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Chapter 168 Pervert

 Boss Cheng was eager to have this surgery done, but when Yang Ping actually said it could be done, he was a little hesitant.

Can it really be done?

Or do you reluctantly go on stage just to save face?

If it's the latter, you'll be in trouble.

He cast his eyes on Su Nanchen, hoping that Su Nanchen would help him make a decision.

"Send the patient!" Su Nanchen repeated Yang Ping's words.

After receiving Su Nanchen's affirmation, Boss Cheng felt at ease: "Send the patient!"

The bed doctor immediately contacted the operating room, the operation went on as planned, and the patient was sent immediately.

Boss Cheng didn't know much about Yang Ping, so it was impossible to completely trust him. Naturally, he had multiple opinions, but Su Nanchen strongly supported him, so Boss Cheng felt relieved. Su Nanchen's affirmation was equivalent to a guarantee.

"The instruments are all prepared according to your requirements, and the domestic Ruixing used are all ready, and the attendant is already waiting in the operating room."

Yang Ping replied that the problem was not big. Su Nanchen asked Boss Cheng to make preparations in advance. When Yang Ping saw the patient, he would perform the operation immediately. If it didn't work, he would cancel the operation. He also explained it clearly to the patient, so the pre-operative preparations had already been made.

OK, you can enter the operating room at any time.

The patient was sent to the operating room. Boss Cheng took the two of them to rest in the office for a while. Yang Ping did not talk about the patient's surgery anymore, but just sat leisurely.

Boss Cheng originally wanted to ask: "Dr. Yang, how many surgeries of this type have been performed?"

I felt that asking like this sent out a message of distrust. The distrust of Yang Ping was the distrust of Su Nanchen, so I swallowed the words that reached my throat.

Su Nanchen saw Boss Cheng's strange expression and knew what he was worried about.

"Is it a bit troublesome to reconstruct the intercondylar fossa?" Su Nanchen asked the topic.

Yang Ping was very relaxed: "Oh, it's not a big problem, just use a drill to shape it."

Having said this, everyone knows that grinding and drilling are used for shaping. The problem is how to make personalized shaping and meet so many surgical conditions.

Seeing that Yang Ping wasn't worried at all and didn't even intend to discuss it, Su Nanchen didn't need to ask any more questions. The video of the Wulian reconstruction was played repeatedly in his mind. This video was the source of Su Nanchen's confidence in Yang Ping.

After almost resting, Boss Cheng took people into the operating room.

When Jiahui saw Yang Ping and his entourage coming in, she excitedly greeted everyone: "Hello, Teacher Yang! Hello, Professor Su! Hello, Boss Cheng!"

Yang Ping nodded slightly in response.

Jiahui felt sweet in her heart. Dr. Yang was so amazing that he was invited here to perform surgeries. It seemed that both Professor Su and Boss Cheng respected him very much.

The patient has been anesthetized, and several doctors are busy positioning themselves, putting up baffles, and brushing hands and disinfecting sheets. Two doctors from our hospital came on stage to help, and the rest were observing from the audience.

Everyone has seen the world and wants to see how he can complete this operation, especially the formation of the intercondylar fossa, which is almost impossible. When they were studying in Korea, if they encountered this kind of patient, surgery was generally not recommended and could only be maintained.

Current situation.

The operating room is decorated according to the Samsung Medical Center in South Korea, which is very good. The complete set of arthroscopy instruments and instruments are high-end products from Smith & Nephew. This hospital must have invested a lot of money.

The operation starts, punctures with a sharp knife, inserts the sheath, and then inserts the arthroscopic lens through the sheath, and performs arthroscopic inspection. Every step is done in one step without missing a single step. Every time the field of view reaches a certain point, it stops and then moves again. It is very rhythmic.

Strong, smooth and tight connection.

"Formation of the intercondylar fossa, grinding and drilling!" After the inspection, Yang Ping immediately started forming.

