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Chapter 361 Suddenly (Part 1)

The duel between Susan and Huahua ended in a tie.

Of course, under Mr. Mai’s deliberate reminder, the two fingerprints on Nathan’s forehead are also indispensable.

After instructing the little girl to prepare the antidote for the Scarlet Phantom Poison, Her Majesty once again picked up the fat man and dragged Susan, who was in a difficult mood, to visit Slender Tiger and Fritz.

Fritz was seriously injured and was really still in a coma, while Shouhu was beside the woman with a blank look in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Mr. Mai, you're here! Fritz's injury is serious, but not fatal. The third lady has given her medicine. Don't worry, she won't die!" Hai Long shouted carelessly.

"Excuse me, Brother Long! How is the matter I asked you to check?" Mai Sang asked in a low voice while looking around for Qiu Dun.

"Oh... I found it. There are only two streets between Palchi's mansion and the Heads of State. I saw him walk in with my own eyes, followed by more than a dozen of his subordinates. Because I was afraid of being exposed, I didn't dare to go in and take a look.

After all!" Hai Long answered truthfully.

"Very good, oh, didn't Qiu Dun come over?" The fat man nodded with satisfaction, then changed the subject and asked.

"No! Isn't he accompanying your second brother? He said he was worried that the two little girls would get jealous and fight...!" Hai Long stopped before he finished speaking, because he had just noticed one of the two little girls.

Susan was following the fat man and glaring in this direction. At the same time, the "Third Lady" Capricorn Boy also had a rather unkind look.

"Haha! The fight is over, it's a tie!" Mr. Mai said with a smile and whispered a few words into Hai Long's ear.

After Brother Long, who was covered in cold sweat and looked horrified, persuaded and coaxed Susan away, the fat man tiptoed to the bed and began to check on Fritz's injury.

The woman's right breast was pierced by Parch's gauntlet knife. Although the knife has been removed and the wound has been bandaged, the bleeding effect is not very good. The wet red patch looks shocking.

"Why is it bleeding again? Shohu, have you moved her body?!" Capricorn Boy frowned slightly and asked softly.

Shouhu seemed to have realized who the visitor was at this moment, "I, I didn't touch her, I just wanted to help her remove the toxins. Maybe I got another wound because of this..." the man explained uneasily.

"Mr. Mai, boss, aren't you the best at detoxifying? Help Fritz, I can't detoxify her! That thing seems to be moving!" Shouhu suddenly turned over and knelt down in front of Mai Sang, desperate.

cried out.

"Let me see your palm first!" The fat man said with a focused look, then he pulled up the thin tiger.

The opponent's palm was severely injured. Not only was it black in color, but the poison in the palm had been corroded to the point where the bones were exposed. What was even more worrying was that the poison had a tendency to spread upwards.

"Oh! You, why didn't you say it!" Capricorn boy exclaimed.

"My hand is fine. I guess it's just that I've been holding the gauntlet for a long time, so it's contaminated with poison. You'd better check on Fritz first, she's injured on the chest!" Shouhu looked anxious and held on.

He responded.

"Bang!" At Mai Sang's signal, Her Majesty the Queen suddenly took action and knocked out Shouhu. The fat man had already mobilized the energy of the Hunling Pearl and looked into Shouhu's palm.

Oops! So complicated!

Mr. Mai was immediately startled by the sight in front of him.

I saw that there were actually four kinds of energy twisted and entangled in the dark color. The dark gray was naturally poisonous energy, and the dark red was Fei Huan, an old acquaintance. Huh? Why are there Azi and demonic energy too?

What's going on here?!

It's messy, it's too messy, it's just a mess! Mr. Mai's face was extremely solemn at this time, and his mood was even more ups and downs.

The poison energy is undoubtedly from Parchi, and the scarlet fantasy must be produced from the poison spirit bead. What is the origin of the purple energy and demonic energy unique to the variable art sect? Could it be that old man Qingjun actually turned this sect into

The secret method of cultivation has been rumored? And Palchi has been a magic infusion master for a long time? Could it be that after various energies and elements are combined with each other, their power will increase exponentially?

A series of questions appeared in Mai Sang's mind, and his face became increasingly gloomy.

"Fortunately, I knocked the thin tiger unconscious, otherwise he would have been frightened to death if he saw Mr. Mai like this!" Her Majesty the Queen thought to herself. She had rarely seen her lover be so solemn, and she felt uneasy.


"What's wrong? Is this poison very powerful? Is it more powerful than the one I took in junior high?" the woman asked worriedly.

"That's right!" Fatty suddenly woke up, "Didn't Fei Huan and A Zi appear in Tong Tong's body at the same time?" He murmured to himself.

"Shouhu's body contains the phantom toxin and the unique purple energy of the Transformation Sect. This means that the Poison Lingzhu and Qingjun have interacted with Parchi, but I don't know if there is any connection between the Poison Lingzhu and Qingjun!

"The first half of Mai Sang's sentence is nonsense, but the second half expresses a new possibility.

"Tongtong, is it possible that someone is not possessed by demons even though he possesses demonic energy?" the fat man suddenly asked.

"Haha!" Her Majesty the Queen was a little distracted, but she didn't expect her lover to ask such a silly question. She immediately replied with a smile: "Far away in the horizon, close in front of you! Aren't you a living example? I feel

There is an aura of demonic energy in your body, but apart from pretending to be stupid in front of me, you don’t have any signs of being possessed!"

"Damn! I'm like this because I'm possessed by your demon!" Mr. Mai said, kissed the woman hard, and then said excitedly: "I thought that as long as I had demonic energy, I would be a magic infusion master.

It doesn’t seem to be the case! There is still a difference!”

"Of course there is a difference." Capricorn boy was kissed and was about to fight back. Hearing this, he couldn't help but replied secretly: "The magic infusion master has at least three characteristics: retrograde concentration, irritable mood, and the need to absorb other infusions.

Only a master can replenish one's own energy! However, except for you, I have never seen anyone who has demonic energy in his body and is not a magic infusion master!"

"Oh! I'm afraid it's true! This guy Parchi is just like me now!" This time it was Mai Sang's turn to be surprised.

"Ah?! How is this possible? Your energy comes from Xixi, right?! She told me. But how did that bastard Parchi get the demonic energy? This is impossible!" the Capricorn boy exclaimed.


Seeing the fat man's unkind look, the woman thought for a moment and said quickly: "Don't doubt it's Xixi. The magic injector transforms his subordinates by directly injecting energy or feeding them with wrist blood. During this period, the transformed person has to bear the responsibility of being transformed."

The risk of becoming a puppet! With Palchi’s cunning and cunning, he will never do such a dangerous trick to enhance his strength! Therefore, there must be another reason!"

"I have no doubts about the princess," Mai Sang shook his head and explained: "I just feel that Parchi's strength and the backers behind him may be stronger than what we have seen or even imagined! I am very worried..."

After hearing this, Her Majesty the Queen immediately felt relieved, and then said nonchalantly: "Worrying can't solve the problem, and I think it should be Parchi who is worried. After all, you are only a junior injection master now, so you can make

He failed several times and came back, haha, he is probably depressed to death by now!"

"Alas! It seems that senior brother and Master Haruhiko are right. At this moment, I can't quit even if I want to. Those enemies are determined to get rid of me completely before they give up!" The fat man sighed resignedly.


"Tch...hasn't it been like this for a long time? Do you understand it now? No wonder old man Haruhiko always says you are ignorant! Ugh..." Before the Capricorn boy could finish his teasing, his sexy red lips were blocked by his lover's mouth.


This chapter has been completed!
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