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Chapter 0217 You are not Han Xin

Last time I paid 90,000, and this time I paid 60,000.

This person has paid 150,000 yuan, and with the money paid by Huang Jiahui, Sisi's recent medical expenses are quite sufficient.

However, the cost of cancer treatment is sometimes bottomless. Even Yang Ping is not sure how long this 150,000 yuan can last.

With someone helping behind the scenes, this poor child and this poor family at least got a chance to breathe.

Yang Ping didn't have time to find out who this kind person was. He was more concerned about Sisi's illness and how to treat it next.

In Sisi's surgery, after removing the prosthesis, the fracture was fixed with an external fixator, and the femur was lengthened to make up for the bone defect in the femur, allowing her to finally get her own femur instead of relying on a prosthesis to bridge it.

According to the principles of treatment, this is inappropriate and worthless, but Yang Ping wants to try his best. Even if there is no hope, he also wants to create a glimmer of hope. The road is always made by people.

There are no specific targeted drugs available for the treatment of osteosarcoma.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can no longer be used. They are extremely destructive to the immune system, and their therapeutic effects on osteosarcoma are not particularly good.

Unlike some tumors, such as nasopharyngeal cancer, which are very sensitive to radiotherapy, they can be cured by mainly using radiotherapy in the early stage and supplementing it with some chemotherapy.

The treatment idea of ​​radiotherapy and chemotherapy is to kill a thousand enemies and suffer a hundred losses.

This style of fighting can defeat the enemy when your body can withstand it and you still have the strength to inflict damage.

The war against tumors continues to a certain extent, and one's own troops are almost exhausted, and there are more and more enemies. To continue to use this method of fighting is tantamount to suicide.

In Sisi's case, the condition has crossed the critical line. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy cannot bring expected benefits, but instead accelerate the collapse of human body functions.

Since the tumor cannot be completely removed, let her live with the tumor temporarily and let her femur be lengthened with the tumor.

In the future, we will find ways to eliminate these spreading tumors bit by bit.

As long as a certain balance between the power of the body and the tumor can be maintained, life can be continued.

Haifu knife, an ultrasonic focused treatment system, is suitable and can be used repeatedly without the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

However, the biggest shortcoming of Haifu's current machine is its inaccurate positioning, which makes it impossible to hit the tumor and easily injures normal tissue.

After tumor metastasis, accurate identification of normal tissue is a problem in itself. If the therapeutic weapon is not aimed accurately, double errors will greatly reduce the treatment, and even the advantages will not be fully exerted.

Just like your cannon, it has a fast rate of fire, a long range, and no blind spots, and it looks great.

But if you fail to hit accurately and often hit your own people, then all your advantages will be of no use.

Yang Ping thought that in order to use this treatment device, image recognition and tumor localization must be improved.

It is best to identify the tumor first and then carry out precise bombardment.

"Are you still planning to use Haifu Dao?"

“This is the best choice!”

Song Zimo sat next to Yang Ping, who kept staring at the reading lamp.

"Haifu knife uses ultrasonic positioning and ultrasonic treatment. We can improve it by using infrared rays for positioning, guiding ultrasonic waves, and carrying out precise bombardment. It would be like a missile that can automatically and accurately lock on."

"Do you want Hai Fu Dao's ultrasound focusing to be a missile against tumors?"

"Yes, it's difficult, but you can give it a try. Isn't the Institute of Orthopedics going to be established soon? Let's study it and do a project - intelligent and precise treatment of osteosarcoma with ultrasonic focusing under extracorporeal infrared navigation!"

"Very imaginative. I thought you were just a surgeon."

"Even if surgical skills are stretched to the limit, the therapeutic effect will be covered by the ceiling. At this time, theoretical innovation is needed to break through the ceiling and reach a higher level."

"It is in-depth. I will write the project application materials and let Director Han take the lead. You can apply for national level ones."

Song Zimo became increasingly opaque to Yang Ping, and no one knew how many things were hidden in his mind.


The conference room of Sanbo Hotel is almost fully decorated.

Tan Boyun personally inspected every link, including microphones, speakers, videos, etc.

He was very excited and a little nervous. It was the first time for him to play the leading role in this kind of international academic conference.

It's rare to have such an opportunity in life, try your best to perform once, and you won't regret whether you succeed or fail.

What's more, it's just an academic conference. When talking about success or failure, the most you can do is find your own gaps.

This time, in addition to live broadcasting trauma emergency surgeries, he will also showcase scientific research results and the establishment of an orthopedic cloud database.

Use this cloud database to collect skeletal anatomy data of Chinese people, and use big data modeling to design steel plates, artificial joints and other implants to make the implants more reasonable and personalized.

Director Tian’s topic is 3D printing of implants, which is also a research on the personalization of orthopedic implants. This research will allow the factory to establish a flexible production line to completely customize the orthopedic implants.

If the cloud database and 3D printing are combined and the database is used for 3D printing, orthopedic implants can be completely personalized.

Sanbo Orthopedics will be far ahead of other hospitals in personalized research on implants.

