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Chapter 413: Candidates (Part 1)

"Well..." The fat man pondered for a long time, and Su Rong responded: "From what Aunt Trier said, the previous unhappiness was probably due to a misunderstanding. Well, I have three things to ask you. First of all, please let my friend go as soon as possible.

We come here to meet each other; after that, I want to witness the resurrection ceremony of the two sacred trees, so that I can go back and return my life to the master; as for the third thing, I heard that there is a core related to life in the ancient tree. If it is true,

, I want to see something and open my eyes!”

"Hahahaha...!" Hearing this, Trier let out a wild laugh, turned to Fuyao who was waiting nearby and ordered: "Did you hear Mr. Mai's words? Why don't you go and bring Nathan and the others here?


"As for the ceremony of resurrecting the sacred tree, it's only halfway through now, and the rest will be even more exciting, and Mr. Mai may be needed to help, so of course you have to witness it with your own eyes!" the woman continued.

"The third thing is, I have heard similar rumors. It would be nice to see what happens with you. We have different needs, but after all, we should be focusing on the same thing!" When Trier said this

, there was an uncontrollable look of extreme desire in his eyes. Mai Sang's heart tightened when he saw this, knowing that the divine core is the Poison Spirit Bead that must be obtained. If there is a fight for it, it will definitely lead to a life-and-death bloody battle.

The exchange between Trier and Mai Sang made Parchi very dissatisfied and gave rise to a strong sense of crisis. He originally found clues to the divine core from some clues provided by Qingjun and Trier, and finally set the target

In the dark night forest. And this information is exactly what the Pope uses to control the Poison Spirit Pearl.

Unexpectedly, something happened by chance. During the battle in Mocheng's Chahan Territory, Meno sacrificed his life to save Xi Laer, desperately snatched half of the princess's soul and put it into the small bottle that appeared out of thin air. After that, the Poison Spirit Bead appeared again.

Inexplicably, he became interested in the small bottle and snatched it away. Although Palchi sensed something was wrong, he never imagined that the small bottle actually contained information about the divine core.

Alas! It’s too late to regret it! Under the continuous accidents, the Pope deeply felt that the cornerstone of the cooperation with Poison Lingzhu was beginning to show signs of collapse.

Isn't it true that in the face of an undoubted enemy like Mai Sang, Trier, who is controlled by the Poison Spirit Pearl, actually adopts a soft policy? Doesn't this mean that the King of Elements already has a new partner in mind?!

"Humph!" Palchi's face turned cold and he was about to speak when Luo Cen leaned over and whispered to persuade him: "I have my own method of controlling the twin sacred trees. All this is just a formality! Moreover, this fat man will

It is naturally much more useful to be in your and my hands than to let him float outside safely, isn't it? Don't be so petty, and it is even more unreasonable to be suspicious. Isn't the honor of being the first male king of the elves a sufficient reward for you now? I

The Pope!"

When Palchi was told the central issue, he was secretly wary. At the same time, he also felt that what Poison Lingzhu said was not completely unreasonable. He calmed down his emotions, gently pushed away his sister's arm on his shoulder, and waited attentively without commenting.

"Okay! Guests are welcome to host... Then I will watch the ceremony from the side. If you have any errands, you can give me any orders at any time!" Maisang saw the reactions of the Parti brothers and sisters, nodded and bowed, and hurriedly returned to the main team.

"The Poison Spirit Pearl must have a way to control the twin sacred trees, and it is more confident that it can keep us here forever, otherwise Palchi's character would not be so tempting!" Fatty got the information he wanted from the test, and quietly

He sent a message to Nana who "should" be hiding next to Miaochun: "You should think of a way quickly. Chaos Teng or Muhan must find one for me! If the ancient tree cannot be dealt with, things will be difficult.


Although Otelina had previously agreed to the fat man's strategy of being a mercenary and turning against guests, she completely concealed her traces on the grounds that she was worried about the crowd. As a result, Apocalypse Xuansi used all her strength to make it possible, even with Master Mai's unprecedented

With "eyesight", it is difficult to see where the woman is, so we can only hope that the other party will stay near the vagina as promised.

After a long while, there was no response, "Ah! None of you so-called masters and great gods are reliable!" The fat man complained bitterly, and at the same time thought hard about countermeasures.

"The giant lamp reappears, and light returns to the dark night. Brothers and sisters of the elves, let us sing hymns together to welcome the resurrection of the twin sacred trees!" With Trier's high-pitched shouts, the most important ceremony finally began.


Trier's guidance was simple but very effective. Those elves who were still grieving over the unexpected death of their elders and full of doubts put down their worries and turned to the altar; those elves who were curious about Kailan and Huahua's life experience and never forgot their eyes.

They became clear, crossed their hands on their chests, and were ready; the faces of the elves who were dissatisfied and worried about the presence of outsiders such as Maisang, Parchi, and Luocen were no longer gloomy, and they turned around in the increasingly peaceful and calm atmosphere.

His eyes were focused on the brilliance of the giant lamp...

Indeed, for the elves, no matter how serious the problem is, they can put it aside before resurrecting the twin sacred trees. Because this is the most important thing, and they firmly believe that as long as the sacred tree is resurrected, all problems can be solved.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd started a low hum, and the sound soon turned into a whimper, and the elves joined in one after another.

At first, the sound was like drizzle, misty and fine, but after a while it turned into a sea wave and pine waves, majestic and endless. At this time, the elves were kneeling or standing, swaying their bodies back and forth in accordance with the rhythm, like

As if repeating the movements of worshiping the sacred again and again, they enjoyed it endlessly, were intoxicated, and gradually entered the state of selflessness.

Mai Sang felt a huge shock in his heart, not only because what happened in front of him was very similar to the magnificent scene of the waves crashing on the shore and the wind rolling clouds, but also because he could clearly see the silvery energy trickling from the bodies of the elves.

The trickles eventually merged into a river and a sea, pouring into the cave in the center of the altar.

"You must be able to see that magnificent scene. This move alone makes me both envious and jealous!" Luo Cen suddenly walked up to Mai Sang and sighed sincerely.

"But do you think this kind of race that only knows how to believe in and worship gods but never works hard for its own future deserves sympathy? Is it necessary for them to exist? These elves would rather leave everything to a withered tree whose life and death are unpredictable.

Isn't it ridiculous, pitiful, shameful, and hateful that Shu Judeng is unwilling to trust a capable leader like Kailan or Trier?!" As the woman continued these words, she didn't even open the soundproof barrier. It was obvious that

Knowing that the elves participating in the ceremony could no longer hear any sounds other than the revelation of the holy tree.

"If you meddle in other people's business, you'll eat shit... Poison Lingzhu, I'm not telling you, just mind your own business?! Why bother getting involved in the elves' affairs!" Mr. Mai saw that he no longer needed to show off, and immediately poured a basin of smelly water.

Spilled out.

"Hmph!" The excitement of the Poison Lingzhu was broken, and he was in a bad mood. He turned to Trier and shouted coldly: "Since Mr. Mai only cares about himself, he naturally doesn't care who is chosen as a sacrifice. What are you waiting for?!

"The king of elements said while controlling Fei Huan to release his control on Trier.

This chapter has been completed!
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