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Chapter 582 The mysterious guest on Yuanling Island

"Your experience is really...bizarre."

After listening to Sirona's story, Xia Chen commented like this.

He saved Xiduolan twice, and then the latter promised to marry him... It is more reasonable for this kind of plot to appear in the animation.

But anyway, this is a good thing. If the legendary elves don't follow the trainer sincerely, Xia Chen always feels that it will be a hidden danger.

When faced with a more powerful force, it is not impossible for that kind of "mercenary" to flee or even betray.

Just like the Lightning Birds and Flamebirds he captured from Team Rocket, they were easily overtaken by Xia Chen.

The opposite example is Xia Chen's three legendary elves, Guluton, Deoxys and Dianxi, all of whom came together because of "mutual love".

So he was very happy that Sirona could conquer Xiduolan in this way.

"Compared to the evil flame birds and electric pillars you met earlier, I think Xi Doran is more suitable for you."

Sirona also smiled when she heard this, "I think so too. This child and I are very attached to each other."

Xia Chen twitched the corners of his lips, "You call a legendary elf that was born when the two gods of time and space fought in ancient times, a child?"

Oh no, what if this Xiduo Lan'en is not the other Xiduo Lan'en?

If it was the ancestor of Xidulan En, he wouldn't be so stupid that he was caught by the Galaxy team in such a simple way, right?

Faced with the doubts expressed by Xia Chen, Sirona nodded in affirmation, "Yes, this Xidulan'en is not the oldest one. It is very young in the long life span of the Xidulan'en family, so it is called

There's nothing wrong with it being a child, but I don't know exactly how old it is..."

With that said, Sirona directly threw a bright black heavy ball, "Come on, Xiduo Lan'en, come out and say hello to everyone."

There was a flash of light, and a huge orange-red steel elf shaped like a turtle appeared in the hall.

This guy's body exuded extremely high temperatures, instantly transforming the warm spring-like living room into a mountain of flames.

Sirona helplessly raised her forehead and said, "Xi Duolan, control the temperature."

This guy's reaction seemed a bit slow, and he took two seconds to calm down his body temperature.

However, the temperature change just for a moment was enough to attract the other elves in the house. They gathered around the living room and looked curiously at this big guy who seemed a little not very smart.

Xiduolan shrank her head and leaned closer to Sirona subconsciously.

Xia Chen: "..."

Are you really a legendary elf?

It's so scary... Are you sure it's not Zoroa who transformed into Sidorane or the Variety Monster?

This guy is so cowardly that he loses the majesty of the legendary elf. The Dianxi we met when we first met was a little better than him.


"Hello, Sidoran."

Xia Chen tried to say hello to it.

The latter looked up at Sirona at a loss, with a look like a weak cub asking for help from its parents.

"It doesn't matter, they are all trustworthy people."

After comforting the "cub", which was nearly two meters long and weighed more than a ton, Sirona raised her head and smiled apologetically at Xia Chen, "Sorry, it still has some shadows about the Galaxy Team incident."

Xia Chen reluctantly nodded to express his understanding.

"But don't look at it like this, it is very powerful. When I arrived, it was still fighting against more than five king-level elves of Team Galaxy with only its physical strength when the energy in its body was exhausted."

There is no need to doubt that the legendary elves are powerful. Xia Chen has just used the power of the waveguide to detect it. The energy intensity of Xidulan En is very high, which is almost the same as that of the lightning bird that is generating electricity.

It has left Dianxi's current "growth period" and entered the long "maturity period" of the legendary elves.

He was more concerned about another thing, "Does Team Galaxy still have so many high-power elves?"

Xia Chen remembered that when he was in Padia, the Galaxy team wiped out a large number of main elves, including the two major cadres Huxing and Pluto, because they coveted Guluton.

At that time, they thought they could defeat them, but now they are plotting against the legendary elves again.

When it came to Team Galaxy, Sirona was also a little serious. She said calmly: "Next year, I must completely pull these rats out of the sewers."

Xia Chen, who knew Team Galaxy well, reminded: "Be careful, call me when the time comes."

The most dangerous thing is the human heart. Even though Sirona had just returned from the dangerous Crown Snow Field, Xia Chen was still a little worried about him facing Team Galaxy, the largest dark organization in the Sinnoh region, alone.

