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Chapter 0261 Medical trouble

"Director Ji, are you bothering me again? Can you help us take another image? You look so embarrassed and asked my sister-in-law to wait outside."

Yang Ping is polite and polite, which fully reflects the respect that young doctors have for their seniors.

Director Ji feels very comfortable. When interacting with others, speaking and doing things, he just pursues the word "comfort".

This young man is nice, modest and polite, and not arrogant about his talent. Lao Ji's buttocks are not hot yet, and he needs to undergo angiography again. He has some pain in his waist and a herniated disc, which was diagnosed a few years ago.

"It's okay, it's not the first time I've waited."

Lao Ji twisted his waist. He was in a hurry just now and forgot to bring his waist circumference. There is usually a waist circumference in the cabinet in the locker room. He will bring it with him during the operation to protect his lumbar spine.

"Open another Onipac!"

Nurse Xiao Zeng was proficient in her work and got it ready quickly. The assistant was about to push the medicine, but Lao Ji stopped him: I'll do it!

He carefully pushed the iodine contrast agent into the catheter. Slowly, the faded ink blood vessel diagram on the screen began to deepen again. The intercostal artery between chest 8 and chest 9 turned into black ink. The ink flowed around the fistula.

In this part, the ink passed through the blood vessels smoothly without leaking out.

"The fistula is gone, Dr. Yang!"

Director Ji stopped pushing the medicine and stopped after achieving the goal.

Yang Ping put his hands on the protective bag on his chest and stared at the screen: "Call it off!"

"When will I have a look at my waist? It used to be just low back pain, but now my left buttock sometimes feels numb."

After Director Ji finished the last radiography confirmation, he could finally take off his lead clothing. Everyone who was not on the stage also started to take off their lead clothing.

After taking off the lead clothes, everyone's hand-washing clothes were soaked, especially Professor Zhang's. The hand-washing clothes looked like they were fished out of the water.

The eighty-year-old man wore dozens of kilograms of lead clothes and stayed up late for six or seven hours, which made everyone feel distressed.

Several times during the operation, Director Han was worried that the old man wouldn't be able to endure it anymore, so he advised him to go back and rest. After the operation, he reported to him on the phone. He firmly disagreed and insisted on persisting until the operation was over, so that he felt at ease.

When the operation ended, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

It was indeed a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula. This case was hidden too deeply. Professor Zhang knew in his heart that before he reminded Yang Ping, Yang Ping had already taken action, which showed that he had already considered this rare disease. The young man's seriousness and rigor

Extremely valuable.

"Xiao Yang, thank you for your hard work! Everyone has worked hard!" Professor Zhang said lovingly.

"It's okay, you're always staying up late, what are we doing?"

Yang Ping helped Professor Zhang sit down against the wall, but the old man's legs were stiff and he couldn't move. He waited for a few minutes before taking a step.

"I'm going to go out for a while. You just send the patient back. We'll take care of things here."

Director Ji's wife was waiting outside. He said hello to Director Han and hurried out. He looked like he had just been caught in the rain.

"Xiao Li, you stay and help clean up the operating room. Everyone else should go back together."

Director Han asked Xiao Li, a graduate student, to stay.

After waking up from anesthesia, everyone followed the patient back to the general orthopedics department. The nurse had already made the bed and was waiting.

"Putting her in the emergency ward, I assigned three more nurses to work in three shifts, taking turns watching Fang Xiaoyun until her lower limb muscle strength recovered."

Cai Qiaojun heard that Director Han and Professor Zhang came to stay up all night for surgery, so she also rushed over from home to arrange the nursing work herself.

There are several rooms in the ward closest to the nurse station, called emergency wards, which usually house critically ill patients. If anything happens, nurses can arrive as soon as possible.

It is essential to be on guard against others. Cai Qiaojun is an old nurse with rich experience. She secretly told the nurses on duty to pay attention to Fang Xiaoyun's mother.

People's hearts are as unpredictable as the sea, so it's not unreasonable to be cautious. Cai Qiaojun encountered this kind of thing. A family member secretly pulled out the oxygen tube while the nurse was not paying attention. If the nurse hadn't discovered it early, the patient would have died.

Yang Ping observed the heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen on the ECG monitor for a while, and then checked the urine output. After confirming that there were no problems, he came out of the ward and asked Zhang Lin to do a set of blood tests urgently.

Everyone was so hungry that their intestines were knotted. Xiao Su, Zhou Can, and Tang Fei heated up the food in the microwave and brought it to the dining room. Everyone wolfed it down without caring about the taste, and just stuffed it into their mouths.


After eating, everyone was tired, their eyelids were trembling, and their legs couldn't move. They pushed one foot deeper and the other shallower, and squeezed into the duty room.

