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0271 Chapter Supernatural Events

 Yang Ping put away the microscopic instruments and the amniotic band syndrome surgery was completed.

"Let me take a look, little one, be good and don't be afraid, the operation is done."

Director Mei reached out to feel the fetal heartbeat. After a few minutes, he said disappointedly: "No, why is it still so slow?"

"The blood vessels in the neck have just been liberated, so there should be improvement." Director Mei frowned.

This kind of surgery should have immediate results, especially if the fetus has a slowdown in fetal heart rate and fetal movement within a short period of time, and the surgery is also very timely.

Either there are still problems or the operation failed?

"Wait a minute, observe. The anesthesiologist reports vital signs, and the circulating nurse reports blood loss and urine output." Director Ke said, be patient.

This operation is like replanting a severed finger. After the operation, the finger is still white and has not turned red. If you want to find the reason, you cannot get off the operating table easily, otherwise it is likely to be reworked.

Surgery rework is extremely troublesome for surgeons.

"Let me explore again." Director Mei gently held the fetus with one hand and began to explore with the other hand.

The head, neck, chest, abdomen, waist, back, and limbs were all explored very carefully. Director Mei planned to explore the umbilical cord as well. Sometimes the umbilical cord is strangled by the amniotic membrane, which can even cause blood and oxygen supply disorders.

The little guy is interesting. He holds the umbilical cord in his hand. He is afraid that others will take it. Director Mei carefully pushes away the baby's little hand.

The entire length of the umbilical cord was explored, and no problems were found with the umbilical cord.

"Is there no problem?" Director Mei was confident that the investigation was quite careful.

Director Ke couldn't think of the reason for a moment. It didn't make sense. He had just seen with his own eyes that the blood vessels in the neck were loosened and the tubes were well filled, so there would be no problem.

He was worried and checked again, but there was still no problem: "Is it cervical vasospasm? Wait a minute! Give the patient an intramuscular injection of 30 mg of papaverine."

Director Mei asked the nurse to use a sterile electronic thermometer to measure the temperature of the amniotic fluid, which was normal.

Everyone had to wait and observe, and after another ten minutes of observation, there was still no improvement. Waiting like this was not an option. Although double-click electrocoagulation was used to stop the bleeding more thoroughly, there was still some bleeding. The fetus was so open, and it would not be good for a long time.
Director Ke plans to talk to the pregnant woman’s husband about closing the uterus, which involves certain risks, but he can’t find the reason now.

In the family waiting area, the pregnant woman's husband Zhong Mingfang is waiting anxiously. He is restless. Although the time has only passed for more than an hour, to him, it seems like a year has passed.

Director Ke took off his surgical gown, left the operating room, opened the door of the operating room, and shouted toward the family waiting area: "He Liru's husband!"

Zhong Ming jumped up like a spring and ran over: "Doctor, what's the matter? Mr. Bao, I don't want the child anymore!"

Director Ke was dumbfounded by his extreme reaction: "The operation is completed, and the pregnant woman is now very stable."

"Thank you!" Zhong Mingfang's forehead was covered with sweat.

I was so scared just now that I thought there was something dangerous about the operation.

"Now there is a situation. Your child has completed the operation. It is very good. However, after the operation, the fetal heart rate is still slow. We have also investigated and found no other problems. We are going to close the abdomen. If it cannot be relieved for a long time after the operation,

I’m afraid the fetus still can’t be saved.”

"Understood, doctor, keep your stomach close and put adults first." Zhong Mingfang was relieved.

My wife is fine. If something happens to her, she will live with guilt for the rest of her life. As for the child, this thing is really fate, don’t force it.

"Okay, that's it."

Director Ke returned to the operating room, washed his hands again and went on stage: "Close the abdomen!"

Director Mei adjusted the position of the fetus so that he would be naturally comfortable in the womb and conform to the normal posture.

After adjusting, he took the needle and thread from the nurse and began to close the uterus. As soon as the needle was inserted, the fetus suddenly became restless. Director Mei immediately stopped the needle and thread in his hand.

"Anesthesiologist, what's going on? The fetus is restless!"

The anesthesiologist also couldn't figure it out: "The dosage of anesthesia is normal and cannot be increased. The depth of anesthesia for pregnant women is just right and the vital signs are normal."

Director Mei stopped and the fetus stopped moving again. After observing for a while, Director Mei felt that everything was fine and started suturing the uterus again.

My dear, this little guy is restless again and doesn’t give me any face.

Director Mei wondered, if you don’t let me sew, isn’t it so magical?

He stopped sewing in his hand, and the fetus stopped moving again. Director Mei and Director Ke looked at each other: "What's going on? This kid doesn't want to stay in there anymore? Is he giving up on himself?"

"That's not possible. It's too early. You have to be patient. Don't let down your mother's expectations and don't let down our efforts. Keep at it. I will personally pick you up when the time comes. How about giving me some face?" Mei

The director spoke to the fetus in a tone that seemed like the fetus could really understand.

"Close it! Lao Mei!" Director Ke urged.

But as soon as the needle tip pricked, the fetus began to stir again. Director Mei tried to stop, but he stopped moving again.

Could it be that if the tip of the needle touches the uterus, it will cause him pain? Or will it cause some kind of nerve reflex? Then he doesn’t react when he starts to cut the uterus?

