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Chapter 503: The Super Queen is so terrifying

As a core member of Team Rocket, Nazi appeared in Galar, and it was absolutely impossible for her to just play a game.

Since the disaster, Xia Chen has never seen this terrifying woman with unfathomable superpowers.

Thinking of Sakaki Oriole's overall plan later, we may be able to speculate on her whereabouts.

Nazi may be in Weimei Forest, delaying the appearance of Cang Xiang and Zangran Mart!

Her motive for committing the crime was very strong.

As long as Cang Xiang and Zangran Mart show up later, Guledon's physical strength will be completely exhausted when he fights Wujitina alone.

It's completely in line with the Rockets' original plan.

This guy Sakaki has always been cunning and insidious. Although he agreed to evacuate the Galar region, he can still play a word game like "Why did I agree to evacuate Guanzhi?"

Team Rocket's conspiracy plan has been wiped out, but it cannot be ruled out that Sakaki would be disgusted by his own hand.

Xia Chen's tone was solemn, "Mr. Dan Emperor, maybe we need to go to Weimei Forest."

Emperor Dan read something from Xia Chen's tone. His expression changed slightly, "You mean... Sonia and the others will be in danger?"

Sonia was his childhood sweetheart, their relationship was very close, and they were almost just a step away from that level of relationship.

Xia Chen nodded, "Nazi, a senior member of Team Rocket, has not appeared since the disaster. I'm worried that she is in Weimei Forest."

Hearing this, Emperor Dan said seriously: "I'll go with you!"

No matter how responsible a champion is, when he hears that someone he cares about may be in danger, he will still be concerned and confused.

He looked at Sirona and Cattleya aside, "As for the scene, I'll leave it to you two."

"I'll go too."

The two female champions spoke in unison, then looked at each other in confusion.

Sirona needless to say, she is worried about Xia Chen.

Therefore, Luton stayed on the frontal battlefield, and Deoxys could not "appear" in a short period of time. Xia Chen, who had lost these two trump cards, was no different from an ordinary gym leader.

Even if Dan Emperor, whose strength is almost as strong as hers, is accompanying her, she still has to go with him to feel at ease.

Cattleya's reason was even more solid, "Nazi's superpower is very powerful. I'm afraid you will be tricked by her before you can react, and then the gain will outweigh the loss."

Only magic can deal with magic, and the same goes for superpowers.

Although Xia Chen is also a person with superpowers, compared to Na Zi's modest skills... it's an understatement to say he's a witch.

After some deliberation, Sirona was the last one among the four to be left in charge.


Without Guluton, Xia Chen's riding elves only have Menas and Doronbaruto.

Although Super Senbu also has the ability to fly, riding a Senbu... still sounds a bit strange.

However, Xia Chen's last means of transportation was neither Menas nor Duolong, but Dan Emperor's fire-breathing dragon.

Time was running out, and neither Menas nor Duolong could keep up with the speed of the two champions. Emperor Dan lent his ace Charizard to Xia Chen, and he rode his Duolong Baruto.

Weimei Forest is located to the east of Hualang Town, Dandi's hometown, and Hualang Town is a small town in the southern region of Galar, not too close to Quanguan City.

Even at the speed of the three champion-level elves, when they arrived outside the Weimei Forest, the sky had already turned dark.

Emperor Dan looked up at the sky, with some worry on his face.

"It's getting dark..."

Xia Chen asked in confusion: "What will happen when it gets dark?"

Dandi explained: "Weimei Forest is filled with thick fog all year round. As long as you enter it, it is almost impossible to identify the direction. The compass and the like will fail, especially at night. When I was a child, Sonia and I went into the depths of the forest for fun.

, we were trapped for three days, and the elders searched for us for three days but couldn’t find us.”

Cattleya frowned, "Then how did you get out?"

Dan Emperor shook his head blankly, "I don't know until now. I just remember that I heard the roar of an elf, and then I fainted. When I woke up, I was already at the entrance of the forest."

Xia Chen analyzed: "Perhaps those two legendary elves are the ones who saved you."


Emperor Dan shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts.

"Shall we go in directly?"

Cattleya nodded and said confidently: "Go in, I'm here, you don't have to worry about not being able to get out."

The three of them no longer hesitated and stepped directly into the forest. Cattleya, who had the sharpest mental power, led the way.

