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Chapter 139 Cricothyroid membrane puncture

 The two of them rested under a tree on the roadside.

"You can drive when you get back later. Drive slowly. The key is not to panic. Especially when you see a lot of people in the car, you need to predict the traffic situation in advance. In an emergency, just don't make the wrong accelerator and brake. You were driving just now

When you turn it on, you can switch between the accelerator and the brake very freely, and it will form a memory if you open it too much."

Xiao Su summarized Yang Ping's driving just now, told Yang Ping his several years of driving experience, and taught it to Yang Ping.

Another couple on the roadside seemed to have had enough rest and got into the Honda SUV. Before getting in, the man didn't forget to look over here.

Yang Ping and Xiao Su took a rest. Xiao Su checked the battery of the car. It was enough and it was fully charged when it came out.

The two of them walked around the university town a few more times, and they were almost done practicing. Xiao Su took Yang Ping to practice reversing the car into the warehouse.

Xiao Su found parking spaces in parallel parking spaces, diagonal parking spaces, and perpendicular parking spaces, and asked Yang Ping to practice them all, and passed every event.

Yang Ping learns very quickly. He masters every project in one go. After practicing it several times, he still has his own experience.

After practicing very skillfully, the two found a self-service hot pot restaurant and followed the navigation there.

This hot pot restaurant is relatively popular and the price is not expensive. It costs 100 yuan per person. The two of them found a booth by the window.

The mandarin duck pot base was brought to the table by the waiter. Yang Ping and Xiao Su picked out a lot of ingredients. They were hungry and ready to eat.

"You learn things so fast, you became so proficient in one afternoon." Xiao Su put ingredients into the hot pot.

Yang Ping felt embarrassed: "I was going shopping with you, but now I'm practicing driving with me."

Xiao Su said with satisfaction: "I've been shopping for several hours, that's enough. Look, I bought and ate. I'm so happy today!"

After Xiao Su had added all the ingredients, Yang Ping put the lid on the pot, and the two of them waited for the hot pot soup to boil.

Xiao Su said carefully and considerately: "You go to the consultation on Tuesday and drive my car. When you return to the hospital next time, I will fully charge the battery. There is an area in the underground parking lot of our hospital that is full of charging piles. Then you go to the nearby

First, there are charging piles in Area E on the third floor of its underground parking lot."

"Are you familiar with Attached One?" Yang Ping heard her say this and even knew where the charging piles were.

Xiao Su nodded: "Those who drive electric cars know exactly where there are charging piles in G City. After all, charging piles are not as common as gas stations, so range anxiety is inevitable."

"This pure electric car feels like a mobile phone. It's very interesting. You don't have to refuel when you go home, but charge it. I will also buy a pure electric car when I buy a car in the future. It is environmentally friendly, healthy and silent." Yang Ping is interested in this electric car.


"You should also buy this one. It's available in black and in several colors." Xiao Su recommended.

Yang Ping shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, this is too expensive. I'll buy a BYD one, made in China."

"It seems that BYD's batteries are safer and can pass acupuncture tests." Xiao Su was able to keep up with the topic.

The two chatted while eating, ranging from daily life to surgical operations. Xiao Su asked for some professional knowledge that she did not understand, such as the use of a certain instrument and why a certain step should be done. Yang Ping patiently answered the questions and felt that she

It is really easy to learn, and she is really thinking about the steps of the surgery to better cooperate with the surgeon.

The ingredients were on the CD. Yang Ping asked Xiao Su what else he wanted and was about to get up to pick out the ingredients.

Suddenly, there was a little noise in the store. Yang Ping turned to look. Following Yang Ping's gaze, Xiao Su also looked.

Someone had an accident. In the hall, a girl in her twenties fell to the ground.

Yang Ping and Xiao Su rushed over immediately to see what was going on.

"I was fine just now, but suddenly my face turned ugly and I fell down."

The girl's boyfriend had no idea at all. He asked everyone for help in a panic, then picked up the phone and dialed 120, stammering when he spoke.

"Sorry, excuse me, I'm a doctor." A middle-aged man separated from the crowd and hurriedly squeezed in.

He simply judged the condition, felt under the xiphoid process, and began to perform heart compressions on the lower sternum. His technique was extremely skilled. This kind of proficiency was not just a simple training, but should be acquired through many years of long-term training.

The process of manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation is completely in accordance with the latest guidelines. Once you go up, you will judge your consciousness, breathing, and carotid pulse for a few seconds, then start to press, and then open the airway after pressing.

