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Chapter 350: Demonic Army (Part 2)

"Zhe Xiao...?" Sha Yin'er didn't know what the princess was talking about and couldn't help but hesitate. The next moment, her eyes narrowed.

I saw that the attacks of the magic injection masters were still fierce, but the method of dealing with the injection masters who were beaten half to death changed amidst Xi Laier's shouts. They no longer pounced on them and bit them, but sprayed out their mouths with

The white mist absorbs the opponent's energy until it kills them. Instead, it opens its own wrist veins and drips blood into the mouths of the dying injection masters.

"If it doesn't work, blow yourself up immediately, otherwise you will all become this woman's puppets!" Sha Yin'er suddenly realized something and shouted angrily.

"Haha! Ants are greedy for life. As the head of the family, you don't think about how to find a chance for your men, but you only know how to let them die. Alas! It's really disgusting!" Xilaier sneered.

"Your Royal Highness, the head of the Shayin'er family also has good intentions! If she hadn't said this, how could she have tricked her men into fighting to the death? If these guys showed their greedy and fearful nature, wouldn't it damage the reputation of the Miye family?

Mr. Mai's noisy voice sounded from a distance, and this guy followed up by shouting to the ordinary injection masters: "Did you hear that? Your boss told me to blow myself up! Why didn't you follow the order? Hurry up! What are you waiting for?

Woolen cloth?"

The situation on the scene was already extremely critical, and with Fatty's instigation, several loyal and upright soldiers of the Miye family actually chose to die. However, their desperate effort only lasted for a moment like a flower in the pan.

They were annihilated by the demonic army that gathered together again and rushed towards them.

"Damn it! Who told you uninjured people to blow themselves up? The head of the Shayin'er family means those who lost the prize! Yes, it's you guys, don't hesitate, otherwise it will be too late even if you want to blow yourself up!

"The fat man explained sadly while pointing at the injured anesthetists.

After Mai Sang's troubles, the injection masters of Gu Li and the Miye family began to be a little timid, fearing that if they were attacked, they would have no choice but to self-destruct. Their retreat made the battle situation even more erosive, and the battle that had just stabilized once again became unstable.

fell into chaos.

"Oh! It's not that I'm biased. In terms of ruthlessness, you are far from the Chahan people! Since you know that you are defeated, why bother to fight to the end?! In addition, you don't think about why the other three families

Gone forever? Why hasn't official support been delayed?! You didn't know you were being sold, it's really hateful and pitiful! Alas! Stop fighting and surrender!" Mai Sang continued to disturb him tirelessly.

Military spirit.

"I'll kill you bastard first!" Seeing that his men were bewitched by the other party and their combat power dropped to another level, Sha Yin'er roared and rushed towards the fat man.

"You just asked me to come out for a one-on-one, why did you change your mind now? You are such an unreliable woman!" The princess said disdainfully, stepped forward, straightened her spine, and stabbed Sayin'er in the ribs.

"Poof!" The black wooden vertebrae opened a small hole under the woman's ribs, and Shayin'er's broken knife also made a long bloody gash on the princess's arm.

Shayin'er always had only one goal, but Xilaier was deceived by the opponent because of his concern.

The princess was accidentally injured, which caught everyone by surprise. What's even more terrible is that as the blood gurgled down, the combat power of the magic injectors also showed signs of weakening.

"Kill her, and the magic injectors will defeat themselves!" Seful, who had been watching coldly, saw the clues. Amidst the loud shouts and the sound of the bowstring, a sharp arrow wrapped in golden light was shot in front of the princess.

Xi Laier snorted coldly and drew a single hand across his chest to form a black energy vortex, which just happened to block Seful's attack.

She immediately turned sideways, avoiding a head-on confrontation with the lingering arrow, and stabbed Sayin'er again with the wooden vertebrae in her hand.

"Ha! Brothers, the enemy has fallen into a trap! Charge!" The fat man, who was already pale with fright, pulled his neck and shouted again.

As he shouted, the fighting spirit of the warriors from the five major families, who had just been invigorated, declined again.

"Master Seful, the remnant of Chahan has been handed over to me! You go and kill her lover first!" Sha Yin'er fought hard with the princess again and shouted at the same time.

Xi Lai'er was shouted at "Legacy, remnant" by the other party twice and three times. He was already very angry. He stopped answering after hearing the words. He used all the injection techniques mixed with demonic energy and rushed towards Sha Yin'er with all his strength.

Say hello on your body.

She knew she was in trouble and understood that as long as she took down the woman in front of her, the victory would be sealed. However, after drinking Mai Sang's blood, Her Royal Highness's demonic energy was not as good as before. She hadn't had time to experience it carefully.

The value and use of the new, mysterious power flowing in the body were challenged by Sha Yin'er's provocation. It was precisely for this reason that Xi Lai Er was injured.

As for the other Chahan warriors, the princess's method of transforming them was different from that of Wu En. She did not use the magical effect of demon blood, but only completed all this through the injection of demonic energy. Therefore, Xi Laier herself

Whether it is strong or not is directly related to the combat power of everyone under it.

Faced with the princess's crazy attack, Sha Yin'er responded calmly on the surface, but in fact he was panicking in his heart. Heartbreaking pain continued to come from the wound under his ribs, and a strange energy was raging there, trying to break through the barrier and attack his whole body.

"The battle must end as soon as possible, otherwise..." the woman thought to herself, her steps were chaotic, and she seemed about to fall.

The princess thought that the demonic energy had taken effect, so she suddenly jumped into the air, looked down from top to bottom, and threw the wooden spine in her hand towards her opponent's throat.

Sha Yin'er was shocked and the broken knife flew out of his hand, and almost collided with Muzhui.

"Clang..." Accompanied by a tooth-wrenching friction sound, the wooden vertebrae and the broken knife flew away at the same time, and Xi Laier's palm with a black glow also hit the opponent's chest.

Shayin'er concentrated her whole body, and the azure halo was dazzling. She put her fists on her chest, preparing to withstand the opponent's fatal blow.

"Zhexiao...!" The princess shouted out strange words again, and with this voice, the infusion masters who drank the demon blood all stood up regardless of whether they were seriously injured or not, and they joined the demon infusion with blank eyes.

The division's troops launched an even more frenzied attack on their former partners.

At the same time, Sha Yin'er only felt numbness at the wound, and his whole body's attention became a little unruly. At this time, the princess's palm had already been slapped.

"Kacha!" There was a sound of Shayin'er's arms being broken, and Xi Laier's demonic energy drove straight in and penetrated into the opponent's chest and abdomen like a broken bamboo.

Sha Yin'er spat out a mouthful of hot blood and fell to the ground exhausted, but the look in her eyes was still warm and full of expectation.

The broken knife that was the symbol of the Miye family fell from the air and struck the princess on the back of her neck.

"Huh! It's just a broken knife..." Xi Laier noticed something was wrong, but didn't care. She had spent a lot of energy just now, and she missed the best opportunity to dodge in order to get this slap. Moreover, it seemed that

There is no need to dodge at all. Unless the broken part of the broken knife can be regenerated, it will just end up cutting the air from the princess's neck.

"The water-breaking cup has always been a move that can decapitate an enemy without using a sharp edge! If your ancestors were still here, they would never dare to do so!" Sha Yin'er sighed gloomily with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The princess felt a warning in her heart, but the broken knife had already pressed against her neck, and a cold and invisible water energy suddenly spurted out from the broken hole and cut straight through.

Xi Laier's mind was completely empty. In the last moments of her life, all she could think of was the fat man who made people laugh, laugh, and worry.

This chapter has been completed!
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