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Chapter 268 Crisis

 With Xiao Su taking over her parents, Yang Ping felt relieved.

The time for the operation is still to be determined. All the test results of the pregnant woman have come out. There are still serious problems with the coagulation function. Once the operation is performed, it is easy to cause heavy bleeding.

Amniotic fluid embolism is still a matter of probability. Bleeding during this operation is certain, and the usual large blood vessel blocking technology cannot be used here at all.

The two major risks were in front of her, but the pregnant woman was not afraid at all and insisted on having surgery.

The amniotic bands on the limbs and neck of the fetus are already type III, which seriously affects the blood supply to the far end. Several fingers and toes of the hands and feet are fused together.

If it continues to develop, it will become type four, which is the most serious. If it occurs in the limbs, the limbs far away from the constriction ring will disappear, which is intrauterine amputation.

If it occurs in the neck, the head will be ischemic and hypoxic, and the fetus will eventually die.

The pregnant woman did not eat breakfast or drink water. She was ready for surgery at any time.

The obstetrician and gynecologist has been monitoring the pregnant woman. The fetal movement was still restless before, but now it has significantly reduced. This is a sign of hypoxia in the head. If the operation is not performed, it may be delayed.

The obstetrician-gynecologist immediately reported the situation to Director Mei and Director Ke, who felt that the situation had worsened.

"Fetal movement is less?" Director Mei is very sensitive.

"Twelve hours, only eight times!"

Less than ten times in twelve hours is dangerous, very dangerous, and if you continue like this, you will still have a stillbirth.

I originally thought I could wait until the problem of coagulation dysfunction was resolved before surgery.

We can't wait for this situation now. Either we don't do this surgery, or we do it quickly. For the fetus, it is a life-saving surgery now.

Director Mei and Director Ke told the pregnant woman about the latest condition. The pregnant woman was very calm: "Doctor, please operate on me quickly, I want to keep this child!"

She grabbed her husband's hand: "Husband, I beg you once, give me a chance, okay? Let me operate and save the baby."

She turned to the doctor and said: "Director Mei, Director Ke, I know that surgery is very risky, but it is not an absolute contraindication in medicine. Before the surgery, I can record a video and am willing to bear all the risks of this surgery."

"Mingfang! Promise me and support me, okay? If I don't work hard now, I will never feel at ease in this life!" The pregnant woman held her husband's hand and shook it, urging anxiously.

The pregnant woman is very determined and has no fear. Her husband is walking back and forth beside the bed, making it difficult for her to make a decision.

He gritted his teeth, stopped, sat on the edge of the bed, and wiped the sweat from his wife's forehead: "Doctor, I agree, please. Is the risk really high?"

"This operation is like a plane taking off in bad weather, but we will go all out. If an accident occurs during the operation, such as massive bleeding or amniotic fluid embolism, we will abandon the fetus at any time and try to save the mother." Director Ke does not provide guidance and is completely objective.
The husband and his wife looked at each other and nodded: "If there is an emergency, do your best to rescue the adults and give up the children."

"Let's record a video in front of the doctor!"

The pregnant woman and her husband used their mobile phones to take selfies and record a video of the informed consent form for the surgery, and then sent it to Director Mei and Director Ke.

She wanted the doctor not to dwell on the internal conflicts within their family and to go all out with the surgery.

Yang Ping has been waiting for the operation in the department. Director Ke told him to be on call at any time because the condition of the fetus may deteriorate at any time. Once the patient's family agrees, emergency surgery will be arranged and preparations for the operation are complete.

When he entered the system space, the waterfall became more and more majestic, the trees became larger and larger, and the sky looked clear and magnificent.

He spent another 30,000 points to purchase 300 fetal surgeries. The later the surgeries were performed, the easier it was to master the techniques. The accumulation of all the previous surgeries was the foundation for subsequent surgeries.

What is more difficult about fetal surgery is that most of the fetus has to be immersed in amniotic fluid to maintain its body temperature, and part of the surgical site is exposed.

Moreover, the fetus is relatively small, and all the structures are very small. It needs to be operated carefully. If the hand shakes, some organ may be cut off.

Specifically for this pregnant woman, her coagulation function is still impaired, making it difficult to stop bleeding, and the risk of major bleeding is very high.

Therefore, the bleeding must be stopped carefully and thoroughly during the operation, and the operation speed must be fast to reduce the bleeding time.

Another risk is amniotic fluid embolism, which requires that the uterine incision cannot be immersed in amniotic fluid to prevent amniotic fluid from entering the venous blood vessels from the open sinus.

These details must be grasped well. Failure to pay attention to any detail may lead to danger.

As for the method of liberating the constricted ring - Z-shape modification, it is a commonly used plastic surgery method in orthopedics.

It can change the direction of the constriction ring, such as scar contracture in the tiger's mouth of the hand. It can be reshaped to move the scar outside the tiger's mouth, turn the linear scar into a zigzag shape, and completely loosen the contracture.

The constriction ring of amniotic band syndrome also needs to use this kind of Z-shaped modification, loosen the ring-shaped tight hoops, change their direction, move them to the side in an oblique direction, and the entire surgical incision becomes a zigzag shape.<


In this way, the narrowing ring is eliminated, just like a steep slope. If you ride a bicycle, it is difficult to ride directly up it, but it is much easier to go up in a zigzag manner.

After the operation, Yang Ping rested in the space. He likes this feeling more and more now. He performs the operation alone in the space quietly, letting time pass. However, no matter how long it takes, it is only a moment in reality and does not occupy reality.

Any time.

This allows him to have time to think and prepare calmly when facing any difficult and complicated diseases.

Now the system no longer releases single tasks, but only stage tasks. Each operation is a single task and can earn points, while stage tasks can earn huge points.

In this way, the points accumulated at each stage can be used to participate in surgical training, read books in the library, and prepare for completing the tasks in the next stage.

Director Ke of the Pediatric Surgery Department asked Yang Ping to go to the Pediatric Surgery Department immediately to prepare for the operation.

There was Song Zimo in the department, so there was no need to worry. Yang Ping rushed to the pediatric surgery department to see if Director Ke had any special instructions before the operation.

Several doctors on the operating table need to communicate together again to ensure the safety of the operation.

"Xiao Yang, the situation has changed and it's urgent." Director Ke said with a stern face.

"Fetal movement has decreased, which is very dangerous. If it goes on for a long time, the fetus will still be born. Even if it is barely resuscitated, the brain will be stunted and suffer severe dementia and disability." Director Mei was a little worried.

"The operation has to be completed within an hour. It's very difficult. Let's try our best." Director Ke was a little overwhelmed.

This kind of surgery is all delicate work. It takes less than half an hour to prepare for anesthesia, and only half an hour is left. Within half an hour, the constriction ring in the neck must be resolved and the blood supply to the head improved.

Director Ke knows that Yang Ping's microsurgery is amazing, but replantation of severed fingers and fetal surgery are two different things, so he can't do it quickly even if he wants to.

Try your best, Director Ke led everyone in a hurry to the operating room.

This chapter has been completed!
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