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Chapter 125 High-precision puncture

 When Tan Boyun shook hands with Professor Yu, Professor Yu said: "Director Tan is soaring to the sky now!"

Tan Boyun smiled heartily: "I must thank Director Yu for his hard work!"

The two of them were smiling on the surface. If you didn't know the inside story, you would think that they had a deep friendship and shook hands and exchanged greetings.

Those who knew the inside story understood that there was something behind each other's words and ridiculed each other.

The relationship between the two is so bad. They are no longer in the same hospital and have no connection. They still compete with each other when they meet and shake hands.

In orthopedic robotic surgery, Affiliated One is at the forefront, with more than 500 operations performed. In terms of the number of orthopedic robot surgeries alone, there is no problem in ranking among the top three in the country.

However, Appendix II has not yet carried out orthopedic robotic surgery, but only carried out robotic surgery in thoracic surgery, general surgery, urology surgery and obstetrics and gynecology.

As soon as Tan Boyun arrived at Sanbo Hospital, with the strong support of Director Han, more than ten surgeries were performed in just one month. According to this volume of surgeries, he has already become a catch-up with Auxiliary One.

If Sanbo buys a second robot and develops spine, joint and sports medicine, it will start a crazy catching up mode.

Tan Boyun is full of energy and ambition, and dares to enter the cutting-edge fields of the industry. He not only has the ambition to challenge the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics in the First School, but also vows to occupy a place in the country.

Under Director Han, he can now get the wind and rain, without any constraints, and can flex his muscles.

"Director Tan took the initiative and launched more than a dozen units in one month." Professor Su praised.

Although Tan Boyun is arrogant, he does not dare to be arrogant in front of Professor Su, not only because Professor Su's academic character is outstanding, but also because Professor Su has helped him.

"This robot is specially used in our Department of Microtrauma Orthopedics, so its use density is very high. There are surgeries tomorrow, and there are five machines lined up this week. We need to learn more from Affiliated One. Compared with Affiliated One, we are still just toddlers.

Tan Boyun introduced the current status of Sanbo robotic surgery as the host. Before the introduction, he looked at Director Han to show respect and gain approval.

"We are currently conducting more than a dozen surgeries involving the pelvis and limbs. Our goal is to use robots to perform all types of traumatic orthopedic surgeries." Tan Boyun introduced his blueprint.

These dozen or so surgeries are just a warm-up, the best part is yet to come.

Professor Su admired in his heart that Han Jiangong knew how to use people. Tan Boyun, a fierce horse, could hardly move even two inches in front of him, but he could make great strides in Sanbo. This man will definitely make extraordinary achievements in the future.

Mr. Ning, a patient in Huaqiao Building, has been sent to the operating room, which is next door to where Director Tan performed the surgery just now, because there is navigation equipment here - a computer-assisted surgical navigation system.

Su Nanchen considered using a robot to complete the puncture, but gave up because this kind of puncture not only requires precision, but also requires an excellent feel when entering the guide wire. The direction of the guide wire can be adjusted according to the feel to successfully place the tube.

Robotic surgery is very accurate, but it lacks feedback on instrument contact, that is, it lacks feel. This is the biggest shortcoming.

Su Nanchen completed the simulated puncture, mastered the best puncture point, puncture angle and depth from the simulated puncture, and understood the relationship between various anatomy.

Yang Ping took Su Nanchen to the operating room, and Song Zimo followed.

Su Nanchen and Wen Rentao are the goals in Song Zimo's heart. He has been secretly working hard to surpass these people who are known as the stars of tomorrow.

Song Zimo followed behind without saying a word. He was not unsociable, but too lazy to socialize. He always looked like it had nothing to do with him.

"The aunt I just met in the garden had a weak right knee joint. Did you perform the surgery on her?" Su Nanchen took the opportunity to ask.

Yang Ping nodded: "I just had an operation this morning and will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. What, an acquaintance?"

Su Nanchen said: "My old patient had her second operation done here, but the effect was not good. I met her just now, and her symptoms were completely resolved this time."

Yang Ping didn't expect that this patient was his. The patient mentioned that Dr. Su from the attached 1st hospital helped him with the second operation, but Yang Ping didn't care: "This patient has a synovial band stuck in the popliteus tendon tear."

It was caused by pressure, so I found the synovial membrane of the popliteus tendon tear and removed it, and the patient's symptoms were relieved naturally."

"Have you never heard of this disease?" Su Nanchen asked. With his profound knowledge, he didn't know about this disease.

Yang Ping smiled: "I have never heard of this disease or the abnormalities found on her MRI."

"Let's take a look at the MRI film together when we have time?" Su Nanchen was eager to learn.

When you arrive in the operating room, change your shoes, clothes, and wear a mask and hat.

The patient has been positioned in the prone position. Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu have helped disinfect and spread the sheets, and the instruments are also ready.

Professor Su, Professor Yu and Director Han have already put on lead clothes and are sitting inside chatting.

"Nan Chen, hurry up and brush your hands!" Professor Su urged.

"Xiao Yang, brush your hands and prepare a table for Dr. Su." Director Han ordered.

The two of them put on lead clothes and began to brush their hands.

Yang Ping and Su Nanchen had a very good chat. He didn't like Song Zimo, who was aloof and cold. He exuded a kind of arrogance all the time and turned away people thousands of miles away.