Use the forehead-pressing and jaw-raising technique to open the airway, check whether there is anything in the mouth that needs to be cleaned, then perform two mouth-to-mouth artificial respirations, and perform heart compressions again. The ratio of compressions to artificial respiration is 30 to 2.

This person should be a doctor, and he should be an emergency physician or ICU doctor. His decisive and smooth rescue operation is entirely due to his excellent professionalism.

Yang Ping also squeezed in, knelt on one knee on the ground, touched the carotid artery and nostrils, and checked the skin of the neck and limbs. There was a weak pulse in the carotid artery, and the heartbeat had not stopped. In this case, there is no problem with pressing, and pressing can help.

A weak heart pumps blood, which does not necessarily mean that the heart has completely stopped before pressing.

There are some urticaria on the skin, allergic reaction! This is an allergic reaction! It is not sudden cardiac death. Acute laryngeal edema caused by allergic reaction, leading to suffocation.

When Yang Ping first obtained the system, he underwent first aid training, and later received physical examination training from the system's super training program, making him very confident in his judgment.

"Allergic reaction! Acute laryngeal edema! Open the airway urgently!" Yang Ping calmly reminded the middle-aged doctor.

"I'm open." The middle-aged doctor is very confident.

"Cricothyroid puncture or tracheotomy needs to be performed immediately!" Yang Ping made eye contact with him.

The middle-aged doctor did not stop pressing his hand, and his hesitation could be seen in his eyes.

In this emergency situation, whether it is cricothyroid membrane puncture or canal incision, both are invasive. If the judgment is wrong, it will bring adverse consequences, or the patient may not be saved, and he may face trouble.

Although the law stipulates that this kind of first aid will not be exempted from liability, but--many things are not as simple as imagined. After being a doctor for so many years, I have seen a lot of things.

The doctor and Yang Ping exchanged glances and wanted to free up the position for Yang Ping. Yang Ping immediately stopped him: "You continue to press, and I will do the cricothyroid membrane puncture!"

Compression can help the heart pump blood, transport the remaining oxygen in the blood into important organs, and maintain the perfusion of important organs, especially the brain tissue, which can only tolerate hypoxia for four minutes. If breathing and circulation are not restored within ten minutes, the brain will

Irreversible damage will occur.

"Quick, a knife and a clean straw! A sharp knife or small scissors will do; a straw of normal size will do." Yang Ping shouted to the crowd.

I originally wanted to use alcohol or high-concentration alcohol to sterilize the knife and disinfect the throat area, but it takes time to find these things. This kind of acute laryngeal edema will cause complete obstruction of the respiratory tract, and death will occur within a few minutes. In order to

Save time and eliminate the need for disinfection.

Knives and straws are easy to find. There was one person in the crowd who carried a Swiss Army knife with him. He took out the sharp knife and handed it over immediately. There were straws at the service desk in the store, and the waiter brought one over, in different sizes.

Xiao Su took the knife, picked out the straw, and squatted next to Yang Ping, serving as an assistant at any time.

Scissors, someone handed Xiao Su another small pair of scissors.

The manager of the hot pot restaurant was so worried that he was sweating profusely. If something happened, he would be in trouble.

Yang Ping quickly constructed a local anatomical image of the larynx in his brain.

With a slight touch of the finger, the position was confirmed, the soft part between the thyroid cartilage and the epiglottis cartilage, and the position of the cricothyroid membrane.

Xiao Su handed over the knife, and Yang Ping stabbed the tip of the knife accurately. A feeling of loss appeared. When the tip of the knife entered the trachea, he immediately stopped and pulled it out, and gently inserted the straw into the trachea.

The straw has been trimmed by Xiaosu, the tip is removed, and a suitable length is reserved at one end. Fold the straw at a certain angle in the bending area.

In this way, it is very convenient for Yang Ping to insert the straw, which can be inserted along the trachea without causing damage to the inner wall of the trachea.

Laryngeal edema blocks the airway. Now puncture below the blockage to re-establish an artificial passage for air and avoid the blockage.

Successfully ventilated! The sound of air flowing in and out was like a whistle, Yang Ping touched the carotid artery, and then looked at the patient's face and lips. The pale color slowly turned red.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged doctor also stopped the heart compression.

"For acute laryngeal edema caused by allergies, let her lie down, don't move her, and wait for the ambulance to come." Yang Ping did all this and stayed by her side.

The carotid artery pulse can now be felt and the blood pressure can at least be measured, indicating that the symptoms of acute laryngeal edema are severe and the symptoms of shock are not very severe.

