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0250 Chapter Exclusive Surgery

 "Sorry, Dr. Yang!"

Fang Xiaoyun's colleagues kept apologizing. This kind of thing happened and affected the normal order of the hospital.

"Don't cry. You are the kind of parent who has to compromise and cut off the relationship. You are not their daughter. You are their ATM. Look at you. You are frugal and give all your money to your family. Now you are

If you are sick and need surgery, they don’t even ask about your condition, they still force you to pay, money, money, money, they just know they want money!”

Colleague Fang Xiaoyun held her in his arms while scolding her. His eyes turned red as he scolded her.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier about the surgery? Do you think I'm a sister?" said a colleague angrily.

Fang Xiaoyun remained silent. His colleague sighed and said: "The operation must be done. The doctor said that it will be done for you in the emergency department. Do you really plan to be paralyzed for the rest of your life? I have some money, so you don't have to worry. For your mother, I will give her 20,000 for you."

, you tell her, this is the last time, don’t mention money in the future, and you won’t give her a dime. Your brother is already in his twenties. He plays games every day, doesn’t go to work, and has no money to buy a house.

You have a mother who plays mahjong all day long. Are you going to be tied to them for the rest of your life?"

"Doctor Yang, please help her arrange the surgery. She will be fine." A colleague made the decision for Fang Xiaoyun.

Alas, my father, brothers and sisters are not as good as this colleague.

Fang Xiaoyun's mother was escorted out of the hospital building by security guards and was not allowed to go in again, so she cursed at the door of the hospital building.

She scolded the doctor as a black-hearted person who tricked her daughter into having surgery and gave her conscience to a dog for money. She scolded her daughter for being unfilial and spending her money like water without caring about her parents' lives.

She had runny noses and tears, and said all sorts of unpleasant things, which attracted a crowd of onlookers. Those who didn’t know the truth really thought that everything she said was true.

Officer Wang from the hospital police station came over to understand the situation. I have a headache!

In this situation, there is nothing you can do about her. You can't say that she is not allowed to scold her daughter. You can at most advise her to leave without affecting the order of the hospital.

But she refused to accept the offer, and even stretched out her hands: Just torture me away, I don’t want to live anyway!

This kind of person is like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard.

A young security guard couldn't stand it anymore, so he came over and said loudly: "You have disrupted our medical order, leave here immediately, or we will take coercive measures."

Having said that, if she really needed to take coercive measures, she lay down on the ground, cried all over the place, and called the hospital security to beat the person, which would be even more troublesome.

There is no way to cure you yet. The security guard did not let her run wild and pulled her away. She really refused to leave and immediately lay down on the ground, like a child acting out, clawing and kicking her hands and feet, and wailing: "The hospital security guard beat her."

It’s a person, it’s a person killed---"

I'm going!

Another security guard came up to help, grabbed her other hand, and the two of them held her up and dragged her outside together.

At this time, more and more people were watching, talking a lot, accusing the security guards of being arrogant and domineering, beating people like this, and some even took out their mobile phones to record videos.

The security guard immediately explained, but no matter how loud his voice was, he could not hold back her wails. The onlookers only looked at what was in front of them and did not listen to the explanation at all. There was no other way. The two security guards were hesitating, and one of them let go of her arm.
With a snap, a piece of white and red stuff hit the security guard in the face.

"I want you to drive me away, I want you to drive me away!" the shrew cursed fiercely.

Damn it! What is this? When the security guard saw it, he felt sick and was so angry that he vomited blood.

No matter what, he grabbed her arm hard and dragged her out. The other security guard let go and immediately reported to the security captain.

Bad guy! If you still think like a good guy, you will never be able to cure her!

Wang Shengli, the security captain of Sanbo Hospital, the newly promoted fourth most powerful man in Sanbo, was from Baoding, Hebei Province. It is said that he was born in a scout, and he was tall and strong. He rushed over in a hurry and shouted: "Control her first, don't let her hurt anyone.

, call the mental hospital to see if it’s the one who ran away this morning---"

As soon as the onlookers heard that their lives were at stake, those who had escaped from the mental hospital immediately dispersed in a large circle.

The hospital emergency team immediately pulled out, holding shields and batons, running forward, forming a neat square formation, huffing and puffing and pressing over here.

"A woman ran out of the city mental hospital this morning. It should be her. She is similar in age, body shape and appearance. Control her and send her back. Quick, she has a history of hurting others. Please be careful."

It's true that a mentally ill person, a mentally ill person, is not responsible for murder. The crowd of onlookers dispersed immediately.