It's so strange, really, as magical as a supernatural event.

"What's going on?" Old Han looked a little weird here and came over to ask.

Director Mei smiled bitterly: "This guy won't let me close the uterus. He gets restless as soon as the needle and thread are stitched. Is this a protest?"

Those who study medicine are all materialists. They use scientific knowledge to explain everything. If they cannot explain it, they will conclude that the mechanism is unknown.

Forced to wait for a while, Director Mei lowered his head: "I still don't believe it!"

He started suturing again. Every time he sutured, the fetus would definitely be restless, and sometimes it would kick its feet. When he stopped suturing, he would become quiet. This happened several times after Director Mei tried it.

"Weird thing!"

He has been a doctor for more than 20 years and has never seen such a thing. He asked Director Ke: "How to solve it?"

"You ask me? Don't you deal with these little guys every day?" Director Ke didn't understand either.

Although no logical connection can be found, there is obviously a sequential connection in time. There must be a connection between stitches and fetal movements, not necessarily a causal relationship.


Director Mei decided to forcibly sew. She still didn't believe it, so she took a needle holder and toothed tweezers and started suturing.

The fetus was unambiguous at all and immediately became agitated. He forced the sutures, ignored the little guy, and gave three consecutive stitches. The little guy became more and more restless, as if he was about to run away.

Possibly due to increased oxygen consumption and insufficient blood and oxygen supply, the color of the fetal face turns blue and purple, which is very dangerous.

Director Mei didn't dare to continue suturing. He immediately stopped and was forced to surrender. He placed the needle holder on the center steering wheel and said, "Forget it. Let's observe for a while. Don't suture yet."

But just observing like this is not a problem. You can't keep observing. You have to find the reason. Director Mei thought of calling for reinforcements: "Invite Director Deng."

Director Deng is not the director of the department, but she is the oldest in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. After retirement, she returned to work in the outpatient department. Her age means rich experience. Let’s see if she can find out the reason.

The circulating nurse helped call the outpatient clinic to find Director Deng. Director Deng is a female, a thin old lady in her sixties.

After she came up, she also washed her hands and dressed, removed the stitches that were sutured, and checked the fetus in the womb. No abnormalities were found. She shook her head and didn't know.

I've never encountered anything like this before, it's a bit strange, but I don't know where the problem lies.

What should we do? Is there no other way?

Just waiting on the operating table, I had to find a solution. Lao Han was always beside me and couldn't figure it out. He came up with an idea: "Call Professor Zhang Zongshun to come and have a look."

Professor Zhang, he's an orthopedic surgeon. What's the use of asking him for obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatric surgery? But Director Han recommended it, so you can't refute it.

"Okay, then please trouble Director Han and ask Professor Zhang to make a trip."

It’s not that Professor Zhang is proficient in obstetrics, gynecology and pediatric surgery, but that Professor Zhang always likes to research problems in depth and has a wide range of knowledge, and often elevates research problems to a philosophical level.

For example, in orthopedics and plastic surgery, he has published a book on the correction of some congenital deformities, starting from the evolution of human beings and clarifying the theoretical basis. He has a very solid grasp of some basic sciences, not to mention anatomy, an inflammatory reaction

, what he explains is better than the pathology books.

Everyone was waiting on the stage. Professor Zhang had many outpatients, so he had to settle the patients. The pregnant woman’s blood pressure was not bad. Director Han told Professor Zhang a simple situation, and he arrived in the operating room in more than ten minutes.

"Professor Zhang---"

Everywhere he passed, as long as there was someone there, he would respectfully call Professor Zhang. Mr. Zhang just responded with a gesture. When he entered the operating room, he asked: 'What kind of surgery?'

"Amniotic band syndrome, there are constriction rings on the neck and limbs. Now that the operation is completed, the uterus cannot be closed. As soon as the sutures are sutured, the fetus becomes restless. The number of fetal movements has been reduced, and there are symptoms of hypoxia." Director Mei introduced the condition.


"It moves as soon as it is stitched, and stops when it is not stitched. I just had three stitches, and I was very restless. I almost got punched and kicked, and my face turned blue." Director Ke added.

"Can you sew a stitch and take a look?" Professor Zhang was near the operating bed. The circulating nurse moved a pedal and he stepped on it.

Because you can't get too close to the operating table, put your feet on it and stand taller to have a better view and see more clearly.

Director Mei demonstrated again, and sure enough, he would move as long as he sutured, and he would stop if he didn't suture, but now he doesn't move so violently, and he probably doesn't have the strength anymore.

"The blood vessels in the neck have been clearly detected and are not blocked?" Professor Zhang asked.

Regarding the surgery performed by Yang Ping, he replied: "The constriction ring was removed and it became unobstructed. After careful exploration, there was no problem."

"Fetal heart rate slowed down before surgery?"

"Yes, slow down!"

"Has the fetal heart rate improved after surgery?"


He just asked without answering. He walked around the operating table, looked at the monitoring data of the pregnant woman, and asked the anesthesiologist some questions. Director Han moved a stool for him to sit on.

He didn't want to sit down: "I'll go on stage and take a look."

Professor Zhang came to the stage and told everyone not to move. Director Mei and Director Ke helped to reveal the hook.

Professor Zhang stretched out his hand to explore. His serious eyes seemed to relax. Did he find the problem?

This chapter has been completed!
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