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Chapter 668 Epilogue (Part 1)

November 15, 2026 in the alliance calendar, Shuijing City, Fengyuan Region.

Suijing City, located on the seaside in the eastern part of Fengyuan, is known as "the end of the earth and the beginning of the sea" due to its unique location. However, since Kyogre's reactivation and riots five days ago, this beautiful coastal city has continued to fall into chaos.

In panic.

The monstrous sea water swept countless elves affected by the dark matter towards the city.

As a large city in the Hoenn region, second only to Karnaz City and Shijin City, Suijing City has a population of nearly 10 million, not counting the residents of surrounding small towns who came to seek refuge during this period.

You can imagine the pressure on the King Furong who is responsible for the security here.

Fortunately, after holding on for five days, heavyweight reinforcements finally arrived. Xia Chen, riding Gulledon, came with many elves to put out the fire.

Facing Kyogre again after more than a year, Kyogre still had not returned to his original state. Xia Chen naturally took it with his hands and made this "incarnation of the sea" from the super ancient experience something in less than half an hour.

Call father's love like a mountain.

Like Ultimate Necrozma, Kyogre regained his composure from his manic state after the black mirror armor outside was shattered.

After the fat-headed fish woke up, it was worried that the familiar human in front of him would teach him a lesson, but it was obvious that Xia Chen had no intention of doing this at the moment, and was instead trying to destroy the broken dark matter particles.

As expected, he failed.

Not to mention destroying it, Xia Chen couldn't even touch the clearly visible particles, as if they had no entity.

In the end, I could only watch it disappear into the sky without a trace.

"No, it's too passive to continue like this!"

After the battle, Daigo, who also came to Shuijing City to assist in the fight against Kyogre, analyzed the current situation and felt quite distressed.

These days, he followed Xia Chen to fight several legendary elves, and the final result was basically like this - after the mirror armor was broken, the legendary elves regained their sanity, but the particles escaped without a trace.

"If this continues, sooner or later we will be unable to control it..."

With a tired face, Dawu put one hand on his forehead and rubbed his brow worriedly.

His schedule these days is extremely full, he is either fighting or on the way to fight.

Not to mention him, not even the iron-clad Boss Cordora and Metagross could withstand such high-intensity activities.

The ghost king Furong stationed in Shuijing City also added quietly: "If the dark matter regains control of Kyogre, Shuijing City's defense measures will definitely not be able to withstand the second impact..."

The two of them seemed to be chatting casually, but in fact they set their sights on the real backbone, Xia Chen.

"It's useless for you to look at me. I don't know what to do..."

Xia Chen had no choice but to spread his hands. His understanding of Dark Matter was limited to the little information in the game.

He really doesn't know much about it, after all, he has never really fought against dark matter...

Wait, have you fought?

Xia Chen suddenly remembered something. Perhaps Xerneas should be consulted about dark matter?

Although he had talked with Xerneas before, there was no guarantee that some details would be missed, and it would not be wrong to talk to him about it.


The Kalos region is also deeply affected by dark matter, even more so than the Hoenn region.

The reason is naturally that they have an inherently evil and violent local legendary elf, Yveltal.

As a legendary spirit that controls death, Yveltal's destructive power is much stronger than Kyogre's.

When it woke up from the cocoon of destruction more than three years ago, it destroyed most of the foggy forest.

If Xerneas hadn't appeared and put an end to it in time, that incident would have definitely become the most serious elven disaster in the elven world in the past century.

This time, blessed by the power of dark matter, the arrogant Yveltal has disturbed the peace of the entire Kalos.

So even if he wasn't looking for Xerneas, Xia Chen still wanted to come over to Kalos.

This time, Yveltal awakened and became active in the city of Qinan, a somewhat remote small city located in the southernmost part of Kalos.

Fortunately, the city is small, so it is not difficult to evacuate people, and the disaster did not cause a large number of casualties.

Then Karuni and the Four Kings of the Carlos Alliance led a large number of elite trainers to take over the place.

The defense line they formed resisted the impact of the rampaging wild elves affected by the dark matter time and time again. As for Yveltal, which was the most difficult to deal with, Xerneas naturally dealt with it.

That's right, with the blessing of the power of dark matter, all the God of Life can do is deal with it, not defeat it.

The battle situation naturally gained an overwhelming advantage after Xia Chen joined.

Gulton, who has shown great strength in the Hoenn region, takes a break today, and is replaced by Zeraora, who has become more powerful after training in the ultimate world.

Zeraora, who had fought Ultimate Necrozma, was no problem facing Yveltal.

The XY gods themselves were quite tired after the long battle. Within half an hour, Zeraora easily defeated Yveltal.

They were all old friends, and Xia Chen didn't bother to say anything to this guy, so he just put it into the ball with a Poké Ball.

In fact, let alone ordinary red and white balls, there are high-level balls and even master balls. It is not difficult for a legendary elf of Yveltal's level to break through the constraints.

However, Yveltal, who knew he was in the wrong and recognized the reality, did not do this, and Xia Chen also saved time in educating it.

After the war ended, Xia Chen and Xerneas walked casually in a corner of Qinan City, which was in ruins and was destroyed by the war.

It can be seen that the God of Life is not in a good state at this time. It looked at the surrounding creatures that were killed or petrified in this disaster with some worry, but did not move.

If it was in good condition, you wouldn't just look at it and sit back and do nothing.

Xia Chen doesn't have any special feelings about this. It's not that he is indifferent by nature, it's just that he has experienced a lot of things these days and his mentality has changed a lot.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Instead of lamenting the sorrow of spring and autumn here, it is better to resolve the matter of dark matter as soon as possible.

"You just saw that the dark matter became inaccessible and inaccessible after leaving Yveltal. Was it also like this at the beginning?"

Without any polite greetings, Xia Chen bluntly asked the biggest question about his trip.

Xerneas is the only elf he knows who has fought the dark matter head-on. Although thousands of years have passed, things have changed, and the evil things have evolved a lot, but the essence is still the same.

Maybe it can be of some reference to the current situation.

Xerneas raised his head and groaned slightly, as if he was remembering something.

