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Chapter 444: Capsized (Part 2)

The methods of the Xi family father and son, the mother's calm demeanor, and the long-standing speculations in her heart made Mai Sang feel strange to the hometown she was once so familiar with. "Could it be that this place is the same as Guta Town?

A master who hides away from the world? Aren't his parents just simple people? Could it be that the truth they have been hiding from themselves will make the Master Association and existences like McCann have to deal with them?!" The fat man had a lot of questions.

Decided to continue pretending to be unconscious to find out.

"Since McLiwen escaped, the head of the family has begun to take precautions. Our Maixi Village is now fully protected by the ban. Outsiders cannot pay attention to it, but it has a blessing effect on the thirty-eight families in the village! Of course, everyone

They are all ready for battle, and the villain's shop is the first line of defense." Seeing that the words had been spoken, Xikun had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Humph! He knows how to do these sneaky things!" Aunt Hong first praised in a disdainful tone, and then worried: "It's just that if this happens, those people from the Doctors Association will find the problem when they come!

Our little place is completely exposed!"

"They are on their way here. According to the news from Chino, the troops from the Masters Association set out from Bohrado yesterday and are expected to arrive tomorrow morning at the latest!" Xi Bao interjected.

"Bharata is also involved? How bold! What is Chino's attitude?!" Aunt Hong asked coldly.

"It's not just Pohora, I heard that Erpu has also sent people! As for Chino..." Xikun muttered: "They still have the same attitude as before, and they don't intend to directly participate in the disputes between countries, but I guess

The Shadows are here to help!”

"What a fool!" Aunt Hong jumped up and said categorically: "No matter how powerful the restriction is, it has limits, but defense cannot solve the problem. Being beaten passively can only lead to death in the end! We must evacuate as soon as possible!"

"Those people came here just to settle a score with my son and to dig out the hidden secrets of Maixi Village! Why should we stay here to fight head-on? If we hide in the mountains for a year and a half, I don't believe them.

So many people and horses can stay here for a long time!" the woman added.

"Alas..." Xikun sighed helplessly: "We also suggested the same, but the head of the family refused. He said that there are some things here that must not be known to outsiders, cannot be taken away, and cannot be destroyed!"

"I knew he was hiding something from the beginning. He was tinkering all day long and keeping secrets from everyone. How could it be as simple as inventing some ingenious devices?!" Aunt Hong said angrily.

"Moreover, this guy disappears every two or three months. This has been the case for more than ten years. Who knows what he has done?! But now, not only has his son been involved, but he has also attracted the enemy to the door of his house! I

It seems that he really doesn’t want to give up, and he has never been sincere to me! Well, if you want, you can stay with him, I’m going to find my son myself!” The woman said and went back to the house to pack her things.

"Madam! Don't misunderstand me!" Xikun turned pale with fright and hurriedly advised: "I have been taken in and raised by the family owner since I was a child. I know his affairs best. He has been absolutely unstoppable in the past few decades.

I have never been attracted to any woman, except you! What’s more, you and he have a young master..."

"Ha?!" Aunt Hong was really shocked this time, "You said you followed him since you were a child, and he, he raised you... Then how old is he now?!"

"This..." Xikun knew that he had let slip, but in the face of the hostess's fierce threats, he had to respond: "I don't know the exact age, but in my memory, there are no obvious signs of aging in his appearance..."

"Oh my god! This big liar... He said he was only eight years older than me when we first met him! I..." Aunt Hong finally felt that her husband had serious problems, and she pouted and murmured to herself.

"My dear father! You will not escape the law this time!" Mr. Mai heard the conversation of several people clearly from the side, and his heart was already beating fast.

"Madam! Without further ado, how would you like to deal with this person? I think there must be something wrong with this guy, and maybe I can get some information!" Xikun hurriedly changed the subject to the fat man.

"The enemy is almost here, what value does the information have? He is just a pathfinder at most, so ignore him for now!" Aunt Hong was successfully diverted, and after thinking for a moment, she asked again: "Knowing that this injection

Who will lead the team in the division association?"

"It is said that she is a saint recently promoted by Gongzhuang Deming..." Xibao said vaguely and responded with some embarrassment. But he was immediately shocked by the woman's cold eyes and quickly added: "Actually, she is a little girl. It is said that she is still a policewoman.

The daughter of Princess Hilaire of Khan..."

"How vicious! He actually wants to use my daughter-in-law's daughter to threaten him! Bastard! Oh..." Aunt Hong was about to get angry when she felt something was wrong, "Could this saint be my granddaughter?"

After receiving a negative answer, the woman felt more at ease, but immediately asked worriedly: "Where is my son now? Is there any news? He won't be in a hurry to return here! That's stupid!"

"Besides! You are still my mother! Your son is right in front of you and you don't know it. Who is stupid?!" The fat man couldn't speak and could only mutter in his heart.

"Actually... the young master has lost news after the accident in the Dark Night Forest! We, we are not sure that he is still..." Xikun did not say the word "alive". He did not dare, let alone believe the rumors.


"Hmph! Mai Sang will be fine! If he is gone, I will feel it! What's more, his father has already put a restraint on his son, and it is said that he can save the child's life! I believe he has this ability, otherwise

How can I safely let my son go out and wander for so long!" Aunt Hong said decisively. When talking about her wife, the woman complained angrily: "What on earth did your head do? The enemy will really come tomorrow, he

Are you planning not to show up either?!"

"The master of the house has always been quick to act, so it's hard for us to speculate!" Xikun felt much more at ease after hearing the woman's determination that Mai Sang would be fine, and began to deal with other questions.

"As long as Mai Sang doesn't come back, everything will be fine. Since we can't escape, we can only weigh the opponent's fortune! I really don't believe that the Association of Doctors and other big cats and kittens can only take down Mai Xi Village in two or three!

Humph!" Aunt Hong stopped questioning and shouted energetically.

"So many masters are just big kittens? From the tone of my voice, my mother is not an ordinary person! My life was in vain!" The fat man was in a state of confusion and didn't know what it felt like.

"However, I have a suggestion..." Aunt Hong said in a sly tone: "If anyone knows how to fiddle with the restrictions, we might as well let go of the protection first, wait until we have a battle with our opponents, and relax when they think there is no ambush.

When we are on guard, we can pretend to be defeated and retreat, and they will definitely chase us into the village. Wouldn’t it be fun to open the ban at that time?!"

The Xi family father and son and Mai Sang both broke into cold sweats and realized that this was indeed a good idea.

"Zhuzhu, don't worry! I won't let you get hurt in any way!" Fatty secretly made up his mind and began to think of ways to detoxify himself.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came closer and closer, "Madam, madam, are you here? We found that an army is heading towards our village!" came a voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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