He stretched out his hand, but nothing came. He was really not used to it. He turned his head and it took more than ten seconds for the electric drill to reach his hand.

With the rustling sound of the drill, the proliferated bone is rubbed away, and the severely deformed intercondylar fossa begins to be reshaped under the drill. The high-speed rotating spherical drill bit is like being controlled by a CNC machine tool.

The target seems to have been pre-programmed and polished, and an intercondylar fossa that meets the surgical conditions is perfectly presented, like an exquisite sculpture.

If you don’t know that a doctor is performing an operation and just cut out a part of the video in your field of view, some people will think that this is a CNC machine tool forming an industrial product.

"Fork reconstruction, tibial positioner, electric drill guide pin!"

The nurse still couldn't keep up with the rhythm and was not used to such a fast pace. In order to make the operation more compact, Yang Ping had to inform the nurse in advance to prepare for the next step.

"The next step is to prepare the tibial tunnel drill!"

As soon as the positioner is placed, the positioning is accurate and without deviation, and the guide needle quickly opens two tunnel paths.

"Dr. Su, what is the length and diameter of the fork allograft tendon?"

Sun Nanchen is sorting out his tendons and will report the number immediately.

"Tibial tunnel drill bit!" Yang Ping left two guide needles, removed the electric drill, and handed it to the nurse.

The cooperation is a bit disjointed, and I have to wait. If it were Xiaosu, I wouldn't have to say it at all. Every step and every equipment would be delivered at the right time, and the connection would be smooth.

After waiting for a while, I got the tibial tunnel drill. The two tibial tunnels were opened and the positions were exactly the same.

"Femoral positioner, prepare electric drill guide pins!" Yang Ping removed the two guide pins of the tibial tunnel.

The nurse handed over the locator for the femoral end. Before she could retract her hand, Yang Ping's locator had already been placed and aligned with the geometric center of the ligament's femoral footprint.

After waiting for a while, the electric drill was handed over. The guide pin was pressed against the center of the ligament footprint. Without even measuring and estimating, the tip of the needle was in place at once. The guide pin passed through and the position it came out was also very ideal.

"Femoral Tunnel Drill!"

The nurse slowed down a few more times and opened the femoral tunnels, both thin and thick. It was not that Yang Ping was showing off his skills, it was true that he had been training in the system space and had practiced so skillfully that he was used to this speed.

The nurse couldn't keep up with the speed more and more. She was always slow, step by step, step by step. It was very difficult and she was a little confused.

"Implant the ligament!"

Su Nanchen was already very fast, but he still couldn't catch up. The opening of the four tunnels at both ends actually took seconds. Who could keep up with this speed?

Yang Ping stood there waiting, Su Nanchen's needles and threads were flying, baseball glove sutures, high-strength braided threads, tendons were beautifully braided, and handed over to Yang Ping's hands.

"Guide the needle through the thread!"

The nurse was so nervous that she was completely panicked.

"It's okay! Take your time, prepare the tools for rear fork reconstruction!" Yang Ping went to the instrument table to get the guide pin.

Boss Cheng immediately ordered another equipment nurse to be brought in. The other one was clearly unable to keep up, and she frowned inwardly even though she didn't say anything.

Lead the tendon thread, pull it, and then pull it back. Before you can see clearly, the tendon is implanted, and the femoral end is hung by the button steel plate.

"Squeeze the screw!"

Another nurse quickly went to wash her hands, but the nurse on the stage held her breath and couldn't keep up. Boss Cheng couldn't help but think about it, it's not his own person, this speed is too fast, and he really doubts his previous

Surgery is catching bugs.

Pass the squeeze screw over, screw it in, and cut off the excess allograft tendon. The instrument has just been retracted here, and Yang Ping is already waiting for the guide pin of the rear fork.

Yang Ping was neither angry nor speaking, and waited quietly. When another nurse came on stage, he personally adjusted the position of the surgical limbs, put them into a posture suitable for the next operation, and started the double-bundle reconstruction of the posterior fork, with an assistant supporting the legs.