A number like several thousand years is a long time span for a legendary elf with an almost infinite life span. There are some things that you may not remember if you don't think about them carefully.

"I remember... after we defeated Yveltal, who was controlled by the dark matter, it did disperse into the particles it is now, but it soon condensed into a ball... like a heart.


After pondering for a while, Xerneas slowly told the details of that time.

Xia Chen fell into deep thought for a moment. This description was consistent with his impression of Dark Matter in the game.

But the question is, why has the dark matter at this moment not condensed into the state Xerneas said?


Walking slowly among the ruins, Xia Chen thought about this problem.

It is known that the essence of dark matter is condensed from the energy generated by the negative emotions of elves and humans. It has been deeply cultivated in the ultimate world for many years and has affected hundreds of millions of ultimate beasts. Dark matter must have absorbed countless

Negative energy.

These negative energies have become its current means of controlling the legendary elves, and at the same time, it continues to create despair through wreaking havoc to achieve an endless vicious cycle?

This seems to be the most logical speculation about the behavior of dark matter.

So what does it do next?

Xia Chen looked at the edge of the ruins of the city and above the gray forest. The rising sun was still shining its light on every inch of land just like every day.

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, yes, it was light!

The purpose of dark matter must be to extinguish the light of this world and make the elven world become a place that loses light and hope like the ultimate world.

The origin of human civilization lies in the control of fire. All things cannot grow without light. The importance of light is self-evident.

If the world loses its light, there is no doubt that despair will spread rapidly even if there is still technology or elven power.

The Ultimate World is a lesson learned from the past.

His thoughts further diverged. The way for dark matter to destroy the ultimate world is to control Necrozma, which can absorb light. What about eliminating the light in the elven world?

What means are needed to achieve this?

The figures of several legendary elves flashed quickly in Xia Chen's mind——

Arceus, as the God of Creation, the alpaca definitely has such an ability, but correspondingly, the difficulty of controlling it is not that high. Besides, who knows where is this guy who has never seen the beginning of the dragon?

Secondly, there are the two gods of time and space, namely Dialga, the god of time, and Palkia, the god of space.

There is no doubt about the power and power of these two great gods. Whether it is shown in the game or in the theater versions, as long as they are willing, it is not difficult to distort the time and space of the elf world.

Furthermore, Dark Dialga has also appeared as a boss in a Pokémon game, so the possibility of this happening again is not small.

Or is it the Infinite Tina who can open the dark night, the mysterious but powerful Tailebagos, or Giratina who was exiled to the reverse world?

These legendary elves are all powerful enough to do what Ultimate Necrozma can do, and so far, there has been no movement among them.

And if they are really controlled by dark matter...


Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

After learning about Xia Chen's worries, Xerneas comforted him: "Although that thing has powerful power, it is impossible to control so many elves at the same time. The more powerful it is, the more difficult it will be to control. What you want It is basically impossible for the elves mentioned to riot at the same time to happen."

Xia Chen nodded silently, "I hope so."

Although this conclusion did not lead to any definite conclusions, there was still some useful information.

After saying goodbye to Xerneas, Xia Chen decided to go to the Galar region.

Of the legendary elves he was worried about before, he only knew Wujitina, so going over to confirm the situation with it first was the safest plan at the moment.


Since that dark night, Wujita has been under soft surveillance by the Galar Alliance.

The Ultimate Cave broke out again a few days ago, and Emperor Dan took the initiative to contact Wuji Dina and asked for its help.

So Xia Chen easily found Wujitina after arriving in Galar.

This guy seems to be in good condition, and doesn't appear to be controlled or affected by dark matter at all.

When he saw Xia Chen, he took the initiative to fly towards him and say hello.

Even without the giant giant, Wuji Tina's size is one of the best among the elves Xia Chen has ever seen.

Coupled with its peculiar appearance like a bone dragon, there are only a few among the legendary elves that can rival it in terms of pressure.

However, Xia Chen, who had been with it for a while, was not particularly frightened by it, and naturally rode on its head. Wujitai shook his head and did not express any objection.

For it, this is the most intimate behavior.

"Did something happen recently? I can vaguely feel an unusual aura."

Wuji Tai took the initiative to ask.

Xia Chen was not surprised. It was strange that an elf like it couldn't feel the invasion of dark matter.

After pondering for a moment, he asked back: "Then have you been affected? I mean... have you felt any changes in yourself recently? Like restless thoughts and unstable mental state?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wuji Tai was a little unhappy with Xia Chen's question, "Oh, how could I be affected? My mental state is very stable."

Afraid that Xia Chen wouldn't believe it, it did the whole thing - circling its body and doing a backflip, just in time to throw off Xia Chen who was sitting on its head.

"Okay, okay, I believe it..."

Xia Chen, who almost fell, grabbed Wuji Tai's bone spurs with one hand, wiped the sweat with the other and complained: "I can see that your mental state is extremely stable, can you stop playing?"

It is certain that it has not been affected by dark matter, otherwise it would not be so naive...

However, since the target of Dark Matter is not Wujidai, then which legendary elf will it be?

Could it be the three dragons from the Sinnoh region?

Regardless of whether it is or not, looking for them in the past should be what must be done in the next stage.

In the end, Xia Chen, after discussing with Wuji Tai, put it into the elf ball and stayed there for a while.

Although it is most likely not the target of dark matter, if it is infected and causes a riot, Xia Chen feels that it is easier to handle it by his side.

Not to mention that if you really encounter the darkened Space-Time Twin Dragons or Giratina, Wuji Tai will be a powerful helper.

Without staying in the Galar region for too long, Xia Chen quickly set off for his next destination, Tianguan Mountain in the Sinnoh region——

An area where the two dragons of time and space are said to inhabit.


Naturally, the person who went to search for the two dragons of time and space with Xia Chen was Sirona, the champion of the Sinnoh region.

Not only because she is a local, but more importantly because she is an excellent mythology scholar, and her grandmother is Dr. Jie Zilan who specializes in studying that period of history.

However, the development of things was far from Xia Chen's expectation.

Not long after arriving at Tianguan Mountain, he learned an unexpected piece of news——

In the desert city located in the northernmost part of the Kalos region, violent fluctuations in dark matter energy occurred.

