin Erpu alliance?

Do you allow it to happen?" Fatty said slowly, feeling that his thoughts were becoming clearer.

"McCann launched this series of conspiracies in order to completely pull Yin Er into his camp and give the Ruhrs a combined blow?" Delkin concluded in a leisurely tone.

"My lords," the fat man said with a smile, "This is my rough view of the current situation. If Nesrosun continues to follow Benji's old path after taking power, he must be a member of the McCann family."

There is no doubt that it was a secret move! As for the question of whether the McCanns arrived early, I think there is a corresponding answer."

"It's not a question of whether they came early or not, but they never left! Alas..." Mr. Mai ended his speech with a sigh.

"Xixi, regardless of whether Nesroson is your subordinate or not, after Fatty and I interfered, he will definitely have nothing to do with you! How should you thank me!" Maisang thought proudly.



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