Sirona didn't show off and nodded gently, "Yes, I will."

While the two were chatting about Team Galaxy, Xia Chen's elves had already begun to come into contact with Sidorane.

The most outgoing one, Doronbaruto, was the first to attack. With his dull appearance and the same silly temperament, he lowered Xi Dolan's vigilance. The two elves gradually got closer while staring at each other meaninglessly with big eyes and small eyes.



No one knew what they were communicating, not even Xia Chen who was eavesdropping.

It's not that the power of the waveguide fails, it's that these two sentences themselves have no meaning.

If I had to translate it, it would probably be something like "Waibi Babu" or "Maka Baka".

Abstract is abstract, but the relationship between the two elves has become inexplicably close.

In fact, it’s easy to understand. Although Sidorane is a legendary elf, it lives in magma all year round and rarely sees any elves. At most, it only has lava snails or platypuses, let alone friends.

And it is not a legendary elf like Regischiru, which is composed of pure energy and has no emotions, otherwise it would not choose to follow Sirona.

So when Doronbaruto showed his kindness to it, in this warm and comfortable environment, Sidorane accepted it without much resistance.

Xia Chen, who caught a glimpse of this scene, smiled and said to Sirona: "Let it have more contact with the elves during this period, and first let it adapt to this world where humans and elves coexist."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! With Xiduolan and En staying, can Sirona, as a trainer, still be able to leave?

Sirona glanced at Xia Chen with a half-smile, but the latter felt guilty and did not dare to look at her.

In the end, Sirona still didn't reveal Xia Chen's secret plan and accepted his invitation.


On December 20, the snow stopped.

After seven consecutive days of snow, the sky finally cleared up.

But although the sun was shining brightly, the temperature did not rise but dropped. The entire Yuanling Island was covered with snow, and the snow was so thick that it affected people's travel on the island.

Although Xia Chen wanted to stay at home in this weather, Cattleya rightly stated that as the island owner, Xia Chen had the obligation to lead the islanders to clear the snow on the road.

However, the only family that settled on the island was Xia Chen himself.

"Can't you just ask me to clear the snow..."

Half complaining and half complaining, Xia Chen still led the elves out of the house to carry out the cleaning task.

It is said to be cleaning, but in fact it is more like a winter outing held in this name.

With the current strength of the elves, it would only take half a day to deal with it seriously, or it would take even minutes to let the two big bosses Guluton and Deoxys take action.

But when Doronbaluto lifted up a huge snowball with a diameter of more than two meters and hit Saifuhao, the nature of the matter changed...

The two elves looked at each other tacitly, and then the snowball fight began.

At first, only these two elves were rubbing snowballs and throwing them at each other. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but a ridiculously crooked snowball hit Zoroark, who transformed into a strange force and was shoveling the snow seriously.

Zoroark, who revealed his true form in the gray mist, wiped the snow off his face expressionlessly, then put down the six shovels in his hand, and used the method of rubbing shadow balls to gather a small but ridiculously heavy ball.

Snowball responded fiercely to Sai Fuhao, who was laughing loudly.

A snowball without energy storage would naturally not cause much damage, but the powerful throwing technique still caused the unprepared Saifuhao to stumble in embarrassment.

This time, Doronbaruto was on the sidelines and laughed.

But before the laughter could reverberate for a few seconds, another snowball was thrown from the direction of Zoroark and headed straight towards its triangular nose.


The snowball exploded, and the two little dragons who were sleeping soundly in the cave were awakened. They flew out of the cave entrance in panic. Seeing that they were smashing the snowball, they joined in happily.

As a result, more and more elves were involved.

The elves, who were naturally naughty and playful, put down their boring snow clearing work and all joined in the snowball fight.

In the end, even Sirona's elves were infected by the cheerful atmosphere, and were half-pushed and half-pushed into the battle by Doron Baruto.

Xi Doranen, who was releasing the lava and clearing the snow seriously, looked at the elves making a fuss not far away, with some doubts in his eyes.

They... what are they doing?

But it looks interesting.


"If you want to go, let's go play together."

Sirona, standing behind it, suddenly said.