"Desert City? Are you sure it's Desert City?"

Xia Chen asked the champion Karuni in the holographic image seriously.

The latter was slightly stunned and didn't understand why Xia Chen's tone was so solemn. She nodded and said: "Yes, after the end of Yveltal, the alliance will have the energy to deploy control in other places, and then

It was discovered that the energy fluctuations of dark matter around Desert City are extremely strong, even more exaggerated than those in the southern region."

The southern region is where the Yveltar riots are active, and it is more intense than there. It is indeed a terrifying thing to think about.

Sirona on the side noticed Xia Chen's uneasy mood, and couldn't help but frown and asked: "What happened to Desert City? Are there any troublesome legendary elves there?"

Xia Chen smiled bitterly: "If it's Desert City, it's not only difficult, it's simply... scary."

Karuni and Sirona were both shocked when they heard this. For the power currently controlled by Xia Chen, the legendary elves of Yveltar's level were not afraid at all.

His evaluation of the possibility of dark matter controlling the twin gods of time and space is only "somewhat troublesome".

But now he actually said it was "terrible". What kind of legendary elf exists in Desert City?

Xia Chen hesitated for a while and asked: "Is there any local in Desert City that you can contact? I want to know if there are any legends about the [Seal] or [The Pot of Liberation] or something like that."

Kaluni nodded in agreement, and then she saw her on the other end of the holographic image caller turning her head and talking to others.

After a while, she finally turned her head, the expression on her face was even more solemn than Xia Chen's.

"I asked the gym leader of Desert City, and you are right. There is a secret that has been circulating in ancient Desert City. Thousands of years ago, a legendary elf with terrifying power was sealed somewhere deep in the desert.



Xia Chen added in a deep voice.

Kaluni nodded, her expression becoming more serious.

"It is said that Hupa has two forms, one has the appearance of a naughty boy and has an innocent and mischievous personality like a naughty boy, while the other's true form...is like a demon god."

"It has an extraordinary desire for treasure and will use its magic ring to plunder all wealth. Thousands of years ago, it appeared in the form of liberating Hupa in front of the residents of Desert City, which was still a small town at the time, and took away some food

, but it also brought money and prosperity to the town, so the residents worshiped it very much."

"But later, people wanted to see its true power, so they let it fight against other elves. Hupa was invincible and defeated all opponents, but it also released the demon in his heart, and it began to become cruel and arrogant.

, began to wreak havoc in the town, and the entire Desert City was almost destroyed by it. Fortunately, it was finally sealed by a sage in a container called the [Pot of Punishment]."


Xia Chen nodded. Kaluni's description was similar to his impression of Hupa.

But he knew that what was more terrifying about this guy was not the power it possessed, but its six magic rings.

In the theatrical version of "Halo's Super Demon God", Hupa has successively teleported through the magic ring including Lugia, the Water City Brothers and Sisters, Super Rayquaza, the original Hoenn Twin Fools, the Three Dragons of Unova, the Three Dragons of Sinnoh, and Thunder

Even among many legendary elves, Gichikas and others are powerful beings at the boss level.

The intensity of the battle between the gods almost did not level the desert city where the battle took place.

And if Dark Matter's true goal is to control Hoopa... the consequences are simply unimaginable.

The most important thing is that there is naturally an evil energy in the liberation of Hupa.

In the theatrical version, it is this evil energy that controls Balza and Meowth who are guarding the Pot of Liberation, releasing the terrifying demon and liberating Hupa.

If two energies come together...

Putting away his thoughts, Xia Chen said sternly to Karuni on the other side of the screen: "Anyway, please monitor the situation over there at all times. I'll be there right away."

After ending the call, Sirona, who had been listening quietly, asked: "Then let's not look for Dialga and the others here?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Dialga?"

Xia Chen replied with a strange look on his face: "If it's that guy... Dialga should be out without us looking for him."

Sirona didn't understand the meaning of this and asked in shock: "What?"

Xia Chen shook his head, "It's okay, I hope the situation won't be that bad..."

It is true that Hupa can summon several top bosses who can destroy the world at any time with just one elf. He is not without the power to fight——

Soloton, Deoxys, Raiden, Ultimate Necrozma, Rayquaza, Infinite Dai...

These elves are not the best among the legendary elves.

In addition, he still has many elves with strong fighting ability, so he may not be able to defeat the liberated Hupa who is controlled by the dark matter.

It's just that it's hard to say what Desert City, and even the entire northern part of the Kalos region, will look like in that war that is destined to be terrifying.


After learning the news from Karuni, Xia Chen and Sirona quickly rushed to Desert City from Tianguan Mountain in the Sinnoh region.

At this time, people from the Carlos Alliance were already organizing the relocation of city residents.

Naturally, it is not an easy task for millions of people to move from their homes. Just convincing everyone will take a lot of effort.

The Kalos people have no less rural sentiment than the Donghuang people, and many elderly people who have lived in Desert City for generations are reluctant to leave.

However, Xia Chen didn't need to worry about these trivial matters. He went directly to the alliance building in Desert City. The senior officials of the Carlos Alliance, headed by Kaluni, had been waiting in the conference room for a long time.

"What is the dark matter energy concentration now?"

There was no polite greeting, Xia Chen came in and got straight to the point.

Karuni also knew that the current situation was serious and replied directly: "Compared with three hours ago, that is, the time when I contacted you, it has increased by 30%, and now it is close to 70%.

Got it!"

This dark matter concentration detector was developed with the support of the black technology of the ultimate world. The upper limit of the concentration is not 100%.

The meaning of this limit is that if the content concentration exceeds 100%, there is a high probability that legendary elves controlled by the influence of dark matter will appear in this area.

The higher the concentration, the stronger the legendary elf is.

Judging from the current rapid increase in concentration, it is basically a certainty that Hupa, who was sealed in the Pot of Liberation, will awaken.

However, the atmosphere in the conference room was not heavy. No one except Xia Chen knew the horror of liberating Hupa.

Most of the people who can appear here are Carlos's elite trainers, who have just solved Yveltar. Although they have no direct contact with them, their self-confidence is still high.