Yang Ping and Song Zimo took a shower, while Zhang Lin, Xiao Wu, and a few Guipei students lay on the bed and fell asleep immediately.

After four hours of sleep, everyone rubbed their eyes and got up. A new day began again, with shift rounds and ward rounds.

During the ward rounds in the morning, Fang Xiaoyun's mother was missing.

It's strange that my daughter just had an operation and she needs care. Why did she just run away? Is she afraid of being pressed for money?

It was the same colleague Chang Juan who was taking care of Fang Xiaoyun at the bedside. She asked the doctor if he could feed him some hot porridge now. The fat man said confidently: "Yes, try feeding him a little first. If he doesn't vomit, feed him more."

Generally, people need to fast for 6 hours after general anesthesia, but now, Fatty is becoming more and more skilled in controlling the dosage of anesthetics, using the smallest dosage to achieve the goal. Most of his anesthetized patients do not need to fast for such a long time after surgery.

After the crux of the problem was found and solved, the effect was immediate. Fang Xiaoyun's lower limbs moved much easier on the bed, and he could try to lift them up, but he still couldn't.

This rare and complicated case was finally solved through everyone's efforts, but we should not take it lightly. It is not uncommon for some patients to stop recovering after their muscle strength reaches level three or level four and never recover. This is not uncommon.

For example, level 4 muscle strength is only one level worse than normal. Although the person is not completely paralyzed, he cannot walk normally due to insufficient muscle strength. Only when he has fully recovered to level 5 can he feel at ease.

There were several operations in the morning, several of which were arthroscopic. Now the word of mouth about arthroscopic surgery has spread, and many patients have come here.

Sisi's father's ankle fracture has subsided, and surgery has been arranged.

Several surgeries were very easy. After the operations were completed, everyone continued to sleep after lunch. They slept so darkly that they woke up in the afternoon in a daze, not knowing whether it was day or night.

Su Nanchen sent a WeChat message saying that he had sent a piece of information to Yang Ping's QQ mailbox so that he could take a look at it when he had time. A basketball player in the United States had multiple ligament injuries in his knee and was a patient of Professor Robert.

The professor used joint dynamic analysis technology to obtain a lot of data on the patient's knee joint, and specially used these data to build a virtual simulated knee joint.

Even so, he did not dare to operate rashly, because there was no turning back. This kind of operation was too complicated. Once it failed, there would be no chance to rework, and the patient would lose his last hope.

Yang Ping has done many similar cases, one of which was done in Annex 1. Su Nanchen sent this patient's information to Robert. The professor couldn't believe it was true and wanted to see this patient's postoperative surgery with his own eyes.

As for the recovery effect, I also want to see the postoperative recovery of other patients with multiple knee ligament injuries in Yangping.

Professor Robert, more accurately called Professor Robert Jr., is the director of the Department of Sports Medicine at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, USA, and an international sports medicine master. His father and grandfather are both professors at the hospital, and his grandfather once participated in the research and development of modern artificial hip joints in the United States.

, his father is an important promoter of arthroscopic surgery in the United States.

Professor Robert is eager to visit Sanbo Hospital and visit Yang Ping. He also wants to meet Yang Ping's patients and see the results of the surgery with his own eyes.

Yang Ping agreed without thinking too much.

Communication is a good thing, science is all about communication, openness makes people progress, closedness makes people fall behind.

On the second day after the operation, Fang Xiaoyun's muscle strength returned to level three.

On the third day, it returned to level 4, which was a bit fast.

The impact of spinal tuberculosis on the spinal cord has been eliminated after decompression. Later, the spinal cord was affected by dural arteriovenous fistula. Once the arteriovenous fistula is resolved and the venous congestion is eliminated, the edema of the spinal cord will be eliminated very quickly.

Fang Xiaoyun's mother has not appeared for a long time. She disappeared for three days and ignored her daughter.

"There's trouble!"

Guipeisheng Xiao Li ran to the doctor's office in a panic.

"Steady, what are you shouting for? What's going on?" Zhang Lin scolded.

"Fang Xiaoyun's mother led people to make a fuss under the administrative building, pulling banners and crying all over the place!"

Xiao Li quickly closed the door of the doctor's office and said.

"Grandma, she really went back to call someone. Something is wrong with her expression." Zhang Lin scolded.

"Does Fang Xiaoyun know about this?" Xiao Wu asked worriedly.

"I definitely didn't know that he was grateful to us during the ward rounds in the morning." Song Zimo said.

Everyone felt that Fang Xiaoyun's mother would cause trouble sooner or later. Later, I thought about it, now that Fang Xiaoyun is recovering very well, there should be no reason to cause trouble.

However, some things have no logic at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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