The trees in Weimei Forest are unusually tall, each tree is lush and green, blocking out the sky and the sun. It is conservatively estimated that the trees are over a thousand years old.

"Due to the extremely high disappearance rate, over time, this place has become a forbidden area for all traveling trainers in Galar. Even the residents of our town dare not set foot here."

Heading towards the depths of the forest, Emperor Dan introduced.

The terrain inside the forest is complex and the trees are densely packed, so the flight speed of the three people has dropped a lot.

Xia Chen used the power of the waveguide to detect and patrol the surroundings for possible clues, and replied: "Then how do Sonia and Dr. Mulan plan to find Cang Xiang and the others?"

Dan Di, whose hometown is in Hualang Town, is very familiar with the legend of the brave. "In the legend, Cang Xiang and Zangran Mat returned to Weimei Forest to live in the forest after stopping the dark night, and disappeared without a trace, but the people deep in the forest

Somewhere, there is a sword and a shield. If you find them, you can summon two heroes."

Xia Chen was thoughtful, and it sounded like he had a sense of déjà vu with a divine light stick...

He complained in his heart without being salty, and asked: "Even so, trying to find those two things in the huge forest is a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, right?"

Emperor Dan explained: "According to legend, where the sword and shield are stored, there are statues of the two heroes who stopped the dark night, although no one has ever seen them."

Hmm...it's a clue, although it's not very reliable.


"The magnetic field of this forest is very special and can shield the detection of general mental power."

Cattleya suddenly interrupted.

Xia Chen's heart tightened, "Ah? So we can't find a way out?"

"I'm talking about general mental power."

Cattleya glanced at him.

Xia Chen reacted and said angrily: "Okay, okay, okay, I know your super power is extraordinary, so I have to say it and show it off."


After drawing a clear line with Xia Chen first, Cattleya later explained: "What I mean is that with Nazi's superpower, she may not be able to find Sonia and the others."

"Can't you do it even Nazi?"

Xia Chen was very surprised.

In his impression, Nazi was a terrifying superpower who could turn humans into dolls.

"Nazi awakened her superpower when she was about six or seven years old."

Cattleya said calmly: "Generally speaking, the sooner someone awakens their superpowers, the higher their talent will be."

The implication is that Nazi, who awakened her superpowers at the age of six or seven, may be the best among ordinary superpowers, but in front of Cattleya, she is not good enough.

Xia Chen, who only awakened his superpowers when he was a teenager through elves cheating, felt that he had been cueed, and asked with a slight guilt: "So when did you awaken your superpowers?"


Just four ordinary words, but it shows the domineering power of the super queen.

"Okay, it should be right in front, where the statue you mentioned is, Dan Emperor."

Cattleya's determined tone surprised Emperor Dan.

"The legendary statue... was found so easily?"

Cattleya nodded, "The fog that is deployed as a deception deliberately induces people to look in the wrong direction. All you need to do is do the opposite and go to the place covered by the fog."

Simple psychology.

Legend has it that no matter how powerful the elves are, they still can't outsmart cunning humans.

The three of them stepped forward through the mist. As Cattleya said, in the deepest part of the Weimei Forest stood an ancient and dilapidated ruins.

In the ruins, two handsome elf stone statues with wolf-like bodies and sharp eyes are lifelike.

The one on the left has a beautiful figure, with braid-like objects on its ears, while the one on the right is stockier, with a neck shaped like a shield.

Next to the statue, stood two people and two elves, it was Dr. Mulan and Sonia, as well as their elves, the electric chasing dog and the sweet queen.


"Sonia, Grandma Mulan! Are you okay?"

Emperor Dan jumped down from Dolong Baruto, went up to him, and asked with concern these two ancestors and grandsons who were like family members to him.

"Grandma and I are fine, but why did you come here? Is the situation in Quanguan City stable?"

Seeing Dandi in such a gloomy environment, Sonia's demeanor became obviously much more relaxed.

"In Quanguan City, Xia Chen invited Rayquaza to help, and with Guluton and Frozen Bird, everything is fine so far."

After briefly introducing the situation, Dandi asked: "How did you find this place, and have you met any strange people? For example, a trainer who is particularly good at using super powers."

Sonia thought for a moment and replied: "Grandma has been studying this legend for so many years. Of course there are ways to find this place. As for the strange person you mentioned... we have not encountered it."