A legendary elf that I’ve never heard of before?

What's so stressful about this?

However, there are also a few people with keen minds who thought about another level. If the riot this time was just an ordinary legendary elf, would Xia Chen need to be called over and hold such a high-level combat meeting?

In the atmosphere of various thoughts, Abuza, the leader of the local gym in Desert City, introduced the local legend about the liberation of Hupa.

The content was almost the same as what Kaluni relayed to Xia Chen, and it did not arouse anyone's vigilance.

No matter how terrifying the legend is, it is just a legend. In the legend, Yveltal can destroy everything in the world at every turn. Why not just stay in Xia Chen's elf ball?

It can be seen from this that some legendary elves may appear to be aloof and majestic on the surface, but in fact the contrast is huge in private!


A combat meeting with a lukewarm atmosphere quickly came to an end, and Xia Chen did not describe the real horror of liberating Hupa.

First, after all, it is still something that has not happened, and saying it in advance has no practical benefit other than creating an atmosphere of panic.

Xia Chen and the senior officials of the Carlos Alliance were stationed in Desert City. Of course, the group could not just wait for the Hupa uprising. A series of preparations were also carried out in an orderly manner.

Evacuate the residents and wild elves in and around Desert City as much as possible, and survey the nearby terrain to observe where fighting can best reduce losses.

And so on.

Fortunately, Desert City is located at the northernmost tip of the Kalos region, adjacent to the North Kalos Sea. Xia Chen decided to guide Hupa to the distant sea as far as possible before fighting.

Time passed by minute by second, and what was disturbing was that the concentration of dark matter in Desert City had already exceeded 100%, but there was still no movement.

Based on previous experience, this situation only means one possibility——

This legendary elf is extremely powerful!

Before the Yveltal Uprising, the concentration peak in Qinan City reached 15%. Before the original Kyogre Uprising, the concentration peak in the East Hoenn Sea was as high as 18%.

At this moment, the concentration of dark matter around Desert City is close to 200%!

This means that a legendary elf more terrifying than Yveltal or even the original Kyogre will appear in Desert City!

The Carlos trainers who had previously been disapproving of this were all sweating profusely now——

I thought Yveltal was already invincible, so who is this Hupa?

Xia Chen was not surprised by this. Although the Liberator Hu Paqiang could summon many powerful legendary elves from the magic ring, he also had extraordinary strength.

Just looking at the most intuitive racial values ​​in the game, the Punishment Hoopa in its normal form has a value of 600, and the Liberation Hoopa in its complete form is as high as 680.

It has the same level of configuration as a first-level cover god.

It stands to reason that it should be inferior to Kyogre in its original returned form, but if Dark Matter has placed a heavy bet on it, it's really hard to say.

Finally, when the concentration of dark matter climbed to 300%, something strange happened!

It was afternoon, and the originally sunny sky in Desert City suddenly turned dark.

Not only Desert City, but looking far away, all the way to the endless extension of Route 17 connecting Miare City, the sky was filled with an eerie deep purple.

The overly active energy particles condensed into lightning-like chains surging among the thick clouds, causing countless wild elves who failed to escape in time to hide in the yellow sand around Desert City, shivering.

Their keen intuition of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages tells them that a huge disaster is coming!


"Higana and the others haven't come yet?"

Looking at the suddenly changing sky, Xia Chen turned to ask Kaluni.

To be precise, I was asking if Rayquaza was here.

Unlike the animated movie version in which the two Hoopas, big and small, interacted with each other to summon the legendary elves, there was no punishment for Hoopa here, at least Xia Chen and the others did not notice it.

Therefore, in order to fight against Liberated Hupa and the powerful legendary spirits summoned by it, Xia Chen can only do it himself.

As the most powerful combat power he knew, Super Rayquaza was naturally indispensable.

Karuni replied: "Shijana and the others said they were leaving an hour ago. With Rayquaza's speed, they will probably arrive soon."

Xia Chen nodded and cast his gaze to the sky to the west of Desert City.

Even if you observe it with the naked eye, you can see that that is where the energy surges the most.

At this moment, wisps of deep purple energy particles entangled and swirled, condensing into a terrifying behemoth with six arms and an ugly appearance——

Hoopa Liberated Form!

In terms of size alone, this Liberated Hoopa is far inferior to Ultimate Necrozma, but if you can clearly see it from the Alliance Building in the center of the desert, it can definitely be called a giant.

"Is that...liberating Hoopa?"

Even a trainer of Kaluni's level could not help but express wonder at this moment, while the others were almost terrified.

Those who had never seen Necrozma under the control of dark matter could not imagine that an elf could be so big.

The image of Liberated Hupa is almost the same as Xia Chen's impression, with the appearance of a glaring King Kong and the six thick arms cut off from the body torso.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge ring held on each arm.

The color of the ring was not the pure gold that Xia Chen remembered, but a very deep and pure black.

He was very familiar with this kind of black. It was surprisingly the black mirror armor that previously covered the legendary elves such as Ultimate Necrozma, Original Kyogre, and Yveltal. It was also the color of the energy particles of dark matter!

What Xia Chen was most worried about finally happened. The dark matter finally controlled and liberated Hupa!

"So Leton, Zeraora, lead it to the sea according to the original plan!"

Although it was scary, it was still reasonable after all. Xia Chen quickly recovered his thoughts and directed the two elves to start preparations for the battle.

It is conceivable that even if Hupa is liberated without summoning other legendary elves, the upcoming battle will still be a hugely destructive battle.

Although the desert is vast and vast, it is still too close to Desert City. If possible, Xia Chen would like to place the battlefield in the far sea area.

Zeraora nodded in agreement, and immediately ejected like a silvery-white lightning, rushing straight to the other side to free Hupa's huge figure.


It is said to be a plan, but in fact there is nothing to plan. Just like fighting a boss to attract hatred in the game, all Zeraora needs to do is arouse the anger to liberate Hupa, and then lead it to the sea.

It sounds easy, but it is not easy to implement.

First of all, you have to be able to break through Hoopa's defenses and attract its attention. Secondly, and most importantly, you have to escape intact after irritating it.