It was dizzying to see, the instruments and lenses were switched from time to time, and the approach was sometimes changed. Not to mention my hands, my brain couldn't keep up.

Another nurse put on a surgical gown and came on stage. One of them was preparing the instruments for use, and the other was preparing for the next step.

The guide pin was brushed, and the tibial, femoral, and double tunnels were opened again.

I'm going to need a femoral and tibial drill bit again. Finally, the drill bit is ready. Now there are two sets. It's much better than before, but the rhythm is still a bit messy.

Su Nanchen concentrated on helping to tidy up the tendons of the rear forks, and occasionally looked up at the video on the screen.

Tunneling was once again in place. This time Su Nanchen finally caught up with the rhythm. Just after the tendon was passed, it was time to sort out the tendon again and prepare for the reconstruction of the posterolateral and posteromedial structures. He didn't even dare to breathe. Needless to say, he had to joke about the surgery a few times.

That’s it.

Boss Cheng was on the sidelines, instructing the nurses and doctors to keep up.

The rear fork reconstruction can be completed in just a few clicks. There are three structures each on the posterolateral and posteromedial sides. The knife is raised and lowered, small incisions are made, tunnels are made, and tendons are implanted!

Take one step, wait a while, eight structures, double bundles of front and rear forks, and ten tendons are all implanted.

"Repair the joint capsule!"

Damn it, the hands of the doctor who was supporting the leg were shaking. He handed over the needle and thread and watched as the needle went in and out. In a trance, the joint capsule was repaired.

"Alcohol gauze!"

This is 75% alcohol skin disinfection before skin suturing.

Okay, I can finally relax. The muscles in both shoulders of the two nurses are sore due to tension.

The skin is also sutured. Dressing? Dressing? Dressing?

Yang Ping asked three times before the nurse realized that the operation was over and needed a dressing to cover the surgical site.

After checking the stability and mobility of the knee joint, wrap it with an elastic bandage and fix it with a hinge brace of the knee joint.

Boss Cheng was tired, as if his physical strength was not enough, so he kept running behind him, and finally reached the finish line. Standing in front of the screen, his back was covered with sweat. I can't describe the feeling in my heart.

I also have a background in arthroscopy, and I am still doing surgery now. My level is not as good as Su Nanchen's, but I am confident that I can be considered a master.

I had this surgery today because I was afraid that I would make a fool of myself if I went on stage. In less than an hour, a quadruple reconstruction was completed.

Su Nanchen also breathed a sigh of relief. He just turned the speed to full and could barely keep up with the rhythm.

The doctors who were watching looked at the racing cars and had their eyes opened. No wonder Su Nanchen invited him here. This guy's surgery is so powerful.

Yang Ping left the operating table and was about to take off the surgical gown. Jiahui was already standing behind him and promptly helped to untie the straps on his back.

"I'm going to wash my hands!" Yang Ping has a habit of taking off his gloves and washing his hands.

Jiahui immediately led the way and took Yang Ping to the sink.

Su Nanchen hadn't taken off his surgical gown yet, and Boss Cheng stood there, unable to react for a moment.

Su Nanchen removed the brace and re-checked the stability of the knee joint. He checked it several times, forward, backward, varus, valgus, and rotation. It was very stable. It was not much different from normal. The knee was shaky before the operation.

The joints are gone forever.

"You brother, you are a bit perverted!" Boss Cheng squeezed out a sentence.

Su Nanchen put the brace back on, raised his head, and glanced at Boss Cheng. Boss Cheng immediately explained: "I said his surgery was so powerful that it was a bit abnormal!"

Boss Cheng couldn't find the right words to describe this operation, so he could only use the vulgar and exaggerated word pervert.

"It's a bit!" Su Nanchen also thought.

It was the first time I actually watched Yang Ping perform surgery, which was more shocking than the video.

This chapter has been completed!
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