Xiduo Lan'en turned to look at this human being whom he had just met but had great trust in, and tilted his head, seeming hesitant.

It's rare for a giant steel beast to make such an action, which is a bit contrasting and cute.

Xia Chen smiled, called to Doronbaruto who was having fun, and pursed his lips at Xiduo Lan'en. The latter immediately understood and immediately came to the side of it and started chattering.

In the end, unable to hold back Duolong's enthusiasm, Xiduolan reluctantly joined the melee.

Looking at Xi Duolan's figure mingling with the elves, Xia Chen looked away with relief and tilted his head to look at Sirona.

"Let them play here while we go for a walk?"

Sirona nodded slightly, smiled, "Okay."

Speaking of which, it has been a year since Yuanling Island was built, and Xia Chen has not taken Sirona for a walk. Before, it was because there was no time. It snowed too much in the past two days and it was inconvenient. Today, he finally squeezed out this opportunity.

The silver-covered Yuanling Island is a vast expanse under the bright sunshine. Many wild elves take advantage of the time when the snow stops to look for food, adding a little vitality to the silent snow.

Although there are many facilities on Yuanling Island that serve wild elves, where you can receive sufficient food for free, there are also many wild elves who choose not to be fed, but to rely on themselves.

There are not many elves with backbone, but their strength is among the highest among the elves on the island. Perhaps there is a connection between the two.

However, this type of elves are in the minority after all, and the "lazy dog" type elves are the mainstream. There are even many little guys who know Xia Chen and happily run over to him to beg for food after seeing him.

Xia Chen was naturally not stingy and took out many energy cubes from the storage ball and gave them to them.

Sirona looked at this scene and suddenly said: "You will make these wild elves inert."

Xia Chen, who was feeding the elves, did not deny it, but said frankly: "Maybe, but I don't think there is anything wrong with it."

Sirona frowned slightly, "Lazy elves are weak-willed, how can they fight?"

"Then it would be great to live here forever."

Xia Chen said matter-of-factly: "As long as they are on this island, I will keep them."

He looked up at Sirona and said: "I know what you mean, but I think elves can also have their own choices. They are not born to fight for humans. For elves who don't like fighting, what's wrong with being a waste?"


"Humans use the power of elves to rapidly develop civilization and greatly increase productivity, but what they give back to the elves is very little."

"Since entering modern society, the consensus that [humans and elves coexist harmoniously] seems to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but how many people regard it as a slogan instead of putting it into practice?"

"I just want to be nicer to some elves within my ability."

Sirona looked at Xia Chen blankly and laughed dumbly, "Maybe you are right."

At this moment.

In an unknown place above Yuanling Island, a light purple humanoid elf floated silently, silently staring below, showing a thoughtful expression.


The two wandered aimlessly in the snow for a long time. When they returned to the distance, it was almost dark.

Xia Chen's eyelids twitched slightly as he looked at the elves who were having fun but showed no sign of fatigue.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, pretending to be angry: "Excuse me, does any of you remember what we came out to do?"

"Ruto——(Come to have a snowball fight!)"

The brainless Dorumbaruto answered naturally.

Then he rolled up a snowball and threw it over, inviting Xia Chen along the way, "Ruto~ (I didn't see you just now, come and play together~)"

Xia Chen wiped off the broken snow on his face and said, dumbfounded: "Okay, stop playing, hurry up and clear the snow. After we finish, we will go back to eat."

After being reminded, the elves realized that the sky was extremely gloomy. They had been playing around all afternoon, but no snow removal work was done at all.

At this moment, I hurriedly put away my thoughts of playing around and started working quickly.

Xia Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'll go back to cook first. When you're done, remember to come back for dinner."

Doronbaluto straightened his body and promised solemnly: "Ruto! (Understand, I will supervise them carefully!)"

Xia Chen rolled his eyes, "Come on, just don't make trouble."

He looked at the other elves again and said, "Supervise him carefully. If he dares to touch fish for a while, let him eat only vegetables later."

The wailing of Doronbaruto and the laughter of other elves suddenly sounded on the snow.

In a warm and cheerful atmosphere, Xia Chen and Sirona slowly walked home.

In the sky, the mysterious elf with a purple figure hesitated for a while, then followed behind him.

This chapter has been completed!
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