Of all the elves in Xia Chen, Zeraora is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

The strength will not be too strong to attract the attention of liberating Hupa, and it also has enough output and escape capabilities to complete this task.

The existence of Guluton is more inclined to suppress the situation. If Liberation Hupa suddenly breaks out and the situation gets out of control, its stronger strength can also save Zeraora.

The red figure suddenly rose up, followed by silver lightning and flew towards the far end.

The speed of the two elves was at the top level. In just a few seconds, two figures, one red and one silver, gradually became smaller under the gaze of everyone, and appeared next to the newly awakened Jiefang Hupa.

What is more obvious than intuitive observation is that in comparison with Zeraora and Gulton, the size of Liberated Hoopa is simply terrifying.

The two elves, which are about the same size as normal humans, are almost like two light spots the size of electric fireflies next to Hupa.

It is conservatively estimated that Jiefang Hupa can be hundreds of meters tall!

Although the strength of an elf has nothing to do with size, a little guy like Mimikyu can still defeat a Kirbymon that is a hundred times its size.

But to the extent of liberating Hupa, it is really daunting, and most elves may not even have the courage to attack it.

But that doesn't include Zeraora.

With sharp, electric eyes gleaming with cold light, Zeraora condensed the speed force in her body, and instantly triggered a surge of electrical energy—

Plasma Lightning Punch!

There is no need for any fancy tactics. In the blink of an eye, Zeraora uses her own signature moves to liberate Hupa.

Compared with its huge size, the Plasma Lightning Fist was somewhat inconspicuous, so naturally it did not attract the latter's attention at first.

And when the move containing infinite electric energy burst into flames of thousands of meters in the chest of Jiefang Hupa, the entire sky covered by unknown dark clouds suddenly shone.


Silver-gold thunderstorms and lightning penetrated the sky. Jiefang Hupa, who had just been awakened by the dark matter, was still dazed when Zeraora gave him a solid electrotherapy.



A roar louder than thunder shot straight into the sky, and without thinking, Jiefang Hupa released the anger that had nowhere to be released through the evil energy that could not be moved.

This guy had already awakened a ferocious and violent temperament before he was sealed, and after being affected by the dark matter, he became even more lawless.

Facing Zeraora's provocation, it couldn't stand it for even a second.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Deep black evil energy instantly filled the air like an ink surge, and it looked like the evil wave that Ultimate Necrozma used before.

It's just that the size is a bit inferior.

Zeraora naturally has sufficient experience in dealing with this.

With a random twist driven by the divine speed force, this silver-white figure appeared above the waves of evil, right in front of the liberating Hupa.

Another burst of thunder flashed, and several hundred thousand volts rushed directly into the eyes of Jiefang Hupa——

It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting.

Even if there is no such thing as a rage value display, it can be seen with the naked eye that Liberating Hoopa is already red and warm.


With another furious roar, a thick arm flew out from Hupa's side and rushed straight towards Zeraora.

The black magic ring on it was emitting a dark purple light, as if something was about to escape from it.

Xia Chen reminded me first that Zeraora was not frightened by this sudden attack. Her energy condensed, and a barrier with a faint green light was erected in front of her, blocking the attack.

The offensive to liberate Hoopa failed again.

Seeing that the goal of provocation was achieved, Zeraora did not hesitate and immediately turned around and flew towards the North Kalos Sea.

Its speed is not very fast, but it maintains a subtle distance that allows General Jiefang Hupa to catch up in the future without being able to touch it.

The dark matter has no intelligence and only has the instinct of destruction. The liberating Hupa under its control is naturally not much stronger, and it follows Zeraora's figure in stride.

In the distance, Xia Chen and everyone else breathed a long sigh of relief as they looked at the Alliance Building in Desert City.

The first step of the plan went quite smoothly.


Although Jiefang Hupa's pace seemed slow, with its huge mountain-like body placed there, its moving speed was actually not too slow. It only took three or two minutes for it to disappear from the skyline.

Naturally, Xia Chen couldn't let the two elves Zeraora and Guluton go away. He turned to look at King Lei Guan who was riding the Snowstorm horse and said, "Let me borrow your ghost horse?"

King Lei Guan asked curiously: "Why do you want to borrow Gu's beloved horse?"

Xia Chen replied naturally: "Go over and help."

Therefore, Luton is an important combat force. Of course, it is impossible to bring Xia Chen with him. Although Duolong Baruto and the others are not slow, they still have to join the battle. Secondly, their strength is indeed inferior to that of Lingyou Mabu.


To be on the safe side, it is most practical to ride on a ghost horse.

King Lei Guan asked casually, and without much thought, he took out a Poké Ball from somewhere and released his idle horse.

Xia Chen has been getting along with his horse for some time. Although he was a little reluctant, after a few words of warning, Lingyou Ma reluctantly agreed to let outsiders ride it.

When everything was ready, Xia Chen and Lei Guanwang rode the ghost horse and snowstorm horse respectively to the North Kalos Sea.

Sirona and Karuni originally planned to go together, but Xia Chen persuaded them not to do so on the grounds of "retaining some of their strength."

This is not an excuse. It is foreseeable that freeing Hupa will definitely summon several powerful legendary elves from the magic ring.

Xia Chen's current plan is to lead them to different places and break them apart.

Sirona, Karuni, and even other elite trainers who arrived later will play a more important role in a while.

Saying goodbye to everyone, two divine horses, one white and one black, set off carrying King Lei Guan and Xia Chen.

As we all know, except for Groudon, all other legendary elves have the ability to fly.

It is not unusual for the Snowstorm Horse and King Lei Guan to become one after they became one with superpowers and could fly. The Ghost Horse, probably because it is a ghost-type elf, can also carry Xia Chen lightly through the air.

After a while, they caught up with Jiefang Hupa and the others, who were not too fast.

Seeing that the coastline of Desert City was almost no longer visible when he turned around, Xia Chen sent a message to Zeraora: "It's almost done, let's just stay here."

The silver-white figure at the far end paused, and the Jiefang Hupa and arms that followed behind also stopped.

Xia Chen threw several elf balls without hesitation.

