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Chapter 418: Convincing the Crowd (Part 1)

Amid a tsunami of congratulations, Mr. Maisang was forced to become the first male king in the history of elves. From this moment on, in principle, he had the absolute right to speak on matters in the Dark Night Forest.

But for Fatty, he didn't get the divine core, and Siler's soul was still under the control of the Poison Spirit Pearl. What's the point of just winning the throne? He originally wanted to push it to Kailan, but he was paralyzed.

The people headed by Yao dissuaded them on the grounds that "the overall situation has been decided for the first time, and if it is repeated, there will be chaos."

Kailan survived from death, and soon woke up under the illumination of the giant lamps of the twin sacred trees. Although her body was still a little weak at this time, she was not seriously injured, and after this physical and mental baptism, her state had improved.

"I'm not an elf, how can I be your leader? Besides, I still have a lot of important things to solve, and I can't live in the Dark Night Forest for more than a few days! Everyone, this is really a bit..." Mr. Mai seemed to still be there.

Not giving up, he waited until the clan members dispersed and immediately complained to the remaining clan leaders.

"Who dares to disobey the revelations of the Twin Sacred Trees?! As long as the king sends the message, we will take care of everything. Then you can go about other things, and you will have the full support of the elves.

Isn't this better?!" Bi Yao responded respectfully with a smile on her face. She saw that the elves were facing division, but she did not expect that there would be such a dramatic ending, and she was naturally happy beyond words.

"Hmph! I just stood by and watched, and now I'm talking about it!" The fat man cursed and rolled his eyes: "What you mean is that I am just a puppet. I don't have to intervene in the specific affairs of the Dark Night Forest, right?!"

The faces of Bi Yao and others turned red, and they recognized each other's consciousness in their hearts, but they could only say perfunctorily: "Your Majesty, if it hadn't been for you to come out of the sky, the Dark Night Forest would have been in a mess right now. Such a great favor to the elves,

It’s unforgettable. Since we regard you as our master, we will naturally follow you to the death, but..."

Bi Yao paused for a moment, glanced at the surrounding clan leaders and Kailan, and continued: "After all, you have limited knowledge of the traditions and rules of the elves, and you are also burdened with complicated affairs, so I..."

"Haha! That's it! Since you don't want to use me as a decoration, then I can rest assured!" Mr. Mai interrupted the other party with a smile. He looked back and glanced at the sacred tree that was still growing back in the wind.

Pretending to sigh softly: "I didn't know how powerful it was before, and I almost ended up in ashes when I used my soul to explore the interior of the Holy Tree. Fortunately, I understood the power of telepathy at the critical moment, so I was able to save my body and mind and help the Holy Tree detoxify the poisonous spirit beads.

Control, and even get the favor of the old man of the Holy Tree..."

"I won't go into details anymore!" The fat man stopped at the right time, and suddenly changed the topic and said: "Since I am the king, I have to do three things. Listen carefully!"

Everyone was secretly shocked when they heard this, and then they realized that Mr. Wang had some plans a long time ago, and the previous excuses were just a cover-up to bring everyone into a favorable context for himself.

Kailan was always guarding Huahua and Yeluo who were still awake. She said nothing but saw everything with her eyes, knowing that all the little tricks Bi Yao and others played in front of Mai Sang were probably in vain.


Sure enough, the fat man's face turned cold, and he said solemnly: "First, from now on, all agreements between the elves and the Master Association are cancelled! The Dark Night Forest will no longer be a restricted area for the human race, and the elves will also be able to go to the outside world as they please.

Move around!”

"Well...unless you have the acquiescence of Master Gongzhuang, if we break the contract unilaterally, I'm afraid the human race will attack..." the big-eyed Wang Yao reminded worriedly.

"Hey!" Mr. Mai frowned and asked dissatisfiedly: "When you supported Trier, didn't you also hope that she would lead everyone to break through the shackles? Why are you afraid of trouble now that I am in charge?!"

"Palchi claims to be McCann's national security adviser, and he has the Association of Doctors as his backer. Naturally, he has some confidence in agreeing to this matter. But now..." Xie Yao, who looked gloomy, sighed with regret.

"Hmph!" The fat man glanced at everyone with disdainful eyes and rebuked arrogantly: "Freedom and dignity must always be fought for by oneself. Is it so easy to swallow what others give out?!"

"What's more, my master and uncle are all the existences that the Master Master Association says are the same, and he..." Mai Sang turned to point at Nathan, who had regained his freedom, and said: "My second brother is still the boss of McCann.

His biological son, the future successor of the head of state!"

Nathan was frightened as he listened, but he didn't know what his elder brother's plan was, so he had to hold his chest up and raise his head to make a show of it.

"In addition, the situation in Ruhr has changed now, and whether it is Marshal Saugur, who is in power, or the fat old man Roger, the deputy head of state, they are all friends of my son who died! Also, the apple of the eye of the head of state in Chino has always been

Stay with me! I really don't know what you are worrying about!" The fat man said in shock, and simply shook out the ace in his hand to show off a few more scenes, and at the same time, he hugged the leg that was leaning on his side into his arms.


Except for Hai Long and Shou Hu, this was the first time for everyone to hear about Miao Chun's true identity, and they couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Everyone finally realized that the power in Mai Sang's hands was now quite powerful.

"According to what the king said, our chances of success are indeed very high..." Bi Yao thought for a moment and showed a lot of respect for the fat man: "But the location of the Dark Night Forest is under the jurisdiction of the Irpu Alliance.

Do I need to say hello to them first? According to Trier, there is also a lot of cooperation between Palchi and the top management of ILP..."

"Ruers and Ulan have already started a war. Ilp will fully support the latter for his own benefit, otherwise Ulan may collapse within ten days! As a result, Ilp has too much time to take care of himself, so how can he dare to fight again at the same time?

Enemies of the Dark Night Forest?! Based on this calculation, the four most powerful groups in the Yatai Continent should not have any objections to everything that happens here. If you want to realize your dream, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Miao!

Chun gently pushed Mai Sang away and analyzed calmly.

She was quite dissatisfied with her lover disclosing his identity on such an occasion, but she felt unprecedented confidence and determination from his words. She also felt that Mai Sang seemed to have a comprehensive plan, so she went with the flow.

expressed his opinion.

As the daughter of the leader of Chino and traveling all year round, Miaochun's vision is naturally extraordinary. What she said at this time was really to the point, which made everyone look at her with admiration.

Several clan leaders discussed and calculated for a while, until the impatience on Mr. Mai's face became more serious, Bi Yao bowed and responded: "It's all up to the king's arrangement. We will firmly support you. I just don't know the second thing you have to do."

What is it?!"

Feeling the leg spirit's unreserved support again, the fat man felt warm in his heart. He held his head high and said loudly: "The second thing is very simple, that is, from now on, the ban on intermarriage between elves and humans must be abolished. Everyone

As long as you and I are willing to do it, no one can stand in the way!"

This chapter has been completed!
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