The last month of this year is coming, and I look forward to the orthopedic symposium being held as scheduled.

Sanbo Hotel started to get busy a few days in advance, and the phone at the front desk kept ringing.

There were more people attending the meeting than expected. Someone called and asked directly: Will the live surgery project be cancelled?

The implication is that this is what we are here for. At academic conferences, it is not new for big names to perform live broadcasts of surgeries, and it is not uncommon to even do joint live broadcasts with foreign countries.

But the live broadcasts were all elective surgeries. The cases were selected and the surgeries were fully prepared, both technically, with equipment and psychologically.

This is the first time that this kind of live broadcast of trauma emergency surgery, starting from the emergency department, is broadcast live throughout.

In the past, the Emergency Department of the Sixth Hospital of Shanghai has done this, but not at academic conferences. Instead, it cooperated with a TV station to produce a live emergency department program.

Live streaming of trauma emergency surgeries requires tremendous courage. In academic conferences, the audience are all peers, and any shortcomings will be magnified countless times.


It was already the last day for Huang Jiacai to attend the meeting at the Ruixing work headquarters.

He will return to G city tomorrow. He has to rush back before the academic conference. He is one of the sponsors and has a booth at the conference venue.

The company was very satisfied with his contribution to the development of the southern market and commended him.

However, the proposal he handed over to Mr. Wang was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, without any response.

Mr. Wang regretfully said: "Jiacai, I have read your proposal and also given it to Mr. Wei. Both Mr. Wei and I think it is good, but it is not suitable for the current situation of our company. Speaking of R&D alone, Wei

The general manager has said that we are a sales-driven company, with the lowest cost of imitation, making it easy to quickly capture the market. Investing in research and development is too expensive and has no return at all. I think what Mr. Wei said makes sense."

"Mr. Wang, imitation is only a temporary means, not our goal. If we keep imitating and don't actively start research and development, we will only make wedding dresses for others. As long as the international giants raise their patent swords, we will have no choice but to surrender.

"Huang Jiacai still wants to fight for it.

"Aren't they turning a blind eye now? We will take advantage of their negligence to quickly seize the market at low prices and build scale."

Mr. Wang wanted to convince Huang Jiacai that young people have good ideas, but they must be grounded.

"They are not negligent, they are doing it intentionally. They are boiling frogs in warm water and letting us lie on the hotbed of imitation. One day, when we have built the market, they will come to us, acquire or cooperate, and make us their tools.

, we work hard and are at the bottom of the food chain, earning meager profits. They are above us, and they are bossing around and harvesting huge profits. We can only let them slaughter us without any resistance. "

Huang Jiacai is still fighting for it. Now that he is here, he will not give up easily.

"Isn't that good? Why do we start a company? Isn't it to go public or be acquired by a giant? Then we will become famous and have a lot of money. How great! Okay, Jiacai, let's be realistic. Research and development is not easy. Don't

Mr. Wei will be angry if we talk about these company strategies again. Do your job well and I won't treat you badly."

Mr. Wang stood up and closed the door of the office: "Mr. Jia, who is in charge of the market, is a classmate of Mr. Wei, so please be patient with some things. Once you have done a good job in the Southern Market, I promise that I will give you a suitable position. These high-minded talks are as good as

I said yes, tell Mr. Wei, don't mention this in the future, it will make him think that you are boasting, you are not Han Xin, and we are not Liu Bang, just do the things at hand well."

"I understand, Mr. Wang, I won't mention it again in the future." Huang Jiacai was disappointed.

The last day is to visit the company headquarters to showcase the company's great achievements.

Ruixing's financing has entered the D round. Currently, the medical concept is very popular among investors. If Ruixing's sales performance continues to develop like this, the goal of going public in the future can be achieved.

The R&D department of the headquarters was also a stop on the tour. Huang Jiacai was very interested. It was filled with various equipment samples, but they were all imitations, so he suddenly lost interest.

Huang Jiacai slipped out and went to the fire stairway to get some fresh air and smoke a cigarette.

An older man in engineer's clothing was scolding a young man.

"You haven't completed your resignation procedures yet? What's in your bag? Did you steal something?"

The old engineer opened a snakeskin bag on the ground and looked at it: "These are these junk things. Take them away, take them all away, so that I don't have to deal with the garbage and lose my time doing my job for a day."

The young man, unshaven, squatted on the ground and allowed himself to be scolded.

"Have you paid back your money? Don't forget to leave by then. I still have to make collection calls to the company every day. If you don't think it's embarrassing, I feel embarrassed too."

After the old engineer finished cursing, he looked very stubborn, shook his head, and left.

Huang Jiacai was very curious. This person left his job and packed so many things in a snakeskin bag. Huang Jiacai glanced at it just now, and it seemed to be equipment.

"Can I have a cigarette?"

The young man stood up, combed his disheveled hair with his hands, saw Huang Jiacai at the corner, and asked.

"Well, here you go!"

Huang Jiacai threw him a cigarette.

This chapter has been completed!
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