In an instant, many elves such as Ultimate Necrozma, Infinite Dana, Deoxys, and Senbomenas appeared.

It is said that the powerful pressure brought by the elves fills the sky above the entire sea area.

Including Guluton and Lei Guanwang who appeared early, the lineup of elves that appeared was so luxurious that it could be called a battle between mythical beasts.

Even the mindless Jiefang Hupa was still a little panicked at this moment.

Even though it is powerful with the blessing of the dark matter ability, it has the ability to defeat any of the elves, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat it in 1vN.

Its ferocious eyes widened, and the magic rings on its six arms instantly burst into dazzling black and gold light, as if something was about to break out of its cocoon.

Xia Chen's eyelids twitched, how could he not know that this was to liberate Hupa and summon the legendary spirit from the magic.

Immediately shouted: "Wujitina, Deoxys, stop it!"

This was something he had considered when he knew he might face the possibility of liberating Hupa - could he nip this trend before it summoned the legendary spirit?

For example, directly crush the magic ring, or use super energy to bind it.

This is an attempt.


The energy in Wujitai's triangular keel is condensed, and bits and pieces of brilliance that seem to come from the starlight of the vast universe suddenly shine——

Extremely huge cannon!

Wuji Tina's exclusive dragon-type moves can cause huge damage to elves in the Gigantamax state.

It is not known whether the Liberated Hoopa, which is much larger than an ordinary Max or even the size of a Gigantamax elf, will suffer additional damage, but even if it does not, the super high damage of the Max Cannon itself is enough.

There is no loud noise caused by the energy explosion. The extremely huge cannon is fired suddenly and silently, like a celestial body suddenly exploding in the silent universe. It is silent but has a suffocating destructive power.


Before the giant cannon could hit Jiefang Hupa, the energy aftermath of the move hit the sea a hundred meters below like a huge tsunami wave.

The splashing waves obscured Xia Chen's sight, preventing him from seeing clearly whether the extremely huge cannon could restrain Hupa's great summoning technique as he expected.

On the other side, Deoxys followed closely and released a super energy beam that looked like an aurora.

The disembodied ultra-high-frequency energy waves formed a series of magnetic circles around the six magic rings, trying their best to prevent the energy inside from leaking out.

The giant waves set off by the giant cannon, like ferocious beasts, suddenly became as docile as a bleating sheep under the control of the magnetic coil.

Two cosmic beings who also came from outside the earth burst out with astonishingly powerful power at this moment.

However, everything is in vain.

Waves of heart-stopping and frightening aura rippled in the air, and in the magic ring, all kinds of rays of light suddenly bloomed.

The first thing that bore the brunt was a fiery red luster that rolled and trembled like lava.


An ultra-high decibel roar shook Xia Chen, and a huge beast with hot lava flowing all over its body appeared out of thin air from the magic.

And as the waves were evaporated by the accompanying high-temperature energy, the first legendary spirit summoned by the liberating Hupa appeared——

Original Groudon!

Xia Chen held his forehead and sighed, he was indeed such a fool.

Although it is rumored that there is more than one Groudon in the world, judging from its size, this is the Groudon that awakened near Liuli Island that year and started the "Gularon War" in the Hoenn region.

Later, it got lost and visited Yuanling Island. Since then, Xia Chen has never heard of its whereabouts.

And it’s not difficult to guess from its now red to slightly purple eyes, as well as its furious roar of disowning its relatives right after it came out—

This idiot has most likely lost his sense of autonomy.

Xia Chen was actually not surprised.

Judging from the performance in the theatrical version, even if the legendary spirit summoned by the liberated Hupa was not controlled, it was still somewhat affected by the evil energy in the Pot of Punishment.

And now that dark matter has intervened, things are even more bleak.

It is impossible to wake up Groudon with words. The only way is to use physical persuasion.

But obviously, Groudon is not the only one who needs physical persuasion.

As the light in the remaining magic rings shone brighter, terrifying energy auras came out one after another.

And when Xia Chen saw these legendary elves that had been transported, he realized that the original Groudon was not the first one to come out because of its reputation.

On the contrary, in front of the next few real bosses, Groudon, like its younger brother Coal Turtle, has no cards at all.

The twin dragons of time and space, Dialga and Palkia, their lifelong enemies the rebel Giratina, and the dragons of reality and ideals, Zekrom and Reshiram!

Five legendary elves, each one more important than the last.

And without exception, they should have extremely high intelligence, but at this moment there is only one emotion in their eyes - and that is mania!



The roar of dragons one after another shook the heaven and earth, and the sea surface that had not calmed down became increasingly rough. The terrifying sound could even be faintly heard in Desert City, which was already dozens of kilometers away.

The elite trainers who were waiting for news at the alliance building could only watch anxiously the real-time live broadcast transmitted by the flying Rotom group that was still slowly rushing over.

In fact, the speed of flying Rotom is not slow, but compared with Zeraora and others, it is as slow as a coal turtle crawling.

Fortunately, they were finally moving forward slowly. After about ten minutes, Sirona and Karuni finally saw valuable information——

On what should have been a blue sea, a crimson land made of lava suddenly appeared!

This situation is familiar to everyone. Two years ago, in the Hoenn region, when Groudon awakened, he also left a land made of lava on the sea.

In other words, in this case... Groudon wakes up again?

But shouldn't its base camp be in the Hoenn region? Why did it end up in Kalos?

Lost your way because you can't fly?

The successive confusions had not yet been answered, and the next moment, a surprised and fearful voice sounded.

"Wait a minute, those things in the sky...couldn't they be?"

Everyone followed the direction of his finger and looked at a display screen pointed at the sky, only to see tiny black dots passing by at high speed in front of Jiefang Hupa in the distance.

"Rotom, come closer and zoom in!"

Kaluni frowned and said.

Flying Rotom, who received the command via pager, immediately followed it.

Thanks to the advanced technology learned from the Ultimate World, the miniature camera carried by the Flying Rotom has far-sightedness beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After magnifying the picture a hundred times, a very clear picture quality can still be guaranteed.

Soon, what was originally just a few black dots on the display gradually became clear to everyone.

