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Chapter 1008 Fate!

The problem of Principal Ding's intracranial tumor has been solved. Acute renal failure is now the biggest problem. The effect of hemofiltration is getting worse every time. It seems that the prediction of Director Wang of the Department of Nephrology is right. As a famous nephrology expert in the country,

, she has rich experience and is very accurate in judging the direction of the disease.

According to this development trend, if he wants to save his life, Principal Ding can only perform a kidney transplant, so the matching of kidneys is urgent. While matching relatives, he is looking for suitable volunteers.

Ding Xinyu, Guan Ruyan and Lu Xiaolu all completed the necessary physical examinations and kidney matching tests at the First Affiliated Hospital, but the test results were not so fast and they needed to go back and wait.

What Guan Ruyan said at the case discussion meeting was widely circulated within the Nandu Medical University system, and even many students in the school knew about it. He was originally an idol figure in everyone's mind, and now he is a good son-in-law and a person who knows how to repay kindness.

Assuming that he was established invisibly, he became a moral model for young people in everyone's mind.

When a reporter from Nandu Provincial TV Station heard the news, he was very interested in this subject and sent a team to interview Guan Ruyan. When Guan Ruyan talked about Principal Ding, he burst into tears and burst into tears. He could achieve the meager results he has today only because of those years ago.

Professor Ding's love and training, without Professor Ding, I would not be where I am today. Now that Professor Ding is in danger, he should step forward. This is what he should do, and it is not noble. Because of this incident, Guan Ruyan has become a person in people's minds.

A good son-in-law.

Unlike Guan Ruyan, Lu Xiaolu was the one who really actively participated in the matching, but his verbal expression was far inferior to Guan Ruyan, and he had no intention of establishing a character at all, so people did not remember him and had no idea that he was participating in the matching.

There is a small road.

Many teachers in the school said that Principal Ding has a good son-in-law who bravely stepped forward to donate a kidney at this critical moment. I am afraid it is difficult for a son-in-law to do this. Principal Ding is undoubtedly happy. The hard work he poured into his son-in-law was not in vain.

Originally, people at the school had a somewhat negative view of Guan Ruyan because of the incident involving Guan Ruyan's son. However, participating in the kidney matching operation has completely changed the direction of public opinion. Guan Ruyan enjoys this feeling very much.

In fact, Guan Ruyan is very smart. Before the final result of the matching came out, he used his own connections to inquire about the possibility of matching in private. He entrusted the doctor he trusted most, and this doctor had a classmate from his undergraduate days who was in the attachment.

Of course, he told the doctor that he was eager to successfully match his transplant and save Principal Ding's life.

The doctor's classmates secretly learned about the situation, and the information they replied was that it was impossible for Guan Ruyan to be successfully matched. It was very far away, and there was no hope.

When the doctor told Guan Ruyan the news, Guan Ruyan looked sad and sighed because he could not fulfill his filial piety for Principal Ding. The doctor beside him was also affected. What a deep feeling.


The third consultation began again. Although the current consultation was about acute renal failure, Yang Ping, who was the chief surgeon, was still invited to participate. Principal Ding's life was temporarily saved. If he wanted to keep it, he still had to do more.

Kidney transplantation must be done. It is just a matter of choosing when to do it. Now the situation is becoming less and less optimistic. The effect of each hemofiltration is worse than before.

The results of the matching have also come out. In fact, after the results came out, the doctors at the organ transplant center wanted to call the three relative volunteers who participated in the matching. However, they thought of this meeting, so they simply did not call and instead

The matching notification was delivered to them personally.

The outcome of the third consultation meeting was without any controversy—an elective kidney transplant was performed.

After the meeting, Director Yao put the organ matching information in three sealed bags and said, "Can I talk to you privately about the matching results after the meeting?"

Guan Ruyan was very generous, because he already knew what he was thinking: "Director Yao, there are no outsiders here, and they are all relatives. Just announce it at the meeting. Teacher Ding is in critical condition and needs a kidney transplant at any time. Let's not go around."

These twists and turns are a waste of time, and every minute of waiting is torture.”

