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Chapter 226 Magic that can't be dismantled

 The main venue was so packed that a lot of simple stools were added behind the venue.

Those sitting in the back could not clearly see the people on the podium and had to rely on the hanging screen.

Qiangzi deliberately kept himself clean and tidy. He shaved his beard in the morning and bought clothes just a few days ago.

He was very grateful to the doctor for saving his arm with his superb medical skills, so he insisted on going on stage in person to demonstrate to more than 2,000 doctors how to replant the amputated limb, which was also a form of gratitude to the doctor.

The fire was raging, and he rushed in without even blinking. Now on the huge podium, he actually felt a little involuntary stage fright. His girlfriend stood by the steps behind the podium, gesturing to him, come on!

In the conference room, a large screen was hung every dozen rows. At this time, the video focused on Hadron, and the camera zoomed in for a close-up.

Qiangzi rolled up his sleeves above the elbow joint, exposing a few scars, and then began to demonstrate the functions of his limbs.

Demonstrate the rotation of the forearm, flexion and extension of the wrist joint, flexion and extension of the elbow joint, flexion and extension of the fingers, fast movements, slow movements, and hadrons. Use dumbbells to demonstrate elbow and wrist flexion and extension, and use a small ball to demonstrate finger flexion and extension.
Six months ago, many doctors attended the National Trauma Orthopedics Network Conference and still have fresh memories of five-segment reimplantation.

At that time, watching this surgery was like watching a blockbuster movie, with excitement and blood flowing.

Five-segment replantation, nerve anastomosis using difficult peritoneal sutures, and emergency free toe reconstruction for thumb defects.

Many people conclude that this is a face-saving project that only pursues the survival of limbs and ignores the function of the limbs. The useless limbs will eventually be amputated.

This idea is reasonable and reasonable. How can a limb broken into five parts be functional? The probability of survival is extremely slim.

But now, the patient's personal demonstration explains everything.

Live demonstrations are more convincing than words, pictures and videos.

The conclusion is right in front of you. The limb is not only alive, but also functional, and the function is very good!

This is not a face-saving surgery to win eyeballs, but a perfect and extremely difficult replantation.

The nerve growth has now reached the wrist and will soon cross the wrist and reach the hand.

Once the nerves reach the hand, they control the intrinsic muscles of the hand, and the thumb-to-palm function is restored, and the basic functions of the hand are restored. If the nerves can still reach the fingertips, the function of the entire limb can be restored to 80 to 90 percent.

This is a miracle, an absolute miracle!

The meeting had just begun, and the entire venue became agitated. Some people thought that the screen was unrealistic, so they boldly left their seats and walked forward, but were stopped in time by the usher at the venue.

The guests in the front row were no longer reserved and whispered to each other.

Meng Heng, Fu Shancheng, Professor Su and Director Han sat together. Meng Heng sincerely admired: "Old Han, you have created a miracle and pushed the replantation of severed limbs to a new peak."

"To be honest, I never had any hope for the function of this surgery, but now it seems that the function has recovered so well. Depending on the progress of nerve growth, there should be no problem reaching the hand." Fu Shancheng said frankly.

Director Han was very happy. He and Director Tan talked about this operation in order to ignite the excitement of the meeting. It seems that the purpose was achieved.

"My eyesight is bad now. This surgery was performed by a young man, Xiao Yang." Director Han tapped his fingers gently and rhythmically on the table and said with a smile.

Xiao Yang? Isn’t he the student introduced by Lao Han last night? The young man is a formidable one!

Last night, Director Han introduced these big guys to Yang Ping one by one.

These big guys didn't pay much attention last night. They just shook hands symbolically and dealt with it. Now they all have the idea of ​​getting to know Yang Ping again.

"This young man is a good prospect. If he hadn't been a student of Lao Han, I would have poached him long ago." Professor Su said.

Everyone knows that Professor Su loves talents. If Professor Su appreciates him so much and has the idea of ​​poaching, he must be extremely talented.

The foreign guests' eyes widened. They couldn't imagine this kind of surgery. In their hospital, such a bad case could only be done by trimming the stump and replanting it! They wouldn't even try it.