This was followed by exclamations and even inappropriate swear words from everyone present——

"Damn it, this can't be..."

"I'll choke Arceus!"

"I saw that right..."

Even the calmest Sirona couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

How could she, who knew so much about mythology and theory, fail to recognize the elves flying in the sky?

In the mythology of the Sinnoh region, there are three material dragons who are ranked only under the great creator god Arceus of Sinnoh. In the mythology of the Unova region, there are two dragons of the Tao who created the Unova region!

A total of five legendary elves, who are supreme beings even in mythology, are actually gathered together at this moment!

Sirona finally understood the worry in Xia Chen's eyes before.

Even if he could use the power of King Raiguan, Wuju Taina, and the approaching Rayquaza, encountering such an enemy would be extremely depressing and suffocating.


She stood up suddenly, turned around and was about to walk out, but was immediately stopped by Cattleya's superpower restraint.

"Don't go, wait for Xia Chen's arrangements."

How could Cattleya, who knew her best friend so well, not know what Sirona wanted to do now.

The Super Queen, who was perhaps the calmest among the crowd, analyzed: "That guy definitely had some anticipation of the current situation, otherwise he wouldn't have let us stay here and wait. If we go there now, it will only disrupt his plan.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Sirona, who was forced to act by her superpower, also regained her composure at this moment, but her worry about Xia Chen's situation still made her unwilling to say anything.

Cattleya shook her head and added: "Okay, just listen to me. That guy is not the kind to be aggressive. Just be patient and see what he is going to do."

Sirona's expression changed for a while, and she finally nodded after being persuaded.

Everyone once again focused their attention on the big screen in the room.

Will the guy who has repeatedly created almost impossible miracles find a solution this time?


Xia Chen, who had high hopes, also had a headache at the moment.

The attempt to prevent the liberation of Hoopa failed, and the most perverted legendary elves were summoned.

Everything is going in the worst direction.

What can he do?

We can only take one step at a time.

But he knew there was one thing he had to do right now -

"Kyogre, you divert Groudon away, so Leton, you are in charge of Dialga, Infinitus, and Palkia. Can King Lei Crown and Giratina be entrusted to you?"

In the sky, Xia Chen, who was on the spirit horse, was giving instructions to the elves, dividing their respective battlefields.

Not to mention the chaos, the leakage of extremely high-density energy is terrifying enough.

In the theatrical version, the battle between the two dragons of time and space almost tears apart the time and space of the world, plus the other big bosses who are no less than the two gods of time and space.

This melee will probably break down the ozone layer.

By then, there will be no need for dark matter to deliberately destroy the world. The rapid changes in climate alone will cause annihilation of all life on this planet.

Xia Chen even suspected that this was the purpose of Dark Matter's control of liberating Hupa——

If we don’t fight, the world will be destroyed. If we fight, the world will still suffer.

A complete conspiracy.

The only thing Xia Chen can do is to do his best and obey fate.

Since these legendary elves no longer possess intelligence, the process of attracting hatred for Luton and King Lei Guan went smoothly.

Soon, the four legendary elves were caught and killed one by one with the big guys Xia Chen came to help, and under deliberate guidance, the distance between the legendary elves was getting farther and farther.

The battlefield has been initially divided.

But after dividing the ownership of the four legendary elves, Xia Chen still has several big problems in front of him——

Reshiram, Zekrom, and the culprit who cannot be ignored, the liberated Hoopa who is controlled by the dark matter.

Looking around at his remaining companions, he saw that Ultimate Necrozma, Deoxys and Zeraora were not in good condition and could barely compete with them head-on.

For the rest, I have to rely on the Senbu and Menas that I cultivated myself.

"Everyone, do your best!"

Needless to say, a simple encouragement boosted his morale. Xia Chen raised his hands, and the keystone bracelet and giant wristband on them instantly bloomed with brilliance.

What changed next were the bodies of the elves, the super evolution of Gardevoir and Senbu, and the dynamism of Menas and other elves...

Without any reservation, Xia Chen directly improved the state of the elves to the best that could be achieved at this stage.

Although he knew that such a special form change could not last for long, facing such an opponent, it would undoubtedly be foolish to retain his strength.

"Meinas, the giant water flow! Senbusa Naido, the giant fairy!"

The extremely large water flow can open the rainy day, and the extremely large fairy can open the mist field. Both of them can halve the power of fire and dragon attribute moves respectively.

They are all extremely powerful moves used to limit the dual attributes of Fire Dragon, Reshiram.

According to actual measurements, the greater the strength gap between the two sides, the smaller the restrictions that can be formed.

Therefore, Luton can exert almost 90% of the power of dragon-type moves in the mist field constructed by Senbu and the others.

But it can reduce the damage by 10%, which is not bad.


On the sea, Menas can bring its water control ability to its fullest.


Menas raised his head high, followed by a long and high-pitched dragon roar. In just a moment, countless water flows rose from the sea, forming a terrifying water column with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters, shooting straight towards the snow-white body but the eyes.

Red Reshiram!


Reshiram screamed, and instantly unfolded his huge wing claws covered with white feathers. The metal ring around his neck lit up, and an exaggeratedly huge flame wave lay in front of this huge water flow.


The extremely hot fire mixed with the extremely cold water waves, and the boiling high-temperature steam rose in the air.

Facts have proved that the inherent concept in the minds of most people in the elven world that water defeats fire is not constant.

When the difference in strength becomes significant, attribute restraint may also be reversed.

The barrier formed by the flame wave instantly evaporated the huge water flow of Menas, barely able to do any damage.

Fortunately, another effect of the huge water flow is the formation of rainy weather.

Overcast clouds and pouring rain covered the entire battlefield. Reshiram flapped his wings impatiently, seeming to be extremely unhappy with this environment.

On the other side, Super Senbu and Super Gardevoir's Giant Goblin followed closely.

Because they were deliberately separated from the giant water flow, the energy of the two giant fairies was not burned out by the flames spouted by Reshiram.

Dots of pink-purple fairy energy particles fell on Reshiram like a meteor shower.

However, judging from the reaction of the guy who just raised his wings to cover it at will, the damage caused by the two giant goblins was minimal.