When the woman heard this, she opened her mouth to explain that no one would listen to her. Everyone changed their tune and accused the security guards of failing to do their job and allowing mentally ill patients to run amok here instead of taking coercive measures as soon as possible.

"Anesthetic needle, get the anesthetic needle quickly ---" Wang Shengli shouted, as if he really wanted to use an anesthetic needle.

When the woman saw something was wrong, she was frightened. She immediately got up and ran away, fearing that the security guard would send her to a mental hospital.

Wang Shengli shouted from behind: "Chase! Don't let her run away."

The security guard who suffered a loss really wanted to chase him, but Wang Shengli stopped him and said, "Okay!"

Soon, the woman disappeared and the farce ended.

"If you are serious about dealing with this kind of person, then you lose. You are just a shrew. Go and wash your face. Come back and get a red envelope from me to get rid of bad luck."

Wang Shengli patted the security guard who suffered a loss just now.


After Sisi's liver MRI examination, the image pictures had come out. Song Zimo opened the screen and pulled out the pictures. The past and present pictures were arranged on both sides of the screen and compared.

As he watched, Song Zimo was dumbfounded. Using a focused ultrasound scalpel, he could actually treat tumors with surgical precision.

Even open surgery and cutting with a scalpel will not be so accurate. The signal of the entire tumor nodule, including the edges, is higher than before the operation, indicating that the entire tumor has been hit by ultrasound. The surrounding normal liver tissue has normal signals, indicating that there is no

Any secondary damage, theoretically, is almost impossible.

If focused ultrasonic scalpel can do this, equipment like Haifu knife cannot be in the current embarrassing situation. It only has some effect on uterine fibroids, and it is also an auxiliary.

Judging from the magnetic resonance, the vast majority of cells in liver metastases are killed by heat energy. Slowly, the cancer cells will disintegrate and finally be absorbed by the human body.

Although it cannot be completely eliminated, it can at least maintain a temporary balance, slow down the growth of tumors, and achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

Cells are the basic units of life structure and function. As long as living organisms exist, cells will continue to divide. Normal cells will undergo apoptosis after dividing sixty times. However, some cells are out of control and continue to divide. This is how cancer occurs.<


Cancer cells are actually cells that are out of control, unable to undergo normal apoptosis, and lose their normal structure and function.

When the space where the tumor cells are located cannot accommodate them, the tumor cells at the edge will use blood, lymph or other channels to immigrate and invade other parts. In this way, the tumor metastasizes.

Metastasis is the biggest characteristic of malignant tumors. Because of metastasis, doctors cannot completely eliminate it because it may be everywhere.

Each cubic centimeter of tumor contains more than one billion tumor cells. The presence of a three- to four-centimeter tumor in the liver means that there are billions, even tens of billions, or hundreds of billions of cancer cells in the body, even if we rack our brains

, 99% of them have been eliminated, and the remaining 1% of cancer cells are also very numerous and will resurge and come back.

Clean it up!

For thousands of years, since people discovered this disease, doctors have been working towards this goal, but unfortunately, until now, the vast majority of cancers still cannot be eliminated.

Now, 90% of the tumor on Sisi's liver has been killed by focused ultrasound. At least from the perspective of macroscopic images, it has been eliminated.

But after escaping this wave of attacks, the remaining cancer cells will regroup, slowly revive, continue to divide, divide into two, two into four, four into eight---and finally come back again.

Current treatments can only bring the human body and the tumor into a balance and bring the war into a stalemate.

Yang Ping returned to the department. He knew the postoperative effects without looking at the MRI pictures because he had conducted countless simulations in the system space.

"Brother, I didn't expect that Hai Fu Dao is so powerful. It will be used on many tumors in the future." Song Zimo saw a new world.

Yang Ping shook his head: "This kind of surgery cannot be replicated and has no promotion value. If we want Haifu Knife to exert its power, we must continue to improve it and make it more precise and controllable."

Song Zimo didn't know that such a surgical effect was achieved by Yang Ping using a replica in space and testing it thousands of times before obtaining the best data. In reality, there is no such opportunity. Even if it can be tested thousands of times, it will not be as magical as in space.

The light screen comparison, I don’t know what is the best.

"Only I can do this surgery, because others don't have such spatial imagination and cannot accurately position it." Yang Ping said calmly.

In a word, we can no longer talk. Originally, Song Zimo wanted to talk about the broad prospects of Haifu Dao.

Yes, ultrasonic waves are invisible and intangible, and there is no way to monitor how deep they enter the human body and how high their temperature is. But how could Yang Ping control the focus and temperature so accurately?

Some things cannot be studied deeply, such as Nikola Tesla, who is a god-like existence.

This chapter has been completed!
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