Yang Ping is different. He has a strong self-confidence, but he is not arrogant or aggressive.

Masters are often lonely, and it is a blessing to be able to find an opponent.

The mutual sympathy between young talents made Su Nanchen hate Yang Ping for meeting him so late. When they were brushing their hands, the two kept chatting, starting from the patient with popliteus tendon hole and synovial strip entrapment, and then talking about the puncture of this patient, it was like brushing his hands.

The time is too short, not enough for two people to chat.

Everything was ready. The surgeon checked again, opened the table, administered local anesthesia, and percutaneously implanted a spatial reference positioning needle in the spinous process to provide coordinates for navigation.

Dr. Su's posture on stage is very good, with different sitting postures, standing postures, walking postures, and eating postures.

There are different postures for surgery. Some people have standard postures and look very beautiful; some people lower their heads and hold their breasts, and sometimes get close to the surgical area to see; some people twist their bodies, which is not only ugly, but also easy to contaminate the surgical area; and some people have a simple fracture.

, in a very awkward kneeling position. I don’t know if it’s a special need or it’s my first surgery.

From Dr. Su's surgical style, we can see that Professor Su has strict requirements on him. The wrinkles of large orders are smoothed out, and the operating instruments are required to be placed neatly and arranged according to the frequency of use.

Keep your chest up and your head down, with your hands at a suitable distance from the operating table, and control your movements within a limited range. If it can be limited to the fingers, try to do it on the fingers; if you need assistance from the wrist joint, control it at the wrist joint; even if you need assistance from the elbow joint, it is a very small movement.


Every step is standardized and looks very beautiful. The surgical rhythm is clear and progresses step by step.

The image on the navigation screen presents a three-dimensional anatomical structure. The reference points accurately display the coordinate relationship between the instrument and the anatomical structure. The navigation pointer instructs the puncture needle with the sheath to advance accurately toward the target.

Simulated puncture and precise navigation, coupled with Dr. Su's talent and experience, allowed the puncture to be completed in one go, passing through the pedicle, breaking through the cortex at the best position, and after completing the bony channel, the target - the nerve root sheath - was in front.
One step at a time without any mistakes.

Su Qingyun's son really lived up to his reputation. Professor Yu paid close attention to the entire puncture process and had to admire him for raising his son to be outstanding.

Even without Su Qingyun's help, Su Nanchen was fully qualified to enter the Secondary School, the eight-year Peking Union Medical College program, which is the most valuable academic qualification for studying medicine in the country.

What's more, Su Nanchen was the top scorer in the science college entrance examination in Nandu Province and entered the Union Medical College as the top scorer. Professor Yu felt ashamed of Su Qingyun, both in terms of the department's academic status and his personal success.

The puncture needle is pulled out, but the sheath remains inside. The thin hollow puncture needle passes out of the puncture sheath, and the needle tip touches the nerve root sheath. Even with navigation, this is an extremely difficult operation.

Young people are terrible! Everyone agrees.

The needle tip is about to pierce the nerve sheath and enter the sheath. Navigation cannot help with this step. It must be done by hand. Song Zimo is sitting next to him. Su Nanchen is indeed a rising star as famous as Wen Rentao. It has nothing to do with his father.

The needle tip pierced the thoracic 2 nerve root sheath, and the microcatheter carried an elastic guidewire and entered the sheath from the hollow needle tube, revealing a little bit, but it was difficult to move forward.

The puncture was blocked in the last step of inserting the catheter.

Su Nanchen frowned. Due to the invasion of tumor tissue and the adhesion between the sheath and the perineurium, the guidewire that needs to enter the sheath is elastic. The original intention of the design was to fit the natural gap between the sheath and the nerve, but now this

The gap no longer exists due to adhesion.

When advancing again, the guidewire appeared curved in the image and could not break through the adhesions.

Professor Su stood up and looked at the navigation picture on the screen. The puncture process was perfect, but the last step was blocked.

He believed that Su Nanchen could handle it, and Su Nanchen did not panic. He stopped the operation and thought about the solution.

Before the operation, he had already considered adhesions. To solve this problem, he had to adjust the angle of the puncture needle.

The puncture needle now enters almost perpendicular to the direction of the nerve. It is necessary to adjust the angle of the needle tip so that the needle and the direction of the nerve present a certain angle, so that the guide wire can break through adhesions in a better direction.

Just like splitting wood, splitting it horizontally is very laborious; splitting it vertically, it can be split in half with just one axe.

It would be good if the missile hits the teacup, but it also requires hitting the teacup from a specific direction, which is even more difficult.

The range that can be adjusted is very small. The diameter of the bony tunnel is inherently thin, and the finer puncture needle has an adjustment range, but it is very small.

Exit the guidewire catheter and puncture the nerve root sheath again.

Su Nanchen is very skilled in the anatomy of the spine. At such a young age, just thirty years old, he has accumulated experience in hundreds of scoliosis surgeries, which is very rare.

His touch was very good, and the needle tip was slightly adjusted to reveal the angle. However, as soon as the needle tip touched the nerve root, it slipped away as soon as it was pushed forward.

"The angle is not correct, just adjust it fifteen degrees."

Yang Ping reminds.

This chapter has been completed!
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