Like the giant water flow, the greater function of the giant fairy is to limit the output of dragon attributes.

The dreamy hazy mist formed as usual, and the heavy rain pouring from the sky formed an unstable first line of defense.

Zekromna was resisted by the two elves Zeraora and Deoxys.

Zeraora's ability to swallow electricity can disable the violent thunder that the former is proud of, and even turn it into a boost for herself.

Coupled with Deoxys, there is basically not much pressure.


The scene on the sea is accurately projected into the Desert City Alliance building through high-definition cameras carried by dozens of flying Rotoms.

At this moment, a fierce battle broke out on multiple screens at the same time. At any time or place, a fierce battle that could be called an unprecedented battle was dizzying -

The battlefield where Kyogre and Groudon are located is another classic battle between Groudon and Kyogre.

The waves and the lava meet, and the fierce confrontation between the root wave and the sword of the cliff almost overturns the entire sea area.

What is even more fascinating is the battle between Guluton and Dialga. Facing this legendary elf that only exists in myths and legends and controls the power of time in ancient Sinnoh, Guluton is under considerable pressure.

Therefore, the speed that Luton was so proud of seemed to be slowed down countless times in the field of Dialga's force field that could distort time.

The long-range Dragon Wave will be blocked by an invisible force at the end of the ballistic trajectory, and the close-range full-open slam will be greatly reduced in power due to the loss of speed.

If it weren't for the fact that fighting is one of the attributes that most restrains Dialga, and full slam can cause higher damage to the restrained opponent, this battle would only be more difficult.

But even so, Luton was already at a disadvantage visibly.

The battlefield between Wuji Tai and Palkia was equally fierce.

One is a mythical spirit that controls space, and the other is a cosmic being that controls some mysterious ability.

The battle between the two bosses was evenly matched.

Wuji Tai opened the giant form without any hesitation from the very beginning——

The Dynamax state that can only last for a short period of time for ordinary elves does not apply to it, because its power is the source of Dynamax.

As long as it is willing, it can maintain its gigantism throughout the entire process before falling down.

The huge pink core on the chest continued to leak energy, and Wujitai followed Xia Chen's previous instructions and continued to use its exclusive moves, cosmic power——

An enhanced move that can improve both defenses.

Palkia's Sub-Aerial Slash was able to cause considerable damage to Palkia at first due to its restraint and easy-to-hit characteristics. However, as the cosmic power continued to accumulate, the Sub-Aerial Slash was like being placed next to its huge dragon-bone body.


There are gorgeous sound effects and graphics, but no real damage.

Not to mention that after this, this guy will use self-regeneration shamelessly.

Wujitai is an elf that can be called a blood bull because of its super high racial value. Now both of them are higher, and they can continue to restore life. In an instant, Pa, who is used to fighting Dialga, can

Lucia can't stand it anymore.

By the time it reacts, it's too late.

The gigantic Wuji Tai is already pushing forward with huge coercion, poison attacks, meteor swarms, giant cannons, reverse scales...

How come the damage is high?

In other words, Palkia was used to being able to stretch and retract after being bullied by Dialga. He used his own abilities to cut open several subspaces and shuttle back and forth to hide and seek.

If he were a grumpy legendary elf, he would have been beaten away by Wuji Tina.


The two gods of time and space, one strong and the other weak, have stabilized the situation.

The most tragic one is the battle between King Lei Guan and Giratina, who controls antimatter.

Of course, the tragedy was not for either King Lei Guan or Giratina, but for the area of ​​space where they fought.

Dark, deep and dangerous black light shines from the space cracks that can be seen everywhere, and the rich ghost energy mixed with antimatter fills everything with a chilling, eerie and cold atmosphere.

The originally calm sea surface became even more weird and shocking. The stormy waves that were hundreds of meters high were now frozen into crystal clear cold mountains on the sea.

It’s hard to imagine how exaggerated and terrifying the ice energy is to create this spectacle.

The culprit was none other than the snorting snowstorm horse under King Lei Guan.

At this moment, Giratina's ghostly black wings flapped gently, and instantly transformed into a huge bloody spear——

This pair of ghost wings can change shape at will like gas. Obviously, Giratina has realized the strength of his opponent at this moment and began to fight against it with all his strength.

Looking at the blood-colored spear thrown at him, King Lei Guan, who was riding a white horse, was not afraid at all. He gently pulled the reins, and the snowstorm horse immediately raised its icicle-like front hooves and neighed loudly from its mouth.

The originally quiet sky suddenly fell with violent winds and snow, and the ice and snow containing the terrifying chill condensed into spear-shaped ice cones floating quietly in the air, like cold soldiers waiting to give orders.

As the emerald-green crown on King Lei Guan's head emitted a powerful icy light, the next moment, thousands of spears fired in unison!

White Horse Lei Crown King's exclusive move - Snow Spear!

It is more powerful than a snowstorm and has 100% hit rate, making this move the key to White Horse Lei Guanwang's invincibility in the game.

But in reality, Snow Spear is still terrifying.

Out of fear of ice-type moves and respect for King Ray Crown, Giratina instinctively tried to avoid harm by diving into the antimatter world.

Anyway, the ghost gun has been thrown, so there is no need to use it to shoot the rest.

However, as soon as Giratina's fat body entered the antimatter world, Snow Spear followed closely behind him.

Being able to lock onto the enemy's characteristics makes it impossible to avoid it, even if you use moves like Stealth Attack.

Each ice pick containing a chill comparable to absolute zero hit Giratina one after another, soon leaving deep and shallow ice marks on it.

Even Giratina, who dared to disobey Arceus, couldn't help but let out a shrill scream at this moment.

Lei Guanwang, who squinted at this scene, snorted softly, with a look of aloofness on his face.

As long as you let Gu absorb enough power of faith, I will kill Arceus for you!


Xia Chen had no time to pay attention to the situation on the three battlefields at the moment. He was very worried when facing these "three little ones".

The first is Zekrom. This guy is not stupid. After discovering that his electric-type moves could not cause damage to Zeraora at all, but would help her recover energy, he immediately chose to use another dragon-type move of this type.


This chapter has been completed!
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