Xia Chen did not interfere in the conversation between Dan Emperor and Sonia, but walked to the statue.

"Are these the legendary Cang Xiang and Zangran Mat?"

Xia Chen sighed slightly as he looked at the statue that was still as majestic as ever after years of baptism.

"This is their normal form, and when they meet the legendary sword and shield, the two elves will burst out with their true power."

Dr. Mulan, who had been observing the statue, said from the side.

Xia Chen was not surprised.

Unsurprisingly, in the Galar region that I was unable to play in my previous life, Cang Xiang and Zangran Mat are the cover gods of this generation.

As a cover god, it would be too unsatisfactory if he didn't have some special changes in form. This becomes more and more true in later generations.

Alola's Little Nebula is the only cover god that can evolve, and can also be combined with the third god Necrozma to become the Great God of Glory.

According to Dr. Mulan's introduction, the special feature of Cang Xiang and Zangran Mart is a special form change, which should be triggered by bringing some kind of props in the game.

"So, where is the legendary sword and shield?"

Having no time to continue admiring the stone carvings of the two legendary elves, Xia Chen used the power of the waveguide to look around for the two key props that should theoretically exist.

"Grandma and I were looking for it too, and you happened to be here."

Over there, Sonia, who had finished chatting with Dandi, also came over.

"The sword and shield are inside the stone sculpture."

Cattleya revealed the secret with one word.

Xia Chen tried to use the power of waveguide to verify, but found nothing.

It’s true that everything has waveguides, but it also requires contact to get feedback from the waveguides. I don’t know what kind of stone the statue is made of, and Xia Chen’s waveguides can’t communicate with it at all.

However, the more it is like this, it also shows that this statue is indeed extraordinary, Cattleya's words are proof.


"So what are we going to do, break the statue? Will it make the hero unhappy?"

Sonia asked.

Xia Chen shook his head, "I think this is more like a test. Finding this place is the first test, and finding the sword and shield is the second test. Otherwise, whoever comes here will wake up Cang Xiang and Zangranma."

Well, they must be quite annoying too.”

This is not unreasonable.

After some discussion, several people agreed to the plan.

The task of crushing the stone sculptures was left to the ace elf of Champion Dan Emperor.

"Sonia, please step back, super fire-breathing dragon, use big characters to explode!"

As a champion, Dan Emperor's Charizard naturally also possesses the power of super evolution, and still takes the Y-breathing route that favors the fire system.

He is not worried that the explosive flames with big characters will damage the things in the stone sculptures. If the things of the legendary elves are so easy to be damaged, what would they do to defeat Wuji Tai Na and stop the dark night five thousand years ago?

The good news is that Legendary Elf items are indeed not that fragile.

The bad news is that the fire-breathing dragon's explosive flames failed to penetrate the stone sculpture's defense.

This is the full blow of the champion ace Charizard!

Emperor Dan didn't believe in evil, "Duolong, Ace of Flames, you prepare for sword dance first, fire-breathing dragon, do it again, explosive flames!"

The power of the explosive flames is one level stronger than the big-character explosion flames, almost equivalent to the destructive death ray.

Even so, except for the surface being slightly scorched black, the Elf Stone Sculpture remains unchanged at all.

"Forget it, I'll do it."

Cattleya stepped forward without throwing the elf ball, and seemed to be preparing to take action herself.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly turned white, and her blond hair hanging down behind her to her waist floated, and then, no colorful energy waves were emitted.

With a loud noise, the Cangxiang stone sculpture suddenly exploded and shattered into countless pieces of debris.

A rotten iron sword with an ordinary appearance fell out of it, making a crisp sound among the rubble that fell to the ground.

Charizard stared blankly, shuddering in his heart.

This human being...is too terrifying, right?

Not to mention the fire-breathing dragon, even Emperor Dan was stunned.

He had heard about Cattleya's fame and deeds for a long time, but he had only regarded it as an exaggeration before——

After all, a four- or five-year-old girl razing a castle to rubble because she couldn't control her superpowers seems a bit too science fiction.

Looking at it now...it really wasn't fake at all.

"The first two moves of Charizard are not without effect. This is just a qualitative change from 99% to 100%. I just made a small contribution."

Cattleya explained calmly, and then used a move similar to a mental shock to blast away the statue of Zangran Mart.

Xia Chen twitched the corner of his mouth.

So this statue of Zangran Mat was split open by you, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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