"Oh! my God, it's incredible!"

Dr. Fleming from Israel stood up, put his hands on the table, and exclaimed, Chinese hands are so dexterous!

As a trauma surgeon, Fleming came to China for the first time. The five-stage replantation mentioned in the invitation attracted him. He wanted to come and see what kind of miraculous surgery it was.

Dr. Shedra from India, holding on to his glasses, also stood up and leaned forward, his white face glowing red, perhaps due to the dilation of blood vessels caused by excitement.

This broke his cognition. He knew that replantation of amputated limbs in China was very powerful, but he did not expect it to be so miraculous.

People from Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are all talking to each other, they are all peers, and the difficulty and effect of the surgery are all there.

Miyuki Fujiwara watched the video on her tablet so that she could see it more clearly. She called up the surgery video provided by the hospital to watch.

The operation is simply superb. Suturing the perineurium is easier than suturing the skin. The surgeon's confidence and boldness make the operation very light.

Takahashi finally became interested. After watching the demonstration, the nerve had already crossed the two anastomoses on the forearm, and there was no loss.

He called up the patient's information on the tablet, and based on the regularly reviewed electromyogram values, Takahashi drew a statistical line on a sticky note. He had done in-depth research on the prediction of nerve growth, and based on this statistical line

, to determine how much room the nerves have for recovery.

The complete statistical line is drawn, and Takahashi's pen tip moves virtually along the statistical line. It is a bit unbelievable. According to this statistical line, there is no plateau in neural growth, and it can reach directly to the fingertips.

If the electromyogram is real, then this patient can get excellent results, how is it possible?

Takahashi raised his hand and Director Tan invited him to speak. Takahashi stood up and picked up the wireless microphone in front of him.

In order to match Miyuki Fujiwara, he wore a beige and white plaid suit with a dark red printed tie, which looked very fashionable.

Daniel, Takahashi!

In the venue, countless adoring eyes immediately focused on it, and the screen also switched to a close-up.

Usually I can only read his papers and see the books he wrote, which are translated. Now that the real person is standing here, how can I not be excited?

Just like a Japanese comic fan meeting Hayao Miyazaki, he is somewhat excited.

What is Daniel going to do? Is he going to put forward any unique insights? Everyone will wait and see.

"Is this Fumiya Takahashi from the University of Tokyo Hospital?"

"He's really here?"

"World-class trauma surgery expert."

"We will ask him to take photos during the tea break."

"It was worth the trip."


Takahashi, the person with the highest reputation and academic status in the entire conference.

"Professor Tan, can you allow me to come on stage to check this patient's limb function?" Takahashi said in Japanese.

Director Tan can understand some Japanese, but he is not proficient in English after all. Moreover, meetings have been agreed in advance and all communication is in English. Takahashi's English level is very high. He always uses English in meetings in Europe and the United States.

Now he speaks Japanese frequently. Director Tan is a little dissatisfied with his arrogance. From the first meeting and shaking hands, it can be seen that he is always condescending, and even shaking hands is just a scratch.

"Mr. Takahashi, I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you please use English or Chinese?"

Director Tan has no intention of accommodating him. Although Director Tan is not a world-famous master, he is still arrogant and proud, and he also has the character to do whatever he wants. How can he be allowed to do whatever he wants? This is his own territory, and he is the host today.

, you have to listen to me.

Takahashi shrugged and had to repeat it in English.

"Mr. Takahashi, I want to go on stage to check this patient's limb function in person." Tang Fei translated to the participants.

"Of course!" Director Tan spoke directly in English.

Director Tan knows that Takahashi does not believe in the effect of this surgery, which can be seen from his attitude and eyes.

Takahashi put down the microphone, straightened his suit, turned around and bowed to the representatives at the venue, then strode towards the podium.

He bowed slightly to Qiangzi: "Excuse me, I am Dr. Takahashi. Please allow me to conduct a detailed examination of your limbs?"

Tang Fei also came over to help translate.

Qiangzi nodded and stretched out the replanted limb, the right upper limb.

Takahashi smiled, unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt in his suit, rolled up the sleeves of his hands slightly, and then rubbed his hands to generate a certain temperature in them, looking very professional.