"What else do you need from me?" the middle-aged doctor said, full of admiration for his colleague's performance.

Yang Ping said: "Okay, wait for the ambulance."

"Already called 120!" the girl's boyfriend said while crying. He was also a young man who had not experienced anything, and he cried like a child.

The middle-aged doctor's face felt a little hot. This young doctor was so courageous. He made accurate judgments and acted decisively just now, performing cricothyroid membrane puncture without blinking an eye. In contrast, he was thinking about everything before and after, hey! It's all the same.

Time has worn away the passion and the courage has weakened.

Seeing that Yang Ping was very calm throughout the whole process, without any panic, and rescued the patient, the doctor's professional sacredness and sense of honor couldn't help but surge into his heart.

This sense of professional sanctity and honor has been missing for middle-aged doctors for a long time, and now they are finding it again.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, this sense of mission was only felt when I first entered school and took the medical oath.

"Thank you. I'm very familiar with cricothyroid membrane puncture, but my judgment is not accurate. Even if the judgment is correct, I don't dare to use it. Even if I use it, I won't be as experienced as you. To complete it with a knife and a straw, I will definitely be full of thoughts.

When looking for a needle, at least look for a ballpoint pen or a fountain pen." The doctor said guiltily.

"You are right, this kind of invasive rescue method sometimes makes it difficult to make a decision." Yang Ping understood him, not everyone has their own confidence.

"This doctor is so amazing!"

"The thing I admire most is doctors."

"If there hadn't been a doctor eating just now, this girl would have been in trouble. She's so lucky."

"Yes, why did it happen suddenly?"

"This man, I don't know what will happen."

The crowd was talking quietly, saying something here and there, and some of them began to return to the table and continue eating.

Yang Ping checked the patient again and found that there were indeed many urticaria on his skin. How could he be allergic?

There are also reports of people allergic to penicillin causing allergies by accidentally eating food such as chicken, fish and meat containing penicillin residues, but this is very rare.

As for what caused the allergy, it is left to the doctors at the follow-up treatment hospital to judge. After all, this will affect the reputation of the store and cannot be jumped to conclusions.

Yang Ping just analyzed it in his mind and did not say it out loud.

The doctor from 120 finally arrived. Doctors, nurses, and first responders carried a stretcher, and under the guidance of the store clerk, they arrived at the location of the accident.

"What's going on?" the visiting doctor asked immediately.

"Acute laryngeal edema. You see, there are urticaria all over the body. It may be a type 1 allergic reaction caused by exposure to some allergen. I just had a cricothyroid puncture, and a suction tube was inserted to open the airway. The whole

There was no disinfection during the operation."

Yang Ping briefly introduced the situation. The visiting doctor checked the patient and said, "Okay, leave it to us! It should be an allergic reaction! Adrenaline--"

The visiting doctor immediately ordered the nurse to administer medication. The nurse had just established an intravenous channel and hung up a bottle of normal saline.

After the epinephrine injection, the patient was transferred to the stretcher. The first responders carried the stretcher. The visiting doctor said to Yang Ping and the middle-aged doctor: "Thank you for your hard work!"

The person was picked up by the ambulance. I don’t know who called 110. The police also came. The manager of the hot pot restaurant, several witnesses, and Yang Pinghe and the middle-aged doctor were all questioned by the police. They also left

Call us and cooperate with the investigation at any time.

The police sealed up the hot pot that the patient had just eaten and took it back for testing to rule out food poisoning.

When everyone saw this, most of them didn't dare to eat. They didn't feel it at first and thought it was just a sudden illness.

Now the police have taken away all the remaining hot pot food from the patients, and they dare not eat it. Some people even feel a little dizzy, and some feel the need to go to the hospital.

Everyone dispersed, and it was time for Yang Ping and Xiao Su to go back. Yang Ping drove and Xiao Su was in the passenger seat, back to the hospital.

After returning to the hospital and coming out of the underground parking lot, when the two of them parted, Xiao Su handed Yang Ping a bag in his hand, which was the clothes Xiao Su said he had bought for his family.

"You've worked hard today. This is a reward for you. You can wear it for the consultation on Tuesday." Xiao Su's face was red and shy.

Yang Ping took the bag and was a little surprised. Wasn't it bought for her family?

"How do you know my size?" Yang Ping asked innocently.

"I'll learn from you!" Xiao Su turned around.

He turned around and waved to Yang Ping: "Go to bed early!"

This chapter has been completed!
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