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Chapter 674: On the Shadow

Chapter 674 Shadow (Part 1)

Master Haruhiko despised his beloved disciple's small-mindedness, but he knew that he was in the wrong. He also knew that if he didn't give the fat man a satisfactory explanation, he might not be able to let go for the rest of his life. So, the old man became worried, murmured, and stammered:

"It's not a big deal... Well, about that Heike plan, I knew something about it..."

"Aha!" Mai Sang immediately became energetic after hearing this, and he said gloomily: "I have always felt that there was a traitor, but I didn't expect that it would be you! It's true that sea water cannot be judged by appearance, and people cannot measure it!

It’s so full of bad water that even a bucket no matter how big it is can’t contain it!”

"What's a 'traitor'? It's such an unpleasant cry! Who did I 'rape'? You should tell me!" Master Haruhiko blushed and said harshly.

Seeing that the master was trying to get away with cheating, the fat man teased him relentlessly: "Don't worry about what's going on. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly and try to get leniency! I just talked so much that I completely wiped out my boss."

, can’t you imitate me and set an example for me to follow?!”

"Fuck! Just tell me if you tell me! I'm afraid you won't succeed?!" The old man was forced to do nothing, but he became arrogant and said: "After you foiled Qingjun's conspiracy again in the Ross Arena, he found me, and I was confused and agreed to him.

Request. I put the masks and identity certificates of Heike and Mira on purpose, and also used the mind-controlling technique to control Qiu Dun and Adela, that’s it!”

"Master, there must be a compelling reason for you to do this, right? Moreover, that reason is definitely not for your personal reasons, right?! Although I joined the Bianju Sect not long ago, I can still feel it all the time.

Given your caring heart for me, it is absolutely impossible for you to do this intentionally to harm me, right?" Mai Sang suddenly softened his tone and asked extremely sincerely.

Seeing his apprentice's eyes full of expectation and even shrinking, Master Haruhiko's nose felt sore and he almost shed tears. He knew that with Mai Sang's personality, he could be unafraid of his opponent's ruthlessness and treachery, but it was absolutely unbearable.

Deception and betrayal by relatives and friends.

"Alas!" the old man sighed softly, and said in a guilty and troubled tone: "Qingjun once used the art of foresight to predict various signs before the birth of the 'Tiandao Man', one of which was the general of Yatai Continent.

Caught in war, a sea of ​​plague, and rivers of blood! He told me, if you are not involved in the incident in the Republic of Forca, there will be a tragedy ten times that of the Ross Arena!"

"Huh?" The fat man never expected that his master would come up with such an unreliable reason. He immediately questioned: "The two incidents in Ross Arena were all the work of my uncle. How can you believe his speculation?


"Not the first time! And the second time, according to Qingjun, the reason why he summoned Emperor Jiang Hong was to see if the prediction was accurate - whether you would turn the tide again!" Master Qingyan said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Let's not talk about Emperor Jiang Hong. Are you saying that the 'original energy cloud bomb' was not placed in the ban by the uncle? How is this possible?!" Mai Sang shouted in disbelief.

"You rescued people alone at that time, which was indeed very brave... However, have you ever thought about who drew the star map on the top of the seven tall pillars in the arena? Without it, you could still summon the star curtain and save thousands of people.

Are ten thousand lives in a certain death situation? Do you really think all that is just a coincidence?" the old man asked softly.

"You mean these were prepared by your uncle in advance?" the fat man asked in disbelief. What Qingyan said was a mystery in Mai Sang's mind. Indeed, without the guidance of the seven stars, he would not be able to do anything.

Complete the feat of summoning the Star Curtain.

"He had a premonition that something big was going to happen in the arena, so he carved star seals on the tops of the seven tall pillars in advance to prevent any unexpected events. This was originally a secret technique in our Bianju Sect's Linghui Technique, called 'disaster prevention'

,Although the protective effect is incredible, it is definitely not something that can be achieved by human power..." Master Haruhiko nodded and confirmed.

"So," the old man continued, "Qingjun arranged for 'Emperor Jiang Hong' in the ban of the arena to prepare for emergencies!"

"Ha?!" The master's words completely overturned Mai Sang's understanding of the arena incident. He murmured to himself: "In other words, the master has nothing to do with the big murder weapon. He originally

Everything arranged is to prevent problems before they happen... As for the six-legged dancing monster, the purpose is actually to activate the star curtain to provide protection for everyone at the critical moment..."

"Qingjun never expected that someone could turn the tide on his own, so he summoned 'Emperor Jiang Hong' on the ruins of the arena, hoping to make that hero appear again! Hey, you scared him quite a bit.

Ah!" Master Qingyan sighed leisurely.

"So the uncle really supports Miaze? Alina's behavior must be a contingency plan after communicating with her husband beforehand?!" Fatty still found it hard to believe the truth he had guessed.

"That's not necessarily true..." the old man said in a cold tone: "I don't believe that Qingjun has no selfish motives in beating him to death, but his previous explanations are indeed somewhat convincing!"

"Could it be that we have really wrongly blamed our uncle? I have seen the star seal with my own eyes and cannot fake it. He would not arrange a big killer weapon and also arrange protection at the same time, right? Isn't this a contradiction? Even if he wants to

Isn't it too risky to take this opportunity to build yourself into a savior hero?!" Mai Sang analyzed softly.

"That's true! Emperor Jiang Hong is one of the top beings that Qingjun can summon, but judging from the explosion at that time, even it would be difficult to get rid of such a fatal situation!" Master Qingyan agreed.

"Could it be that Benjie and Miaze jointly set up this trap? If it doesn't work, it will be a disaster?!" Fatty guessed again. He then told everything he encountered in Zovka.

The old man thought that the fact that Benjie had the original energy cloud explosive bomb was just Qingjun's scaremongering. When his apprentice said that it was true, his face turned pale. After a while, he sighed: "I didn't expect Qingjun

His predictions turned out to be so accurate. If you hadn’t been involved, the Republic of Fuca would have been in ruins long ago, and the number of innocent souls who died in vain would be much more than that of Ross!”

"What a confusing account... cause and effect. Originally there was a cause before there was an effect. Now the inferred consequences are used as a reason to change the antecedents. So who is the cause and who is the effect?!" Mr. Mai thought more and more.

The more dizzy you become, stop quickly.

He shook his head, changed the topic and said: "Let's put these things aside for now if you don't think clearly about them. Master, did you say that you were deceived by Qingjun because you didn't know that Benjie had a big killer? Now...


"I can only believe half of what my brother says! Deep down, he is definitely a bastard who doesn't take human life seriously. But, maybe this guy suddenly changed his temper and really cares about all the people in the world?" Master Haruhiko

Said uncertainly.

"It's still wrong! Qingjun must have other plans! Humph! He originally said that as long as we get to Mocheng, we will complete our mission and leave in exchange for our identities. But in fact, who would have thought that this Heike would actually have a relationship with Shao Gu?

You have so many entanglements? Where can you go now?!" The old man chased fiercely again, obviously still brooding about being tricked by his brother again.

"Perhaps," the fat man tugged at a strand of hair and murmured: "I, Heike, am just the shadow of my master, and my role is just to disturb the audience and distract the opponent's attention! However, the uncle once told the princess that he planned to get rid of him.

If he loses Yelif, why does he have to have trouble with the head of state?!"

"If Yelif is a desperado like Benji in his heart, that would be terrible! The weapons he holds in his hands are not just one or two, but thousands!" Master Haruhiko suddenly had an idea.

Said with a trembling voice.

Mai Sang: The reversal is a bit big!

(End of chapter)

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