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Chapter 664: Instigating Rebellion

"Sir, of course, the less people know about what happened here, the better, so I have to keep your men on the outside for now! They are originally brothers. I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration and avoid the tragedy of killing each other.

It'll just happen!" Tony's tone was calm but very sincere.

"Alas...!" Delkin said with emotion: "You are all excellent soldiers, you really shouldn't bleed for the strife between politicians!"

"Tony, take your people and leave! If you are willing to come back, you might as well wait two or three months to see the situation." He then suggested.

"Sir, we can indeed leave, but your family is all in Mocheng!" Tony's tone finally showed a slight fluctuation.

"How dare you threaten your summit, you..." Suoke couldn't help shouting due to the invisible pressure of the scene.

"Including yours!" Tony glanced at the deputy speaker and blocked the other person's mouth with one sentence.

"A lot of major events have happened in Mo City in the past few days. Princess Chahan gathered people to eliminate the forces of the five major families and regained her own territory. Mr. Palchi and Mr. Qingjun were both involved in this matter. Mr. Heike was in the conflict

Shaogul led his men to openly rebel and was killed by the Yelif head of state. Therefore, although everyone knows that the war is imminent and stability should be maintained, they can no longer sit back and watch those with other agendas attack the state power.

It’s subversive!” he added leisurely.

Tony's words were both true and false, and they were like a giant hammer that made Delkin and Sock's minds buzz. Especially when they heard that Qingjun actually participated in the action against the five major families together with Palchi, they felt even more confused.

Extremely upset.

"Now that the civil strife has subsided, what's the point of Yelif recruiting me back?" Delkin forced himself to calm down and asked with a trace of luck.

Faced with the Minister of the Interior's knowing questions, Tony sighed in his heart, "Heike is indeed a powerful character. He can predict the opponent's reaction very accurately. No wonder the second brother thinks so highly of him!"

Thinking of the dead Musili, Tony's eyes darkened, "Palchi and Qingjun reported to the head of state your conspiracy to collude with Mr. Sok and betray the country. That's why the head of state hopes that you can go back as soon as possible to give an explanation in person!

"He said softly.

"Haha! It turns out that Qingjun, the bastard, saw that Shao Guer and Heike were killed and thought that the situation was over, so he poured dirty water over! And Palchi must have realized my plan and his bullshit Hengdalu

There is a conflict in the axis, so I added insult to injury!" Under the preconception, Delgin himself helped Tony make up the lie in his mind.

"No wonder I haven't been able to send any news in the past two days. You have blocked it very carefully!" Mr. Minister of the Interior scolded bitterly.

"The head of state does not intend to kill everyone. He has three questions that you need to answer truthfully. If possible, it doesn't matter if you don't go back. And your family members will naturally be taken care of accordingly until everything is settled!

These are his exact words!" Tony slowly threw out the first bait, and at the same time his eyes wandered around Sock.

"I, I don't believe your nonsense. There are many doubts about Parchi's identity. Can you believe his words? And Qingjun, he, he is even less likely..." Suoke was flustered by the other party,

I couldn't help but shout.

"Shut up! Listen to him!" Parchi suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, which not only cut off the second half of Sok's unfinished sentence, but also caused Mr. Deputy Speaker's blood to surge and his concentration to be scattered.

stand up.

"It's normal for Mr. Sock to have doubts in his heart, so why are you angry?!" Tony said calmly, and then murmured: "But, Mr. Deputy Speaker, you don't think about it, if the restriction here was not set by the person who set it up,

Reminder, how would we know? Of course, thanks to Master Qingjun’s reminder, otherwise if our conversation was listened to by others, it would inevitably cause twists and turns!”

"So it's a ban? Ha, you've made preparations a long time ago, but why did you keep me in the dark? Delkin, you didn't betray me, did you?!" Suok was confused and even speculated on his own.

stand up.

"Bang...!" With the explosion, the body of the Vice-President was shattered into pieces in a black energy.

Tony's eyes narrowed in an instant. With his cultivation at the advanced and intermediate mountain-moving realm, he didn't even see clearly how Delkin made the move, and he couldn't help but feel panicked in his heart.

"Okay! No one will continue to make endless noises. Can you tell me what three things Yelif wants to ask?!" The Minister of the Interior took a breath and asked slowly. At this moment, he returned to his usual self.

Calmly and casually walking towards that stop, you will have the awe-inspiring momentum of a mountain.

"What exactly is the content of Heike's plan? Who is Heike really and where is he at this moment? And Mira, is the woman you sent to Shaogul really the marshal's little daughter? You and Pal

What kind of collusion is there between Qi and Qi?" Facing such a powerful opponent, Tony did not dare to talk nonsense and asked directly.

"Hahaha!" Looking at Tony's solemn eyes, Delkin felt proud and laughed loudly: "You have four questions!"

"It seems that Shaogul is not dead yet. Is Yelif planning to use both kindness and power to use this old lion again?" he asked calmly.

"As you expected, the head of state spared Shaogur's life. In this upcoming war, it seems that Rus has the advantage, but in fact there are many uncertainties. The head of state, he is also preparing for a rainy day!"

As if under pressure from his opponent, Tony told the "truth" without thinking. It seemed that, unknowingly, the roles of the interrogator and the interrogated had been reversed.

"What about Graf? He is the nephew of the head of state. In terms of prestige in the military, although he is not as good as Saugur, he can still be of great use!" Delkin was very satisfied with Tony's performance and took the opportunity to ask.

"Why did you bring out Graf again?" Tony hesitated for a moment and then said blindly: "Qingjun and Patch suggested it together. They said that compared to Master Graf, Shaogul is easier to control!"

"Palchi is the one who poisoned Shaogul. It is reasonable to say so, but Qingjun actually agreed, which means he has other plans! This bastard, I still mistrusted him after all!

"The Minister of the Interior thought to himself, gritting his teeth.

"Haike's plan is very simple, which is to let Haike take over the throne of the head of state instead. Now that the plan has been exposed, what does it have to do with the real Haike or the fake Haike?! As for colluding with Partch, I can only say, more

It's nonsense! It's for the future of Ruhr that I want to promote cooperation with Ilp. Except for Yelif, that guy has a MacKen man as his backer! The truth is different, I

How can you join in the same trend with him?" Delkin said disdainfully.

"Tony, as a member of Arrufa, you are finally the head of state. It is your duty! However, as a Ruhrese, do you believe that the McKean people are willing to rule the world with us? And unite Ilp

, taking the opportunity of the Battle of Uru to form the axis of the eastern continent, this is a good strategy to fight against McCann and seek a stable living space for the motherland, isn't it?" The Minister of the Interior changed the topic and started the work of instigating rebellion in a sincere tone.

This chapter has been completed!
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