Director Yao thinks what Professor Guan said makes sense. Principal Ding is the leader within the Nandu Medical University system. This matter of relative matching was also discussed at the last meeting. This time, it will be made public at the meeting. As long as the parties concerned agree, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yes, you don’t have to inform and talk to each one individually after the meeting.

"Professor Ding? Professor Lu? Is that okay?" Director Yao asked Lu Xiaolu and Ding Xinyu for their opinions.

Ding Xinyu said: "Of course, let's announce it at the meeting. No need to waste time." Lu Xiaolu also agreed. Everyone had expressed their willingness to donate kidneys at the last meeting. There is no need to keep it secret now. There is nothing that needs to be kept secret.


"How is it? Is there a suitable match?" Ding Xinyu was very worried. If the match failed, her father would have to wait for a long time for a kidney source.

Director Yao had a relaxed smile on his face: "Principal Ding is very lucky to have a very suitable person. It seems that your family is really thicker than water."

Guan Ruyan is now completely at ease in his heart. The suitable one is definitely not him. He knows that he has failed in matching, and there is a high probability that it is Ding Xinyu. After all, they are close relatives, so the probability of successful matching is the highest. As for Lu Xiaolu, it is possible, but it is not likely.

, I know it is completely impossible.

"I have been worried about what to do if the matching fails, but now I am relieved. When will the surgery be done? What follow-up procedures are required?" Guan Ruyan showed ease.

Director Yao said: "I have already submitted the materials for ethical review. There should be no big problem because the whole process is completely voluntary and there is no conflict of interest. Once the ethical review is passed, we will arrange the surgery as soon as possible."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! ''Thank you for your hard work, hurry up. Teacher Ding's condition is getting worse day by day. I hope to get him back to health as soon as possible." Guan Ruyan's words contain emotions, but there is no

People will suspect that he is being hypocritical. When it comes to organ donation, it is impossible to do so even if he is hypocritical.

Director Yao also sighed in his heart. Principal Ding is so lucky. Among his three relatives, he has a successfully matched kidney, and it is also his son-in-law's kidney. Judging from the comprehensive examination, Guan Ruyan's physical condition is very good, and the functions of his two kidneys are very good.

All normal.

On the contrary, Ding Xinyu was not successfully matched. Even if the match was successful, Ding Xinyu was at great risk and was not suitable to donate a kidney to her father because her other kidney had a strong urinary tract and blocked the urinary tract, causing the entire kidney to be damaged.

It was already dilated as thin as a piece of paper. If she hadn't known it during this inspection, she might not have felt anything.

Lu Xiaolu was also successfully matched, but compared to Guan Ruyan, he was still a little behind. Lu Xiaolu could only be said to be qualified. Guan Ruyan's kidney match was excellent. Principal Ding still relied on his son-in-law to save his life at critical times. This can be regarded as fate.

Director Yao tore off the seals of the three sealed bags, then checked them carefully and said, "Professor Ruyan Guan's kidney is the best match."

After the news was announced, everyone in the audience breathed a sigh of relief. This way, Principal Ding does not have to spend a long time waiting for a kidney source and can complete a kidney transplant at any time, as long as his physical condition can withstand the surgery and anesthesia.

Guan Ruyan was petrified on the spot when he heard the news. It was so unexpected that he didn't know what to say at this time. It was completely unexpected.

Ding Xinyu, who was next to her, thought he was too happy and excited, so she leaned over and hugged him gently to express her gratitude: "Thank you, thank you, I love you, and dad will be proud of you."

Didn’t it mean that mine was not successfully matched?

What's going on?

Was it a mistake?

If Guan Ruyan wasn't still a little sober at this time, he almost rushed to see the matching results in person and donate a kidney. How could it be possible? Two good kidneys, if you donate one, you will be missing the other one. Impossible, this is absolutely impossible


"Professor Guan, you and Principal Ding are really destined. Let's seize the time and perform the surgery as soon as possible to prevent Principal Ding's condition from worsening," Director Yao said.

Guan Ruyan felt indescribable at this time and pretended to be relaxed: "As soon as possible--yes, as soon as possible, but we must take good care of Teacher Ding's body and strive for the greatest success of the operation."

This chapter has been completed!
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