He began to perform Tinel tests to determine where the nerves reach, with skillful and delicate techniques.

The median nerve, ulnar nerve, and radial nerve actually reached the wrist at the same time, which means that the growth rate of the three nerves is very stable and linear, and they reach the expected destination at the same time, which is consistent with the tendon diagram examination.

Takahashi frowned and began to check the flexion and extension of the wrist joint. Compared with the healthy side, there was no obvious loss of range of motion, and the muscle strength reached the fifth level standard, indicating that the quality of the muscle-tendon anastomosis was very high, and there was a lot of healing of muscle fibers and tendon fibers.

Scar healing is minimal.

Then check the ulnar and radial deviations of the wrist joint. Most people only pay attention to flexion and extension, but not the ulnar and radial deviations.

The ulnar and radial deviations of the wrist joint can test the tension adjustment after tendon anastomosis. With so many tendons and so many sections broken, tension adjustment is very difficult.

Just like car chassis tuning, if you use cheap low-level suspension to adjust the chassis for the track, the master will be helpless.

The ulnar and radial deviations are actually very good. The tension of the tendons has been excellently adjusted from front to back and inside, and the poor chassis has been adjusted to produce a track effect.

There are five fractures, four of which are tendon-tendinous connections. It seems impossible not to produce adhesions.

Takahashi checked the movement of his fingers. Whether it was flexion or extension, the range of movement could reach the limit. There were no adhesions in the tendons and the sliding was smooth.

The surface temperature of the limbs indicates the degree of blood vessel patency, arterial supply and venous return. Poor performance in any link will cause changes in surface temperature.

If the patency is poor and the surface temperature of the limb is slightly lower, this difference will not affect the survival of the limb, but it can easily cause chilblains in the severe cold winter.

Takahashi stretched out his two hands and touched both sides of Hadron's limbs, from fingertips to palms, then to wrists, all the way to the elbow joints. He carefully felt the difference in temperature.

"Do you have a skin temperature measuring device?" Takahashi asked.

His rigor cannot be denied. Director Tan waved. Dr. Che from the Rehabilitation Department stood by the steps behind the podium. Seeing Director Tan's gesture, he immediately ran over. He had already prepared a percussion hammer, tape measure, and skin temperature measuring device.


"Mr. Takahashi wants a skin temperature measuring device!" Director Tan told Dr. Che.

Dr. Che immediately sent the skin temperature meter up. Takahashi took the skin temperature meter and compared it on both sides, measuring the skin temperature point by point. The difference on both sides was within the allowable range.

"Drop your hands and relax!"

Takahashi spoke in English, and Tang Fei helped translate.

He needs to observe whether the resting position of the hand is normal. The resting position indicates the strength of the muscles and the static balance of the muscles and tendons.

Comparing the left and right, the resting positions of the hands are surprisingly consistent. It is almost impossible to completely adjust the resting position to normal.

Takahashi performed this kind of surgery himself, giving priority to adjusting the dynamic balance and giving up the tension adjustment in the resting position, because he could not have his cake and eat it too, so he had to choose bear's paw, but this surgery achieved the best of both worlds.


According to the current situation, it is predicted that this limb can recover more than 90% of its functions.

It’s unbelievable!

Could it be that they are pretending to be a patient who is not a patient with a severed limb?

Takahashi continued to examine. The patient's hands, thenar muscles, interosseous muscles, and lumbrical muscles all atrophied. The skin on his hands was denervated, smooth and dry. It didn't look like a fake. It's difficult for fake patients to do so.

Simulate this denervated skin state.

The entire examination process was zoomed in on the screen with a close-up lens, and all the doctors in the audience observed a physical examination performed by a world-class expert.

Professional, delicate and smooth, every inspection can achieve the expected purpose. He is worthy of being a world-class expert. Simple things can also create depth.

There was no flaw in the magic, it was an unbreakable magic trick. Takahashi was a little disappointed. He gave Director Tan a thumbs up and returned to his seat.

"Takahashi-kun, you don't seem very happy?"

"No, I'm in a very good mood."

Takahashi put down his rolled-up sleeves.

This chapter has been completed!
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